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Dancing Hearts

Page 6

by Heather Dahlgren

  “Alright my eye-fucking friend. Let’s go finish listening to Wicked Union. Seriously Ro, they are fantastic I-would-see-them-in-concert good.” She agrees and we make our way back into the scary hallway. She is a few steps in front of me, which is not making me happy. Just as I open my mouth to yell for her, a hand touches my arm. I scream bloody murder, and throw my elbow back hitting the toucher.

  “Emma, what the fuck!” Rowan yells when I try to run past her. She grabs my arm, much harder than the toucher did. “Emma, fucking relax. You just elbowed Cooper in the stomach, you crazy bitch.” It takes a second for what she said to sink in. I spin around to see Cooper holding his stomach. Oh fuck me. I slowly walk toward him, because I don’t know what he is thinking. I stop a few steps away from him and he looks down at me.

  “Oh my God, I’m so sorry, Cooper. You scared me. Did I hurt you?” He starts to laugh and for just a second I want to elbow him again. Just to prove I can hurt him.

  “Yea that fucking hurt. Shit, you might be a tiny thing, but you can hit.” He pulls me in for a hug, and I melt into his arms. “I’m sorry I scared you, doll.” I pull back and smile up at him.

  “I’m sorry I hurt you. I was just telling Rowan how this hallway creeps me out and when you touched me, I just over reacted.” I feel the rumble of his laugh from his chest.

  “Well, no one can say you don’t know how to protect yourself, that’s for damn sure. I guess you’re right, I should invest in a few lights for this hallway.”

  “Ya think?” We both laugh and it feels so good being in his arms, that I don’t give a shit about being in the creepy hallway anymore.

  “I actually came looking for you for a reason. Wicked Union is almost done playing, and Levi, Ryder, and Hunter just came. Levi said he would cover for me so I could take a little break. I would like to show you my apartment, if you are good with that.” Does he really think he needs to ask? I’m practically exploding with sexual tension, and maybe, just maybe, he could help with that. It is after all his fault.

  AFTER SHE AGREED TO COME back to my place, I wanted to throw her against the wall and have my way with her. Of course, a group of people happen to be coming down the hall just then. Unfuckingreal. Every time I get my arms around her, someone is interrupting. That’s exactly what I told Levi and he said he’d cover for me. This is why he is my best friend; he’s always got my back.

  Emma and I walk back to the bar to wait for Wicked Union to finish up. I need to thank them and give them some money. I can’t afford to pay the bands a lot, but I give them what I can. Most of them are just grateful for the exposure, so they don’t care. I knew Emma would like Wicked Union. They have such a great sound, and I knew she would appreciate it as much as I do.

  Once we make it to the bar, I’m happy to see Rowan hanging out with the guys, Roy included. I laugh to myself because with the way he was looking at her, I wouldn’t be surprised if they end up having breakfast tomorrow morning. I wrap my arms around Emma from behind, and she turns her head to smile at me. Every fucking time she smiles, my heart races. A short break is not nearly enough time with her, but I’ll take what I can get.

  “Thanks ya’ll for being a great crowd as always. We have one last song; it is our newest original, By Your Side. Hope ya’ll like it.” We all turn to watch them play their last song. As soon as the sticks hit the drums, I smile. The bass and guitar join in playing a fast beat that I can feel pumping through me. Once Steve, the lead singer, starts with the vocals, I feel Emma start to dance in my arms. Christ, the way she gets my dick’s attention is ridiculous. I look over my shoulder to make sure Roy doesn’t need help, but it has slowed down a bit and he is talking with Rowan. I turn my attention back toward the stage and Emma rubbing her sweet ass on me. I know she can feel my cock pressing against her, and I don’t give a shit, I want her to know what she does to me. I pull her closer to me and rub my thumbs on her stomach. We start to slowly move together, similar to how we danced last night. I bend my head and lick the shell of her ear.

  “I’ve never wanted someone as badly as I want you, Emma. And believe me that is not just a line of bullshit.” I push my rock-hard cock against her again, just to make my point. She throws her arms around my neck, and I bend because she is so short I know she is straining to reach. She turns her head and our mouths collide. It is an aggressive kiss, a kiss that tells me she wants me as badly as I want her.

  “Wow, can’t save that shit for the bedroom.” Emma pulls away from me so quickly that I still have my damn tongue out like a fucking cat. I turn my head not at all wanting to see this bitch, but I need to tell her to go to hell. It’s Shelly, my ex. She loves to show up at the bar to either rub it in my face she is with someone or make a scene when I am. Before I can even get a word out, Levi is right there.

  “I didn’t know you were allowed to leave the corner so early.” Fucking Levi, he’s just going to make this worse.

  “Enough, Levi. Shelly, what do you want?” As soon as I speak, Emma tenses in my arms. I squeeze her to try to reassure her that she has nothing to worry about. The only thing this bitch Shelly, does to me is piss me off. She reaches her hand over and runs her finger down along my tattoos. She used to do that when we were together. I loved it then and I hate it now. I pull my arm away which also makes me lose my hold on Emma. She looks up at me with hurt clear in her eyes. I try to grab her arm, but she moves to stand next to Rowan. Now I’m really fucking pissed. I turn to face Shelly and she’s got a smug grin on her face. “Get. The. Fuck. Out. Of. My. Bar,” I say slowly and methodically, hoping she realizes how serious I am.

  “You don’t mean that. Why don’t you let me rub the tension out of those sexy arms?” She goes to reach for me and I take a step back. She gives me that pouty face, and I can’t believe at one time I was attracted to her.

  “Oh, I mean every word of it. If you do not leave, I will call the cops and have you removed. I’m done with you trying to fuck with my life every time you get bored. I have a bar to run. So leave. NOW!” I’ve never been so nasty to her before, but if she just fucked up what I’m trying to do with Emma, and I don’t just mean sex, I’m really going to lose my shit. She starts backing away from the bar with a hurt look on her face.

  “Fuck you, Cooper. I’m sure she can’t suck your dick like I can.” I feel a knock in my back and turn to see Hunter holding Rowan back. Shit.

  “GET. OUT,” I boom, and everyone in hearing distance turns to look. I am nothing but professional when I’m working. Shouting at someone is completely out of character for me. She turns on her heel and pushes her way through the crowd.

  “Na, Na, Na, Na … Na, Na, Na, Na … Hey, hey, hey … goodbye!” I turn when I hear the guys singing it. I laugh when Levi adds, “Bitch.” I look over at Emma and she has her eyes trained on me. I start to make my way to her to explain when I hear, “Thank you all again. You were a fucking awesome crowd. Until next time.” Fuck! I need to go to the band.

  “Boss?” I turn to look at Roy. “I’m sorry man, but we’ve got a small problem.” Holy shit, is this for real? I push my way through my friends and Rowan to grab Emma’s face. I lean down to her ear so only she can hear me.

  “Please, don’t leave. I need to take care of a few things, then I want to talk to you. Please.” I pull back and I can see the uncertainty on her face. I quickly press my lips to hers. “Please.” I breathe against them. I haven’t even gotten her, and I’m terrified I’m going to lose her. I just want the chance to get to know her.

  “Boss!” Fuck, fuck, fuck. I pull back and look at her. She gives me a small nod, and I breathe a sigh of relief. I don’t think I’ve got much time before she decides this is too much to handle. I rush behind the bar to help Roy with a customer who thinks that she was over charged. It gets rough like this the later it gets. They get drunk and try to argue about bullshit. I finally convince her that she hasn’t been over charged and she pays happily. That’s one thing I’m good at, dealing with the women. I’m not conceit
ed, but I know I’m a good-looking guy and that the women love my tattoos. Plus, if I talk in my low voice, they seem to really be affected by it. I use it when I need too. I rush over to pay Steve and the guys.

  “Steve, you guys were fucking awesome as always. Thanks for playing.” He gives me a hug.

  “Man, we love playing here; it was our pleasure. I’ll give you a call to schedule again soon.” I give him the money.

  “It’s not much, I wish I could do more. You guys deserve a hell of a lot more.” He waves it off while the guys are packing up the rest of their equipment.

  “Like I said, we love playing here.” We bullshit a while longer until the guys are finished.

  “Thanks guys, you all kicked ass.” They all thank me and start to head out to pack up the truck. I’m sure they will stick around for a while and take home a few chicks, but I need to get back to Emma. I’ve taken more time then I wanted to. I make my way through the crowd, trying to avoid the chicks trying to come on to me. They are rubbing their tits on me, grabbing my ass, and trying to get in my way. I try to nicely make my way around them. I don’t want to lose customers but I don’t want Emma to think I’m some kind of bar pimp either.

  I finally make my way back to the bar and I don’t see Emma or Rowan. I close my eyes tightly and clench my fists. I take a deep breath and make my way to the guys. Levi is helping Roy and I nod my head at him. He returns it and I turn to Hunter. “Emma left?” I know I sound like a desperate pussy, but there is just something about her. He throws back the rest of his beer before looking over at me.

  “Relax, man. They just went to the bathroom. I think you need to get laid. You are wound up tight.” I punch him in the arm and go around the bar to grab a water. As I am chugging it, I see Emma and Rowan coming back from the bathroom. She is smiling again and it makes me happy. Maybe this night isn’t completely ruined. Once she reaches the bar, I lean over and move her hair to the side.

  “You still want to come upstairs for a little bit?” She turns her head with that smile still in place.

  “Sure.” Thank God. I make my way to her and grab her hand in mine, leading her to the back so we can finally get a little bit of alone time. We make it upstairs and we are standing in front of my door. I turn to pull her to me. I’m just holding her in a protective hug. It feels so damn good when she is in my arms. I finally kiss her head and pull back.

  “It’s not much, but its home,” I say as I push the key into the lock. I open the door wide for her to walk in. She walks past me, so I close the door behind us, flipping on the lights. I always leave one on so I don’t walk into a dark apartment. She is looking around taking it all in. I come up behind her and wrap my arms around her. “This is it. There are two bedrooms and two bathrooms down that hallway. The kitchen is to the right, and obviously, this is the living room. Why don’t we sit on the couch?” I move, grabbing her hand and leading her to the couch. I want to explain Shelly.

  “Cooper, this is stunning. I’ll be honest I expected it to look like the bar. This is great.” I give her a grin. I do love my apartment. It was a shithole before I moved in here. When I renovated the bar, I also had them renovate this. I’ve got huge windows in the living room that lead out to a deck. I went for a modern feel. Every wall is a light gray and my furniture is black. I have framed posters of various instruments hanging on the wall. The kitchen has granite counters, stainless steel appliances, and dark gray cabinets. My bedroom is the same light gray with dark wood furniture. Levi painted a mural above my bed of my guitar from my dad and some of my favorite song lyrics. “Listen, Cooper.” Emma pulls me back to the present.

  “Emma, please let me explain what happened downstairs. That girl Shelly, she is an ex-girlfriend. It ended badly. She didn’t like how much of my time was taken up by the bar and my mom. She comes into the bar every once in a while trying to start shit. Tonight, she was completely out of line. I’m sorry.” She turns to face me and grabs my hand.

  “Thank you for explaining all of that. You didn’t have to, but I really appreciate it.” I lean forward and kiss her soft lips.

  “Yes, I did need to explain it all. Look Emma, I don’t know what we are doing here, but I know that I really like you. I’d like to see you again.” This time she presses her lips to mine. I take full advantage; once our tongues meet, it is frantic. She moans and I swallow it down. I grab her hips lifting her to straddle me. She grabs onto my hair while I knead her ass. Once she begins to rub her pussy against me, I can’t take it. I could come just from her doing this. I run my hands up until they reach her tits. I cup them and rub my thumbs over her hard nipples.

  “Oh yes.” She moans out, spurring me on. I grab the bottom of her shirt and break our frantic kissing to pull it over her head. She has on a pink and black bra--it is the sexiest thing I have ever seen. I lean forward and bite on her nipples through the bra. “Shit.” She bucks against me, so I do it again. She rubs her pussy on me again. I begin to think about how wet it probably is, only to make my dick painfully hard.

  “Emma, we don’t have to have sex, but I need to taste you.” She lets out a soft whimper and I stand holding her. She is so tiny that I could fucking carry her around all day. She wraps her legs around me, and her hands are still fisted in my hair. She begins kissing and licking my neck, so I pick up my pace to the bedroom. We get inside and I gently lay her down on the bed. She looks so small in my king-size bed, but fuck she looks hot. I reach over and carefully pull her shorts down her legs. I see her for the first time in just her bra and matching panties. She is fucking stunning. I pull my shirt over my head, dropping it on the floor. I climb onto the bed watching her face the entire time. She is letting her eyes dance all over my body and I love that she is. I situate myself on top of her, keeping all my weight on my arms that are now on either side of her head. “You are fucking beautiful.” I don’t give her time to respond. I capture her mouth kissing her softly. I pull back to look at her, and I see the desire on her face. She is running her hands up and down my back, and holy shit, it is turning me on more.

  “You’re incredible yourself.” I give her a wink then lean forward to taste her skin. I’m positioned between her legs, and she keeps rubbing her pussy against my cock. Fuck, I wish I had all night with her. I decide to make the small time I have with her worth it. I begin kissing down her neck to the swell of her breasts. I can see her chest rising and falling rapidly causing her breasts to push up. I am kissing and licking her breasts, loving the way her nipples are poking through her bra. I nip each one, causing her to moan and arch her back. She is now sinking her nails into my shoulders, and I fucking love it … I hope she marks me. I look up at her, noticing she has her head thrown back, her hair is spread out on my pillow, and her chest is flushed. Fucking hot.

  “I’m going to take this off of you alright, doll?” She lifts her head to look at me, and I see it is just as flushed as her chest and she is biting her bottom lip.

  “God yes, please.” Fuck, when she begs it makes me want to slam into her tight pussy, instead I reach behind her unclasping her bra. I run my hands up her arms, slowly pulling the straps down until her heavy breasts spill out. I lick my lips looking at the perfect mounds in front of me. Her rosy pink nipples are pebbled, begging for me to touch them.

  “Fuck, Emma.” I lean forward sucking one nipple into my mouth while I tweak the other. Again, she arches her back toward me, releasing a loud moan. I can’t take going slow anymore. I am franticly sucking, licking, and nipping at her tits. I want to leave at least one love-bite mark on her so when she looks at her tits she will think of me. The harder I suck, the harder she digs her nails into my shoulders. Satisfied I’ve left her marked, I move further down to her stomach. Her skin is so damn soft and smooth. I’m rubbing my hands all over her from her neck down over her breasts to her stomach, while I kiss right above where her panties start. She’s moved her hands to my hair and is moaning softly. I can smell her arousal which makes my already painfully hard cock twitc
h in my pants. I need to touch and taste her tight pussy. I want her to come while my tongue is inside of her. I hook my fingers into her panties but look up to seek permission. “Emma?” This time she doesn’t lift her head which is thrown back, but she lifts her ass off the bed.

  “Fuck yes,” she whispers breathily. I waste no time pulling them down her legs. She lets her legs fall apart, and holy fuck, I’ve never in my life wanted to taste a woman so badly. I can clearly see her arousal glistening in my dimly lit room. I look up at her as I run my fingers through her dripping folds. “Oh fuck, Cooper,” she shouts as I spread the juices of her arousal all over her pussy.

  “Holy shit, Emma, you are fucking perfect. You are beautiful, your body is flawless, and your tight pussy is so wet. I’m going to taste you now.” She has my comforter fisted in each hand and she lifts her pussy toward my face. I pin her hips down, pushing her legs further apart. I bend and lick her from her ass up to her sensitive nub. She moans and rubs her sweet, wet pussy on my face. I growl and attack her. I am lapping at her like she is my final drink as she continues rubbing against my face. I bring one hand down and slowly push a finger inside of her.

  “Ohhh,” she moans and I add another finger. Her tight pussy clamps around my fingers holding them in place. I can’t believe how fucking tight she is. I lick at her clit lightly to try to get her muscles to relax a bit. They do just that and I begin to finger fuck her. “Fuck. Oh Cooper, it feels so good.” I pull back slightly to watch. My fingers sinking into her, being covered in her essence is more than I can take. I lean forward, suck her bundle of nerves into my mouth and bend my fingers searching for her sweet spot. It doesn’t take long before I find it. I flatten my tongue against her clit and she explodes around my fingers. I pull them out and replace them with my tongue. Holy fuck, she is sweet as honey. She is moaning my name while she rides out the aftershocks of her orgasm with my tongue still inside her. I finally pull my tongue out and lick her sweet pussy clean. I’m kissing a path up her sexy as hell body until I am once again hovering over her face. She has her eyes closed, biting her lip so hard I’m afraid she is going to break skin. I lean forward and lick at her bottom lip until she releases it. I suck it into my mouth to try and soothe it. I release her lip, looking into her shining blue eyes.


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