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Legacy eg-6

Page 34

by David L. Golemon

  The pilot was feeling the effects of the g-forces as the jet fought for its target altitude. The airframe, after so many years of neglect, started shaking and the pilot knew then that it was going to be sorely taxed. As he fought through the 42,000-foot mark, his threat detector announced that he would soon have company. Four MiG 31s were in high-speed pursuit of the venerable Tomcat.

  The pilot watched his altimeter roll through its paces. A green warning light flashed as he passed through the 60,000-foot range. He calmly moved his thumb over the selector switch just as the electronic tone in his headphones started making a warbling sound, indicating that his fighter was being painted by enemy radar. Then the tone changed as the MiGs gained weapons lock on the Tomcat. A second later they launched their air-to-air missiles.

  The Iranian pilot knew the Russian attack would come too late to stop the launch. He switched the selector over to missiles and the tracking radar in the Tomcat’s nose sprang to life with targeting data relayed from the Iranian ground stations. The ayatollah’s scientists had successfully intercepted NASA’s downrange telemetry signal, which emanated from their radar stations in Kuwait. This gave the seeker heads in the ASATs a perfect vector for the attack. As the pilot watched the relayed information from the ground station, he saw the first blip of the American target aircraft, the Discovery. As he reached altitude, the first ASM-135 ASAT was launched automatically. The loss of weight made the F-14 slide to one side as the ASAT left the rail along the right side of the fuselage. Then, a second later, the second ASM-135 ASAT left its rail, its engine flaring to life as the first stage lit off, nearly blinding the Iranian pilot.

  As the two ASATs sped on their way, the F-14 turned to meet the oncoming threat of the Russian MiGs and the six missiles heading toward him. Instead of zigzagging to make his fighter hard to detect on the seeker heads of the missiles, the pilot closed his eyes and flew straight on, the g-forces of the dive shaking the overtaxed airframe of the old Grumman. He felt as well as heard a loud snap as one of the streamlined wings lost a restraining bolt along the right fuselage. The pilot smiled as he realized the jet was starting to come apart. The dive was so steep and he was traveling so fast that the g-forces were tearing the aluminum away from the structure. The forces were giving the old pilot tunnel vision as his brain was denied life-giving blood.

  The pilot didn’t think about his martyrdom. He thought of the family that would now have everything they needed to survive in today’s Iran, a land he no longer knew. Then, at that precise moment, the first of six air-to-air missiles detonated in the falling Tomcat’s path, sending shrapnel out to meet the disintegrating jet.

  A few moments later, the only things left in the sky were orbiting Russian fighters and the falling remains of the F-14.


  Discovery was leading the way, followed three hundred miles behind by Endeavour. The two shuttles had just opened their cargo doors to cool the interior bay from the massive heat buildup caused by the launch. The crew was starting to settle into the routine of space flight. The mission commander was in the process of explaining to the military personnel how they would proceed once they met up with the International Space Station. He was assuring them that all they needed do was check their small amount of weaponry and stand by for the ride of their lives.

  “ Discovery, Houston, stand by for an emergency OHM burn. Get your people strapped in for evasive maneuvers.”

  The shuttle pilot didn’t stop to ask why. He practically flew to the pilot’s side of the spacecraft and prepared to fire his maneuvering jets. He just needed to know which ones and where he would be going.

  “ Discovery, this is Houston. You have an attack heading your way. We believe it to be an ASAT of unknown origin. We are now waiting for the exact targeting data before we move you out of the way. Do you copy, Discovery?”

  “Everyone strap in, get the cargo doors closed, and prepare for maneuvering.”


  Hugh Evans stood and shouted, knowing at the same moment that no matter what they did, the shuttles would be successfully targeted.

  “Get them out of the way!”

  With the technicians watching the merging of two ASATs and the two shuttles, they all felt helpless as the ASATs’ first stages separated.

  “Flight, we have a direct feed of long-range enhanced photog from the ISS.”

  “Put it on!” Evans said loudly.

  As the main view screen on the control room floor switched views, everyone immediately picked out the Discovery as she flew in what looked like an upside-down attitude over the blue world below. They also saw the streaking second stage of the first ASM-135 ASAT as it merged with the shuttle. They watched in horror as the warhead struck the cabin between the crew area and the cargo bay. The impact sheared the cabin free of the rest of the shuttle and then they watched as the cabin came apart, sending pieces of composite material and humanity out into space. The harshness of the hit sent electrical currents through to the OHM’s maneuvering jets and fuel line. They all erupted at the same moment. The silence of the detonation took every man and woman by surprise, the shock of what they were seeing quickly becoming overwhelming. The explosion became a burst of silent energy as it expanded outward.

  “ISS, this is Houston Flight. Give us the track of Endeavour! ” he said more loudly than he intended.

  As the camera shifted to the International Space Station, they saw the second explosion enveloping Endeavour. This time the ASAT struck the aft OHM’s jets and the fuel tanks housed there. The crew cabin and the newly designed pod for the cargo bay were gone. The wings of Endeavour were separated from the shuttle’s main body and were floating free of the debris field.

  Hugh Evans sat hard into his chair. He had just witnessed the death of two space shuttles and their crews. The twenty men and women of Dark Star were gone in a flash of energy that would haunt everyone who witnessed the tragedy for the remainder of their lives.

  Many technicians were still doing their jobs as they tried to trace the attack from its origins. Evans knew he had to get things as far back on track as he could.

  “CAPCOM, do we have anything?”

  The astronaut manning the crew communications systems tried to raise anyone from the two shuttles. He knew it was official procedure, but he had a hard time swallowing as he tried to get the words out.

  “ Discovery, Endeavour, this is Houston. Do you copy, over,” he said as he kept his head low. “ Discovery, Endeavour, this is Houston. Do you copy, over. Any Dark Star element, do you copy?”

  Hugh Evans turned away and looked at the monitor on the far left. The giant Atlas stood poised on the pad as fuel started to flow into her tanks. Evans knew he had to make the call that could possibly send more men and women to their deaths.

  “Ground, get the Cape on the horn and advise Kennedy to start the prelaunch countdown for Dark Star 3. We are now a go!”


  Major Krell and Collins had secured the uniforms with the forged documents, even managing to send the bill to the president of Ecuador.

  Sebastian had learned one thing about black operations from Collins-make a plan, and then stick to it until that plan ceases to be effective. He wasn’t surprised when Jack lowered the blue saucer cap as low onto his brow as he could and stepped right into the arms of the largest police force on the Pacific coast of South America. What was amazing to Major Krell was that Jack never hesitated a moment. Sebastian had no choice but to admire the man and follow him in.

  The station was crowded and that was to their advantage. The entrance was full of policemen going on duty, and those coming off. The two officers wore an insignia on their collars that announced they were from the second police barracks south of the city, so their being unfamiliar to most should cause little trouble-they hoped.

  Jack immediately spied the stairs. The two men had to assume that Europa’s falsified orders from the prose
cutor’s office had gone through as planned. If not, they would be caught waiting just outside a room where several dozen off-duty officers would soon be naked, taking their after-shift showers. That might be a little hard to explain.

  As Collins gained the fifth-floor landing he paused at the door. He could hear the sound of men talking, laughing, and fooling around. He looked back at the German major and grimaced as he grabbed the door handle. He opened the door. He and Krell stepped into the hallway just opposite the shower room.

  The double doors were propped wide open and Jack could see the entire row of lockers and behind them the showers. He nodded to signal to Sebastian that he should take the right side of the door while Jack took the left. As they moved into place a group of policemen came from what looked like a briefing room down the hall behind the German. They stopped in their tracks and all five seemed to be staring right at Collins and Krell. Jack tried to avoid eye contact with the men as they all continued to stare.

  “Asesinos estadounidenses,” one of the men said pointing.

  Sebastian turned and was about to say something to the men when Jack reached out and took his arm. He turned him to face behind where Jack was standing. He had recognized the words the man had spoken-Murdering Americans.

  The footsteps behind them made them both turn and that was when they saw Captain Carl Everett escorted by two men. He was handcuffed and, to the captain’s credit, he didn’t bat an eye when he saw Jack and Krell in the strange uniforms. He stepped past both Jack and Sebastian as he was led into the showers. The five policemen stopped talking and went on their way, even going as far as to nod their greeting to the American and the German.

  “Pestilente gringo,” Jack said and they all laughed as they hit the stairwell.

  As Everett was unceremoniously shoved into the locker area, he called back with a semi-loud voice, knowing that Jack and Sebastian were the only ones who would understand what he said.

  “I heard that,” he said using a melodious tone to the words.

  “What did you say?” Sebastian asked, wondering why Jack would take a chance at saying anything at all.

  “I called him a stinking white man.”

  “Oh,” Krell said, not understanding the colonel’s humor in the least.

  Collins turned when he saw Everett being told to get out of his yellow jumpsuit. The steam from the showers wasn’t what Collins would have preferred, but it would have to do. He stepped inside the locker room. The unsuspecting guards had their attention on Everett as he soaped down. Jack was almost hesitant, but knew he could afford to give these two guards a chance. He tapped the first guard on the shoulder just as he pulled the man’s holstered Smith amp; Wesson Police Special. Sebastian, knowing the drill, was quick to follow.

  “Lo siento, pero este hombre se va,” Jack said, as he gestured for the two guards to follow him into the break room across the way. Sebastian took his cue and escorted the men, while Collins opened several lockers until he found what he was looking for, an extra-large police uniform that would fit Carl.

  Sebastian came back a moment later and Jack eyed him. “What did you do with our friends?” he asked, worrying that Krell was too calm.

  “They’re locked up in the pantry.” Sebastian looked into the shower and then back at Collins. “I have to learn Spanish. What did you say that time when you took the guards?”

  “I said that I’m sorry, but this man is leaving.”

  Again Sebastian was impressed by the simple way Collins had of handling an awkward situation.

  Jack winked and then walked into the shower room.

  “Hey, swabby, it’s time to trip the light fantastic.”

  Everett turned and caught the clothes Jack tossed him.

  “How long were you standing there watching me shower before you said something?” Everett asked as he quickly dried himself.

  “Long enough to know I’ll be happy with Sarah for a very long time,” Collins answered.

  “Liar, you know you liked what you saw.”


  Europa’s escape plan fell apart the moment they hit the stairwell leading to the first-floor exit they had planned to use. Not knowing where all of the police officers were inside the station had been Europa’s major difficulty in devising the planned escape. As it turned out, it was the fraternization of a male Quito police officer and his female partner that sent the plan spiraling in a direction they hadn’t counted on.

  As they went down the third-floor stairwell, the couple was hidden away under the staircase. Jack saw them just as they passed. Everett was recognized immediately and while Sebastian reacted quickly by grabbing the male officer, the uniformed woman slipped past and was through the third-floor doorway before anyone could stop her.

  “Damn!” Sebastian said as he held the frightened officer in his powerful grip. “ ”I think this is bad, Jack.” He looked at the smaller police officer as if he were contemplating the man’s fate.

  “Well, let him go. We can’t kill him for liking his partner too much,” Collins said and removed the Smith amp; Wesson revolver and pointed it at the officer. “Vamanos,” Jack said as he waved the gun at the policeman, who took the hint and shook free of the much larger Sebastian before he ran for the door.

  Collins didn’t hesitate as he turned and continued down the stairs with Sebastian and Everett close behind. They hadn’t made it to the first floor when the warning bells started inside the building, and just as the three men reached the door Collins heard the loud “clack” as the doors locked automatically. Jack came skidding to a stop.

  “Jack, I really don’t want to finish that shower.”

  “Can’t blame you. Sebastian, I hope you brought that little item with you.”

  The German was already pulling out the quarter-pound charge of C-4. He tore off a small bundle and wadded the claylike material into a ball. Then he slapped it against the door and the lock, just to the right of the push bar. He pulled his own revolver and gestured for Jack and Carl to take cover under the stairs.

  “Excuse me, gentlemen,” he said, as he placed his large frame half in and half out of the stairwell. He aimed and then pulled the trigger. The bullet struck the C-4, which detonated, producing a loud bang that almost deafened them. The door flew off its considerable hinges and Sebastian was the first one through, followed by the two Americans.

  “Think you used enough there?” Jack said, running past Sebastian and into the long alley to the rear of the station.

  “I thought it was adequate,” Krell said. Everett gave the German a stern look.

  The three men ran down the alley, shedding police jackets as they went. They heard the sirens and the pounding of feet behind them as the alley started to fill with policemen. Bullets began flying, echoing off the brick walls.

  They reached the end of the alley and had the choice to go right or left. Jack chose right, as it would lead them north, where traffic in the city was heavier. He figured if they failed to escape it would be harder for the police to shoot them in the midst of a crowd. But he realized that he had been wrong before when judging police reactions.

  As they made the turn onto the main street, one round narrowly missed Everett as he skidded around the corner. Just as he made the turn behind the German, he glanced to his left and saw that the street on that end was full of screeching police vehicles.

  “We’ve had it, Jack,” he called out loudly from the end of the three-man line.

  As they neared the street, Jack’s hopes of escape faded. An Audi patrol car skidded to a halt, blocking their path. As Collins stopped, wanting to turn and see if there was something he’d missed, the rear window of the police cruiser lowered and a skinny arm started waving them forward. All three men were caught off guard, as this was not the reception they had expected. Jack reacted first by running in that direction, soon followed by Everett and then Sebastian. As Collins neared the car, the rear door was thrown open and he jumped into the lap of someone who grunted as his weight colli
ded with him. Everett soon followed and Sebastian after that. The patrol car burned rubber just as the side window shattered from a bullet. Then they heard several loud clunking noises as the trunk was struck.

  “Jesus, those guys are serious,” Everett said as he tried to push Sebastian off him.

  “Jack, if you don’t mind, your head is about to break one of my ribs, and I only have so many of them,” announced a familiar voice.

  Collins looked up and could not believe what he was seeing. Scrunched up against the door of the car was none other than Senator Garrison Lee. As his eyes widened he sat up quickly and looked up front at the driver. She was small and could barely see over the steering wheel. The woman turned sharply onto the broad avenue.

  “Where to, Jack?” Alice Hamilton asked, as she fought to control the car. They skidded around the corner.

  “What are you two doing here?” Jack asked. He slid in between the open Plexiglas enclosure and into the front passenger seat. He just stared at Alice, unable to form any more words.

  “Well, I can pull over and give you the long version of what that old man back there is thinking, or I can give you the short version on our way to wherever we need to be. Which will it be?” she asked as she threw the car around another corner.

  “The short version on the way out of the city-that way,” Jack said, pointing to a side street.

  Jack momentarily allowed the tension in his body to ease. He turned and looked at Lee. He could see that the senator was in a lot of pain as he popped two small tablets into his mouth. Then the old man looked at Jack with his one good eye.

  “Don’t look at me like that, Colonel. I’m not dead yet.”

  “No? The last time I saw you, you were well on your way. Now what in the hell are you doing here?”


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