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Dragon Rider (DragonMage Saga)

Page 9

by Platt, S. P.

  They sat there and finished there meal before looking for the library. They were told it is housed in the top most floor of the school. As they headed along the halls leading to the library, they talked of what Gavrie told them.

  ‘Do you believe what he told us, as that sounds a bit far fetched?’ Medwin eyes looking everywhere as they walked.

  ‘I’m not sure something in the way he told us makes me think he believes it, and for him to believe it there has got to be some kind of proof around.’ Angel looking at Medwin.

  ‘What do you think girls, deep down using the feelings in your magic, do you think it is true?’ Medwin wanting to get the girls feelings on what Gavrie told them.

  Shylyn spoke before any of the others; she had a feeling about it. ‘He fully believes what he told us of the legend. There was or were powerful wizards. He has seen something somewhere that has made him believe, and we need to find that information. I’m just not sure it’s in the library.’

  ‘Well lets find the library first and make sure there’s nothing in there about it. If there is nothing then we will have to try other places to find it.’ There was determination in her voice as she told them.

  Now that she had a dragon, there was a new strength in her, in all of them. They would find out about the legend there was no doubt in her mind.

  It took them a while to find the library with all the stairs and halls to follow. They had reached the top floor and at the door was a wizard who stopped them and asked what they wanted in the library. They could see he was just asking so as to point them in the direction of where that information could be found.

  ‘We are looking for anything on legends about the school?’ Shylyn spoke before the others could as she wanted to get to looking as quickly as possible.

  They weren’t sure why they felt like this but they did. Having now being linked to their very own dragon it had changed them and their thinking. The yearning to know things was stronger than before, so they needed to find out.

  The wizard had thought for a bit before talking to them. ‘Legends now, they would be in the oldest part of the library. You will have to go way down the end as far as this hall goes and there you will find anything if there is anything at all.’

  Walking down the hall they could see on each side of them row after row of books. The library was very big and held hundreds of books, old and new together so there must be new items added to the old as they find new ways of using magic.

  Getting to the end they stopped and looked at where they were to try and find what they were looking for. At that moment their dragons were there with them and they were frightened.

  ‘What’s wrong?’ Angel could feel the fear in their voices as they spoke in there minds.

  ‘Dragon we feel it close but it is not like your mothers dragon. There is anger and fear, pain as well. It’s so strong, it’s overwhelming us. We have never known such pain and anger in a dragon before.’ Aura’s distress was trying to overwhelm Angel but he was only just managing to block it.

  The others were fighting it to as it threatened to over power them all. It was Maive who got control of WhiteFire and they calmed the other dragons down enough for Angel, Medwin and Shylyn to clam their dragons down.

  Angel pulled them together with his magic. ‘All of you your exercise to clear the paths do it now as it will calm everyone down. Now follow the magic, that’s it slowly relax and follow deep down. Now use the magic to block out the anger and pain that is invading your minds. That’s it good.’

  There was sweat running down their faces as they finally got control back for their dragons. They were puzzled as to where the feelings come from as all dragons stay well clear of the Wizard School.

  ‘Aura can you feel where the feelings are coming from, how close are they to you?’ He could feel the anguish in her.

  ‘It came very close then moved away a little but is still close, strange dragon it’s feelings are so strong that it must be in very bad pain for us to feel it.’ She had now calmed herself enough that she could talk about it.

  ‘We will come to you tomorrow as soon as we can till then stay with us in our minds till we can get to you.’ Angel tried to pass calming thoughts as he spoke with her.

  The dragons settled now that they were with their riders. They found it better than if they were standing beside them for the mind link was stronger than two just standing next to each other. Now they were relaxed enough they could carry on with the search. It still did not stop them thinking of the other dragon that was close by.

  They told their dragons what they were trying do here in the library and so they split up and took separate isles. Looking at all the books and they knew they were not going to find what they want in one day.

  Angel had been working his way down when the wizard that had been at the door come up to him. ‘You must leave now as it is getting late and the doors to the library will be shut. You must now go back to your rooms.’

  Angel hadn’t realized how late it was so called to the others. Their dragons were now fine and calm which in turn made them feel better. They got back to their common room and had a little snack as they were hungry after the dragons shock. There common room has at all times snack food for when using magic a wizard can get so wrapped up in what he is doing with his magic, he needs a snack to take away the hunger.

  The next morning after having a big breakfast they headed off to class. Their dragons were still with them in mind.

  ‘Are you feeling better this morning and do you still feel the other dragon anywhere near?’ Said Angel sitting down in the Crystal Chamber forming the circle till Gavrie comes in.

  Aura and the others all said no as the felling left after they had gone to sleep. Angel and the others could feel it in them, the relaxed feelings so they will be alright now.

  Shylyn suggested to Angel the dragons stay with them through the lessons this morning. ‘It will be good for them and their magic to see how our magic goes and to try it with their magic.’

  ‘Good idea we might be able to see if they can use our magic and we could try theirs.’ He had a smile on his face for this was a great idea and it would be very interesting.

  Gavrie come in. ‘Good morning I hope it finds you well and strong we will be having another look at creating a spell. This time the spell is going to be weak and will be breaking down. So we are going to fix it and to do that, we will need to see how the spell was created.

  The spell was the fire spell again but this time they could see it was weak and going to go out. ‘Now you need to look at the pattern in the spell, seeing how it was created by studying each part of the spell. Now once you can see how the spell was created you will be able to fix it and strengthen it.’ He walked around them as they looked deep into the spell.

  Angel was starting to see the pattern in the spell and how it was made. Thinking that it was made weakly. He knew he could improve it and make it far better. He looked at it and then started to repair each strand and make it stronger. As he did this Aura was looking at it and had the same feelings.

  So she started to fix it at the same time as Angel and so next moment they had the fire that was up to the roof. Then there was sudden movement as they all scrambled back out of the way of the fire. Gavrie was quick and killed the fire with a wave of his hand.

  ‘How did that get so high for if you just repaired it would have only got brighter not bigger and stronger? Did you all work on the spell together at the same time. That would be the only way it could get that big?’ Gavrie looked shocked for that to have happened.

  Angel had to think fast for him and the others knew it had only been him and Aura who built the fire up that big. Angel had moved to quickly for the others to do anything with the fire and now he had to come up with something and quick. ‘We all worked on it and I think it made it bigger. We thought you wanted all of us to work on the fire so we did.’

  Gavrie looked at them all closely before replying. ‘I will get you to do it one
at a time, as it is a bit dangerous the way that happened with all of you working on it. So next time I ask you to work on a spell it is to be one at a time.’

  ‘I think for today that will be all as I will have to look into what happened. Now I think you can spend the rest of the day doing your exercises and you can do some library work. Learn how to find things in there. I will check on you in the library after lunch, I would like a book on simple water spells and one on simple air spells so after lunch then?’ Looking at them as he finished.

  As they left Gavrie looked at Angel, something happened with that spell he was not expecting. It wasn’t a group spell ether so what happened. I think I’m going to have to find out, and soon.

  Angel and his little group headed to the meal hall being very quite on the way. Medwin Maive and Shylyn knew something happened with Angel and Aura when he worked on the spell. They could feel it was a combined effort and not just Angel. They were worried it might happen with one of them and they might not be able to control what happens.

  Getting lunch they find a quite table well away from any others and sit. Medwin was first to speak. ‘Angel what happened with the spell, we could feel you working on the spell and then there was the two of you but working as one. Then all of sudden whoosh and the flames hit the roof.’

  Angel looked at them with a scared look on his face. ‘I don’t know one minute I was working the spell starting to clear each part of the spell when Aura joined me. The strangest part is when she joined me we felt as one. Our magic combined and the strength was double what I was doing to the spell. Then whoosh it just hit the roof and it was only a very little spell.’

  Aura was still with Angel and the other dragons were still with theirs as well. Shylyn spoke up to calm them down. ‘It’s alright obviously we are close to our dragons and when we are working spells it draws them in as well. The magic’s combine because we are so close, but what it really means is that with each of us working with our dragons our powers are double what it was before.’

  ‘Yes it felt strange when Aura was right there beside me and she could see what I was trying to do and helped me. I was trying not to use too much magic as it was a very small spell, but Aura coming in and helping me it doubled the magic. This is unbelievable the power we would have.’ Angel’s eyes lit up as he said this.

  ‘We must be careful with this for if it got out of control, just think what could happen?’ Shylyns words sobered them all.

  Angel looked at her and the others. ‘This is very dangerous until we can control what we do and learn more about this we must practice only very little spells when we are joined like we are at the moment. Till we can control our magic when combined that’s all we can do.’

  They spent the afternoon finding how the master books worked so they could find the books Gavrie wanted. They were not going to have time today to get to their dragons so were going to have to stay with them in mind to reassure them. Gavrie never came to see them for he knew it would take them all afternoon to find the books.

  Coming down for breakfast, they went over and got something to eat and went and sat in the corner where they could talk freely. ‘We need to get to our dragons soon as we can, if they get frightened again they might try to come and find us. Plus we need to be with our dragons now as much as we can.’ Medwin’s had a worried look on his face for he knew they all needed to be around their dragons as much as possible.

  ‘We’re going to have to get to them today no matter what time it is. Aura what’s wrong?’ Aura had entered his mind in a panic and he had felt the fear in her and it nearly over come him. He looked at the others and they where experiencing the same feeling as he was.

  They sat still and tried all there calming exercises to get them to relax so they could find out what’s wrong. All the dragons at once spoke in there minds. ‘The dragon is back and it’s fear and anger is so powerful.’

  Aura spoke. ‘Angel the hate this dragon feels is so powerful that it is almost overpowering. We are afraid.’


  Pain Of A Dragon

  The others nodded at each other as the dragons were telling them. Angel again tried to get Aura to listen. ‘Aura I need you to calm down and let me feel what you’re feeling. We need to know what’s happening.’ Aura finely, was starting to listen. ‘That’s it now relax and let me feel those feelings.’

  What he got was not what he expected, it was very painful to have all the pain, hate and anger just flood into his mind and the others. It nearly made them pass out, the strong feelings the dragons were picking up. There was no doubt there was a dragon close by.

  Angel spoke to the others. ‘Can you feel through your dragons if the other dragon knows they are close to him? If not we need to mask them so it doesn’t find them.’

  They all nodded their heads and spoke with their dragons, also trying to feel what the other dragon was sending out; trying to pick up any hint it knew the others were there. Finding nothing just the pain, fear and anger towards somebody. They got up and slowly walked back to their rooms. There they sat by the windows and spent the night calming and being with their dragons.

  The next day found Gavrie was to be away and they were able to have a free day. ‘Angel we can go to the dragons and spend the day with them. If we get enough food to take with us we’ll be able to stay late with them.’ Shylyn was already getting things ready to take with them as she spoke.

  ‘Good idea, we’ll just tell the kitchen we’re going to spend the day doing our exercises where we won’t be disturbed. That should give us till around tea time.’ Medwin said as he packed.

  Getting to the gate, they found they had to wait a little as there were other students walking around and talking. So they just had to sit where they usually did and wait for the right moment. Finely they were able to go, so moving very quickly they headed through the door off across the dragon deck.

  They got half way to their dragons when Angel pulled them up. ‘Look here where that part of the old spell was funny. It’s now bigger and it looks weaker than the last time we came here. Come on let’s get to our dragons and see how they are. We’ll stop on the way back and have another look at it.’

  Getting to the gate of the deck Angel stopped and sniffed the air. The others looked at him with a funny look. ‘Can you smell it? There’s been a dragon here the scent is very strong. When you have lived with dragons as long as me, you’ll get to know the scents. There was or is a dragon here.’

  The others stopped and looked around with a touch of fear on their faces. ‘What do you mean a dragon still here, but where?’ Medwin looked around as he spoke.

  Angel looked around and stopped and peered into the cave of the dragon deck and pointed to it. ‘In there is a dragon or has been one not long ago. We need to get passed the cave. I’m not sure if it’s there now or not, just can’t quite feel it, but the sent is very strong. We must go past it so let’s go but stay close to me.’

  They moved ever so slowly across the deck just not to sure if the dragon was in there or not. Getting to the other side with no problems they hurried through the door and ran across the next deck to be very sure they were away from it. Stopping for a rest Angel asked Aura if she or the others could still feel the dragon.

  Aura spoke with a touch of fear but had control of it. ‘No, we think it left early this morning before you woke up. One moment it was there and the next the fear and anger had gone. The feelings the dragon produces are so strong we have trouble blocking them.’

  ‘Aura what feelings did you pick up with NightWing when you were close to my home?’ Angel indicated to the others they should keep going while he spoke with Aura.

  ‘NightWing’s feelings were happy when your mother is riding him; there is no fear, hate or anger with him.’ Aura was now more relaxed as she spoke with Angel.

  ‘Aura we are nearly there, just two more decks and we’re with you.’ As he moved through into the next deck.

  Getting to the last deck they w
ent through the door to find four dragons waiting by it. The group all rushed to their dragons and gave them a hug, making big fusses over them. They did not yet want to talk about the dragon and so to take their mind of it decided to do there calming exercise to help relax them and show them how to clear their magic paths.

  Sitting in a comfortable area they showed them how to follow the paths. Angel asked Aura if she needed a hand. ‘Aura can I help you clear your paths, as I can see you doing it. I can see as we are still liked by the mind. I can help and then you can clear mine to make sure I have not missed any?’

  Angel told the others about what he asked Aura and he was waiting to see what she wanted to do. ‘That would be good as I can see what you do and how you do it.’

  Angel got ready and told the others what he was about to do. ‘Aura are you ready as I will start now, so just follow.’ He sat very still as he started.

  Starting where the magic begins, which is in the brain. He followed it very slowly letting Aura follow and see what was happening. Angel could feel the magic but it was very different from his. He found Aura’s magic accepted him and allowed him to help Aura.

  ‘Aura can you feel and see what I am doing, we follow it right down to the very smallest path till there is no more and we’re done. So now I think you should check mine by following my magic paths?’ He was looking into her eyes as he said this.

  Angel knew what they were doing was total trust, to be able to let someone else into your magic. He waited as Aura slowly worked her way through Angel’s magic paths. He could feel she was very nervous as she did this and so was going very slowly. Finely getting to the smallest magic path till there were no more and then she relaxed.

  Looking at Aura Angel spoke. ‘How does it feel, my magic, for yours felt different but it allowed me to carry on?’


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