Book Read Free

Unspoken Promises

Page 15

by Gabbie S. Duran

  Closing my eyes, to savor his kiss, my mind is transported to another place. A playground. There are children running around us, but my main focus is the little boy in front of me. He’s holding his wrist in his other hand, grimacing as he holds it. The pain is evident on his face. Leaning down to place a kiss across his temple as I shush to calm him, the tears are already running down my own eyes. Pulling back to better see him, my vision is blurry, my eyes rapidly blinking to push the tears away. But it doesn’t help much with the anguish of my guilt taking over.

  “Don’t cry, Em. It doesn’t hurt as bad as you think,” he whispers back to me, already wiping away the tear that is falling from the corner of my eye. It never fails to amaze me, how strong this little boy can be during the most difficult of our situations. No matter how strong I try to be for him, he’s capable of proving that he’s has the tenacity to be the stronger of us two.

  Sighing, I look down at his wrist. I already know it’s broken by the way his bone is protruding within the skin. Just looking at it I know it must be painful, even if he says it isn’t so. “Okay, mijo, let’s get you to the hospital to get you fixed up,” I say down to him, already trying to help him up.

  As I grab for his elbow, forgetting it’s his injured arm, I hear him suck in his breath, wincing at the same time. “I’m sorry,” I guiltily say.

  “It’s okay.”

  No, it’s not okay. I should have been more careful with him. I should have been watching him better. Had I done so, this would have never happened. He wouldn’t be hurt. I can only live with the regret now as I continue walking with him to the car. Helping him into the car, I carefully buckle him in, giving him one last kiss on his head to reassure him everything will be okay, but it’s when he speaks again, that I’m left speechless.

  “This isn’t your fault, Em. Please don’t blame yourself,” he says, squeezing my hand. He’s now the one reassuring me. “I shouldn’t have tried jumping off the swing. I’m sorry for scaring you. Everything will be okay, Em, you’ll see.”

  My heart drops into the pit of my stomach. I don’t know how it’s possible for this little boy to always know what I need to hear to make me feel better. With a smile, I give him one more kiss, knowing he’s right; everything will be all right.

  I already know this little boy is going to grow up to make me proud and the girl that claims his heart will be one lucky girl.

  I’m brought back to the present when I hear Matt speak to me. “You scared the shit out of me, beautiful,” he whispers down to me, bringing his temple down to mine, the panic evident in his words as he lets out a deep sigh against my neck. I don’t pull away because he’s now holding me, it’s the comfort I was seeking to take my anxiety away.

  With my body still wrapped in his arms, I remember how his sister felt when he was hurt, realizing how lucky I am to have Matt at my side right now. My fear is completely gone, replaced with a giddiness of wanting Matt all over again. When he does pull away, his eyes rake over my body, stopping at my injured ankle. “How bad is it?”

  “I don’t know, they haven’t taken me to get x-rays yet,” I respond, already impatient with the wait, but I don’t have to wait any longer since a technician is already entering my exam room.

  As he’s about to wheel my bed away, he notices how Matt and Julio are both ready to follow. “I’m sorry, You’re both going to have to stay behind while I take her for x-rays.”

  “No,” they both respond in unison, challenging his demand.

  His head looks back and forth between the both of them.

  “I’m her bodyguard. Where she goes, I go,” Julio demands, standing tall with his arms crossed over his chest. “And, I’m not leaving her side,” Matt adds.

  The technician now looks frightened by both their glares. “Fine, but both of you have to stay outside the radiology room,” he orders, earning him a nod from both Matt and Julio.

  To be honest, I was not going to let Matt leave my side, either. I already hate hospitals, but knowing he’s at my side somehow makes the anxiety disappear. Almost thirty minutes later, with the films now taken on my ankle, I’m being wheeled back into my exam area in the emergency room. When the technician leaves us, I look over to Matt. “How did the appointment go?” I reluctantly ask.

  His body goes stiff as a board, obviously surprised by my question.

  “I’ll give you guys some privacy,” Julio says off to my side, already walking towards the end of the exam room. Closing the door behind him, Matt reaches down to grip the edge of the bed. His shoulders slump forward as he drops his head, looking frustrated as he takes in a deep breath.

  He gradually lifts his head to look at me. “Not as I had planned, but it’s for the best,” he replies, looking drained. “You won’t ever have to worry about Lisa, she was lying the whole time.”

  His words confuse me. “What do you mean? She isn’t pregnant?” I hesitantly ask him, holding my breath for his response.

  He steps closer to me so he’s standing right in front of me. “She’s pregnant, but the baby isn’t mine,” he answers with a slow shake of his head. “She tried to pin the pregnancy on me to find herself a father for her baby. The doctor confirmed it couldn’t be mine; she’s too far along. She admitted how she showed up at the house attempting to seduce Trey, but I was an easier target because I was already drunk. I know I fucked up, beautiful, but I promised you I wouldn’t fuck up again,” he says cradling my head in his hands to bring our heads together. “And I’m going to make sure it never happens again. I won’t let anything come between us ever again.”

  I close my eyes as he holds me. “I hate this,” I say into his neck.

  He pulls away to look at me. “They’ll be here soon, don’t worry.” Obviously he didn’t get my true meaning. “No, I mean I hate how all these lies are coming between us,” I clarify. “If Lisa wouldn’t have lied in the first place, I would have never left. We wouldn’t be fighting all the time.” From his expression I can tell he now understands. “All these lies are the cause of me not trusting you. Not trusting you is the reason why I thought you were cheating on me with Laura and why I took it out on your car.”

  Closing his eyes he bleakly replies, “Did you have to remind me?” With a smile he adds, “Like you said, a car can be fixed, but you are my heart, beautiful, and without you, I’m heartless,” he insists before kissing me.

  Savoring his kiss, I pull him tighter to me as I pull him down on top of me. With a quick knock on the door we break away, both our heads snapping in the direction of the door to see a doctor and a smiling Julio behind him.

  “I’m sorry to interrupt you, but I have your films from your x-ray,” he says, looking embarrassed.

  Matt pulls away from me to stand at my side again. The doctor goes straight to a computer in the corner of the room, waking it up. “Due to the results to your x-ray, I’d like to refer you to an orthopedic specialist. You have quite a bit of tissue swelling in your ankle and I’m not getting a definite result as to whether it’s fractured or not. I went ahead and called one of the best specialist in town and made you an appointment for the end of this week, but until then, you’re going to have to stay off it completely to avoid any further injury,” he explains.

  It’s not the answer I want to hear. “That’s it? She waits until she sees the specialist?” Matt asks, still demanding further clarification.

  “I’m sorry. I know you want an answer whether it’s fractured or not, but it’s best we wait until some of the swelling has subsided and it can be looked at by an orthopedic specialist.”

  Leaning my head against Matt’s chest, I nod my head in defeat. “Just make sure to RICE. Rest, ice, compress, and elevate during this week. I’m going to prescribe an anti-inflammatory for you to take to help decrease the swelling, but other than that, stay off it,” he says before turning to face the computer again to take notes. “We can put a temporary splint on it to keep you from moving it, but you can’t get it wet for the next week either.�

  “How am I supposed to take a shower?” I screech.

  “You can wrap your ankle in a large garbage bag, just make sure you tape it tightly around the edge so no water seeps in, but other than that, I’d recommend baths with your ankle hanging over.”

  Growing irritated by the answers he’s giving me, as if my whole ordeal is not a big deal, I shoot him with a glare at his back as he types away on the computer. I hear Julio and Matt chuckle at my reaction before I feel Matt’s warm breath against my neck. “Don’t worry, beautiful, I’ll be happy to bathe you,” he says against my skin before nipping my neck.

  Normally, it would turn me on that he’s kissing me this way, but right now I’m ready to take anyone down who messes with me. The doctor turns to face me. “Don’t worry, doc, I’ll make sure she follows your orders this week,” Matt says from my side.

  “Great. You can pick up your prescription at the pharmacy on the first floor after you’re discharged. A nurse should be in shortly to have you sign your discharge papers and you’ll be ready to go,” he announces with a smile before quickly exiting the room.

  If it wasn’t for the fact that I cannot physically walk because of missing the mobility of my right ankle, I would be getting up from this bed and strangling that man. Julio’s reaction is to laugh, making me now convey my anger towards him. My glare doesn’t affect him at all as he responds by shaking his head at me.

  It’s not long until I’m being wheeled out in a wheelchair and picking up my prescription. With my car already at the pickup lane in the front of the hospital, Matt helps me into the car, shutting the door after I’m safely inside. Expecting for Julio to climb into the driver’s seat, I’m stunned when I see Matt climbing in instead. “What are you doing?” I ask him as I watch him start the car.

  Without a sideways glance, he puts the car into drive and is soon pulling away from the hospital. “What does it look like I’m doing? I’m driving you home,” he replies. “Being that you’ve made sure to put my car out of commission, I figured you wouldn’t mind me using your car. You can’t drive anyway, so it’s better this way,” he adds, with a mocking grin.

  Folding my arms over my chest, I turn to face the other direction to look out the window. He’s right. Even if I don’t like the idea of him driving my car, or anyone else for that fact, I cannot drive myself around since it’s my right ankle that is injured. And I am the reason why he cannot drive his own car, the guilt of my mistake taking over again.

  Having to admit you’ve fucked up is tormenting, but I can now understand how Matt feels.

  I CAN TELL by the scowl on Abigail face as she stares out of the passenger side window that she isn’t too happy about me driving her car. To be honest, I’d much rather be driving my car as well, but I can’t. It isn’t long before we’re pulling up to the house and I’m killing the engine.

  Climbing out of her car, I make my way over to her door to open it. She looks up at me with perplexed eyes. “Why didn’t you take me to Kelly’s?” she asks as I reach down to wrap my arms under her body to pull her out. Without hesitation, she wraps her arms around my neck as I start walking with her. “I’m taking you inside,” I inform her. “We made a bet and you lost. I’m claiming my prize,” I remind her.

  “Where’s Julio, isn’t he supposed to be following behind us?” she states, craning her neck to peer over my shoulder.

  “He isn’t coming. I told him to take Trey’s Jeep home with him and I’d go back for it later.”

  “You already had this planned, didn’t you?” she teases with a hint of humor in her words.

  “I told the doctor I’d make sure you would rest your ankle and I intend to keep my word. This is the only way I can make sure you don’t disobey me.”

  Already shutting the door behind us, we enter the house. She doesn’t say anything as she lays her head on my shoulder and I walk with her down the hallway. Reaching the room, I place her down on the bed, fluffing the pillows behind her so she’s able to sit upright.

  “I’m going to go get you a glass of water so you can take your medication,” I tell her, placing a kiss on her temple before I walk out of the room.

  Heading to the kitchen, I see Trey lying on the couch. “So what’s up with supermodel?”

  Opening up the fridge to grab the water container, I grab a glass next as I say, “They couldn’t really tell us what’s wrong with her ankle. They scheduled an appointment with a specialist for the end of this week,” I explain to him as I pour Abigail’s water. I’m already walking back towards the room when Trey drops a bomb with the next question. “How did your appointment with Lisa go?” he asks, making me stop dead in my tracks.

  I turn to face him. “You’re one lucky fucker I was the one here that night, because had it been you, you’d be the one I’d be congratulating on her pinning you as her baby daddy,” I convey.

  His face grows confused as if not comprehending my words. “She came over that night, already knocked up, looking for you. She planned on pining the baby on you, but I was the stupid one to fuck her instead.”

  “No fucking way!” he barks out.

  Nodding my head, I tell him, “She saw you as an easy target.”

  “Good fucking thing I wasn’t here,” he cheerfully says with a smile. “So how did you find out?”

  I relay what happened at the doctor’s appointment to him, his eyes wide in shock when I finish. “Man, that’s some fucked up shit she pulled.”

  “Yeah, because of her the last month has been a living hell between Abigail and I. You fucking owe me one for taking your place that night,” I state before turning to make my way back to Abigail, but not before I hear Trey shout, “Anytime man. Just let me know when it is I can have my turn with Abigail.”

  “Not a chance in hell!” I shout back at him before entering the room to find Abigail already asleep on the bed. She has the covers pulled up to her chin, her angelic face on the pillow as she peacefully sleeps. Shutting the door, I walk over to the bed and place the water along with medication on the bedside table. Taking off my shoes, I go over to the other side of the bed to climb in next to her. She must have felt me because she turns her body to face me, her arms wrapping around my body, and her face finding the crook of my neck. Careful with her ankle as I entwine my legs with hers, I pull her body tighter against mine. My thoughts return to the events of the last month and all the trials that our relationship was put through. Then my mind turns to thoughts of Emily. I’m pretty sure she has something to do with everything that has happened. I have Abigail back now and I wasn’t letting her go this time.

  WE’RE SITTING IN the exam room. A combination of both relief and anxiety is building within me as I rub at my ankle.

  “You look pretty happy to have the splint off.” Matt’s teasing words make me look up to him. “Yeah, more than happy. That stupid thing was starting to drive me nuts. I didn’t realize how much I’d miss taking a shower until I could no longer take one,” I reply.

  With a light chuckle Matt gets up from the chair he was sitting in to stand next to me. “You didn’t like the baths you took?”

  “It wasn’t fun trying to get in and out of them, even with your help.”

  The anxiety returns, making me tremble. “You cold, beautiful?” Matt asks, already wrapping his arms around me, rubbing my back to soothe me.

  Resting my head against his chest, I listen to his heartbeat and it calms my nerves. “No, I’m just scared of what the doctor is going to say,” I say into his chest.

  “Everything is fine. We made sure to keep you off your ankle this last week, at least for the duration that I was home,” he says with a mocking chuckle.

  Pinching him in his side for his comment doesn’t do anything but earn me a full-blown laugh instead. “You can’t complain you didn’t like it,” he huskily whispers as he nuzzles my ear, making me shiver from the memory.

  Instead of admitting anything, my mind goes back to the week of having to be on my ass, most of it
being the entire time in bed. It really did suck having to hop around on one foot when I did have to get up from the bed, which is why I stayed in it, even when Matt was gone. I was able to catch up on all my favorite reality shows and brush up on my Spanish while he was at school or practice.

  “If it wasn’t for the TV you put in your room, I might have been tempted to get up sooner,” I tell him.

  He leans his body back to look down at me. “Our room, Abigail. It’s our room, not my room,” he reminds me. “When you learn to accept calling it our room again, I’ll stop reminding you.”

  I’m about to agree with his words when the doctor walks in. “Hello, Ms. Adams. I’ve got the results of your most recent scan,” he says, holding up an x-ray film before walking over to a box on the wall that lights up and sticking the film into it. The grey film of my x-rayed ankle glows with the illumination of the light behind it. “Looks like I’ve got an answer for you,” he says with a smile.

  A smile now spreads across my face; hopeful it’s good news since he has a smile on his face. “You’ve got a High Ankle Sprain.”

  “That’s good then, right? It’s only a sprain, which means it’s not broken and I can start running again, soon.”

  The discouraging expression on his face makes my heart sink. “Unfortunately, this isn’t a normal sprain. Although it isn’t fractured, this type of sprain will most likely keep you off your foot for a minimum of eight weeks, sometimes requiring up to six months, depending on how long your foot requires to heal,” he states.

  I can feel my heart sink to my stomach. Matt pulls me tighter against his body, as if sensing my worry. “I don’t understand. If it’s only a sprain, why does she have to treat it as if it’s broken?” he asks, the question traveling through my mind.


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