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Something Just Like This

Page 13

by Jennifer Probst

  He gritted his teeth and tried to remain calm. Diana Delaney looked at him with a touch of sympathy. “I’m sorry, Mr. Mayor, but I’m running the photo.”

  They’d met in a deserted parking lot in his car to talk. Once Ethan’s bodyguard outed the photographer, he’d gone after her, but the damage had already been done. Even with tight security, Diana had figured out where he was and who’d he be with.

  “Privacy means nothing to you, does it?” he bit out, not able to control the anger and fear rising up within him. Damnit, they’d just gotten together. He needed enough time to control the announcement so they didn’t rip him to shreds. But this picture was about to ruin it all.

  She shrugged. “There’s no privacy for a public official,” she said. “Part of the bargain.”

  “There’s no scandal here to capitalize on. I’m a free man, allowed to date and see who I want.”

  “Then this shouldn’t be a problem. Do you have a quote for me?”


  “Does Alyssa Block want to comment? She’s been your assistant for over two years now, right? How long have you been hiding your relationship?”

  “No comment,” he said. “Who tipped you off?”

  “It doesn’t matter. I won’t reveal my sources.”

  He knew for certain there was no one suspicious of his relationship with Alyssa except for one person.

  Whitney. The socialite would have loved to blow this up and punish Alyssa, especially after not taking her bribe. It had her fingerprints all over it.

  But did it matter at this point?

  “When are you going to print?”

  “Tomorrow morning. Mr. Mayor, give me the story to accompany the photograph, and I may be able to help.”

  “There’s nothing I can say to stop or delay this from running?”

  He knew the answer before she said it anyway. Again, he might hate the way his privacy was eroded, and how the game was played, but he agreed it was all part of the life for an elected official. He had no choice.

  But Alyssa did.

  “Do what you have to, Diana. I’ll do the same.”

  She nodded and left. Jonathan drove back to the inn. He had limited time to decide on the plan, but he needed to talk to Alyssa. Last night, they’d confessed their true feelings, but never spoke about what course to take when they returned to reality. Would she pull back from him? Change her mind about walking this path after her photo had been splashed all over the gossip rags? Would this type of life eventually rip them apart?

  The questions whirled through his mind. He pulled up and found Mia on the porch, waiting for him. “Where’s Alyssa?” he asked.

  “Upstairs with Chloe. I think they’re having a heart-to-heart. How bad is it?”

  He rubbed his head and climbed the steps. “Bad. She’s running a picture of Alyssa and me.”

  “Were you naked?”

  He groaned. “No, we were hugging.”

  Mia chewed on her bottom lip. “Can it be spun?”

  “No, it’s obvious we’re intimate.”

  “Then we go big. Blow it up ourselves. Shout it to the world. You don’t want to be in the literal closet anymore, Jonathan. I say we take the risk, and you both tell the public to stick it. I just got off the phone with Bob, and he agrees completely.”

  He sank into the chair beside her. “That’s a pretty big risk, Mia. I don’t know if Alyssa is ready for something like this so soon.” He muttered a curse. “Damnit, if I only had more time. We had a plan.”

  “Well, in politics and social media, we always need a plan A, B, and C. When does it run?”

  “Tomorrow morning.”

  “With a story? Did you give her a comment?”


  “Good. We’ll do our own piece.”

  “Mia, I don’t know if this is going to work.”

  “I’m a master, I thought you had more faith in me. And no one screws with Bob, he’s a magician.”

  He shook his head. “Not you or Bob. Alyssa. I don’t know if she can handle this with me.”

  The words made his gut clench, but admitting his fear to Mia eased some of the tension. She gave a sigh and reached over, taking his hand. “I get it. I had a talk with her yesterday because it was obvious you two were gaga over each other. It’s not an easy life you’re offering, Jonathan, but I think with you at her side, she can handle anything. She’s stronger than she thinks.”

  He gave a half-laugh. “You can’t help who you love, can you?”

  Her face softened. “Nope. But that’s why life is never boring. It gives us these tiny surprises that make all the hard stuff worth it.”

  “She’s worth everything.”

  She smiled at him and squeezed his hand. “I bet she feels the same way about you. Why don’t you go find out?”

  He nodded, then went to find Alyssa.

  * * * *

  “You’re in love with my dad?”

  Her heart beat frantically against her chest, but Alyssa held her gaze. She prayed the slight shock would pass and be replaced by happiness, but she had to prepare for the worst. Chloe had lost her mother—the great love of her life—and she might still be possessive over sharing Jonathan with anyone.

  But Alyssa knew she had one course left. She loved the man with her heart and soul, and his passion was politics. So was hers. She could stop being so damn afraid and step into the spotlight, standing beside him, or she could break it off and scramble back to her hiding place.

  She was tired of being alone. This weekend had taught her about family and friends and how relationships made her feel strong. Why should she settle for anything less than a great love—no matter what the obstacles?

  “Yeah, I am. I have been for a while, but it took me time to come to terms. Plus, it was confusing because we were working together, and your dad and I always respected our professional relationship. He was going to tell you, but I feel woman to woman, you deserve to know how I feel directly from me.”

  She didn’t want to overstep, but it was important for Chloe to hear it from her.

  A gamut of emotions flickered over the young girl’s face. Then a slow smile spread across her lips, and she let out a sound of joy. “I knew it! Dad always acted different with you, and he’s been so stubborn about dating, I should have suspected. I’m so happy, Alyssa. I couldn’t have found someone better for Dad to love.”

  Emotion choked her throat as Chloe hugged her, and tears burned her eyes. Sweet relief poured through her body. “Thank you,” she whispered. “That means everything to me. I’m pretty much just as crazy about you.”

  Chloe laughed and wiped at her eyes. “Ditto. What are you going to do? Announce it to the press? Keep it quiet for a while?”

  She sighed. “Your dad just found out a picture was taken of us on the farm. I think it’s going to be leaked to the press.”

  “What? Damn those vultures. We had a tight team trying to keep this weekend private!”

  “I know, but this is something we’ll be struggling with, especially when he becomes governor. We just have to deal with it.”

  “Mia will know what to do,” Chloe said confidently. “Let’s go talk to her.”

  “We will, but first, I have to check in with your dad. He was going to meet with the photographer to see if he could squash it first.”

  A tap on the door interrupted them. Jonathan stepped in, his face weary, and offered a tired smile. “Hey, ladies. Chloe, do you think I can speak to Alyssa for a few minutes alone?”

  “Sure, Dad.”

  Alyssa stood from the bed to face him. The door shut quietly, and he began to pace. She wished she had an extra stress ball to toss him. “It was Diana. The picture shows us hugging, but it’s pretty obvious we have feelings for each other. Mia had an idea, but it’s a risk. She wants to announce it to the public on our own and hold a press conference. Get ahead of it. Bob agrees with that plan. But there’s another choice.”


p; He avoided her gaze. “We can deny. Say we’ve been close friends—like family—and I was comforting you. There’s still time for you to decide, Alyssa. The reality is, my life is lived in the spotlight. I know we can work within those borders to carve out private time, and once the buzz dies down, the press will move on to another story. Do I think you’ll take some heat on the job? Yeah, I’m not going to lie. But I’ll back you up, and we have a hell of a team that will support us, who doesn’t give a crap that we’re personally involved.”

  Everything inside of her stilled. An awful fear gripped her insides and took hold. Did he want to go back to the way things were? Had all of her protests finally taken hold, so he doubted she had the strength to be his partner? Did he regret saying he loved her last night?

  Her throat dried up, but she pushed the words out. “Are you saying you want to deny our relationship?”

  He stopped pacing. His piercing blue gaze locked with hers, and in those jeweled depths, she saw the truth. There was male temper there. Regret. Determination.

  And love.

  “Hell, no. But I love you, and I understand if this is too much. I’m saying I can still find a way out because if we go down this road, it’s going to be messy. I need to know you’re prepared and want to do it. I need to know—”

  His voice broke off. Hope tore at her at the naked vulnerability carved on his features. “Need to know what, Jonathan?” she asked softly.

  “I need to know if you think I’m worth this.”

  Her heart shattered. She knew years later, she’d pin this moment as the one that’d changed her life. In the barn, they’d made love, declaring their emotions privately to each other. But announcing it to the world in the bright glare of day was a leap of faith, trust, a declaration that forced them both to make a choice.

  God, she was so happy he’d waited for her.

  “Did you ever read The Symposium by Plato?” she asked.

  He blinked. “Umm, yeah. In college. Not that I remember much.”

  “Plato asserts that all humans began as whole, hermaphroditic beings with four hands, four legs, four ears, and two identical faces on one head. A strange fusion of male and female. And these beings were quite powerful. Did you know that?”

  He cocked his head, suddenly listening intently. “No. Go on.”

  “Well, they attacked the gods, so Zeus decided to humble these beings without completely destroying them. He split them in two—men and women. And in doing so, he created the desire of human beings to endlessly search for the other half of themselves in order to feel whole again. Finding that other part of yourself is love.”

  Slowly, she crossed the room and stood in front of him. She tipped her head back and reached out, her palm cupping his hard cheek. “You’re the one who makes me feel whole. And I don’t intend to give that up for anything.”

  A heartbreaking smile curved his lips, and then he was leaning down and kissing her, holding her tight against him. “I’m crazy about you, Alyssa Block. And I can’t wait to stand in front of those cameras and declare you as my partner in all ways.”

  “I spoke with Chloe and told her I loved you,” she said in between kisses. “She’s thrilled.”

  “Told you. Now, let’s get to Mia and plan our strategy to take on the world.”

  “Let’s start with New York State and work our way up.”

  He pressed his forehead to hers and laughed, and she laughed with him.


  One year later

  She raised her champagne glass and tipped it to his. The slight clink had a merry sound that went perfectly with the roaring fire in the background. After endless parties, crowds, and excited meetings for the past few days, it was nice to finally enjoy some quiet time to truly celebrate.

  Jonathan Lake was now the newly elected governor of New York.

  She studied his bare-chested form, sprawled out on the rug in front of the fireplace. Hair tousled, gleaming blue-black in the flickering light, golden skin stretched over glorious muscles. He was propped up on his elbow, a satisfied grin on his face. Her belly dipped, and once again, she had to remind herself that he was all hers. Every delicious, masculine inch of him.

  “Have I told you lately I think you’re hot?” she asked curiously.

  A low laugh rumbled in his chest. Her gaze raked over tight abs and the dark line that arrowed straight down to disappear under his jeans. She’d never thought of herself as a sexual person, but when he was near, her body practically lit up on command.

  All the time.

  “I think you showed me perfectly last night,” he drawled, those ocean-blue eyes glinting with hunger. “But we can do it again.”

  She smiled and lay down next to him, taking his hand. “Nope, you do the work tonight. I’m exhausted.”

  He laughed and pressed a kiss to her lips. “Me, too. Been a hell of a week.”

  “Hell of a year. But we did it.” She stroked his cheek. “Not without some mishaps, but I knew we’d get to this point.”

  “You always believed in me,” he said softly. “Even from the beginning.”

  “Because I always knew the type of man you were. New York is lucky to have you, Mr. Governor. I spoke with Chloe—I told her we’d be at the farm for Thanksgiving again.”

  “Good. I can spend Wednesday at the soup kitchen. Want to join me?”

  “Of course.” They sipped their champagne, and Alyssa savored the quiet. It had been touch and go for a while after they announced their relationship to the press, but Mia and her team had spun every story to emphasize a growing love between them that couldn’t be denied any longer. Television ate it up, and though they had some pushback from some women believing Jonathan had used his position to force a romance, the majority of the voters came out in droves to support. She’d taken some coaching classes from Mia on dealing with the press better and gained confidence as the months passed and she dove into the election run. In the end, Alyssa had proven to herself that she was stronger than she believed and could hold her own in the public eye.

  Chloe had blossomed into the new hot topic when she made an announcement defending their romance, stating that her father deserved a woman to love again. She was dubbed the darling of the press, attractive and passionate on issues, just like her father, and now had to deal with the spotlight. Jonathan hated it, but she’d watched Chloe grow this past year into a woman of her own.

  It was too bad Owen was still a sore spot, but Alyssa was hopeful she’d finally meet a man to help her move on.

  “Are you ready for our next challenge?” he asked, snagging her wrist and pressing a kiss to her palm.

  “Of course. You were meant to be governor, and I can’t wait to help you.”

  “Not talking about that. Talking about being my wife.” Her ring flashed, a simple emerald cut that was elegant but not overwhelming. She was guilty of peeking at it constantly throughout the day, the symbol of a new life for them.

  “Got it covered. Chloe and Mia will help me with the planning. We should delay a honeymoon until you’re settled in first.”

  He nipped at her palm, then swiped his tongue across the sensitive flesh. She shivered. “Did you know everyone has a unique tongue print just like fingerprints?”

  He put the glass down and slowly pushed her onto her back. A sexy smile settled on his lips. “No, but did you know the clitoris has eight thousand nerve fibers to help a woman achieve orgasm?”

  She blinked. “That many, huh?”

  He laughed, sliding his leg between her thighs. “Yep. Some facts need testing, though.” He lowered his head, and she moaned, her body melting under his touch.

  Much later, she collapsed beside him, boneless. He’d attacked the job with precision, determination, and complete success.

  Yes, he was going to be an extremely thorough governor.

  The End

  * * * *

  Also from 1001 Dark Nights and Jennifer Probst, discover The Marriage Arrangement, Somehow, Some Way
and Searching for Mine.

  * * * *

  Curious about Chloe and Owen’s story? Stay tuned for the next installment in the STAY series! Here’s a peek:

  Begin Again

  A Stay Novella

  By Jennifer Probst

  Coming July 28, 2020

  Click here to purchase.

  Chloe Lake is finally living her dream. As the daughter of the Governor, she’s consistently in the spotlight, and after being dubbed the Most Eligible Bachelorette of NYC, both her career and personal life has exploded. Fortunately, her work as an advocate for animal welfare requires constant publicity and funding, so she embraces her role and plays for the camera—anything for the sake of her beloved rescues.

  But when a big case is on the line, she’s faced with the one obstacle she never counted on: the boy who broke her heart is back, and in order to gain justice, they need to work together.

  Chloe swears she can handle it until old feelings resurface, and she’s faced with a heartbreaking choice.

  Will this time end differently—or are they destined to be only each other’s first love—instead of forever?

  Owen Salt fell hard for Chloe when he was a screwed-up kid in college, and spent the next years changing himself into the man his grandfather believed he was capable of. But when his career led him across the country, he knew he needed to leave the woman he loved behind. He’s never forgotten her, but as the new darling of the press, now, she’s way out of his league. When work brings him back to fight for justice by her side, he swears he can handle it.

  But he’s never really gotten over his first love—and he wants one more opportunity to prove he’s a man who’s worthy.

  Can Owen convince the woman who holds his heart to take a second chance on forever—or is it too late for them both?

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