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The Coke Machine: The Dirty Truth Behind the World's Favorite Soft Drink

Page 44

by Michael Blanding

  on publicity over benzene contamination

  sale of VitaminWater in schools

  on school soda sales

  American Heart Association

  American Idol

  Aponte, Alejo

  Apovian, Caroline

  Arana, Marcos

  Araujo, Erin


  ATCA. See Alien Tort Claims Act

  Austin, J. Paul

  Backer, Bill

  Bakan, Joel

  Banerjee, Nantoo

  Bansal, Sanjay

  Banzhaf, John

  Barnet, Richard J.

  BBC, report on toxic sludge in India

  Bebidas y Alimientos de Urabá. See Coca-Cola Colombia

  benzene contamination of soft drinks

  Berkeley Media Studies Group

  Bessenden, Bob

  Beverage Institute for Health and Wellness

  Bijoy, C. R.

  Billingsley, Lori

  Bjorhus, Kari

  Blumenthal, Richard

  bottle sizes

  bottled water. See Dasani bottled water


  channel stuffing

  conflicts with parent company

  franchise system

  labor standards

  minority ownership by Coca-Cola Company

  overseas expansion

  See also Coca-Cola Colombia; Coca-Cola FEMSA; Coca-Cola India

  bottles, plastic

  Bragman, Michael


  Bushey, John


  CAI (Corporate Accountability International)

  Campaign to Stop Killer Coke

  alliance with United Students Against Sweatshops

  attack on Coca-Cola brand image

  breakdown of

  Coca-Cola corporate response to

  Coca-Cola negotiations with college administrators

  college appeals

  demand for independent investigation

  as globalized campaign

  Candler, Asa G.

  Candler, Howard

  Cardello, Hank

  Cardona, Adolfo

  Carter, Jimmy

  Castro, Gustavo

  Center for Consumer Freedom (CCF)

  Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI)

  Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

  Centre for Science and Environment (CSE)

  children, marketing to. See also school soda contracts

  Chiquita Brands International

  Chomsky, Avi

  Clinton, Bill

  Coca-Cola Collectors Club

  Coca-Cola Colombia

  aid to victims of violence

  guerrilla tactics against

  International Labour Organization investigation

  lawsuit against

  market growth

  Monserrate investigation

  relationship with paramilitaries

  working conditions and wages

  See also Campaign to Stop Killer Coke; SINALTRAINAL

  Coca-Cola Company

  Coca-Cola name


  hundredth-anniversary celebration

  image as asset


  market share

  new products


  stock prices

  value of company

  See also specific people; specific topics

  Coca-Cola Enterprises

  Coca-Cola Export Corporation

  Coca-Cola FEMSA

  acquisition of Panamco

  advertising and marketing

  high-fructose corn syrup use

  political access

  pricing of beverages

  production rate


  protest against

  school construction projects

  school soda contracts

  water usage and dumping rights

  See also Panamco

  Coca-Cola Foundation

  Coca-Cola India

  advertising strategy

  distribution of sludge as fertilizer

  environmental audit of

  groundwater depletion

  Killer Coke campaign against

  labor disputes

  market share

  ownership of

  pesticide residue in product

  plant closings

  rainwater harvesting

  reentry into market

  villager protest against

  wastewater discharge

  wastewater treatment

  water pollution

  Coca-Cola Recycling


  Coke. See Coca-Cola Company

  Coke Studios

  Cola Wars

  Collingsworth, Terry

  Burma case

  Colombia case

  on corporations in warring countries

  Guatemala case

  interest in labor issues

  on Killer Coke campaign

  Turkey case

  withdrawal from SINALTRAINAL representation

  Colombia, civil war in. See also Coca-Cola Colombia

  Corporate Accountability International (CAI)

  corporate campaigns. See also Campaign to Stop Killer Coke


  accountability under Alien Tort Claims Act

  backlash against

  downsizing and overseas relocation

  as form of business

  obligation to shareholders

  power of

  See also CSR (corporate social responsibility)

  Correa, Javier

  Creative Artists Agency

  CSE (Centre for Science and Environment)

  CSPI (Center for Science in the Public Interest)

  CSR (corporate social responsibility)

  Coca-Cola Foundation

  code of conduct

  concept of

  environmental initiatives

  exercise program

  “halo effect,”

  philanthropic causes

  plastic bottle recycling

  rainwater harvest and farmer support

  school construction

  social branding

  Daft, Douglas

  D’Arcy, William

  D’Arcy Agency

  Dasani bottled water

  advertising and marketing

  backlash against

  brand image

  displacement of tap water

  environmental impact of plastic bottles

  market stagnation

  municipal water source

  overseas marketing

  price of

  production process

  purity claims

  safety and quality standards

  sales and profits

  secret formula

  Tap Water Challenge taste test

  Daynard, Dick

  DeRose, Dan


  Diet Coke

  Dobbs, Sam

  Domac, Jackie

  Domínguez, Juan Ignacio

  Dorfman, Lori

  Doss, Joe

  Downs, John

  Duggan, Keith

  Eisenhower, Dwight D.

  The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI)

  Enrico, Roger


  environmental issues

  Coca-Cola Company initiatives

  contaminated sludge as fertilizer

  pesticide residue in beverage products

  plastic bottles

  See also water

  Ever Veloza, José

  Flores, Domingo

  Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval of stevia

  on benzene in soft drinks

  bottled water labeling requirements

  on bromate in bottled water

  dismissal of aspartame concerns

  lax regulation of bottled water plants

  on perchlora
te in spring water

  regulation of nutritional claims

  foreign markets


  Coca-Cola Export Corporation

  in developing world

  forceful entry into


  franchise system

  growth and sales in


  political flexibility

  postwar expansion

  soda consumption and profits

  United Kingdom

  See also Coca-Cola Colombia; Coca-Cola FEMSA; Coca-Cola India

  Fox, Vicente


  Gallegos, Carlos

  Galvis, Juan Carlos

  García, Laura Milena

  García, Luis Eduardo

  Gardner, Stephen

  Gay, Faith

  Getman, Ross

  Gil, Isidro

  Giraldo, Luis Enrique

  Giraldo, Oscar

  Goizueta, Roberto

  Gómez Carpio, María de la Asunción

  González, Álvaro

  Great Depression


  Harry Potter movie sponsorship

  Hasbún, Raúl

  Hays, Constance

  health issues

  aspartame consumption

  benzene in diet sodas


  nutritional claims

  pesticide residue in beverages

  purity of bottled water

  water as soda alternative

  See also obesity

  Hennrich, Mary Lou

  high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS)

  Hindustan Coca-Cola Beverages Pvt. Ltd. See Coca-Cola India

  Hirsch, Harold

  Holmes, Oliver Wendell, Jr.

  India. See Coca-Cola India

  International Labour Organization (ILO)

  International Union of Food and Allied Workers (IUF)

  Isacson, Adam

  Isaza, Ramón

  Isdell, Neville

  Ivester, Douglas

  Jacobson, Michael

  Jiménez, Marco

  Jones, Harrison

  Jordan, Laura

  Kahn, E. J.

  Keith, Max

  Kellett, Gigi

  Kent, Muhtar

  Kerr, Kerry

  Killer Coke campaign. See Campaign to Stop Killer Coke

  Kirby, Richard

  Kirby Kielland, Richard

  Klein, Naomi

  Knauss, Don

  Koch, Greg

  Koh, James

  Kovalik, Dan

  Krishnan, A.

  Kuri, Rameshwar Prasad

  labor issues

  anti-union violence in Guatemala

  anti-union violence in Turkey

  enforcement of workplace policies

  human rights standards

  working conditions in India

  See also Coca-Cola Colombia

  Lavin, Franklin

  Leahy, Patrick

  Lee, Archie

  Lok Samiti

  López Pérez, Cristóbal

  Lucy, Dora

  Ludwig, David

  Manco, Hernán

  Manley, Lisa

  Marín, Rigoberto

  marketing. See advertising and marketing

  Márquez, Israel

  Martínez, José

  Mattes, Richard

  McBride, Sean


  McChesney, Dick

  McFarland, Maria

  McQueen, Humphrey

  Mendoza, William


  cultural integration of Coca-Cola

  health problems in

  political control of soft drink concessions

  soda tax

  Zapatista rebels

  See also Coca-Cola FEMSA

  Meyer, Albert

  Michaels, David

  Milan, Ariosto

  Mindus, Dan

  Monserrate, Hiram

  Morales, César

  Muller, Ronald E.

  Múnera, Adolfo de Jesús


  Nash, June

  National Soft Drink Association (NSDA). See American Beverage Association

  Neely, Susan

  Nestle, Marion


  New Coke

  New York University (NYU)

  Newsom, Gavin


  anti-soda lawsuit

  industry response to charges concerning

  link to soda consumption

  school anti-soda legislation

  scope of problem

  Olvera, Victoria

  Osorio, Luis Camilo

  Oswald, Ron

  overseas markets. See foreign markets

  Packard, Vance

  Palacios, José Armando


  acquisition by Coca-Cola FEMSA

  expansion throughout South America

  false charges against unionists

  lawsuit against

  plant shutdowns and layoffs

  relationship with paramilitaries

  See also Coca-Cola FEMSA

  patent medicine

  Patrick, Deval

  Pease, Don

  Pemberton, John

  Pendergrast, Mark


  advertising and marketing

  on anti-junk food legislation

  Aquafina bottled water

  bottle size


  expansion into Soviet Union

  legal conflicts with Coca-Cola

  market capitalization

  market share

  origin of

  pesticide residue in product

  stock price

  taste comparison with Coca-Cola

  Pérez, Nelson

  PET (polyethylene terephthalate)

  Pollan, Michael

  Potter, Ed

  pouring-rights contracts. See school soda contracts

  product placement

  Public Health Advocacy Institute (PHAI)

  Ranjan, Kalyan

  Reichert, Tom

  Rell, Jodi

  Robinson, Frank

  Rogers, Ray

  activist strategy and tactics

  at Coca-Cola shareholder meetings

  on Colombia settlement

  in Hormel strike

  negotiations with Coca-Cola

  See also Campaign to Stop Killer Coke

  Romero, Camilo

  Roselli, Fred

  Roy, Dunu

  Scherer, Bill

  Schlosser, Eric

  school soda contracts

  access to children

  activism against

  anti-soda legislation

  cost to break contracts

  industry partnership with teachers and parents

  in Mexico

  negotiation guidance for schools

  restrictions on contracts and sales

  school revenue from

  ubiquity of

  See also Campaign to Stop Killer Coke

  Sharma, Sunil

  Simon, Michele


  anti-Coke campaigns

  contract demands

  decimation of

  destruction of union hall

  false charges against members

  government protection

  International Labour Organization complaint


  murders of leaders

  negotiations with Coca-Cola

  percentage of unionized workers

  threats against

  See also Coca-Cola Colombia

  Sisters of Providence

  South Africa

  Srivastava, Amit

  sugar prices and availability

  Sundblom, Haddon

  Tap Water Challenges

  Tedlow, Richard

  television and movie product placement

  temperance movement

/>   TERI (The Energy and Resources Institute)

  Thomas, Benjamin

  Tjoflat, Bernard

  toxic sludge, India

  Trotter, John


  United Kingdom

  United Students Against Sweatshops (USAS)

  University of Michigan

  Vaughn, Pat

  Veblen, Thorstein

  Vishwakarma, Urmika


  Walker, Rob

  Wardlaw, B.


  groundwater depletion


  rainwater harvesting

  wastewater discharge

  wastewater treatment

  See also Dasani bottled water

  Watters, Pat

  Weinstein, Daniel

  Whitehead, Joseph

  Whitley, Matthew

  Wiley, Harvey Washington

  Woodruff, Ernest

  Woodruff, Robert

  Worker Rights Consortium (WRC)

  World of Coca-Cola (Atlanta)

  World Social Forum

  World Trade Organization (WTO)

  World War II

  Yadav, Kushal

  Zepeda Torres, Teresa

  Zyman, Sergio


  Despite initial promises to arrange interviews with Coca-Cola Company executives, corporate spokeswoman Kerry Kerr ultimately declined cooperation with this book. The only interview the company provided was a forty-minute conversation with director of global labor relations Ed Potter, which appears in the final chapter. After that interview, the company asked that further questions be provided in writing. Several dozen questions were submitted to Kerr, and she responded in an e-mail: “Much of the information you are requesting is proprietary in nature and we are unable to comment. The remaining questions are about topics to which we have responded over the years multiple times. Given the fact that this information is widely available, coupled with the decidedly subjective slant in which your questions were framed, we are declining further comment. . . . The Coca-Cola Company’s practice continues to be one of engagement in conversations with all stakeholders—including supporters and critics—as long those discussions can be fair and objective.”


  BMI, a measure used to estimate a healthy body weight according to height, is calculated by dividing one’s weight by the square of one’s height.


  Even those disputing the existence of the obesity epidemic, such as Paul Campos and Eric Oliver (authors of The Obesity Myth and Fat Politics, respectively), single out soda as harmful for “wreak[ing] havoc on our bloodstream,” as Oliver writes, “affect[ing] cholesterol, blood pressure, and metabolism.”


  Still hustling, DeRose would agree to speak for this book only in exchange for $20,000 and 5 percent of the profits. This offer, it should go without saying, was declined.


  Despite several attempts, López Gómez was unavailable for an interview himself. When I arrived for an appointment at the distribution center, I was told he had just left. I traded several messages with him over the next three days, but he always seemed to be in Chamula when I wasn’t.


  A New York judge hearing a case against Union Carbide for its gas explosion in Bhopal, India, that killed more than three thousand people dismissed it as “another example of imperialism . . . in which an established sovereign inflicted its rules, its standards and values on a developing nation.”


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