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Hell's army officers

Page 20

by Andrew Komarowski

  — Ladies and gentlemen! Reasons for panic! — On the Colonel's face Lisin, commander of the Twelfth fleet HQs played a confused smile. All three demons are alive and well! Currently they rest in their ships... Sleep, you know?! — suddenly he shouted, noticing the doubt in the eyes of the presenter, seated in the capital Studio. Forty — two hours of continuous fighting! And almost a day — in the Lagos. Maybe we will not disturb them?

  Yes. of course... blushing to the roots of the hair, whispered the leader. It's like someone from the Demons could hear... Let them sleep... Just... we were worried...

  Orbita Lagos-two resembled a cemetery of old ships. Or the dump. While the battleship "Ivan the terrible" at low speed pushed his way through the scattering of assorted debris, General tried to assess the damage caused by the cyclone. Ironically, both the orbital fortress planet was Relatively intact — if it is possible to consider the whole loved ones mutilated by explosions, armor plates, melted the structural elements and the deep breaks on the landing tables. However, to fulfil its main function, they still could, so stayed at his post. But with the cars of the Sixth fleet, the situation was much worse to look at two dozen cruisers and destroyers, which returned from the system Arlina, it was painful. Almost all of them needed serious repair and looked horrible. However, depression or despondency in the system was not felt. Managers Keys worked like clockwork, the two links "Tornado" was patrolling in different parts of the system, and four repair dock, hanging in orbit of the planet, plowed into the fray. In order to wait for the free landing of the corridor, it took nearly twenty minutes between the launch of Lagos-two and the middle space is continuously moving cargo lighters, and to drive a wedge in their ranks proved to be quite difficult...

  The spaceport also looked not very the landing squares with the twelfth hundred was empty, and on the first eleven stood about forty terribly battered fighters, around which bustled repair robots.

  "Apparently, all minor work doing on the spot... thought Kharitonov. — It is logical. Will wait until the queue on stocks, will go crazy from idleness. Well done..."

  Square two hundred and six looked a little more homely — there were twelve "Tornado" and nine "Gyrfalcons". Surprisingly, about ships of the Demons was not a single person!

  They were repaired first... is the question posed by the authorities is welcome, Ridley was not surprised. — By the way, tractor, space suits and small arms got?

  — No... They came on the second day after the invasion. And before the planet got...

  — I thought so... — he sighed Kharitonov. And ordered another. Two days later, delivered. How are my guys?

  — I will not say that it is very... Iron Joe grimly looked in the direction of "Bent horseshoe", sighed and looked in the eyes: — After returning slept for almost two days. Then the days they drank. Then the wolves began to chase them in the tail and mane. But it helps little — fly away ten or twelve hours in a bar. To drink. Experience...

  All right... the General frowned, kicked the innocent "Drop" and, thoughtfully looking at Ridley, climbed into the boat.

  "Bent horseshoe" was closed. However, instead turn around and climb back into the boat, Colonel a couple of times, punched his fist on the door and, barely waiting for any reaction, barked at the whole spaceport:

  — Ted! It's me, Ridley! Open up!!!

  — They are closed! — surprised the General.

  — To all but Demons and Werewolves... — crooked grinned the commander of the base. — A necessary measure. You should have seen what happened after their return! The whole garrison stood at that door and tried to break in to their reward. And the gates of the base and now it's a madhouse...

  — Golosiivskiy? did Kharitonov.

  — If. With the short conversation — a warning shot over the flyer, and they knocked back. came. No! Population. Require personal contact with his saviors...

  — Well, I had to organize... — shrugged the General and grabbed the handle the door opened.

  — Vladimir Semenovich! You their eyes saw?

  — No.

  — Look. And then tell me they are ready for it or not...

  ...The bar was dark. Two lamps running at half intensity, was lit up by the bar and the passage to the toilets. All the rest of the space was lost in the shadows. Squinting, Kharitonov looked around and noticed the only table occupied, moved slowly in his direction.

  — Stand up! Attention! — responded to the appearance of the authorities, was told someone from the officers.

  — At ease. Sit down. — General picked up the first arm of the chair and, having squeezed between Schwartz and Gomez, looked at the almost empty table. Instead of the expected battery of empty bottles in front of the Demons stood on one full glass of liquor. Another glass was in front of the chair by tradition is left free...

  — Your whiskey, sir... came the voice of the owner of the bar.

  — Thanks, Ted... — Kharitonov took up his glass and stood up and sighed: — do you Want to raise a toast to the person, like you, considered his son. For the officer, honestly fulfilled their duty to the people who raised him, before his parents gave him life, and to all those for whom he entered the Academy of SCD. And let his life was too short — but every day of his life, the Lieutenant Ricardo Conti, he dedicated himself to worthy causes in the world — in the service of his relatives and his people. Yes, he is not. But the memory of his courage and fortitude will stay with us forever. Eternal glory to the hero...

  Drank. Clinking glasses. And again grimly stared ahead. And two minutes later the senior Lieutenant Volkov, who was sitting across from Kharitonov looked up:

  — We listen to you, sir...

  — We listen to you, sir -- — I said, realizing that the General has arrived in the system not just.

  — After half an hour of your "Merlin" needs to be in the hull of the battleship "Ivan the terrible". Fly to Newport. In force. Victor! I need all the records of your battles in the systems of Lagos, Quidly and Arlina. Not later than one hour after leaving Hyper. Rest will tell later. I'll leave you two to get together. I'll see you on the ship... — Kharitonov got up, paid off with a Fat Ted and, without looking back, out of the "Horseshoe". Nodding in response to a parting of Colonel Ridley, I took his hand sitting next to Irina and when she stand up, walked toward the exit.

  There was nowhere to hurry — the personal belongings that was worth lugging around in the Metropolis, I was not. and half an hour allocated to the General that — be to reach his battleship, probably hanging in orbit would be enough for a flight across half of the system. Therefore, to its "Krechetov" we walked for about ten minutes. And as much again spent on dressing up, preflight tests, and obtaining permission to Jack.

  By the way, the last one would not bother — after the last invasion of the entire staff base, including managers, had an overwhelming sense of gratitude. Therefore, any our request was fulfilled quickly and without any delays. Take off and land was allowed anywhere and in any way, And request takeoff or landing corridor was perceived only as a common courtesy. And an additional opportunity to chat...

  To see on the tactical screen, eight warming up the engines of the ships was unbearable. And not just because one of them didn't have a car Conti: I knew that war is not only orders, medals and eulogies of journalists, but also the blood, the pain, the loss. Therefore, the death of Ricky, I somehow survived. But to accept the heavy burden of responsibility shouldered by the General Kharitonov small, in General, a unit that I couldn't do it. Nine "Krechetov" against the military machine of the Enemy civilization, six days perevalivka more than seven hundred ships of four navies airforce? Nonsense!

  On the other hand, analysis of the loss of the Cyclops was forced to grab his head — two hundred fourteen of the boards, destroyed the system of Lagos, Quidly and Arline, Military Space forces brought down only twenty-three ships. A little more than ten percent. And it was terribly depressing: OLG Confederation was unable to resist the enemy, but the release of the
second phase of the Project was expected only six months! Who somehow had to go through. How? Fighting squadrons of the enemy with nine men?!

  So looking at the car his friends and subordinates, I thought with horror that the slightest mistake everyone is irreplaceable. And fraught with the death of hundreds, if not thousands, of people.

  ...Boarding Desk "Ivan the terrible" came down before he sank the last three cars: the operator of the battleship was in such a hurry to obey the order of the General, me, Irina and Mark had to slip slide between armor plates and put the "Merlin" in extreme mode. Purging, sealing and filling the hold with air were performed in the same rush: by the time we got out of their ships all around us, the already established normal pressure. Therefore, the lockage went extremely fast: in just three minutes after landing, pushing the helmets of spacesuits, we briskly moved to the nearest lift, leading to the Admiral's deck. Where, according to the duty officer, located Kharitonov...

  Waiting until we settle down, the General was distracted by a virtual screen of komma and, frowning, stared at me:

  — Watched your fight with the fighter of the Cyclops, I would Like to understand the motives that guided you into this competition...

  I sighed, as a clear answer to this question I had. Even for you.

  — I guess I really wanted to win. Not in that particular battle, and throughout the war. Remember what I said sun Tzu? "If you know the enemy and know yourself, your victory will be undoubted". What we know about him? The information that we have, is too one-sided — anatomy, physiology, performance characteristics of ships and weapons systems. And not a word about the psychology of those who fight against us. The challenge to a duel was the first manifestation of their feelings. And it seemed to me that to ignore it would be wrong. Have you noticed that after the match they gave me to drag their ship to the orbital fortress? Odd, isn't it? In General, then I have a feeling that it is possible to UNDERSTAND...

  — Noticed. Moreover, I already have records of those who studied it... then Kharitonov. Not psychology, and the car. Did you know that its engines are much more powerful than the standard fighter Cyclops?

  Well, during the fight I was able to feel it. Yes, and it flies much better than all the others, with whom I had to face... I said. — If not a small advantage in the ability of my body, would have tugovato...

  Yes. I agree... In General, your position I understand. Accepted. Details will discuss later, when you have time. And now I'd like to talk about what you can expect from the new port. So you do not waste time on questions, I have to say: I understand that pull you from the front, knowing that at any point in the system's Outskirts may appear Cyclops, is idiocy. Alas, so consider not all. Your old friend, the President of the General Assembly of the Subscribing Systems Mr. McGregor has a diametrically opposite view and believes that a Great policy is just as important as fighting. So after four days in Newport will host a gala honoring the heroes of the defense of Kweli, Lagos and Arline, in which the heroes are required to attend in person. In General, there will be speeches, awards, Banquet...

  — Sorry, sir, but, I think, now is not the time for banquets. And awards we do not need to Fig... — interrupted Semenov. — We are not for this fight...

  — Not the best, of course. But once the decision is made, it is necessary to use. And with maximum efficiency... — grinned the General. — Create one Demon worth big money. And not everyone understands why it is necessary. So I'll carry you to the presentation of awards and gatherings of the most elite clubs of Newport and Old Earth until, until I get enough money for the Demons that created them were able to destroy the last of the Cyclops. And I'm playing record of your battles on all networks gravidanza and hang you award winning while on your chest will remain at least one place under the friggin ' medal. Or the order. Not enough of those who already have — come up with a new!

  — That's perspective! sighed Helen. — I would Prefer to fight. Don't like these ceremonies...

  — You don't have to love them. But show your feelings to those who will be around. Remember the first reception McGregor? So, due to the fact that it took place, the second phase of the Project received forty best of the CURRENT drivers of videoconferencing, including Werewolves. So, the time needed for their preparation. we can eliminate basic flight. And release them a little earlier... see the difference?

  Well, I suppose... ' said Semyonov. — However, in order to work with the BC-Cup, they still have to be retrained. And change battle tactics. And, of course, about each of you. In the cabins, which you have, you will find three sets of ceremonial uniforms with copies of the awards you have already received. Any output in the base HQs in Newport — they only...

  — What outputs will a lot? did Schwartz.

  I don't know yet. But to warn you have to. And again. Understand that this will be hard, but please smile. At parties, during interviews, awards. How would you neither turned up...

  I hate politics... — escaped me.

  — And who loves her? I? Wrong! I'm sick of these well-fed, glossy types that first ORT Help me! and then forget the names of those who pulled them out of the ass, which they managed to climb. I know how much I spend on those smiles? Yes, most of those with whom I have to communicate, I would never even not shake hands! A fat, sweaty fingers, splosives in the palm at the first hint of a handshake... Ugh. — General heartily smacked his fist on his knee, then caught himself and sighed: — Okay, you are not affected. Go adipates. The jump will take three hours and fifty minutes. Your cabins on the same deck, so if you have questions — always at your service...

  After two and a half days we rested and slightly muzzy idleness, put your "Merlin" on the twelfth the square of the base VCS Newport is the only inhabited planet one of the Central systems of the Confederation. Having arranged us in a hotel for senior officers, the General flew to the headquarters. And we, left to themselves, wanted to unwind a little. However,?remembering the request of the General to go beyond database only in ceremonial uniforms, decided to limit walk on its territory. True, not everyone — just me, Irina, Ellen and Harry. The rest, after thinking a little, went to change and after about thirty minutes, accompanied by the guys from the Quartet flew to a restaurant. To try "something exotic"...

  After seeing the guys, we kind of wandered around the small Park, broken for the hotel and, after working up an appetite, went to the nearest officer's club.

  The five-storey building in a futuristic style, located on the territory of the military base, looked rather strange. But Harry, who grew up on one of the planets of the Metropolis, said that this is normal, and relation to the architectural excesses of the commander of the local garrison is still relatively modest. And the Charter of garrison and guard service, not to mention the unwritten rules, on military bases of the Central system is treated as if it mildly, "quite at ease"...

  The first impression about the local attitude toward the unwritten rules we received in the purchase process of admission: the amount spent by us in order to be able to just go to "Aldebaran", it would be enough for a three day Bender in "Bent horseshoe" in all units to Pay for the possibility to sit down at a free table, I didn't like — on any basis Margin money for it did not take. And when I looked at the menu and saw the prices, it became clear that this club is not for mere mortals. However, thanks to the efforts of General Kharitonov money we have had enough, therefore, to cope with a slight shock, we still made the order. And waiting for the aperitif began to stare at the sides.

  Judging by the decoration and appearance of the furniture designer who designed the interior, was not the cheapest in the Confederation. At least chairs of wood and leather in the usual clubs I had not seen. As cards with wine beverages twenty years and more exposure. However, the main emotion present on the faces of the smug tourists here officers, oddly enough, was a bore. Maybe that's why the club is constantly flashed some small skirmishes, but the atmosphere was tense, as if every one present had a personal enemy of all its neighbours.
However, this affected us a little, and when we had ordered food, we stopped to look around. As it turned out, in vain...

  We didn't manage to finish the first course, as by our table drew four guys with stripes planetary infantry:

  — Hey, chick! Throw your hunarikov and let's go to hang out with normal guys...

  — Lord! Ladies busy... — put aside the spoon to Harry. — We're not in the mood and not going to support your fun, so be kind enough to look for yourself girlfriends somewhere else...

  Looking at him, all four of them winced theatrically, and one of them said rather sharply:

  — Hey, Snow white, but nobody asked! To share our fun YOU won't have any, so shut your mouth and keep slurping their slops...

  — Guys, but you are rude... — turning away from the table and trying not to be angry, I said.

  Oh, another zaschitnichek! — grinned standing next to me starley. — Than you so fattened, big guy? I suppose on some farm? Feed?

  Lord. You have a hearing problem? We are not going with you to break away... ' hissed Helen. — Therefore, I recommend to you as quickly as possible to shove his aplomb to hell and go back where you cornered us.

  — Ah, she broke my arm!

  Not only the hand, you idiot! — springing to his feet and shifted slightly to the side, Helen drove the edge of a boot in his knee.

  — Oh, you bitch! — yelled his companion and swung her fist. But hit did not have time: I heartily punched him in the spleen area. And when he bent from the pain, just in case of a broken jaw.

  — Maybe this will be enough? — pushing guys who start to understand that everything is not as they thought, I asked. And, nodding to the side writhing in pain "heroes" added: — by the Way, your friends would not hurt to see a doctor!


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