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Dancing Hearts

Page 15

by Heather Dahlgren

  “You know you mean the world to me right, doll? I’ll always take care of you.” She reaches down and pushes my boxers off. I help her because her arms are too short. Once they are off, I reach over to my nightstand and grab a condom. I quickly put it on before I position myself at her entrance. “Look at me, Emma.” She looks at me with bright blue eyes. I start to push into her and holy shit, I just want to slam the rest of the way in, but she’s so tight I don’t want to hurt her. With every little bit I push in, she digs her nails deeper into my shoulders. “Emma, you’ve got to talk to me. Am I hurting you?” She shakes her head ‘no,’ but she’s biting her lip so hard I feel like she will break skin. “Are you sure? You’re biting that lip hard, doll.” She releases it.

  “It doesn’t hurt; it feels good. Keep going, Cooper, please.” I slowly push myself the rest of the way inside of her. I don’t move, which is hard as hell, trying to let her get used to me. I kiss her slowly before I look into her eyes.

  “I’m going to start moving, alright?” She digs her nails in further.

  “Yes, please.” Her pleading tone does me in. I start moving in and out of her slowly, stretching her. “Holy shit, Cooper. It feels so good. Go faster.” I start pumping my hips faster, and every time she moans, it just spurs me on. I run my hands up into her hair and pull lightly as I am picking up speed. She feels even more amazing than I imagined. Her hot, wet heat wrapped around my cock is unreal. Watching her tits bounce every time I slam into her is a sight I’ll never forget. I can feel her pussy gripping me tighter and I know we are both close to coming.

  “Emma, open your eyes and look at me.” She struggles to keep them open, but I need her to see me. “Emma! Open them now!” With my demanding tone, she snaps them open. “You’re mine now.” I slam into her more roughly. “Mine.” She whimpers as I pound into her. “Say it, Emma. Tell me you’re mine.” I tug her hair a bit tighter.

  “Oh God. Yes. I’m yours, Cooper.” With undeniable excitement at her declaration, I fuck her hard.

  “Damn right!” She is moaning my name over and over bringing me closer to orgasm. I reach down between us and rub her clit. “You going to come, Emma?”

  “Mmmm … oh God, yes.” Her pussy grips me so tight it is taking all my willpower to hold off. I rapidly rub her clit while I slam into her. “Fuck, Cooper, I’m going to come.” I bite her nipple and she explodes around me. “Cooper!” It only takes me a minute to follow her into my own earth-shattering orgasm.

  “Fuck, Emma!” We both ride out the aftershocks of what is the most intense orgasm I’ve ever had. I gently rest my body down on hers. I hold most of my weight on my arms so I don’t hurt her.

  After we both catch our breath, I rest my chin on her chest looking at her. She looks beautiful after she’s been fucked thoroughly. She releases my shoulders and I know for damn sure that she’s left me marked. I claimed her and she claimed me. “I didn’t hurt you did I, doll?” She runs her hands through my hair smiling at me.

  “No, Cooper. You didn’t hurt me. That was amazing.” I pull my softened cock out of her and take off the condom. I knot it and toss it into the trash before rolling over so she’s on top of me. I put my hand on the back of her head and gently guide her down to my mouth. I kiss her with all the love I feel for her, hoping she realizes it without me saying it. We break apart and smile at each other.

  “I knew you were mine before, Emma, but now you are mine completely.” She smiles down at me.

  “Yes, Cooper, I am and you are completely mine.” I give her a wink.

  “Hell yes, I am, doll.”

  We fall asleep shortly after, naked and fully satisfied.

  We sleep in longer than normal, but what a glorious way to wake up with my beautiful naked girl in my arms. I hold her a little tighter and kiss her shoulder. She stirs, pressing that perfectly round ass into my cock. I close my eyes holding back the moan that wants to escape me. I want to slam into her tight heat, but I know she is sore from last night. I look at my colored arm draped across her creamy flawless skin and damn, I love it. I’ve never felt this way about another person before, and it should probably scare the shit out of me, but it doesn’t. I fucking love it.

  I look over at the clock and realize if we are going to do anything today, we need to get up. Wicked Union is playing tonight, so it will be a mad house at the bar. I kiss her several times behind her ear until she turns her head to look at me. She’s even stunning with sleep in her eyes. I smile at her and kiss her lips. “Morning, doll. Did you sleep alright?” She rolls over to face me and we wrap our arms around each other.

  “Morning. Yes I slept great. Did you?” I rub her arm and give her a grin.

  “I slept with the most beautiful woman, naked and thoroughly fucked. Yes, I’d say I slept pretty damn good.” She giggles and I swat her ass. “We need to get moving. I want to take you to lunch, and Levi wants us to meet him at his tattoo shop.” She gets that excited look of hers and I laugh. “No, not for any tattoos. He actually wants to talk to you. He’s finally built up the nerves to ask Rain out. He wants help.” We both laugh as we climb out of bed.

  “That boy worries for nothing. I’ve talked to her and she likes him.” I figured as much, but Levi is a planner. He likes to map it all out.

  We both shower quickly and get dressed. Emma does some kind of braided twist thing with her hair. It amazes me all the different ways she can wear her hair, but I guess when that’s what you do for a living, it works. We sit and enjoy some coffee before we leave to get food.

  “Hey, did I tell you Wicked Union is playing tonight?” She sips her coffee before winking at me.

  “You mentioned they were playing soon. I didn’t know it was tonight though.” She turns to face me. “Cooper, have you ever thought of sharing one of your songs with them or maybe collaborating with them? You’ve got an amazing voice and you play guitar flawlessly.” It means everything to me that she thinks that of me.

  “Doll, it’s just a hobby. I don’t have enough time to do anything like that. I’m not comfortable singing or playing in front of a crowd.” She puts her coffee down and climbs onto my lap.

  “You could do it though, cowboy. You are so talented. People should be able to enjoy your musical talent.” I squeeze her ass before kissing her firmly on the mouth.

  “Doll, I appreciate it but it’s not who I am. I’m a bar owner who loves music. I’ll play for you anytime though.” She gives me a disappointed look and I lean forward biting her nipple.

  “Ouch!” I chuckle when she tries to pull away.

  “You are the only one I want to play music for, doll. I won’t do it in public though. Alright, enough of this talk, let’s go get some food.” I swat her ass and she climbs off of me.

  “Fine, but Cooper, I still think you should let them sing one of your songs.” My girl is so damn persistent.

  “We’ll see. Let’s go.”

  Nothing else is brought up about my music and I’m grateful. It’s not that I don’t love it, I just don’t like doing it in front of a crowd. There is nothing that could make me get up there. We had a delicious lunch and we are now on our way to see Levi. He had to finish up a tattoo so he’s been working most of the day. I park my truck and help Emma out. I give her a quick kiss before grabbing her hand and heading for the door. We get inside and Dee comes running over to greet us. Levi will sometimes bring her to work with him on the weekends. We give her the attention she is looking for until Levi whistles for her. She’s so good she just runs and sits by his station.

  “Hey guys. Just let me finish cleaning up and we can go into my office.” Emma gives him a kiss on the cheek before heading over to talk to Rain. I sit down in the chair by Levi while he cleans up. He looks up at me smiling. “When are you going to get your ass back in that chair for a tattoo?” I shake my head at him.

  “No time soon.” He puts the ink away shaking his head.

  “Such a pussy,” he says under his breath, so I punch his arm. He laughs but ju
st continues to clean up.

  “You know when I’m ready for another one, I’ll have my ass in this chair.” Levi nods his head ‘yes’ while he throws his gloves away.

  “Damn right. Alright, let’s get that sexy woman of yours and go talk.” We head over and I wrap my arm around her slender shoulders.

  “Hi, Rain. How are you? I need to borrow my woman for a little bit.” She tosses her blonde hair over her shoulder and smiles up at me with her bright green eyes sparkling.

  “Hey, Cooper. I’m good.” She looks over at Emma. “I’ll talk to you tonight, Emma. Thanks.” I draw in my eyebrows looking down at Emma. She gives me a mischievous smile and starts heading toward Levi’s office. When we get into the office, Levi sits in his big black leather chair and I pull Emma onto my lap on the couch.

  “What was that about?” I ask while rubbing her legs.

  “I invited her to the bar tonight.” She lifts her shoulders like it is no big deal. I start laughing when I see the look of panic on Levi’s face.

  “Emma!” She smiles at him.

  “Levi, relax. She likes you. She’s been hoping for a long time that you’d ask her out. I just took the first step for you.” He runs his hands through his hair, blowing out a breath.

  “She has?” He looks over with disbelief on his face.

  “Yes. She told me she really likes you and has been hoping you’d ask her out, but she didn’t know if you would while she works here.” I hug her a little tighter to me. I’m so fucking happy that she and Levi have become good friends. Levi is like my brother so obviously, I love that they have a good relationship. “I told her to meet us at the bar tonight. You can make your move then.” We both laugh and Levi even cracks a smile.

  “Alright midget, thanks for everything. I owe you one. When you’re ready for a tattoo, I’ll hook you up.” She gets a huge smile on her face and rubs her hands together.

  “You’ve got a deal!” I don’t say a word but damn, the idea of her getting a tattoo is fucking hot. We stay and bullshit for a while, but all too soon it is time to get back to the bar to get ready for opening. Emma stands and kisses Levi goodbye. I get up and pull him in for a hug.

  “You are one lucky son of a bitch, Coop,” he whispers in my ear. We break apart and I slap him on the back.

  “You don’t need to tell me man. Believe me I know.”

  We head out of the office and Emma tells Rain she will see her tonight. Looks like we are going to have one hell of a time. Once we get back to my place, Emma takes another shower. While she is getting ready, I throw on my ‘James Bar’ T-shirt. I look around my bedroom and laugh at all the girly shit she has all over. I need to make room in my closet for her stuff; if I want her here every weekend, it’s only fair. She comes into the bedroom with just a towel wrapped around her and I feel my cock twitch. I walk over to her and put my arms around her and I kiss a path to her ear. “Did you come in here like that knowing it would get my cock hard?” I hear her suck in a sharp breath. I run my hands up her still damp arms and tangle them in her wet hair. I tug her hair with one hand, pulling her head back. With the other I remove the towel, letting it fall to the floor. I keep her head back and run my other hand slowly, lightly down her body. She lets out a soft whimper, so I know she likes what I’m doing. I reach her pussy and run a finger between her folds. “Damn, you are so wet, doll.” She has her hands wrapped tightly around my arms, letting out a moan when I touch her clit. “Get on the bed, Emma. I need your tight, wet pussy wrapped around my cock.” She obeys climbing on and lying on her back. I strip down to my boxers and go to stand by her. “Look what you do to me.” She looks over as I pull my boxers off letting my heavy cock spring free. She goes to reach for it and I step back. “Not tonight, doll. We don’t have time. This is going to be quick and hard.”

  “Oh yes,” she whispers. I pull a condom out of my drawer and roll it on quickly. I climb on top of her and slam my mouth to hers. She runs her hands down to my ass, grabbing on while she thrusts her hips up. I break the kiss and attack her tits. I decide to mark her again and the harder I suck, the more she moans. I run a hand down to make sure she is wet before I slam into her. I touch that soft pussy and am rewarded with her essence all over my hand. She’s more than ready for me. I don’t prep her this time with my fingers. I place my cock at her entrance and look at her. She is biting that lip looking at me with desire clear on her face.

  “Don’t bite that lip, doll. I don’t want you to hurt yourself.” She releases it and I slam into her hard and fast.

  “Shit!” I get on my knees and pull her with me, holding onto her hips. I keep up my rough pace, watching her tits bouncing. “It feels so good. I’m so close.”

  “Rub your clit, Emma.” My girl doesn’t need to be told twice and I fucking love that. She starts rubbing her clit and I feel her pussy tighten on my cock. “That’s it, doll. It’s so fucking hot watching you touch yourself. I want you to come all over my cock.”

  “Oh God, Cooper. I’m going to come.” I dig my fingers in harder on her hips and pick up my pace. “Cooper!” she screams. I follow right behind her growling out her name. I let her hips fall back to the bed and get rid of the condom. We are both panting, so I pull her to me until we catch our breath.

  “Fucking amazing, doll.” I kiss her slowly, sweetly this time. I look at her and she smiles at me.

  “It was fucking amazing, cowboy.” I glance at the clock and realize I have twenty minutes before I need to be at the bar. I can’t just get up so I hold onto her for as long as I can.

  “Doll, I need to get ready for work. I’m sorry.” She kisses my chest.

  “It’s fine. I need to get ready too.” I get up and pull my boxers back on. I look over to find her staring at me.

  “See something you like?” We both laugh and she climbs out of bed and hugs me.

  “Yes, actually I do.” She goes to her overnight bag and puts on a sexy pink bra and panties.

  “Emma, I’m going to make room in the closet for your clothes and I’ll figure something out about the drawers. She pulls out a pair of ripped jeans, shaking them out a few times.

  “You don’t need to, Cooper, but damn, I would be happy to not have wrinkled clothes when I’m here.” She puts on a pink sparkly top before heading over to the mirror.

  “Consider it done. I’m going to heat up some pizza real quick. One or two slices?”

  “Just one, thanks.” I rush into the kitchen to get the pizza in the oven so I can eat before I head down. Thankfully, it heats quickly and I have two slices. I keep Emma’s warm in the oven and go to tell her I’m heading down. She’s blow drying her hair so I need to stand by her to get her attention. “Shit. You scared me.” I laugh because she says it every time.

  “Sorry, doll. I’m going to head down. I left your pizza in the oven to keep it warm. I’ll see you when you come down.” I kiss her quickly and head down to the bar for what I know will be a busy night.

  AFTER COOPER LEAVES, I FINISH blow drying my hair. I decide to leave it straight tonight, so I run the straightening iron through it. Once that is done, I apply my makeup. I look at myself in the mirror and smile. Satisfied with how I look, I slip on my brown boots, grab my phone, and head to the kitchen to eat before I go down to the bar. I pull my pizza out of the oven, smiling at how thoughtful Cooper is. I know that I have fallen in love with him, but I won’t make the mistake of saying it before he does. I thought at one time in my life I was in love with Ben, and once I told him, he totally took advantage of it. Asshole. I know Cooper would never do that, but I still don’t want to be the one to say it first. I take my pizza into the living room and sit down. I take a bite and think back to how fucking mind blowing the sex was last night and today. He is so demanding and rough but I love it. He likes to be in control and I like giving it to him. I’ve never been so sexually satisfied before. I may be sore, but I’ll admit I like that I am reminded that he did that to me.

  Just as I finish my pizza, my phone ring
s. “Hello?”

  “Hey, Em. We are on our way to the bar. We should be there in about ten minutes.” Rowan, Lacey, and Lane are coming to hang out tonight. I’m so excited to hang out and dance, especially with Wicked Union playing.

  “Great. I’m heading down to the bar in a minute so I’ll see you guys when you get here. Oh and Ro, I invited this girl Rain that Levi likes so don’t be a bitch, okay?” We both laugh, but she finally agrees to be nice. We hang up and I put my plate in the dishwasher before going to check myself out one last time. I walk into Cooper’s room and just like every time I do, that mural grabs my attention. I wish he would overcome his fear and play some of his songs at the bar. He is so incredibly talented, I hate that the world will never hear him. I sigh and check myself out, before locking his door and heading down to the bar.

  Just as I knew it would be, the place is packed already. Wicked Union really packs them in, which is great for Cooper. I push my way to the bar and stand at the end. Cooper and Roy are busting ass making drinks. Watching Cooper work like this is so sexy. The way his arms flex when he is shaking a drink, plus the constant sexy smile he has on his face make me wish we were back upstairs. He always has the women flirting with him. At first I’ll admit it was hard to watch, but now I know he has no interest in them, he is just a great bar owner. As if he can sense that I am ogling him, he turns to look straight at me. I give him a wink and he shakes his head laughing. He finishes up with a few customers before making his way over to me. “What can I get you, sexy?” I lean over the bar seductively and trace some of his tattoos.

  “I’d like to go home with the bartender.” I hear him growl, watching his face go serious in an instant. He leans toward me so only I can hear him.

  “You’re taking the bartender home, doll and when you do you’ll be screaming my name.” He definitely knows how to get my panties wet. He pulls back smirking at me. “Now, what can I get you to drink?” It takes me a second to pull myself together.


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