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Dragon Rider (DragonMage Saga)

Page 43

by Platt, S. P.

  They slowly opened their eyes but he could see it was still going to take too long for them to be able to help. He had an idea and hoped it might work but he needed to ask his friends first. ‘I will need your magic to help me defeat the Renegade, if you just lay there and rest while I’ll use your magic to try and defeat the Renegade as our dragons are having trouble and will not be able to hold him much longer?’

  Medwin looked up at him and then looked at the others and turned back to him and nodded. ‘You go we will direct the magic to you when you need it. Just call and take as much as you want, we will draw from our dragons and give you that as well for we must not lose. Go Angel we will be alright.’

  Angel got up and looked at his friends once more smiled at them and turned and walked towards their dragons and the battle to come. He could see the shields of their dragons glowing red as they tried to stop the Renegades spells. He could see they were only just holding and quickly walked up beside Aura.

  The Renegade stopped and looked at the young boy who appeared beside the black dragon. He could tell this was the leader of their little group and waited to see what he would say. He knew he was almost getting through the dragons shield so he was not concerned about stopping and letting them get a rest. He was very confident he could take them at anytime.

  The Renegade looked at the boy before he spoke to him. Giving him a good looking over and all he could see was a very young boy out of his class. This will not take long his thoughts on getting back to the spell that would seal the fate of the Wizard School, now to deal with this boy.

  He was just about to deal to the boy when all of a sudden he was flying across the deck his shield flaring as an energy ball had hit his shield hard. The shield only just comes up in time, but the shock of it hitting him had flung him across the deck. He slowly got up and as he managed to get to his feet he was hit again, but this time it was even stronger than the last.

  Again he found himself on the deck and further back across it. He looked at the boy but there was no smile on his face just sheer determination. As he got to his feet again the boy fired another energy ball and this time it was bigger and his shield only just stopping it. But again found himself on the ground and back further on the deck.

  Angel looked at him as he flew across the deck after his energy ball had hit him. He could see the Renegade had not anticipated his attack and he had done it another two times with the Renegade flying across the deck with each impact from the energy balls. He knew he could not let him get control and as the Renegade tried to get up each time he threw another energy ball to keep his mind from being able to fight back.

  He could see the Renegades shield had only just managed to stop the last two shots he had fired. He needed to keep firing and as the Renegade was again trying to get up he fired again but this time the Renegade stopped himself from getting up and instead rolled over. Angel’s energy ball hit the ground where he had just been and this caught Angel off guard. The Renegade was up and on his feet again and this time he was firing balls of fire and they were large, hitting his shield and flaring it into a full body shield.

  As Angel stood there with his shield flaring and the Renegade still firing so his shield stayed up. The Renegade knew that if he could keep Angels shield up full then he would not be able to fire any spells at him. Yet how did he do it before, Angel stood there and waited for the Renegade to approach.

  Angel waited knowing he could still fire spells if he so desired, but he waited. The renegade stopped a short distance off from him and also kept an eye on the dragons.

  That was what he just could not figure out why the dragons just stood there and watched. They were able to shield against magic and if they could do that then why not use magic themselves. So he approached very cautiously with an eye on the dragons just in case. They just watch him approach the kid who was trapped in his shield with the fire all around it.

  Keeping his eye on the approaching Renegade Angel held Aura and the others back from interfering. ‘Leave him to me for he doesn’t know I can use magic at any time to hit him. When I fire I will give his the strangest energy ball I can when he thinks I can’t do anything. For we will only get this one shot, for if he gets away he will know there are dragons with magic and we don’t want them to know that. Just give me your magic when I ask for it?’

  Aura moved just a little to the side to let him have a bit more room. ‘We will be ready when you ask.’

  Medwin, Maive and Shylyn had by now got back on their feet and had moved over to their dragons and stood beside them. They were still very groggy as they stood beside their dragons. The Renegade had seen them move over to the dragons but he could see they were no threat to him and just ignored them.

  He stopped not to far from Angel and looked at him, before he spoke. ‘So boy you would try and stop me but as you can see it is too late the spell is failing even as we speak. Everything here is going to fall into the ocean it’s just a pity all the wizards will not be with it when it happens. The spell was a very old one and hard to master so it would only work slowly until I got some help and managed to make it work better. It’s not the best but it will do the job as it is doing it now.’

  He was about to turn and walk away from Angel when Angel called on the others. ‘Now give me your magic.’

  The Renegade turned as he heard Angel call to the others. He had almost turned to look at him when the first Energy ball hit his shield. He put the shield up as soon as he heard the boy. But what hit him was something he had never felt before. The power of the energy ball enveloping him was something he had never come across.

  His shield was only just holding and he had to reinforce it with extra magic. It was taking all he had to hold that ball of energy back from destroying him. As he struggled to hold it back he looked at the boy. The boy had just unwrapped his shield and pushed off the spell that had held him.

  As he looked at the boy fear came to his face as he could see the boy walk up to the black dragon and stand beside it. He gave it a hug and turned back to look at him. Then comprehension dawned on his face and real fear came to him as he could see the boy casting another spell.

  Angel standing by Aura gave her a hug and turning back to the Renegade he knew what he had to do and fast for if the Renegade could get away he would be gone, they couldn’t let that happen.

  Angel looked at the Renegade and could see the fear on his face as he started the last spell he would cast at him. As the spell cast and the energy ball formed, he cast it at the Renegade and as it hit he heard the last words of the Renegade.

  The Renegade knew fear for the very first time as the energy ball hit, and his last words he yelled out. ‘DragonMage’

  Angel watched as the Renegade was engulfed in the energy from the ball and his shield failed, Angel could hear the Renegade say something at the last and turned to ask his friends. ‘What did he say I was too involved with the spell to make out what he said?’

  Medwin was about to answer when from behind them a voice spoke. ‘He said DragonMage and when he said it there was real fear on his face.’

  They turned to see who had spoken to them and got a big surprise as Gavrie walked from behind the dragons. They looked at him as he walked over to where the Renegade had just been burned what remained was just a black lump. He looked down at the spot and then back up at Angel, he was just about to speak when there was a great flapping of wings as four dragons lifted of from the next deck.

  The dragons flew up and over them before they headed out to sea. In Angels mind there came just two words. ‘Thank You’

  Angel and his friends turned to watch the dragons fly off, and gave a wave of their hands to say goodbye. Gavrie looked at the dragons and then back to the kids and the dragons they were standing next to. He was trying to find the words but it was very hard.

  Angel looked at him. ‘Do you know what DragonMage means we have heard of it from one of the books in the library but it told us nothing?’

  Gavrie wa
s about to answer when another ripple hit their magic and the deck they were standing on shook. They just managed to stop from falling over as the ripple stopped. The shaking of the deck slowly stopped but as they blew a sigh of relief a great piece of the deck by the wall fell into the sea and then another shock happened.

  ‘The old spell it is failing we must try to fix it now.’ Angel looked at them and then ran to the rock face so he could feel the spell.

  The others all ran over to join him and as they stood with their hands against the wall Gavrie looked at them and went over to join them. Angel using his magic to sense and could feel the spell starting to break up. ‘Come on lend me your magic so I can stop it and heal it?’

  They stood and gave their magic to Angel as he tried to get the healing back in the spell. He let his mind feel the spell and using the magic of his and his dragons and friends tried to get the healing working. But he could not for the spell was just about to far gone for healing to work.

  ‘It’s not going to work; it’s just too far gone for our magic to fix it. I can’t see the whole pattern of the spell to see how bad it is. If I could see the full pattern of the spell we maybe able to fix it or see how long we have before the deck and the school fall into the sea. I just can’t think of anything else to do, can any of you think of anything?’ There was a bit of panic in his voice as he asked?’


  Power Of The Crystal

  They just stood there looking at him, not believing what they are hearing. Gavrie looks at Angel not comprehending what he had just seen. ‘What did you just do there Angel, and what was it you were saying about not being able to see the whole pattern?’

  Angel looked at him knowing he would have to tell him things so they may as well start now. ‘I can see the spells and the patterns that make up the spells. It is one thing I have been able to do and the others are able to as well but nowhere near as much as me. But the old spell holding the school to the mountain is so big, I just can’t see the full extent of the damage that’s been done. I just can’t see the pattern.’ There were tears streaming down his face.

  Gavrie looking at him and his friends was quite impressed telling them so. ‘You really are a very special four and I could tell you would be very strong in your magic. It’s a pity you can’t bring the crystal from the Crystal Chamber and try using that to see the pattern in the spell. It might have helped.’

  Suddenly they looked at each other and they all said the same thing. ‘The other crystal.’

  Gavrie could not understand what they were on about and was about to ask when they just bolted for their dragons. Gavrie watched them and ran to join them and find out what they were on about. He just got to the dragons and suddenly realized he was very close to a dragon which is a no, no.

  Gavrie stopped and turned to go back when Angel yelled to him. ‘It’s alright our dragons aren’t afraid of magic so you can come close. We have to go to the end deck where we hope we might be able to heal the old spell. We can’t leave you here in case the deck falls and you would not be safe going back to the school. So come I will see if Aura can handle your weight.’

  Angel asked Aura who looked down at Gavrie who looked back at them with a bewildered look on his face. ‘Aura will be able to carry us both so come and climb up behind but be quick as we don’t have a great amount of time before the spell will not be able to be repaired.?’

  Gavrie came over to Aura and knew how to climb up onto a dragon which he did. Sitting behind Angel Gavrie settled himself down and spoke. ‘I’m settled in ok so we can go anytime you’re ready?’

  ‘Hold tight here we go. Left Aura lets go.’ Angel bent close to Aura as he spoke to her.

  Aura lifted into the air and hovered just above the deck as she got use to the extra weight she was carrying. Then she lifted further and they were of around the tower and flew close to the deck all the way around to the last deck.

  They flew up to the deck and Angel spoke to the others as they landed. ‘We now have to run up all those stairs.’ Angel looked up at the top of the building where they had to get to, when he noticed flat areas around the tower where the crystal room was.

  ‘Back on your dragons quick and head up to the tower as I think we can get them to land up there where we can get off.’ Angel was already back on Aura and helping Gavrie up and behind him.

  They were up there like a shot and found areas for dragons to land and drop off people. Landing they were soon off the dragons and had come to the windows where they found they could get through and into the crystal room. Gavrie looked at the crystal that was floating in the middle of room just about head high of the ground. Walking over to the crystal he was about to reach up and touch it when there was a yell.

  ‘Don’t touch it headmaster, if you do you will lose your mind to the magic, I nearly did.’ Angel walked over to him as Gavrie pulled his hand back with a jerk.

  ‘We found the crystal a while back when we were looking for something to help us defeat the Renegade. I made the mistake of touching it and letting my magic touch it as well. I was nearly unable to get out, it was just through the others helping that I was able to get out. The crystal is linked to the old spell and I may be able to use it to see the whole pattern with it. It may also be able to help me fix the spell.’ Angel was just standing just below the crystal as the others circled it.

  Gavrie moved back as the others moved around the crystal. Angel turned as there was another ripple in their magic which nearly had them on their knees. ‘Stay back over by the wall and just watch. I will try and see if we can fix the spell from here.’

  Gavrie looked a bit panic stricken when Angel said this. ‘Be very careful what you do and are you sure you will be able to get back out?’

  ‘My friends will keep an eye on me as will Aura and if I get into trouble she will let the other dragons know and they will tell the others. They will then pull back their magic and I should come back out of it?’ He turned back to the crystal and slowly raised his arms.

  As Angel raised his arms Gavrie could see the crystal slowly move down to just above the floor. Angel looked around at his friends and out the window where their dragons waited. He placed his hands on the crystal and brought his magic to the crystal and let it be taken.

  As his magic entered the crystal, his mind followed it. He let his magic find the old spell and as the magic with the crystals help came to it, he let his mind get the crystal to show him the whole pattern of the old spell. Slowly the pattern shrunk so he could see the whole thing.

  He looked at it and then realized the crystal had not shrunk the old spell for him to see it but it had increased his size so he could see the whole pattern surrounding the Dragon Decks and school. He then moved around the Dragon Decks studying the spell and the pattern to see all the points that were being destroyed.

  He found he could point to a spot that had been badly damaged by the spell and start to heal the spot. Then he would move along to the next one and do the same again. This was going to take him awhile so he started to try and do it faster. Then it hit him if he did all the really big areas that were worst hit he might be able set the healing spell on the little ones and it could do the rest itself.

  Looking for the big areas he could see there were a lot of them. So he started working on the big ones. He had found the self healing spell would work on the little ones but not the big ones. That he had to do himself, so drawing on his friends and dragons magic he began work.

  He had been at it for a few hours when he had finished the big ones and now needed to fix the small ones. So he went about setting up the healing spell in sections that would move along one as it finished one. This was still going to take a while longer and they had to stay and make sure nothing stopped it.

  He worked with out stop and after another couple of hours he decided he would be able to leave the spell to fix itself. The repair was now going very well and thinks it should be ready and fixed by morning. He was about to pull out when so
mething caught his eye. There was something just below the surface of the spell something that was different to what the old spell was about.

  There was something hidden in the spell or something was hiding in the spell, or the spell was hiding something. What ever it was he wanted to find out what it was. So he studies the old spell and looks closely at the pattern and how it was made. It was he thinks made with the help of the crystal in this room he is standing in.

  The pattern of the spell was so intricate that he had to look closer at the pattern to see if he could see what was hiding there. As he moved in closer to see the pattern it moved as if what ever was being hidden was moving so as to stay hidden from him. He decided to move to the other end of the pattern and see if he could find anything down that end.

  Moving down that end he looked in really close and again it was as if something shifted in the pattern but he could not put his finger on it. Now this was starting to intrigue him and he wanted to find out what it was. He moved down the pattern and as he did so he noticed the pattern was altering as he moved along it.

  He was just about to move to another spot when he felt a tugging on his mind, he did try to ignore it but it would not go a way. He then realized what the tugging was on his mind as it got more insistent. He knew his friends were now starting to get worried about him for by his calculations he had been in the spell for most of the afternoon.

  He was thinking it might be time to leave the spell, for he could try and find what was hiding there another day. He went to move away but found he did not know which way was out or back. He then started to panic a little as his thoughts were on getting out of here.

  Medwin had been standing there for a long time now and his legs were starting to get sore and tired. He looked around and could see the girls were doing the same but were a bit worse than he was. They would not be able to keep this up for long so; I must bring Angel back now.


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