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Serendipity (Inevitable)

Page 24

by Nissenson, Janet

  ‘One thing at a time,’ he told himself. ‘Let’s find a place to live in the city first.”

  When Cameron didn’t emerge from her bedroom a couple of minutes after he arrived, he called out to her, “Hey, are you almost ready? The driver is waiting downstairs for us”.

  He heard doors being slammed, and other commotion coming from the direction of her bedroom. “Oh, hey, babe. Didn’t hear you come in,” called Cameron. “Yeah, I’ll be out in a few. Sorry, running a little behind schedule.”

  “As usual,” he muttered under his breath. Cam’s perpetual tardiness drove him nuts, and it went hand in hand with her sloppiness and general lack of organizational skills.

  “Try to hurry, okay?” he admonished. “I’d like to get there before the cocktail hour is over this time.”

  “Hah, ha, very funny!” she retorted. “I’m working on it, babe! Be patient.”

  His comment hadn’t been an exaggeration, since they had arrived at last year’s Design Awards banquet just as people were sitting down to dinner. He had vowed that wouldn’t happen this year, and had even hired the town car to pick them up and drop them off so he wouldn’t have to hassle with parking and the extra time that would take. The hired car would also allow him to relax and have a few drinks without having to worry about driving home safely.

  After nearly a fifteen minute wait, Cameron finally emerged from the bedroom, and he could only stare at her in mingled surprise and a feeling close to horror.

  ‘Holy shit,” he mumbled under his breath.

  For the Cameron standing proudly before him, hand on one cocked hip, bore little resemblance to the classy, somewhat conservatively dressed woman he’d dated for over two years. She’d obviously been aiming for the total bombshell effect tonight, but somehow something had gone horribly wrong.

  The most glaring change to her appearance was the long hair extensions that fell halfway down her back. They were stick straight, very blonde, and so obviously fake that she looked like she was wearing a bad wig.

  The second, and almost equally glaring change, was the deep gold spray tan. Even her heavily made-up face – with the longest, thickest false eyelashes he’d ever seen up close – was darkly bronzed. Her lips looked fuller and poutier, her lipstick a screaming shade of crimson that matched the color on her long fingernails and the toenails that peeked out of sky high strappy gold shoes.

  And a great deal of that fake-tanned skin was exposed by the short, tight, strapless red sequined dress she wore. Nathan’s eyes widened at the display of her cleavage over the low-cut top, and he wondered what sort of miracle bra she’d found to give her small A cup boobs the illusion of being C’s. The hem of the dress ended well up on the thigh, baring most of her long, skinny legs. Cameron typically never wore anything that bared so much of her legs and arms because of their extreme slenderness, but for some reason it was all on full display tonight.

  She grinned as he continued to stare at her. “Surprised? I’ve spent something like four days getting ready for this dinner tonight, but I’d say it was well worth it, wouldn’t you?”

  Nathan gave himself a mental shake, choosing his words carefully. “I barely recognized you. You look, um, so different.”

  Cameron laughed and strode over to him, looping her arms around his neck and giving him a long, deep kiss that he accepted more than returned. Thankfully, she didn’t seem to notice his lack of response. “But don’t worry,” she murmured in his ear. “I waxed two days ago so it won’t interfere with our fun tonight.” She tugged at his earlobe with her teeth while sliding her palm to his crotch, stroking his non-existent erection. “Just so you know, I’m very, very horny. Hope you’re in the mood for some loud, raunchy fucking.”

  Nathan was somewhat guiltily aware that he’d never felt less like having sex than he did right now. Not only did Cameron’s startling appearance repulse him, but there were a variety of scents clinging to her that were all co-mingling and producing a rather nauseating result – her heavy, musky perfume, the spray-on tan solution, some sort of hair gunk – perhaps whatever had been used to attach those ridiculous extensions.

  When she realized after long seconds of rubbing his crotch that he didn’t have an erection, she frowned slightly and stepped back. “Everything okay?”

  “Yes, just fine. But we should really get going. Do you have a coat?”

  She giggled and ran her hands down the miniscule expanse of her dress. “Nope, what you see is what you get. It’s a nice night, and we have the car to take us both ways. I wouldn’t think you’d want me to cover all this up, babe.”

  He gave her a forced smile. “You’re right. Come on, then. Careful in those shoes, you don’t usually wear such high heels.”

  He didn’t mention that with the towering stilettos Cameron was now a bit taller than he was. He also didn’t dare mention that instead of looking like the sexy siren she undoubtedly believed herself to be that she more closely resembled a high class hooker. It was all just a little too much, especially the short, tight dress that was rather inappropriate for the awards dinner venue. But he knew if he even hinted at any of this that Cameron would be hurt or angry or both, and that his evening would be ruined before it even began.

  So he kept his opinions to himself as he helped her inside the back seat of the town car. Her dress rode even further up her thighs, exposing her all the way to the crotch where he could see her red lace thong peeking out. He’d never really had the guts to tell her that he actually didn’t like it when she got one of her Brazilian waxes. He knew a lot of guys preferred it when their women waxed off all their pubic hair, but he was just the opposite. He was fairly certain the main reason Cameron waxed regularly was so he wouldn’t suspect she wasn’t a natural blonde, something he had been well aware of since meeting her.

  She seemed especially amorous tonight, sitting so close beside him she was practically in his lap. She continued to run her hand up and down the length of his thigh, her fingers teasingly brushing against his crotch. With the other hand she pressed his arm against her small breast. Nathan felt guilty again, knowing that between their hectic work schedules and his own odd ennui lately, that it had been more than two weeks since they’d slept together. And that had been a quick, hurried encounter that he’d been half afraid he wouldn’t even be able to finish given his lack of arousal.

  “I am sooo looking forward to tonight,” she whispered sensuously in his ear. “Maybe we can cut out of the dinner a little early to get started on the night’s real festivities.” She cupped his crotch, fondling him through his trousers. “Unless you want to have a quickie right now,” she suggested naughtily.

  Nathan was uncomfortably aware that he wasn’t even the least bit hard, and was desperately trying to think up a reason why when he was saved by the trilling of Cameron’s cell phone. She grabbed it out of her bag somewhat impatiently, but her eyes lit up when she saw who the caller was.

  “Damn. Sorry, babe, this is an artist I’ve been trying to get a hold of for a week now. I need to take this.”

  He was relieved when she moved slightly away from him to take the call, and even more so when the call didn’t end until the driver pulled up outside of the hotel. The pre-dinner cocktail party was in full swing when they arrived, though Nathan was relieved to see they still had a half hour or so until dinner. In addition to his co-workers and staff present tonight, there were bound to be several friends and acquaintances he knew. After ordering his usual scotch on the rocks and a dirty martini for Cameron, he was tapped on the shoulder. Spinning around, he grinned to see Ryan Latimer standing there, accompanied by his very pregnant wife Sophie.

  The two men exchanged a quick hug, and Nathan bent to kiss Sophie’s cheek while Ryan did the same to Cameron. He and Ryan had been classmates at Berkeley, and kept in frequent touch despite the fact that Ryan worked for one of Atwood Headley’s chief competitors.

  “Awesome to see you, buddy,” greeted Ryan. “I figured you’d be here seeing as you and
your group are up for three awards tonight. Again.”

  Nathan smirked. “What can I say? It’s been another good year. But great to see both of you, too. Baby’s due when – two months?”

  Sophie, a pretty brunette of medium height, nodded. “Ten weeks, to be exact. If I last that long. It’s getting a little uncomfortable to waddle around these days.”

  Ryan grinned and pressed a kiss to his wife’s head. “Don’t listen to her. She’s doing great. But let’s have a look at this gorgeous thing next to you.” He let out a low wolf whistle as he regarded Cameron. “Almost didn’t recognize you, Cam. You’re looking hot, girl.”

  Cameron visibly preened at the compliment, the kind that Nathan hadn’t been able to bring himself to give her. “Thanks, hon. Thought I’d try a new look. Spice things up a bit, you know?”

  As the Latimers continued to compliment Cameron on her new look, Nathan wondered if they were being sincere or just polite. He’d seen the startled look on both of their faces when they’d first seen Cameron, especially Sophie’s. In fact, Cameron seemed to be getting quite a few looks, from both men and women, and Nathan was starting to feel a little self-conscious with her hanging all over him. She was by far the most scantily clad woman here so far, her attire much more suited for a dance club than a semi-formal dinner.

  They walked around the room, greeting several of his co-workers including Eric, Jake, and Brent, all of whom exhibited equal surprise at the sight of the new Cameron. From across the room he caught Travis’ eye, and his partner was staring at Cameron in frank disbelief. Travis bent to whisper something in Anton’s ear, and the shorter man looked over at Nathan and Cameron, only to gape at them slack jawed. Nathan quickly hustled Cameron out of their range of vision, not wanting any sort of confrontation tonight.

  With that goal in mind, he’d given Travis very strict instructions not to sit at the same table with him and Cameron. Travis had assured him that he had requested a separate table just for his staff, which had silently answered another of Nathan’s requests – to keep Cameron and Julia far apart.

  He assumed she was here tonight, though in this crowded, tightly packed room it was difficult to find anyone, and he certainly wasn’t going out of his way to locate her. The further apart he could keep the two women the better. So far Cameron seemed to be having a great time tonight, chatting and laughing with everyone they came in contact with. It was a major change from the tense, uncomfortable atmosphere at the Taverna Francesca fiasco a couple of months ago.

  He’d just handed Cameron a second martini and was about to take a sip from his re-filled glass of scotch when yet another old friend approached to shake his hand. He and Travis had worked with Will Dunleavy at their former firm. Will had moved on to a smaller firm, but he kept in regular contact with Nathan. The last time he’d actually seen Will, though, had been last year at this very same function.

  “How the hell are you, man?” greeted Will. “Can’t believe we haven’t seen each other in a whole fucking year. Where does the time go?”

  Nathan shook his head. “Tell me about it. I never seem to have a free minute these days.”

  “I haven’t even congratulated you on your engagement,” bemoaned Will. “Saw the news on your Facebook page. Cameron’s a great girl. I hope the two of you will be real happy. Where is the beautiful bride-to-be anyway?”

  Nathan spied her a short distance away chatting up the wife of yet another Berkeley classmate of his, and pointed her out to Will. “What about you, William?” he asked, jokingly using his full name. “Surely you’re not here solo tonight?”

  Will shrugged. “’Fraid so, my man. I was seeing someone for a few months but we just split up a couple of weeks ago. I haven’t been in the mood to start trolling around for a replacement. You know, it gets kind of old after awhile.”

  “Yeah, I know exactly what you mean,” agreed Nathan with a grimace. “That’s one of the main reasons I wanted to get married. Playing the field is great for about ten years, and then it all gets to be a big game you grow tired of.”

  “I hear you.” Will glanced across the room, his smile deepening. “Oh, hey, there’s old Travis. I see he and his little dude are still together. What’s his name again?”

  “Anton. And yes, they just celebrated their fourth anniversary. It’s kind of sad that Travis has been in a longer-term relationship that either of us.”

  Will chuckled. “How about that.” Then his jaw dropped and he let out a long, low whistle. “But who the hell is that standing next to the happy couple? Goddamn, that is the hottest babe I’ve ever seen in my life. How the fuck does Travis know someone like that?”

  Nathan knew who Will was drooling over even before he turned and saw Julia for the first time that evening. “Fuck me,” he muttered under his breath, his heart pounding furiously as he saw how gorgeous she looked tonight. Gorgeous, and sinfully, erotically sexy.

  He’d never seen her looking quite like this – in full-out femme fatale mode. And while Cameron’s own attempts to look like a sultry siren had failed rather miserably, Julia had no such problem. She looked like – sex.

  She wore a black dress with a ruffled hem and a V-neckline trimmed in black lace that showcased her spectacular tits. Nathan quickly bolted down the last of his scotch as his gaze remained fixed on the generous amount of cleavage she was displaying tonight, and the erection that he hadn’t been able to summon up earlier was at instant and full attention now. She’d left all that glorious hair loose, except for a few curls she’d piled messily on top of her head. She was wearing more makeup than usual - her eyes darkly shadowed and lined, her pillowy lips shiny with dark red gloss. She was wearing those sheer black stockings that were the bane of his existence, and the sexiest shoes he’d ever seen – high, high heels, ankle straps, and a bow on the forefoot.

  She was so delicious, so arousing, that he wanted to fling himself at her feet and beg for whatever small attention she might be generous enough to bestow upon him. He saw now how many other covetous male glances were being directed her way, staring at her face, her mouth, her breasts, her legs. And Nathan longed to yell out to all of them to stop looking at her because she was his. He wanted to stride over and cover her up with his black suit jacket so that no one else could admire and lust after her gorgeous tits.

  Will was nudging him frantically. “So spill the beans. Who is that beautiful creature? And how can I get an introduction?”

  Nathan motioned a passing waiter to bring him another scotch before answering Will. “Her name is Julia McKinnon and she’s one of Travis’ designers. As for an intro, buddy, you’ll have to finagle that yourself. I, um, stay out of my employees’ personal lives.”

  “Well, probably doesn’t matter anyway. That guy she’s with sure as hell doesn’t seem like he wants to share. And as much of a stud as I am, I’ve got to admit I’m not in his league.”

  Nathan felt the rage begin to build rapidly, like water about to boil over, as he belatedly noticed the man glued to Julia’s side. She’d brought a date – a fucking date – and what made matters so much worse was that the man with her tonight was Todd Bryant. Nathan had to acknowledge – reluctantly – that the fucker was even better looking than his Linkedin photo and about two inches taller than himself. They did look awfully good together – Todd tall and darkly handsome, Julia petite and fair and lovely.

  Nathan snatched his third glass of Macallan from the waiter and downed half of it at once, his gut clenching unpleasantly as he watched Todd slide an arm around Julia’s waist, hugging her close to his side. She looked relaxed and happy, daintily sipping on a flute of champagne.

  ‘Motherfucker!’ he cursed under his breath. ‘Champagne.’ Julia was drinking champagne. What was it she’d said at the Taverna dinner – ‘I only drink champagne when I want to be seduced.’ She was planning on letting this suave, smooth talker with the gel-spiked black hair seduce her tonight. Shit, for all he knew they’d already fucked, multiple times. He watched the way Todd’
s gaze dropped to Julia’s cleavage, and he wanted to run over and slam his fist in the prick’s gut.

  The call to dinner came then, but his relief was short-lived for the table that Julia and her overly-amorous escort sat at was across from his own, giving him a direct line of view.

  Despite the lively conversation at his table – where three of the other architects and their guests sat along with him and Cameron – Nathan grew increasingly silent and terse as the evening wore on. He polished off his fourth glass of scotch before starting on the Cabernet Sauvignon. He knew he was getting quietly, steadily drunk, barely touching his food, but it was the only way he knew how to cope with seeing the woman he so desperately desired being continually pawed by another man.

  Nathan had to temper down his rage as he watched Todd touch Julia on the arm, the shoulder, the nape of her neck. He wanted to throw wine in the asshole’s face when Todd ran his fingers through a lock of Julia’s silky hair. Todd’s gaze seemed frozen on her breasts, and to Nathan it appeared that her neckline revealed more and more full, creamy flesh as the evening wore on. He was hard and aching, his balls throbbing with the need for release, but he only wanted Julia and it seemed like she was now completely off limits to him.

  She looked up once and caught his burning gaze upon her, giving a little gasp. She worried her bottom lip uncertainly before looking away. Fortunately, Cameron was too busy being in her element as the center of attention and didn’t notice his preoccupation with the next table over. It would have only taken one time for her to notice the way he was staring at Julia, most certainly with a combination of undisguised lust and barely controlled rage, and she would have gone crazy. When the awards ceremony started while dessert was still being served, he kept his fingers crossed that that he wouldn’t win any awards that would require him to walk up to the stage and make an acceptance speech. At this point he wasn’t sure his legs would be steady enough, and he was damned certain his brain was far too addled with booze to utter a coherent sentence.


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