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The Alpha Billionaire's Unexpected Baby: A Billionaire BWWM Pregnancy Romance

Page 17

by Joanna Jacobs

  Her phone rang as she started walking towards her apartment. Without looking at the name she answered it.

  “Hey, Tyra.”

  “I thought I told you not to contact me again, Jack.”

  “Yeah, you did, and I was hoping you might have changed your mind about that.”

  “That’s never going to happen. I found you in our bed with another woman. I don’t think it’s possible to forgive someone for doing that, and I’m never going to forget it. I don’t trust you not to do the same thing again.”

  “I made a mistake.”

  “You said that the first time, so I took you back. That was a true mistake. I shouldn’t have listened to you. I should have known what you were going to do.” She shook her head. “If you call me again I am going to block your number. I have no interest in having this conversation again.”

  “What happens if you change your mind?”

  “If Hell freezes over I’m sure you’ll notice.”

  Tyra hung up and focused on getting her key out of her pocket. It wasn’t a surprise he’d called her, because Jack wasn’t the sort of person to give up, but she was only ever going to give someone one chance to prove they’d changed. He hadn’t. He’d still cheated on her, with three different people, and she was never going to let him back into her life, although she had become friends with the other women in his life. That was something she never expected and had been a true silver lining.


  Kent Pierce was a self-made billionaire. Tyra stared at the page in front of her, unable to believe the man she’d met was the same person. They had the same name and the picture definitely made her think it was her new employer, but he didn’t seem anything like the article made him out to be… which wasn’t exactly something unusual. Everyone knew articles like that were written by people who wanted you to believe something about the person they were writing about. All celebrities got treated the same way. Some were seen as role models, and spoken about as though they were the brightest lights in the known universe. Others were seen as the enemy of the people and written about as though nothing they could do was right. With Kent he was definitely one of the brightest lights and that was understandable. He did seem, from what she’d read, incredibly smart and determined, but was that the real person.

  Sighing, she shook her head. Did it matter? Tyra would be able to get to know the real Kent, instead of the created one, and then she’d know whether or not the journalists had been fair to him. No person was perfect, though. The journalist obviously wanted their readers to believe Kent was perfect. In the article there was no mention of his ex-wife, though, so she made the decision to look more into his family, because most people would have something written about them somewhere, and it seemed likely there would be an obituary somewhere. After a quick search she found it, as well as more information about Madison Pierce. They’d been in the process of divorcing when she’d died, in an accident when her new boyfriend was driving, although there were some people who said it wasn’t an accident. Neither of them had survived.

  How could anyone have done something like that or purpose? Tyra shook her head. Unless he was jealous that Madison had a baby with someone else, someone who just happened to be a millionaire, but then it seemed likely she would have been given at least a couple of million as alimony. With that thought in her mind Tyra looked into whether there was a pre-nup in place, and there wasn’t. Kent, before he married Madison, hadn’t been a millionaire, so there’d been no reason for a pre-nup. He hadn’t had any money for Madison to take from him. Maybe that was why she made the decision to leave Kent. Maybe she wanted his money more than she wanted the man himself, which would make sense, considering the reason she’d given for leaving him.

  Of course he’d be a workaholic. There had to be some way he made all his money. Tyra shook her head, and made the decision she was going to stop looking into them. She’d learn the truth from Kent and go from there, even though it didn’t really matter. The only one who did was Eve.


  “Can I talk to you about something?”

  “Of course.” Tyra put Eve into her crib before turning to look at Kent. “I don’t think it will be long before she’s asleep.”

  “Good.” He smiled. “You’ve been really good with her.”

  “A lot of it’s been guesswork. I’ve never looked after babies before.”

  “Why did you agree to take the job?”

  “I liked Eve.” Tyra shrugged. “I wanted to look after her, because it seemed like she liked me too.”

  “She does. I know she misses you when you’re not around.”

  “How do you know that?”

  “I can see her looking for you. I think, in comparison, I’m boring. I don’t mind. I want her to be happy more than anything in the world.”

  “She seems happy, most of the time.”

  “Things are easier now. I have time to be me, and it makes it easier to look after Eve when you aren’t here.” He stepped closer to the crib. “There are still days when it’s hard, though, because she does remind me so much of my ex-wife.”

  “After I left the first day I was here I did do some research into the two of you, because Mom told me who you were. The reports said it might not have been an accident.”

  “As much as I hate it I don’t think I’m ever going to know for certain whether it was an accident or not. Madison was due to come into a lot of money when our divorce was finalised, but her boyfriend had always been the jealous type, and finding out I was the father of the baby he thought was his couldn’t have been good for him. I had a paternity test done when Madison was pregnant, as I wanted to know for certain if her baby was mine or not. Finding out Eve was mine… it was both the most wonderful thing in the world and the most painful. It meant Madison had been cheating on me with someone else.” He shrugged. “I don’t hate her for what she did, but there’s a part of me that wishes things were different. When I married her we both had nothing. I got lucky and after that she seemed to be going cold on me. She never really explained to me why she’d made the decision she didn’t love me any longer. Now I’m never going to know.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  “You have nothing to apologise for. Looking me up was the logical thing to do. I’m surprised you didn’t do it before you came.”

  “Kent, I had no reason to look you up. All I had was your name, and Eve’s name, and I didn’t know anything about you.”

  “You didn’t recognise me.” He shook his head. “I’ve been on the cover of several different magazines since I became a billionaire, and given a number of ‘candid’ interviews.”

  “I don’t really read magazines. I’d rather read a good book.” Their eyes met for a moment. “I know I’m weird.”


  “What did you want to talk to me about?” Tyra was almost at the front door when she remember Kent had come to her in Eve’s bedroom to talk with her about something, only the conversation had ended up being about his dead wife instead. “I’m assuming it was important.”

  “Thank you for reminding me.” He sighed. “I’d forget my head if it wasn’t screwed on. I wanted to ask if you’d be willing to sleep over on Saturday night. I have a function to attend, unfortunately, and I want someone to be here with Eve while I’m gone. Normally they go on until some stupid time in the morning and I wouldn’t want you to walk home then, so sleeping over makes the most sense. I have a number of spare bedrooms. Maybe you could pick one and it can be your room here.”

  “You go to these functions often enough for me to need a room?”

  “At most they’re about two a month, but there might be other nights I need you to stay. I know it’s a lot to ask you, especially when you’re still working at the cafe, so don’t worry about saying no. I totally understand if that’s what you have to do.”

  “Let me check my schedule at work. I’m not often asked to work Sunday mornings, but anything is possible. I can tell you tomorrow if I can.�

  “Great.” He smiled at her. “I don’t know what I’d do without you.”

  Shaking her head, Tyra opened the door and stepped out into the cool night air. “Neither do I.” She glanced at him. “I’ll see you about 2pm.”

  “Bye, Tyra.”

  Leaving the house was getting harder for Tyra. It was fill of life, and love, and so very different to her lonely apartment. When she went home she saw everything she’d lost when her relationship with Jack fell apart. Finding someone to fill that void when she was so busy hadn’t been easy, but if she had a date to look forward to in the future it might make things a little easier. Maybe she’d find someone interesting had contacted her on one of the dating sites she’d posted her profile on.

  That was unlikely, considering the other responses she’d got, but it was a vague possibility, because she was fed up with being seen as someone to have sex with and nothing more. Men were interested in bedding a beautiful black woman. They just didn’t want there to be strings attached.

  Sighing, she pushed the thought away. There was nothing she could do about the way the world was. Eventually she would find someone. It was just going to take time and she was going to have to be patient until it happened. Like her mom told her before there was someone out there for everyone - sometimes it was just a case of kissing a lot of frogs before finding a true prince. Everyone Tyra had come across was a frog.


  When Tyra checked her schedule for the next week she found she wasn’t working Sunday, so she’d be able to look after Eve on the Saturday night. If she took her laptop over Tyra could look into courses online, because she wanted to better herself, and the only way she was going to have time for that was if she did the work when she wasn’t busy, even though it seemed like she was busy all the time. Busy was good, though. It stopped her from thinking too much. Of course the moment she turned to look at who her next customer was she found herself staring at Jack.

  “Hi.” He smiled at her. “I thought we could talk.”

  “Do I have to get a restraining order?”

  The smile faded. “I know you’re still angry with me.”

  “No, I’m angry. Angry means caring, and I don’t care anymore. I’m glad you showed your true colours before I wasted any more of my life on you. You aren’t going to get another chance to hurt me the way you did before.”


  “Jack, I know this is going to be hard for you to believe, but I don’t need you in my life.”

  “I still love you.”

  “When you love someone you don’t cheat on them. You cheated on me. You cheated on me with a lot of different women and I’m not going to forgive you for that. I’m not willing to give you another chance when I know the likelihood is that you’ll cheat on me again. I know you think I need you in my life, but I don’t. I have no interest in you at all, now, so the best thing you can do is leave. I don’t want to see you again.”

  “I’ve heard a rumour that you’re working for Kent Pierce.”

  “Does it really matter who I’m working for?”

  “Yeah, it does, because I used to be at school with him, and he’s not a good person. I know he’s going to make you think he is, but all he’s trying to do is get into your panties, Ty, as you’re the sort of woman he always liked.”

  “His ex-wife was white.”

  “I have no idea why he married Madison.” Jack shook his head. “Maddie could have done some much better than him, but she kept telling me she loved him.”

  “You knew both of them?”

  “We were all at high school together. Madison and I were in the year below him, but he was always spending time with her, which meant he was spending a lot of time with me too. She couldn’t see past his charming exterior. I knew, in the end, their relationship would fall apart, because he always was a cold fish.” Their eyes met. “Don’t be stupid enough to fall in love with him. You won’t get anything back. In the end that’s why Maddie left, only she didn’t leave soon enough. If she had she wouldn’t have ended up having his child and a connection to him that would last for the rest of their lives.”


  “Do you know Jack Weston?” Tyra asked the question before she’d ever stopped to think about it. “He said he knows you, but I don’t trust him.”

  “We were at high school together. He was one of Madison’s best friends, at least until she ended up marrying me. I got the feeling that Jack was only interested in her when he thought there was a chance of the two of them getting together. When there wasn’t he was more than willing to walk away, because he didn’t truly care about her, and I know he was one of the guys who started flirting with her after I came into my billions. I think he was hoping he’d get someone of my money from her. She probably would have given it to him, as she believed he was still her friend.” Kent looked at Tyra. “How do you know him?”

  “He’s my ex.” She shook her head. “I caught him cheating on me, so I ended things, and now he won’t leave me alone. It’s annoying, but he’s not dangerous.”


  “I know. If he was dangerous it would be much easier to get a restraining order. For the moment all I can do is keep filing police reports every time he contacts me, in the hope they’ll see it is a problem to me. I keep thinking what it would be like if he was dangerous. Would it truly be easier to get a restraining order? Or would it be just as hard?”

  “Can I help at all?”

  “No, but thank you for offering. I appreciate it.”

  “Do you have anyone in your life at the moment?”

  “A couple of people I’m chatting to on a dating website, but apart from that there’s no one. I haven’t found anyone who’s interested in having a long term relationship. Most people are into having a one night stand, or becoming fuck buddies, which I want something more. I want emotions. I want to fall in love again, even though love is painful.” She brushed a hand through her hair. “It would probably be easier if I wasn’t using a dating site, but that’s the best place for me to find someone at the moment, because I need to work.”

  “Are you having money troubles?”

  Tyra shook her head. “Not know. Taking on the job of looking after Eve has really helped my financial situation and it’s been so much more enjoyable than I thought it would be.” Their eyes met. “Your daughter is the whole reason I’m now in love with children. I know I got lucky, because it’s eight months in, but when I find the right person I definitely want to have my own. It’s just finding the right person that’s far harder than I want it to be. Sometimes I don’t think he’s out there, even though I keep hoping he is.”


  Kent walked out of his bedroom wearing a suit. All Tyra could do was stare at him, unable to believe how well he scrubbed up, and their eyes met. “You look good.”

  “Thank you.” He smiled. “It’s been a very long time since I had to wear something like this and it feels stranger than I thought it would.”

  “Are you looking forward to the function?”

  “Yes, and no. I always used to enjoy things like this, but that was when I had someone going with me, and now I’m going by myself for the first time. Madison used to spend hours getting ready. To be honest I think the functions were the one reason she stayed with me, because it meant she met other rich men she could have a relationship with. None of those men were interested in her. They knew she was my wife and they kept a respectful distance, even when she was flirting with them. I always appreciated that. At least I know when I see them all I won’t have to deal with someone who did choose to date my wife.” He sighed. “I’m doing it again, aren’t I?”

  “I don’t mind you talking about Madison, or the life you led before. Have you had anyone to talk to about it before?”

  “Honestly, although it probably was a mistake, not talking about it was easier. I’ve never met someone I wanted to talk to about this, but you’re amazingly easy to talk to. It’s nice. I f
eel like you have a very limited knowledge of the two of us, so I can tell you about anything without worrying.” He shook his head. “I know I probably shouldn’t. You have better things to do with your time than listen to me talk about my now dead wife.”

  He glanced at her laptop screen. “Like looking into university courses.”

  “At the moment they’re far too expensive, but it’s definitely something to think about in the future.” She sighed. “I want to better myself, Kent. I wanted to go to college when I left high school, but we didn’t have the money and Mom needed me more at home then.” She brushed a hand through her hair. “There were three of us, I was the oldest, so I made the decision I would do everything I could to help her out. It meant not going to college. It meant putting things on hold for a little while, only the little while became a long while, and now I’m wondering whether I’m ever going to be able to afford to do what I want to do.”


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