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Dancing Hearts

Page 13

by Heather Dahlgren

  “My head hurts.” That’s the truth. Between her pulling my hair and me hitting it when I fell, it is killing me. I’m sure my crying before and after isn’t helping. He leans over, turning off the tub. It is such a beautiful bathroom. It is twice the size of mine and the tub is enormous.

  “Stand up, doll.” I do and he pulls my panties off. “Climb in the tub.” I start to lift one leg and he wraps his arm around my waist. “Careful. Let me help.” He ever so gently sets me in the tub. The water feels fabulous. I close my eyes against my aching head and the warmth of the water enveloping me. Cooper startles me when he climbs in behind me. “Sit forward, doll. I’m going to take care of everything.” He climbs behind me situating me between his legs with my back pressed against his solid chest. He grabs a washcloth and applies his soap to it. Without a word spoken between us, he begins washing me. He gently washes my arms and legs. He applies more soap before washing my chest and moving down to my breasts. He slowly washes them before continuing down to my stomach. “Sit forward a little, doll.” I do, and he moves my hair then washes my back. “Okay, lie back.” Every time he speaks, it is softly, gently. It is making me realize what an unbelievable ass I am for believing Shelly to begin with. He takes the washcloth and begins to wash between my legs. There is absolutely nothing sexual about the way he is washing me. He is caring for me and it is my undoing. The tears start slowly and silently, but a sob I didn’t expect rips out of me. “Oh Emma, talk to me.” He is running his hands up and down my arms soothingly while nuzzling the side of my head.

  “It’s my fault. All of this. Shelly came to my apartment and told me that you guys were still together. That you spent your days with me but your nights with her. She knew things, private things, and I believed her. I’m so sorry, Cooper. I’m sorry I caused this scene in your bar, that you are missing work because of me, all because of my insecurities.” I am full-blown crying hysterically now. Never once does he stop the soothing rubbing of my arms.

  “Doll, you have nothing to apologize for. You did what you thought you needed to do. You did not cause this to happen. Shelly is a twisted bitch that is always trying to fuck with me. You have absolutely every right to have insecurities after what that asshole did to you, but I’ve already told you this and I need you to believe me. I will never, ever, cheat on you. You need to believe me, doll, or this will never work. As far as being sorry that I am here taking care of you instead of at the bar, that is absurd. In the short amount of time that we’ve known each other, you’ve become very important to me. I will always take care of you, I promise you that.” I turn my head so that my lips meet his. He is usually the one to initiate, so when I lick the seam of his lips seeking permission, he growls before our tongues meet. I hope that I am able to express to him with this kiss just how sorry I am and just how much he means to me. He breaks the kiss and smiles at me. He kisses my nose before running his hand down my face. We are lost in each other’s gaze. “I need to finish washing you, doll. I still need to wash your hair, so I need you to put your head back a bit.” This man is beyond perfection. No one has ever treated me like this, with such tender loving care. I put my head back and he dumps water on it until it is thoroughly wet. He then applies the shampoo.

  “Ouch.” He stops immediately.

  “Shit, I’m sorry. Where does it hurt? Point to it for me.”

  “It is the entire back of my head, here.” I point to where it hurts. He starts moving hair out of the way trying to check for injuries.

  “I can’t see with all this soap. I’m going to have to rinse it. I’ll do it really carefully. Let me know if it hurts.” I put my head back and he rinses all the shampoo out without causing me any pain. Once it is all out, he has me put my head down so he can see easier. “Aww doll, it is all red and I can see a small bump from where you hit your head. Let’s get you out of here. I’m going to feed you and get you some ibuprofen.” He kisses my head and climbs out of the tub. I can’t help but ogle him. His perfectly painted, muscular body is like looking at a beautiful piece of art. His tight ass and that incredibly large cock make me want to pay them the attention they deserve. I’m broken out of my trance when he chuckles. “Doll, this is not the time.” I smile up at him while he wraps a towel around his waist. He lifts me from the tub, wrapping me in a soft white towel. Just as gentle as he has been all night, he dries me off. He carefully dries my hair as well. When he is satisfied, he wraps the towel around me. I smile at him.

  “Thank you.” He quickly kisses me.

  “You never need to thank me for taking care of you. Now let’s get you in something comfortable, so I can feed you.” He scoops me up and I laugh.

  “I can walk, Cooper.” He winks at me but doesn’t say a word. I’ll admit being pressed against his bare chest feels amazing. He carries me into his bedroom and sits me down on the bed. He walks over to his dresser and pulls out a shirt and two pairs of boxers. He drops his towel and pulls on a pair then a pair of blue plaid pajama pants. He makes his way back to me. “I know this stuff will be enormous on you, but at least it will be comfortable.” He squats in front of me and pulls the boxers up my legs. I lift my ass so he can pull them all the way on. He removes my towel and very carefully places the shirt over my head. He takes my hands to help me stand. We both laugh because I am swimming in his shirt. It is past my knees and falling off my shoulder. I reach under and roll the top of the boxers so that they fit a bit better.

  “This is a new look.” He lifts me up and carries me to the living room.

  “I like seeing you in my shirt, doll.” He sits down with me in his lap. “Alright, what do you want to eat? I don’t have much here, but I can run out real quick.” I think for minute.

  “Mmmm … how about pepperoni pizza?” I’m rewarded with his smile.

  “You got it.” He lifts me off of him, placing me on the couch. “I just want you to take some medicine before I leave. Hang tight.” He goes to the bathroom before grabbing a bottle of water out of the fridge. He hands me the pills and water. I swallow them down and chug the water.

  “Thank you.” He kisses my lips and my forehead.

  “I’ll be back in twenty minutes. Here is the remote, watch whatever you want. I’ll lock the door behind me. Don’t open it for anyone. I have a key. Please just relax.” He goes to shove his wallet in his pants when he realizes he has pajama pants on. “Shit. I should change.” I giggle at him while he rushes off to the bedroom. I turn the TV on and curl my feet under me. I flip through the channels and end up stopping on FRIENDS. I fucking love this show. Cooper comes out of the bedroom looking sexy as sin with a blue T-shirt on and a pair of worn-in jeans. He looks at the TV then over to me with his eyebrows raised.

  “What? FRIENDS is the fucking bomb.” He chuckles while he pushes his wallet and phone into his pockets.

  “If you say so. Alright, I’m going to get pizza. Please don’t open this door for anyone. I’ll be right back.” He comes over to press a quick kiss to my lips. He pulls back just staring at me, waiting for a reply, I assume.

  “Okay, I promise I won’t open the door. Don’t worry about me, Cooper, I’ll be fine.” He shakes his head as he stands up.

  “Doll, I will always worry about you.” He walks to the door. “I’ll be right back,” he tosses over his shoulder before leaving and locking the door behind him. I settle back and laugh at this episode of FRIENDS as if it was the first time I saw it.

  Before I know it, Cooper is coming back in the front door. “Honey, I’m home.” Even though he is joking, it makes butterflies swim around in my stomach at the idea of him coming home to me at night. He puts the pizza in the kitchen, so I start to get up off the couch to help him. He comes into the living room shaking his head. “Sit your ass down. I’ve got this.” I laugh, but do as he asks. “I got a pepperoni pie and an antipasto, plus soda. So just tell me what you want and we’ll eat in front of the TV.”

  “I’ll have a slice of pizza with a little antipasto. Oh, and a glass of soda
. Thank you.” He nods at me before going back to the kitchen to get our food. Once we are both settled on the couch, we dig in. Holy shit, it tastes amazing. I don’t know if it’s because I am so hungry or if it really is that good. Either way, I can’t help the moan I let out. Cooper swings his head toward me and I laugh. “Sorry. This is just so good.” We enjoy our food while watching FRIENDS and I can’t believe how this night has turned around. I never would have thought when that crazy bitch had me pinned to the floor that I would be sitting here enjoying the night with Cooper.

  We finish eating and I give Cooper the remote to find something else to watch. I love that show, but I know he is just watching it to be nice. After a bit of pushing on my part, he finally flips on some tattoo show. “Come here.” He guides me over to him and has me lay my head in his lap. He is gently stroking my head and my eyes begin to feel heavy.

  Next thing I know, I am being laid in his bed. I open my eyes and look into his tender ones. “Go back to sleep, doll. I’ll be in in a few minutes,” he whispers while pulling the comforter over me. I’m so exhausted I just close my eyes and drift back to sleep.

  I wake up and it takes a minute for me to realize where I am. Once I remember I am in Cooper’s bed, I notice that I am completely enveloped in him. His front is pressed against my back. His leg is draped over mine, and his arm is wrapped snuggly around my waist keeping me close. I can feel his soft breathing on my neck and it is the happiest I have woken up in, well, probably ever. I smile and rest my hand onto one of his. I glance at the clock and bolt up completely knocking Cooper off of me. “Shit!” I’m frantically trying to untangle myself from the covers when I feel him place his hand on my shoulder. I spin my head around to look at him, and momentarily, I am stunned by the sight I see--sexy as hell Cooper with his hair completely disheveled, his eyes tired with sleep, and his panty-soaking chest on full display.

  “What’s the matter, Emma? Are you in pain?” I can’t help but smile. He is so fucking sweet.

  “No, I’m not in pain, Cooper. I’m late for work. I need to go; thank you for last night.” I go to climb out of bed, but he yanks me back and leans over so his face is hovering over mine. He has a brilliant sleepy smile on his face while he moves the hair off my face.

  “Emma, do you really think that I wouldn’t take care of everything for you? I called Terry for you. I told her you would be out the next two days while you recover from last night. She was completely understanding.” This man is so full of surprises. How can one person be so considerate, caring, and understanding? Not to mention, romantic, alpha, and sexy as hell.

  “Thank you, Cooper. I would have been fine to go in today though.” I smile at him as my hands find their way to his shoulders. He kisses my nose and chuckles.

  “I wanted to be sure, doll.” This time he kisses me and it is starting to do things to me. The longer he kisses me, the more turned on I am becoming. We break away to catch our breath, and I run my hands up and down his colorful arms. “This is the best way to wake up, that’s for damn sure. I like having you in my bed, in my arms.”

  “Cowboy, I feel the same. Last night, although started out shitty as hell, was amazing. No one has ever cared for me the way you did. You made me feel cherished.” I feel myself blush with my confession. He kisses me gently before laying down and guiding me to the crook of his arm. He sighs before he kisses my head.

  “Emma, when I saw Shelly on top of you last night it was like a fucking nightmare. I felt like I had let you down by not being there to protect you.” I go to interrupt him, but he places a finger over my mouth. “Let me finish. Never in my life have I felt like I feel about you. You have quickly become very important to me, and I protect what is important to me. You mean a lot to me, doll. I need you to know that.” My heart is beating frantically and I feel tears stinging my eyes.

  “Cooper, you are becoming very important to me too,” I say through the thickness in my throat. He squeezes me tighter to him.

  “What do you say to some breakfast at the diner?” Part of me wants to say ‘hell yes, I’m starving,’ but the other part wants to say ‘No I want to stay in this bed and have sex.’ I wiggle my ass and he roughly grabs my hip holding me still.

  “I’m trying to be good here, Emma. Don’t make me break my resolve.”

  “Why, Cooper?” He rubs small circles on my hip with his thumb.

  “Why what?” I don’t know if he really knows and he wants me to say it or if he really doesn’t know. Thankfully, my head is turned so he can’t see the blushing and embarrassment.

  “Why haven’t we had sex yet?” Never in my entire life have I had to ask a guy this. I can feel the burning of embarrassment running down my neck. He nips my ear before licking the shell of it.

  “Emma, make no mistake. I’ve never wanted someone more in my life. Your silky soft skin, perfect tits, and tight wet pussy have me constantly hard. I just don’t want to fuck things up. I want us to know each other just a little better, because I already told you once my cock is inside of you, you are mine. I won’t let you go after that.” Well, this is doing the opposite of what he wants. My pussy is aching with need now and I am soaking his boxers. He licks the shell of my ear causing me to moan.

  “Cooper, if you don’t want me to break your resolve, I think you better stop.” He chuckles before kissing the side of my head. Asshole, he knows exactly what he’s doing to me. He smacks my ass while climbing out of bed.

  “Let’s go, get that sexy ass out of bed. We are going to breakfast.” Once he leaves to go to the bathroom, I roll onto my back and stare up at the ceiling trying to wrangle in my hormones. After a few minutes, I’ve talked myself down and I climb out of bed. I find my dress draped neatly across a chair along with my panties, socks, and boots. I put my dress back on, but stuff the panties in my purse that is sitting on the floor. I put my socks and boots on and go to look at myself in the mirror.

  “Oh holy shit.” I look like hell. My hair is a knotted mess and I’ve got no makeup on. I look around his dresser and find a comb. Damn, this is going to hurt, but it’s all I can find. I carefully comb my hair, which does, in fact, hurt. Once I get all the knots out, I put it in pigtail braids. I smile at myself, looking much better. Still no makeup, but I think I have a compact in my purse. I check and thankfully, I do have it with me. At least I look human again.

  Cooper walks back in the room and winks at me. “Looking beautiful, doll.” He pulls out a green T-shirt and jeans before putting them on. I turn away before I have no control over my body. Finally, we are both ready and head out to breakfast.

  EMMA AND I ENJOYED A great breakfast and came back to my place. She stayed for a little while, but wanted to go home and get some fresh clothes. I wasn’t happy about letting her go. I want her to stay here with me, but after assuring me that she would come back I unwillingly let her go. That was about two hours ago. I’ve done the payroll, lined up a band for Saturday, and even straightened up my apartment. This girl has quickly gotten to me and I fucking love it. Last night made me realize that I have feelings for her. When I wasn’t there to protect her from Shelly, it ripped my heart in half. I needed to show her just how important she was to me, so I took care of her. I washed her, fed her, and held her while she slept. I was up for hours just watching her sleep. It brought a peace to me I haven’t felt in years, not since I lost my dad. It was an amazing feeling. One I don’t want to lose.

  I am sitting on my couch with the TV on, but not paying any attention when my phone rings. “Hello?”

  “Hi sweetheart. How are you?” I smile at my mom’s voice. She sounds so happy.

  “I’m good, Mom. How are you?”

  “Don’t worry about me so much, Cooper. You have your own life to live. Which by the way, are you still seeing Emma? She was a delight when I met her.” I rest my feet on the coffee table and take a sip of water before I answer her.

  “Yes, I am still seeing her. She’s really special, Mom. It makes me happy that you like her.�
� She sighs on the other end and I tense up a bit.

  “I really did like her. Nothing makes me happier than seeing you happy. I could tell she makes you happy. Now when am I going to get some grandbabies?” I choke on the water I just sipped.

  “Damn, Mom. I think you may be waiting a long time for grandkids. We just started dating.” She laughs and it makes my heart happy.

  “Alright, I can wait. What are your plans today?” We talk for a while until she finally says she is going to read. When we hang up, I feel good knowing she is having a good day. Hopefully, she is taking her meds and she continues to feel happy. I worry about her so much.

  I watch TV for a while than realize it’s been hours since I heard from Emma. I pick up my phone and call her.

  “Hey, cowboy. What’s up?” My dick twitches just hearing her voice. I don’t think I’m going to be able to hold out much longer. I want to claim her as mine so fucking badly.

  “Just wanted to see what you were doing.” I don’t want to sound like a whipped pussy begging her to come back, but damn I want her to.


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