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Serendipity (Inevitable)

Page 13

by Nissenson, Janet

  No, Ian Gregson just had charisma, bucket loads of it, and both men and women were drawn to him. Even Nathan, who was himself an extremely dynamic and charismatic man, was giving Ian his rapt attention, and Julia sensed it had little to do with the fact that the Gregson Group was his biggest client.

  When it came time for Julia to present her design boards, every eye in the room was fixated on her. She ought to have been nervous, for this was by far the most important project she’d ever worked on, but instead she was in her element as she went through each board and deftly answered each and every question that arose.

  Julia had to contain a smug smile of satisfaction when Ian expressed some doubts about three of the four designs that Nathan had made her re-do. She was surprised when Nathan offered up, “I believe we have a second idea for each of these. Julia, did you bring the alternate designs with you?”

  A raised brow was the only sign she gave him to acknowledge his quick-thinking cover-up. To the rest of the group, she merely smiled and replied, “Yes, I did happen to bring them along. Thank you for reminding me, Nathan.”

  Julia forced herself not to gloat, or even to look in Nathan’s direction, when Ian and the others nodded their approval of her original designs. It made Julia wonder if Nathan had forced her to alter them just to be a hardass and exert his control over her.

  One of Ian’s managers – a charming, older Frenchman who had recently transferred to San Francisco from the European headquarters – was trying to make a comment about one of the designs but was struggling a bit with the language barrier. Julia had noted from previous comments he’d made that his English wasn’t terribly good, leading her to guess he had likely worked in one of the firm’s French hotels or resorts before transferring to the London offices.

  The man – Henri was his name – tapped his fingers on the table impatiently. “I cannot think of the English translation – it is a saying we have in French – ah, I am so stupid today.”

  Taking pity on him, Julia told him in perfect French, “Dites-moi que vous voulez dire,” or in English “tell me what you want to say.”

  Henri’s face lit up, and every pair of eyes at the table was focused on Julia. “Ah, la belle femme parle le francais,” he said joyously. He then spoke to Julia in rapid French, happy to be able to convey his thoughts properly.

  She easily translated to English the commentary he had made on the design for the hotel lobby before moving on to the next design board. Once she was finished, it was Nathan’s turn to update the group on some modifications for the original building design that they had apparently requested at a previous meeting.

  Julia used the break to rearrange some of her notes, and to discreetly observe the faces and reactions of the group gathered around the conference table. Nathan was an engaging speaker, and kept everyone’s rapt attention, especially that of an older, well-dressed blonde woman who stared at him with ill-disguised interest. Julia knew from the frequent questions and interruptions the woman had made that her name was Morgan Cottrell, and that she was the Business Development Manager. She was quite attractive and well-kept, but Julia guessed her to be at least ten years older than Nathan.

  She told herself angrily that she shouldn’t give a damn if some cougarish woman kept smiling invitingly at Nathan. It certainly wasn’t any of her business or concern – she ought to be leaving that up to Nathan’s fiancée. But she still couldn’t stop wishing she had the nerve to tell the overly eager Morgan to button up her blouse a bit higher, and to stop trying and interest Nathan in her impressive but undoubtedly fake cleavage. After all, hadn’t he told her back in New York that he hated fake boobs? It had been right before he’d licked her nipple, causing it to harden much as it was doing right now. Stifling a soft moan, Julia turned her attention back to Nathan’s presentation.

  Forcing herself to look at anyone but Morgan and observe the older woman’s blatant interest in Nathan, she stole a quick glance to her right at Ian and was surprised to see his gaze directed not at Nathan – who was still speaking – but at the back of the room. Her interest piqued, Julia waited a few moments before discreetly following the line of Ian’s vision, and then she smiled knowingly to herself.

  The beautiful blonde girl who’d been so sweet and helpful earlier – Tessa – was seated quietly in a back corner of the room, though not at the table itself. It seemed her purpose in being present was to not only take notes but also to make sure the coffee service and food stayed well stocked and tidy. Tessa’s head was bent as she wrote in her notebook, and thus she remained unaware of the look her boss was giving her. But Julia had seen that particular look many times on a man’s face, and wondered briefly how a commanding, powerful man like Ian dealt with the fact that the girl he was lusting after was a married woman and therefore unavailable to him.

  The meeting wrapped up twenty minutes later and Julia spent a few extra minutes chatting with several of Ian’s team who approached her, including Henri who was delighted to converse in his native tongue. At some point, Ian joined in their conversation and he was nearly as fluent in French as Julia was.

  From the corner of her eye, Julia spotted Nathan, who appeared to be trying to find a polite way to disengage himself from Morgan. The older woman was practically rubbing herself against him she was standing so close, and laughing flirtatiously. Torn between feeling that Nathan could take care of himself and didn’t deserve her sympathy, and a raging need to pull Morgan’s dyed blonde hair from her scalp, she settled for somewhere in between.

  Excusing herself politely from Henri, she walked to where Morgan was nearly shoving her fake tits into Nathan’s chest and placed a feather-light touch on his arm.

  “I’m so sorry to interrupt, “she said in her sweetest voice,” but we really do need to head back to the office. I have a client due to arrive within the hour, and I believe Jake does as well.”

  Nathan looked at her with an expression of such gratitude that she couldn’t help but beam at him, while Morgan looked like she wanted to claw Julia’s eyes out.

  “Yes, you’re quite right,” agreed Nathan eagerly. “You’ll have to excuse us, Morgan. I’m sure we can continue our conversation another time.”

  Morgan pouted prettily, a ridiculous expression for a woman of her age. “Oh, damn, and I was going to offer to buy you lunch, Nathan. Do you have an appointment, too?”

  He shook his head. “Not until later, but I’m the chauffeur today so I need to get my staff back to the office. Another time perhaps.”

  “Of course.” She would have reached over to give Nathan a hug good-bye – which Julia thought quite unprofessional of her – but he was already grasping Julia’s elbow and moving away.

  Julia gave her a dazzling smile. “It was lovely to meet you, Ms. Cottrell. I’m sure we’ll all see one another again soon.”

  Morgan gave her a tiny smile in return, which made her overly-Botoxed face look tight and pinched. “Yes, I’m sure we will.”

  Nathan whisked her away before Morgan could say another word, whispering in her ear, “Thank God. I owe you one for that.”

  She arched a dainty brow at him. “I’ll keep that in mind when I need a favor.”

  Ian clasped her hand tightly in both of his as they bid him farewell, a warm smile lighting up his otherwise austere features. “What a delight it’s going to be to work with you, Julia,” he said with enthusiasm, then gave Nathan a quick wink. “You’ve got a real treasure here, Nathan. I hope you and Travis treat her well. Not only beautiful but extremely talented as well.”

  Nathan gave him an answering smile. “Yes, I think we’re well aware of Julia’s talents.”

  A little shiver went up her spine at his softly spoken words, and she wondered briefly if he was referring to talents she possessed outside of the workplace. She remembered how he’d praised one particular talent of hers – one that involved her lips around his cock.

  Her cheeks flushed at the naughty direction of her thoughts, and she barely heard Ian telling
her half-jokingly, “Well, if they don’t treat you right, my dear, come and see me straightaway. I’d be honored to have you working for my company.”

  “That’s very kind of you,” she replied,” but all is quite well at the moment.”

  Ian’s expression sobered at that particular moment, his smile gone, and Julia instantly pegged the cause as the reappearance of sweet, shy Tessa.

  “I’ve brought your coat, Ms. McKinnon,” she said demurely. “I didn’t want you to forget it.”

  Julia reached for her coat but Nathan beat her to it, holding it as she slid her arms inside. “Thank you, Tessa,” she told her gently. “And thank you for helping us out today.”

  The blonde girl’s cheeks pinkened adorably. “It was my pleasure,” she murmured, before hastily making her exit.

  The drive back to the office was brief, and fortunately Jake was on his best behavior. Julia hoped fervently that her earlier chastisement would have some permanent affect on him, and that he’d stop his flirting and suggestive comments. She certainly didn’t want to cause trouble for him, but she also wouldn’t hesitate to complain to Travis if the innuendoes didn’t stop soon.

  Jake did turn to face her during the drive but only to comment, “So you speak fluent French, huh? Where’d you pick that up from?”

  She shrugged. “My mother’s parents were French Canadians from Montreal. They moved to New York City before my mother and aunt were born but always spoke French to them. I learned from my mother and also from my grandparents when I’d visit them.”

  “Huh. So you’d already spent a lot of time in New York as a kid?” asked Jake.

  “At least twice a year from the time my sister and I were little. It’s great to be a kid in Manhattan – the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade, all the museums, tea at the Plaza Hotel.”

  Julia added that last bit in deliberately, curious to gauge Nathan’s reaction at the mention of where they had spent such a memorable evening. But aside from gripping the steering wheel a bit tighter, it didn’t seem to faze him.

  Jake had picked up on a different subject matter, though. “Sister? Is she older or younger?”

  She rolled her eyes. “Older by five minutes. We’re twins.”

  “Really?” Now Jake’s interest had really been piqued. “You mean there are two gorgeous babes that look like you walking the planet? Well, if you aren’t interested in me maybe twin sis would consider going out with me sometime.”

  Julia hooted in a rather undignified manner. “That’s hilarious. Trust me when I say there’s no way you could handle my sister. She’s – um – a tough cookie.”

  She was saved from further inquisition about Lauren when Nathan pulled into the garage of their building. But she was still smiling to herself at the mere thought of feisty, ballsy Lauren with smarmy Jake and his clichéd come-ons. Lauren didn’t even glance at men who wore suits and ties. Her type was either the outdoorsy sort in cargo pants and hiking boots, or tattooed rocker guys with piercings.

  As they exited the elevator on their floor, Julia moved to take her case from Nathan but he waved her off. “I’ll take it to your office for you,” he offered. “There’s something I want to talk to you about anyway.”

  Julia nodded in agreement but was more than a little nervous as they walked to her office side by side. Was he going to reprimand her for bringing her original designs, thinking that she’d meant to show him up? Was he displeased with her presentation today?

  Nathan set the case down on her desk while she hung up her coat. He was studying the framed charcoal sketches on her wall when she turned to face him.

  “These are fantastic,” he said sincerely. “Carmel, right?”

  “Yes. My parents’ house has some incredible views from the deck. Endless hours of inspiration.”

  “You did these?” he asked incredulously. He peered at them more closely, noticing the way she signed all of her artwork – JMcK – in the lower right corner.

  She nodded. “Back in December when I was staying with them. Just to pass the time.”

  Nathan ran his finger over the middle frame. “You’ve missed your calling, I think. You’re a very talented artist. Have you ever displayed your work?”

  She shrugged. “Occasionally my mother will claim a piece for her gallery, but I hardly have time anymore to sketch or paint. Do you draw?”

  He smiled faintly. “Not for years. I’ve got an easel and paints stashed away somewhere, but I’m like you – too busy with work these days to indulge. And I’m nowhere near as talented as you.”

  Julia deposited her purse into a drawer of her credenza and tried to sound nonchalant. “What did you want to talk to me about? I really do have a client coming in soon.”

  “This won’t take long,” he told her, not bothering to take a seat. “Bottom line is very simple – don’t flirt with Ian Gregson anymore.”

  Of all the things he could have said, that was likely the most unexpected. She stared at him in bewilderment. “What? When was I flirting with him?”

  He shook his head, clearly annoyed. “When weren’t you? Come on, all those little smiles and the way your voice got all soft and breathy? I know he’s a good looking guy and quite a catch, but he’s our best client and you aren’t going to mess up what’s been a very good working relationship.”

  “You have got to be kidding,” she said in disbelief. “Let me assure you I’m very well aware of how important a client he is. Not only am I also unwilling to jeopardize that professional relationship, but I have a personal policy of never getting involved with clients. Even if they are six four with huge shoulders, Armani suits and British accents.”

  Nathan did not look pleased at her succinct description of Ian. “Well, it sure as hell seemed like you were flirting with him to me. And he liked you plenty, given the way he kept looking at you.”

  Julia smiled cattily. “You sound jealous. Need I remind you that’s not your prerogative?”

  He made a low, harsh sound. “I realize that, yes. Were you trying to make me jealous, Julia?”

  She scoffed. “Hardly. I don’t make it a habit to beat my head against a brick wall. And to stress the point – I was not flirting with him or him with me.”

  “But you think he’s an attractive man apparently.”

  She gave a roll of her eyes. “Are we really having this conversation? Yes, Ian Gregson is a hunk. He’s also rich, powerful and charming. A real catch, as you said. He also happens to be obsessed with that pretty blonde admin assistant.”

  Nathan frowned. “You mean Tessa? Ian wouldn’t mess with her. Not only is she way too young for him but she’s married.”

  Julia laughed. “I doubt Mr. Prim and Proper would hit on a married woman, either. That doesn’t mean he doesn’t think she’s hot or stares at her when he thinks no one’s looking. I assure you he certainly didn’t look at me that way. Now, are we through with the lecture? I’ve got to get ready for my meeting.”

  He still didn’t look convinced but gave a small shrug. “Fine. Just keep it professional, okay? I’m not going to risk losing a client because you decide he’s new boyfriend material.”

  His words hurt, that he could be so callous and uncaring, and she felt the overwhelming urge to lash out in return. “What makes you think I don’t already have a new boyfriend?” she challenged. “I believe I told you that wasn’t a problem for me.”

  He was visibly taken aback by her retort, and Julia could swear he actually looked hurt. But then he simply shook his head and muttered, “Whatever. Have a good meeting.”

  And then he was gone, leaving Julia to gaze after him, once again fighting back unshed tears.

  Nathan was not in a good mood when he returned to his office, barely acknowledging Robyn as he passed her by. He spent a few minutes checking his email and voice mail before pushing himself away from his desk in irritation to go stare out the window.

  Even though the meeting with the Gregson group had gone remarkably well, it had otherwise been a sh
itty day. It had started on his drive to work with a phone call from Cameron. He’d known immediately from her high-pitched, overly sweet voice that she wanted something.

  “Hi, babe. Are you at the office yet?” she’d asked cheerily.

  “Not yet. I’m surprised you’re awake this early.” It had been just before eight and Cameron was not known to be an early riser.

  She’d yawned. “Just got up, still in my robe. But I had a text a few minutes ago from that wedding site I told you about up in St. Helena. They can see us this morning at eleven and I was really, really hoping you could get away with me. We could get lunch afterwards.”

  Nathan had sighed. Cameron was full throttle into wedding planning now, and coming to a decision on the site was at a critical junction. She and her uber-controlling mother kept going back and forth between a big city wedding at one of the fancy hotels, or holding it at an estate or winery in the Napa Valley. Cameron was currently favoring the latter.

  “Cam, I’m sorry but that isn’t going to work for me today,” he’d told her gently but firmly. “We have a meeting with the Gregson group mid-morning and it’s going to last a couple of hours or more. I can’t cancel or re-schedule with Ian, you know that.”

  Cameron was well aware of how important a client Ian was, but even that didn’t stop her usual wheedling. “Well, of course you can’t do either of those things with him,” she agreed. “But is there a real reason you have to personally be there? Can’t the rest of your team handle it?”

  He’d been as patient as possible while explaining that no, he really needed to be there. “Besides, it’s not a whole team of people today. Just myself, Jake, and Julia.”

  “Who’s Julia? I’ve never heard that name mentioned before,” Cameron had inquired.

  Nathan had hesitated, choosing his words carefully, not wanting to give her even the tiniest hint of his past with Julia. “She’s Travis’ newest designer. He hired her after the holidays.”

  “And he gave a brand new employee the Gregson account?”


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