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Sweet Southern Sorrow

Page 23

by Tessa Teevan

April 2014

  SOMETHING WAKES ME OUT of a dreamless sleep, and as I stretch out my yawn, I do a double take when I suddenly become aware that I’m not in my room. A bourbon-induced haze is hovering in my mind, and it takes a few moments to clear it. The soft snore next to me renders me cold-stone sober, and as I glance around the room, I recognize the Gone with the Wind posters on the wall and can’t help the smile that forms on my face.

  This girl. She’s a hopeless romantic even if she doesn’t like to admit it. She acts tough, talks tough, but then she pretends to have an entirely different persona when she logs onto Cori’s Confessions or whatever the hell she calls that ridiculous relationship blog. Truth be told, I’m shocked as hell she’s got a following, but what a following she has. Women—and men even—flock to her site for her relationship tips, dating advice, and what have you. Little do they know, their girl Cori has never been in a relationship herself. But hey, why rock the boat if it continues to float, right? Damn, I should tell her that one. I bet she could use it on one of her posts.

  As I turn in the bed, a ridiculous grin spreads on my face as I begin to recall the events from the night before. Neither of us expected it, but there was a sudden change in our relationship, and as if some crazy, insane tectonic plate shifted, we found ourselves no longer roommates, no longer frenemies, but lovers. And it’s something I’ve been waiting more than five years for. Since the day she looked at me with disgust in our ethics course at Berkeley when we were on opposing sides of a marijuana legalization debate, I’ve been hot for Corinna West. Unfortunately, half the time, I’m the bane of her existence and the other half of the time I think she only tolerates me because of Cheyenne. Last night changed everything.

  When Sawyer and I picked up the girls for the gala, I had no idea what to expect. In fact, I was somewhat shocked that Corinna had even agreed to go, and part of me wondered if Cheyenne hadn’t had something to do with it. Cori and I haven’t exactly been getting along lately, so when Cheyenne suggested we go together, I was ready to protest. Much to my surprise, Cori’s eyes lit up and my whole demeanor changed. I was absolutely taken aback, and I wanted to grab her by the elbow, pull her aside, and ask her what the hell her game was. But her eyes looked so sincere, so happy, that I readily agreed and spent the next few weeks rocking a raging hard-on in anticipation of being with her again.

  Yeah, again. We won’t talk about that right now. Or else she’ll have my balls.

  Okay, back to my story. Shit. Sawyer was a basket of nerves the whole limo ride, and it was pretty damn hilarious. I leaned over and poured him a couple of fingers of whiskey, grinning when he took it and downed it immediately.

  “Dude, you good?” I asked, only to be greeted with a wry smile.

  “Never been fucking better. I’ve got my girl back. We’ve had a few weeks of sexual heaven. But dammit, man, she’s been freaking out all week about this event. All fucking week. She’s terrified people at the office are going to think she slept her way to the top. Which is fucked up in itself because that would mean she banged my dad, who's banging her mom, and that’s seriously fucked. Chop-my-balls-off fucked. God. I'm so fucking fucked.”

  He said that as I was taking a sip of my drink, and I choked on the liquid. “Yeah, you’re not fucked. You’re in love,” I deadpanned, so tired of his and Cheyenne’s beating around the bush.

  “Yeah, well, you’re just as in love with Cori, but you refuse to admit it,” he offered.

  I was about to respond, but the limo came to a stop outside the condo.

  A few minutes later, the girls finally answered the door, and I felt like a cartoon character whose jaw hit the floor. Literally. Sawyer, I know, was the same, and he disappeared into the house to admire Cheyenne in privacy. Me? I wasn’t as smooth. I was the asshole who stood on the front porch, slack-jawed, unprepared, and completely flabbergasted. She was in a ruby-red, fitted, floor-length gown. She gave me a sheepish grin, almost as if she didn’t realize how sexy she was. Quickly, she masked it and crossed her arms as her eyes swept down my body.

  “Who knew you could clean up so well?” she asked in a teasing tone, and I answered her with a frown. “I mean, sure, you leave every morning in your three-piece suits, but you in a tuxedo? I might actually find you hot for once.”

  I rolled my eyes before using her line as a means of checking her out without her thinking anything of it. God, she was beautiful as hell. “Right. And every morning, when I leave for work in said three-piece suit, you’re lounging at the breakfast table in those ratty sweatpants, oversized t-shirts, and bedhead. It’s a wonder I don’t walk into work every single day with a hard-on.”

  “You’re kind of an ass, Price,” she said with a scowl.

  “You’re kind of a bitch, West.”

  Before she could respond, Sawyer was yelling at us to leave, mumbling something about tearing off Cheyenne’s dress if we didn’t get out of here. I knew how he felt, and I was grateful for the reprieve. As we followed them out to the limo, Cori flipped me the bird and the three-year-old in me stuck my tongue out at her. Yeah, so not my best moment, but it did elicit a grin from her, and that was worth every juvenile move I made.

  The rest of the night was rather uneventful, at least until Cheyenne’s momster showed up. For once, Cori and I had been getting along, and after dinner and drinks, she coerced me into dancing with her. Okay, so it didn’t take much persuasion, but I at least pretended for a little while that I wasn’t interested. Truth was, I couldn’t wait to get up close and personal with her on the dance floor, but I wasn’t about to tell her that.

  We were right in the middle of slow dancing to the Hunter Hayes cover of “Almost Paradise” when Sawyer came up and gave us the Cliff Notes version of what had happened with Cheyenne’s mom. He assured us that she was fine and let us know that the limo would be back for us whenever we needed. After that, he briskly walked away. Cori wanted to go after Cheyenne, but somehow, I was able to keep her with me, reassuring her that Sawyer had the best of intentions when it came to her.

  I begin recalling the rest of the night when I feel the bed shift. Cori turns over as her eyes begin to blink open. My smile’s still firmly planted on my face, and I reach my arm out to grab ahold of her waist. When she opens her eyes fully, they widen, and within an instant, she hops out of bed. I can feel my smile falter as I watch her pace the room, and then she looks back at me, regret in her eyes.

  Fuck. Me.

  I CAN FEEL MYSELF waking up, and I’m screaming at my brain to stop it. Bryan’s chasing me up the steps, and I barely make it inside the condo before he catches me and presses me up against the wall. His lips quickly descend down onto mine, and a fire ignites between my legs. The more awake I become, the more I realize that it’s not a dream, but a memory. For the second time in two months, I’ve fallen into bed with Bryan Price.

  Once Sawyer told us he and Cheyenne were heading to his place, Bryan and I decided to let loose and enjoy the open bar and open dance floor. As much as he gets under my skin, I realized that I was having fun with him. And I usually do, but it’s never the two of us. Since the day we met at Berkeley, Cheyenne, Bryan, and I have been a trio, and until two months ago, I felt like Bryan and I had a sibling-like relationship. Last night, however? Bryan was so much more than an annoying brother. In fact, I know I’ll never think of him that way again.

  We practically closed down the open bar before pouring ourselves into the limo, where we enjoyed one more bottle of champagne. When Bryan popped the cork, foam shot out of the bottle and oozed down onto his hand. Unable to contain myself, I slid closer to him and pulled his hand up to my mouth, where I proceeded to lick the liquid off his skin. I felt his body shiver, which made me feel empowered, so I took two of his fingers into my mouth, sucking and licking expertly. He leaned his head back against the headrest and let out a muffled groan before his hand reached down and he readjusted himself. Something, I’m not sure what—okay, it’s called an open bar—made me feel bold, and as I slid hi
s fingers out of my mouth, my own hand found its way to his crotch, where I felt the massive hard-on he was sporting. Holy shit. Bryan was hard. Hard for me. And in that instant, I knew that my panties were wet with want for him. Well, they would have been if I had been wearing panties.

  Looking up, I caught his gaze. As my hand felt him through his pants, his eyes were hooded and laced with desire. Almost on instinct, I started to lean in, wanting nothing more than to have my lips on his. I was milliseconds away from making contact when the door to the limo was opened by the driver and he was leaning in, ready to help me out of the vehicle. I hadn’t even realized that we’d stopped, and the interruption was most unwelcome. Quickly, I made my way out of the limo, but Bryan apparently wasn’t done with me yet.

  And that’s how I found myself being chased up the sidewalk.

  That’s how I found myself being pressed up against the wall inside our condo.

  That is definitely how Bryan’s lips crashed down against mine, his tongue making quick work of invading my mouth as he kissed me with a passion I hadn’t felt in far too long.

  I responded to his kiss with equal hunger, my arms wrapping around his neck. As our tongues danced in a sensual rhythm, his hands began to roam my body, and suddenly, making out against the wall was no longer enough. My hands slid down, and once they were pressed against his chest, I pushed him back so we no longer were making contact. It pained me to wrench my lips away from him, but it was a small price to pay if I was going to get him into my bed.

  He started to protest, but I silenced him when I grabbed ahold of his tux jacket and started to lead him down the hall. Once we made it to my room, I pushed him inside and shut the door behind us. Leaning against the closed door, I met his gaze and saw that it was hot, hungry, and full of lust. Exactly how I wanted him.

  “Come here, baby,” he ordered, and I cocked an eyebrow at him, not used to his demanding tone.

  “Or what?” I challenged, pressing my back into the door behind me.

  He stalked towards me, not stopping until he was mere inches from me, his hands now on the door at my back as he boxed me in. “Or I won’t let you come until you’re screaming my name so loud your voice goes hoarse. And even after that, I might prolong it even further if you continue to be a bad girl.”

  Not wanting him to win the game, I calmed my inner libido and somehow kept myself from jumping him right there.

  “Oh, Bryan, you have no idea just how bad of a girl I can be,” I informed him in a sultry tone.

  His hands came down from the door and slid down my body until he was gripping my waist. He pulled me into him until we were chest to chest, stomach to abs, rock-hard erection to pulsating clit. Every inch of my body was screaming for him to take me, but he insisted on taking this agonizingly slow.

  Ignoring my ‘bad girl’ comment, Bryan started walking backwards, me in tow. When he reached the bed, he stopped and gazed down at me.

  “Are you sure about this, baby?” he asked huskily, and I had to stop myself from shouting a resounding, “Yes!”

  Instead, I let my arms slide up his chest until they looped around his neck. “Bryan. Don’t be that guy. Don’t be the gentleman. Just…don’t, okay? All I want right now is for you to fuck me, and fuck me hard. Of that, I am sure.”

  A squeal escaped me a moment later when I found myself naked, my dress pooled at my feet. Bryan’s eyes widened when he realized that I’d had nothing on underneath my dress, but it was short-lived. In less than sixty seconds, he was sinking into me, and it was fucking heaven.

  It was hot.

  It was beautiful.

  It was so, so good.

  But now, in the cold light of day, it is scary.

  And as a self-described coward, I’m freaking the fuck out.

  Now fully awake, I can feel him behind me. As many times as I close my eyes and will him away, I know he’s not going anywhere. I lie here for minutes as I stare at the wall, wondering why it is I can give out such good relationship advice yet I can’t find a way to make my own romantic life worth anything. Finally, I can’t help it. I turn around, blinking every so often so Bryan thinks I’m just now waking up.

  I’m doing fine until my eyes open fully and I see him watching me, a huge smile on my face. My heart soars. My stomach churns. My heart falls. My heart wants to stomp on my brain and ask it what the hell it’s thinking. I’m elated that I’m with him. I’m freaked out hardcore that he’s in my bed. I guess I’m what you’d call torn, and that’s never a good look on me. His smile is both kryptonite and a remedy, and I have no idea how to proceed. And naturally, I pick the most idiotic way.

  Hopping out of bed, I start to pace the room and begin muttering to myself, wondering how I got into this mess. Wondering how I can get out of it. And at the same time, wondering how I can stay in it. Seriously. My mind is freaking baffling.

  Bryan makes a noise and I stop in my tracks. Looking at him, naked and in my bed, causes me to have a mini meltdown. I don’t do this. The one-night stands. Casual sex. And the thought brings on a mini panic attack, but somehow, I rein myself in as I take deep breaths.

  I try to compose myself as I place a fake smile on my face. “I’ve got to stop drinking so many dirty martinis. Apparently, when I get a little bit of gin in my system, I need a little bit of you.” The joke is so lame, and I know it the moment it escapes my lips.

  “Corinna, you know it was so much more than ‘a little bit,’ and you didn’t complain for a single second,” he growls, sitting up.

  I groan as his morning wood is on prominent display. A hand comes up to cover my eyes for a few moments before I look back at him.

  “Bryan, this, once again, was a mistake. Too many drinks. Too much fun. A little bit of drama with Cheyenne’s mom. Let’s just chalk it up to one reckless night having a good time. No harm. No foul.”

  All of a sudden, Bryan’s out of bed and I’m being pushed back against the wall. His naked body presses up against mine, his hard erection making firm contact with my belly.

  “You have one chance to take that back, Corinna. One. If you continue this charade that it was just a drunk fuck, then I’m walking out that door and I will never come back,” he warns, his voice deep and threatening.

  My insides churn and my heart is racing about a thousand miles a minute. What the hell do I do? Part of me wants him more than I’ve ever wanted anything. The other part of me is so scared he only wants me because he can’t have Cheyenne. Which is stupid because they were never a couple, but I’ve never said I was the most intelligent girl.

  “Bryan, I don’t want things to change between us,” I start, and he quickly pushes away from me.

  I watch as he stalks around the room, finding his clothes. He’s pulling on his sexy black boxer briefs when I move towards him. He holds up a hand, stopping me in my tracks.

  He grabs the rest of his things and heads towards the door. Before he exits, he stops and turns towards me.

  “It’s amazing how someone who thinks she knows everything about relationships can’t see what’s right in front of her. Or maybe she just doesn’t want to.”

  With that, he’s gone, and I’m left alone in my room to deal with the aftermath. All of a sudden, I feel lonelier than I ever have, and all I want is Bryan.

  And in that moment, I realize that I just lost so much more than I have ever imagined.

  Stay tuned for Bryan and Cori’s story in Sweet Southern Seduction

  Southern State of Mind- Darius Rucker

  Bluebird- Christina Perri

  Hey Pretty Girl- Kip Moore

  Too Damn Young- Luke Bryan

  Make Me Wanna- Thomas Rhett

  Somewhere With You- Kenny Chesney

  Highway Don't Care- Tim McGray, Taylor Swift

  When She Says Baby- Jason Aldean

  Open Your Eyes- John Legend

  You Are The Best Thing- Ray LaMontagne

  How Do I Breathe- Mario

  What I Love About Your Love- Jana Kr

  Get Me Some Of That- Thomas Rhett

  Call Me Up- Thomas Rhett

  Running Around In My Dreams- Tyrone Wells

  Old School Love- Lupe Fiasco, Ed Sheeran

  High Hopes- Kodaline

  One Of Those Nights- Tim McGraw

  I Think Of You- Easton Corbin

  Where You Are Tonight- Kip Moore

  Gettin' You Home- Chris Young

  The Night Before- Carrie Underwood

  We Belong Together- Mariah Carey

  Starts With Goodbye- Carrie Underwood

  Wine After Whiskey- Carrie Underwood

  The Hardest Thing- Tyler Ward

  Two Is Better Than One- Tyler Ward, Krist Nicole

  I'm Still In Love With You- New Edition

  Strawberry Wine- Deana Carter

  Fall Into Me- Brantley Gilbert

  Derek- I’m blessed and extremely grateful that you’ve put up with me through the writing of four books. I’m even more excited with how our lives are changing and I can’t wait to see what happens in the future. Thanks not only for your love and patience, but for also beta reading this book when it had already been beta read, edited, and was ready for release. Love you!

  Teri Beth, Sarah, Michelle, Bianca, and Summer- I really have the best beta team on the planet. Each one of you brings something special and unique to the table, and I couldn’t do this without any of you. Love you ladies so hard!

  Aly Martinez and Stacey Mosteller- The only way I was able to write this book in less than three weeks was because of you two. Our sprints were essential and I miss them! You two rock!

  Ella Fox and Kristi Webster- I’d go insane without you two. No joke! Wolfpack and NCB for life!

  To the ladies of the Southern Seduction Boxset: NA Alcorn, Jacquelyn Ayres, Laurel Ulen Curtis, Kelly Collins, Ella Fox, Elle Jefferson, Aly Martinez, Stacey Mosteller, Rochelle Paige, and Kristi Webster- Sweet Southern Sorrow wouldn’t have existed without you ladies. Thanks for letting me be a part of an awesome set!

  Jim Mundy- Thanks for being the insipiration for Wyatt. I don’t think his character would exist without you. You are the source of lots of laughter and also wisdom, and I’m better for knowing you.


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