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Serendipity (Inevitable)

Page 43

by Nissenson, Janet

  Predictably, Cameron’s father had gone to great lengths to have the real story behind his daughter’s fatal accident covered up. There had been no mention in the news of the fact that Cameron had tried to kill Julia, or that she’d crashed her car while fleeing the crime scene. Nathan had been furious that the truth had been buried away, wanting people to know what an evil, twisted bitch Cameron had really been. But Julia had felt quite differently, convincing him that all she really wanted was to forget the whole awful mess.

  Her parents had arrived for their scheduled visit just a few days after the incident, and both had hugged her tight, Natalie visibly weeping. They had spent the first day and night of their visit just hanging out at Julia’s flat, not wanting to be separated from their precious daughter whom they’d come too close to losing.

  Julia had indulged them for one day, and then insisted on sticking to their original plans after that. Going out and having fun had been the best medicine, taking her mind off the trauma she’d suffered.

  With Robert’s input, Nathan had finalized the plans for the Tiburon house, and just a few weeks earlier had decided on a contractor. Groundbreaking on the house was due to start sometime in February, and by this time next year they would hopefully be celebrating New Year’s Eve at the new place.

  They’d flown out to Michigan to spend Thanksgiving with his family, though Nathan had seen very little of Julia during their visit. His overjoyed mother had monopolized a great deal of Julia’s time - taking her shopping, introducing her to friends, and spending hours just chatting. Julia had loved meeting the rest of Nathan’s family – his sister-in-law Brooke and young nephew Damien, and his younger brother Greg. There were also a host of other relatives who stopped in for a visit during their stay –grandparents, uncles, aunts, and cousins as well as neighbors and old friends from school. Julia’s head had been spinning from meeting so many people in such a short period of time. It was evident that the Atwoods were a very sociable, funloving family, and some of the larger gatherings were a bit overwhelming for her at times.

  December had been a crazy month, between the demands of their jobs, a round of holiday parties, and Christmas shopping. They had set up two Christmas trees – one at each of their places. Nathan had decided to hold on to his condo for now, given that the Tiburon house would be ready in about a year’s time, and they would just continue to split their time between their two residences until then.

  They left for Carmel the day before Christmas Eve, having agreed to exchange their gifts before departing. Nathan had been touched by the things she’d chosen with such care for him – an Omega watch he’d looked at several times during shopping excursions, a pair of gold and onyx cufflinks, a black wool overcoat, and – his favorite – a charcoal sketch she’d drawn of him without his knowledge when they had visited her parents back in October.

  He’d given her a lingering kiss. “You are so talented, Julia. I swear you missed your calling. You could be as successful as your mother if you really wanted to.”

  She’d shrugged. “That is not possible, but I must admit I’d love to find the time to draw more often. But, you see, I’ve got this employer who just works me like a slave.”

  “Mmm, especially after hours,” he’d told her suggestively. “I’m not surprised you don’t have more time or energy to draw. I hear that boss of yours is very demanding.”

  “Oh, he is,” Julia had agreed mischievously. “Most days he’s so demanding I can barely walk the next morning.”

  Nathan had grinned, drawing her onto his lap for a cuddle. “Thank you for such wonderful presents, baby. Now it’s my turn.”

  Her first present had turned out to be a brand new silver BMW sedan. With Angela’s help, he’d managed to smuggle it into the garage downstairs. Julia had been speechless upon seeing it, and he’d had to open the driver’s door and urge her inside.

  As they had taken the car for a test drive around the neighborhood, Nathan had told her, “I got tired of all the excuses you kept giving for why you didn’t need a car. But when you move in with me to the new house, you’ll definitely need wheels to commute back and forth every day.”

  That had provoked a raised brow from Julia. “Is that right? And here I wasn’t sure I’d even be invited to this new place, much less live there.”

  Nathan had snorted in derision. “Oh, please. Your father made sure that the damned walk-in closet was big enough for all your stuff. It’s certainly way too big for my paltry wardrobe. So you have to move in. Besides, you promised me free decorating advice, so the least I can do is give you free rent in return.”

  Stupidly, Julia had felt her eyes fill with tears, and had impatiently brushed them away. “I would love to live with you in your dream house.”

  “Correction, baby. Our dream house.”

  As over-the-top extravagant as the new car had been, it was his next gift that had really made her swoon.

  “Paris!” she’d squealed in delight. “You’re taking me to Paris for New Year’s Eve?”

  Julia had studied the itinerary – with the flight and hotel information – as well as the hotel brochure carefully, and this time the tears had indeed spilled from her eyes. She’d flung her arms around his neck, kissing him thoroughly, before resting her head on his shoulder.

  “I can’t imagine a more perfect way to celebrate the New Year than with my lover in the City of Love,” she’d murmured. “Aunt Maddy took me to Paris when I was eighteen for Fashion Week, but I hardly got to see any sights. And seeing Paris with your aunt isn’t anywhere near the same as being there with your man. Thank you, Nathan. I think this is the best gift ever.”

  He had grinned in delight. “Oh, I can think of a better gift. In fact, I’m holding it in my arms right now.” He’d dropped a kiss on the tip of her nose. “Merry Christmas, baby. I love you so much, Julia. There isn’t anything I wouldn’t give you if it was in my power.”

  Her arms had tightened around his neck. “Well, since the only thing I really want is you, then I suppose your shopping list is complete.”

  The Christmas holidays at the McKinnons were a somewhat quieter but no less joyous affair than Thanksgiving in Michigan had been. There had been neverending dishes of some of the best food Nathan had ever tasted, lots of wine and spirits, and nonstop conversation. In addition to being one of the top architects of his generation, Robert was also an impressive vocalist, and kept the family entertained with his piano playing and singing.

  Nathan met the much-mentioned Aunt Maddy at last, and it was quite obvious that Julia had acquired her exquisite fashion sense from the older woman. It was interesting to notice that Lauren more closely took after Natalie with their casual, semi-bohemian style, while Julia and Maddy both loved high end fashion.

  Madelyn Benoit was a very attractive, poised and sophisticated woman, and quite probably what Julia would look like in about twenty-five more years. She arrived at her sister’s home with no boyfriend tagging along, and when Nathan had asked Julia very casually if her aunt had ever been married or engaged, Julia had given a rather brusque shake of her head.

  “That’s not a topic we discuss with Aunt Maddy,” she’d explained. “There’s definitely a story there but not one she or my mother have ever shared.”

  It was hard to imagine that a woman as beautiful as Madelyn had never been seriously involved with a man at some point, so Nathan surmised there had been some ill-fated love affair at one time or another. Not to mention the fact that someone with a job as high-profile and demanding as hers must not have had much time to devote to a relationship. Her career was very likely the reason she’d never married or had a family of her own.

  They had flown to Paris three days after Christmas, and had spent their first day mostly recuperating from jet lag. But yesterday they had done a whirlwind tour of the Louvre, Notre Dame, and the Champs-Elysees. Not to mention browsing in a variety of boutiques and buying rather large quantities of French pastries.

  Julia had grinned as sh
e’d licked whipped cream off her fingers. “This is such a great city. It has all of my favorite things in the whole world – incredible art, beautiful clothes, delicious food, and you. I think I would be very happy living here.”

  Nathan had grown pensive while sipping his espresso inside the little bakery café they’d escaped into after a chilly walk back towards their hotel. “And to think you might have had that opportunity if you’d pursued that job with Gregson Hotels. I’m sure Ian would have found the right spot for you here.”

  Julia had picked up his hand, running her thumb over his knuckles. “Is that why we aren’t staying at the Gregson hotel here? You think I might change my mind or something?”

  “Maybe. No sense putting thoughts into that pretty little head. Because you aren’t moving to Paris, baby. The only place you’ll be moving is into our new home in Tiburon.” He placed his hand over hers. “I made the huge mistake of letting you go once. That isn’t going to happen ever again.”

  And now here they were, celebrating New Year’s Eve with a romantic dinner in one of the best restaurants in Paris, if not the entire world. Nathan had intentionally worn the suit and tie he’d had on that magical evening in New York, even though the suit was admittedly a bit lightweight for wintertime in Paris. Fortunately for both of them, it would only be a matter of walking between the restaurant’s front door and a warm, waiting taxi. At least until their next stop of the evening.

  The dinner was sumptuous, each course more delicious and beautifully prepared than the one before it. Julia relished each bite, closing her eyes in appreciation as she smacked her lips.

  “Ohh, I could get used to eating like this every day,” she told him with a satisfied smile.

  He chuckled and pinched her cheek. “Baby, if you ate like this every day – not to mention what you’ve already put away for breakfast, lunch and coffee break – you’d need a whole new wardrobe. And that would be a real shame, because I’d be very upset if you couldn’t fit into that beautiful pink dress any longer.”

  Julia pouted playfully. “Are you trying to tell me I’m getting fat?”

  “Hell, no. After all, I’m planning on getting laid tonight. Several times. So I would never imply that you might put on a few pounds if you keep eating two pastries every afternoon.”

  The mischievous twinkle in his light blue eyes did not amuse her, and she gave him a little kick beneath the table.

  “Ow.” He grimaced. “Guess I should be grateful you aren’t wearing a pair of those pointy-toed things. I’d have a bruise for sure.”

  Julia looked guiltily at her empty dinner plate. “You’re right. I’m making a pig of myself. No dessert tonight and definitely no pastries tomorrow.”

  “Silly girl.” He caressed her cheek gently. “How often are we in Paris? Have dessert. We’ll figure out a way to burn off those extra calories later.”

  She made a little face at him. “But it’s too cold to go for a long walk after dinner.”

  “Brat.” He stuck his tongue out at her. “Let me clarify. The physical activity I had in mind was of the indoor variety. And I guarantee you’ll work up a sweat.”

  Julia smiled impishly. “Okay, you twisted my arm. Let’s have the waiter bring us the dessert menu.”

  They were both pleasantly full from the gourmet dinner, and more than a little tipsy from both the champagne and the fine French wine. They bundled up into their new winter coats – Nathan’s the black wool one that she had bought him for Christmas, and Julia’s a chic white cashmere that Maddy had shipped to her a few months ago. He kept an arm wrapped around her as they ducked into a waiting taxi, but she frowned in bemusement as he asked the driver to take them to the Eiffel Tower.

  “I thought we were going there tomorrow,” she reminded him.

  He smiled mysteriously. “Change of plans. Trust me. And I know it’s freezing outside but we won’t be there very long.”

  Julia was intrigued now but decided to indulge Nathan and sit back for the short drive to the world famous landmark. He had, after all, been pampering and spoiling her rotten these past few days, so she could certainly cede to his wishes now.

  There were throngs of people already gathering near the Eiffel Tower in anticipation of the fireworks display scheduled for midnight, even though it was barely nine o’clock. Julia began to have her doubts about this, given her overall dislike of large crowds. She’d always avoided Times Square on New Year’s Eve during her time in Manhattan, and now Nathan was drawing her out of the taxi into an ever-growing sea of humanity.

  Somehow, Nathan convinced the taxi driver to wait for them, and then grabbed her hand, tugging her along until they were standing as close as possible to the Tower.

  And it was then, as he pulled something out of his coat pocket, took her hand, and sank to one knee, that she realized his purpose in dragging her here. The tears were already starting to well in her eyes even before he began to speak.

  “Julia Elizabeth McKinnon,” he began, in a less than steady voice. “I fell in love with you the moment I first saw you on a crowded New York street. You took my breath away then and every single time I’ve seen you since. You are the most beautiful, talented and loving woman I’ve ever known, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I want you to cook incredible dinners for me, to create amazing artwork, to decorate our dream home, and one day to give me babies – even if they’re twins. But mostly, I just want you.”

  Nathan opened the small black velvet jewelry box with shaking fingers and held it up for her inspection. The diamond was exquisite, flawless; the square cut the perfect size and shape for her dainty fingers.

  “Will you do me the greatest honor I can imagine and marry me?” he murmured hoarsely, his own eyes now shiny with tears.

  Julia clapped a hand over her mouth, her legs trembling and the tears streaming down her cheeks in earnest. “Oh, God, Nathan,” she whispered. “Yes, of course I’ll marry you! I love you so much.”

  He slid the ring onto her finger, then rose and swept her into a fierce embrace. It was only then that they realized they’d attracted quite a crowd who’d been watching the romantic scene unfold before their eyes. As Nathan captured her lips in a long kiss, the crowd of people around them erupted into applause and shouts of encouragement and congratulations. At least that’s what Nathan assumed they were all shouting, given his very limited command of the French language.

  “Are those shouts of approval?” he whispered in Julia’s ear, “Or did I spur a riot?”

  She laughed, snuggling into his embrace. “They were definitely shouts of approval. Peppered with a few cruder suggestions, something like the French equivalent of ‘get a room’.”

  He burst into laughter. “Well, we’ve already got a room. And I suggest we head there posthaste before this crowd gets much bigger.”

  They hurried back to their waiting taxi amid the continued shouts of congratulations. Once inside the taxi Julia launched into a stream of rapid French, and the rather dour driver grinned in response.

  “I told him you finally decided to make an honest woman out of me,” she whispered in Nathan’s ear. “He approves.”

  He whispered back to her naughtily,” Ask him if he approves of me bending you over the sofa in our suite, and lifting that pretty pink dress up so I can fuck you from behind. Or would he be more likely to approve of you riding my cock?”

  Julia gasped and gave him a playful swat on the chest. “Would you stop that? We don’t know if he understands English or not. Now behave yourself.”

  He grinned broadly as he cuddled her close. “But I thought you like it when I misbehaved.”

  She nipped his earlobe. “Not in a taxi, lover boy. Keep that bad boy under control until we’re in our room, okay? Then he can be as bad as he wants to be.”

  They laughed and snuggled during the drive to their hotel. Once at their destination, Nathan paid the driver, giving him a generous tip, and thanked him for his good wishes. They hurried inside the hotel, wh
ich was a warm and cozy contrast to the chill air outside where sleet was beginning to fall.

  The elegantly appointed elevator was empty as they rode up to their suite, and Nathan took full advantage of the opportunity, pinning Julia against the back wall and kissing her senseless. By the time the elevator doors opened on their floor, they were both panting and fully aroused.

  He kept his arms wrapped around her as they walked the short distance to their room. “You’re sure you want to go back to our room already? It’s barely ten p.m. on New Year’s Eve. Shouldn’t we be out dancing or partying somewhere?”

  Julia shook her head as he unlocked the door to their suite. “It’s too cold to be outside, you know I’m not much into crowds, and I figured we could have a much better party with just the two of us.”

  He locked the door behind him and hung up his coat. “I like the way you think, baby. May I take your coat?”

  She winked at him suggestively. “For starters.”

  “Well, that goes without saying,” he murmured, drawing the soft white coat down her arms, and hanging it up in the entry closet next to his. “Now, come here, future Mrs. Nathan Atwood. I need to hold my fiancée.”

  Julia went willingly into his embrace, twining her arms around his waist. “Should we be calling our families and sharing our happy news?”

  His lips clung to her forehead. “It’ll keep until tomorrow. If I call my folks now, my mother will keep you on the phone for over an hour, and that is definitely not on the agenda for this evening. And your parents already know.”

  She gasped, staring up at him. “How is that possible? How could they know before I did?”

  He smiled, smoothing her long curls off her shoulders. “Because my mother raised me to be a gentleman and part of that includes formally asking my beloved’s father for her hand in marriage. He said yes, by the way, but insisted I had to okay it with your mother, too. Apparently they have a very equal marriage.”


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