The Outlaw's Angel
Page 5
“I’ll make them understand.”
Battered and fatigued, she let herself believe the soothing words from this outlaw who’d kidnapped her. He’d come back for her. In this moment, that’s all that mattered. She leaned back and closed her eyes as he nudged the horse into a gallop.
Chapter Seven
“I need two rooms, please,” Bobby said to the clerk at the hotel in a small town Naomi had never heard of. Bobby laid some bills on the counter and took the two keys. “The lady’ll need a bath sent up,” he said over his shoulder as he led Naomi up the stairs. “And we’ll both need supper.”
“The kitchen’s closed, sir,” the clerk said.
Bobby dug into his pocket, turned, and tossed the clerk some coins. “Wake the cook. I’ll expect a decent meal within the hour.”
At any other time, Naomi would wince at the way Bobby literally threw money around. But right now her bones ached, and all she wanted was to erase the afternoon’s events. Since that was impossible, she’d settle for a warm bed.
Bobby led her to her room and unlocked the door. “I’ll be right down the hall if you need me,” he said. “Your bath’ll be up soon. I want you to relax.”
Icy fingers of fear slithered across her skin. “Don’t leave me alone. Please.”
“Angel, I’ll be right down the hall. I’ll come eat supper with you if you like, but a hot bath is what you need right now.”
Naomi launched herself into his arms. “What I need right now is you, Bobby Morgan. I...” She couldn’t explain the fear she was feeling. She was safe. Safe behind a locked door with Bobby only a few feet down the hall. Why was she shivering at the thought of being left alone?
“You don’t want me here while you bathe,” he said.
“I don’t need a bath. I don’t need food. I need to be with you. I...I’m scared.”
“Darlin’, I won’t let anything happen to you. I promise. Trust me.”
“But you left me.”
“I won’t make that mistake again.” He disengaged himself from her embrace and paced into the room, raking his fingers through his chestnut locks. He turned, and Naomi sighed at the sight of him. He was truly beautiful.
And troubled. The thin lines on his forehead gave him away.
“I’ll never forgive myself for leaving you there. I wish I could change the last few days for you, angel.”
“But then we wouldn’t have met.”
“That would have been better for you.”
“No.” Despite what had happened, the thought of being without Bobby felt all wrong, like a part of her would be missing. Naomi ran to his arms again, thunking her head into his chest so hard he let out an “oof.”
“You promised you’d take care of me.”
“All right.” He sighed. “I won’t leave you. But there’s only one bed in here, darlin’. I guess I’ll sleep on the floor.”
“You don’t have to. I trust you. We slept close last night, and you were a perfect gentleman.”
“You have no idea how hard that was for me.”
Naomi smiled against his chest. So he had wanted her. Maybe even as much as she’d wanted him. “You can turn your back while I bathe.”
“Trust me, I’ll have to”—he chuckled into her hair—“if you expect me to behave myself.”
True to his word, Bobby kept his eyes out the window while Naomi bathed. She scrubbed herself nearly raw. The whole of Dakota Territory didn’t contain enough soap to erase the vileness of Ike Hawkins from her body. Yet still she scoured her skin, determined to cleanse every pore. When she was wrinkled as her granny, she stepped out of the washtub, toweled off, and slipped into the cotton nightdress a maid had provided.
All the time Bobby sat, his chin resting on his hands, his elbows on the window sill, gazing into the dark night.
“You can turn around now,” Naomi said.
He did so and smiled. “That was one long bath, angel.”
“I felt dirty.” She looked down at her bare feet. “Like I’d been violated. I wanted to get clean.”
“I understand.” He nodded. “Our supper should be here soon. You hungry?”
Naomi grimaced. She should be hungry. She hadn’t eaten since... Was it the raspberries that morning? But her hollow tummy didn’t want food.
A knock on the door brought a maid carrying a tray. She set two plates on the small table in the room. Bobby thanked her and offered her a coin and then closed the door and turned to Naomi.
“You didn’t answer me. I know you must be starving.”
“No. Not really.”
He winked. “You with the ‘I’ll not apologize for my appetite?’”
She forced a smile. “I’ll try. I know I should eat.” She took a seat at the table, and Bobby sat across from her. She removed the cloth napkin covering her plate to expose two pieces of fried chicken, fresh corn, and a roll. A glass of water sat next to the plate. She took a sip and inhaled. She normally loved fried chicken.
Bobby took a bite of chicken and smiled. “I’ve had better, but it’s good. Try some. Please.”
For him, she’d try. She picked up a drumstick and bit into it. And suddenly she was ravenous. She cleaned her plate and found Bobby, his plate still half full, showcasing his perfect white teeth in a gleeful smile.
“Now that’s my angel,” he said.
“I admit, I do feel better.” Naomi drained her glass of water.
Bobby poured her another from the pitcher on the table. “Do you want some of mine?” Bobby indicated his plate.
She let out a giggle. “I may have an appetite, Bobby Morgan, but I’ll never take food from a man. You’ve had a hard day too. Please, eat.”
“If you’re sure.” His dimple flashed as he picked up a piece of chicken.
Naomi’s body warmed, and she began to feel a little safer, a little more secure, in the presence of this man. He would let no harm come to her.
Something he’d said earlier tugged in her mind. “Bobby?”
“What did you mean when you said you understood?”
“Understood what, darlin’?”
Naomi cleared her throat and went on. “Understood when I said I felt like I was violated.”
Bobby dropped his chicken leg, and his gaze. “I didn’t mean anything.”
“Please. Tell me. It’ll help me, I think.”
He raised his gaze and his eyes burned gold. “I don’t speak of it.”
Tiny invisible gnats crept over Naomi’s skin. Though she knew she imagined them, she rubbed her arms to chase them away. “I-I didn’t mean to upset you.”
“You didn’t.” He shoved a fork full of corn into his mouth and swallowed, seemingly without chewing. “You sure you don’t want anything else to eat?”
“I’m stuffed, really.” She forced a smile. “But thank you for offering.”
“I told you once I’d keep you fed, and I aim to.”
“I know.” Naomi stretched her arms over her head and stifled a yawn. “Goodness, I’m tired.”
Bobby covered the rest of his supper with the napkin and stood. “You need to get some rest.” He held out his hand. “Come on, I’ll walk you to the outhouse. I don’t want you going alone.”
Naomi’s cheeks heated at his allusion to such a private, though necessary, function. “I’d prefer not to leave the room. I’ll use the chamber pot in the corner.”
“Fine,” he said. “I’ll give you some privacy then. Will you be all right here alone for a few minutes?”
Naomi’s skin turned cold, but she nodded, determined to be strong. “I’m sure I’ll be fine. Please just make sure I’m locked in. And don’t be too long?”
He smiled, and she breathed a little easier. It was a real smile. He wasn’t upset with her.
“I won’t be. Just long enough for you to take care of business, all right?” He leaned down and kissed the top of her head. “I told you I’d keep you safe, and I meant it.”
He left the r
oom, and the key clicked, locking her in. After taking care of all necessary business she snuggled into bed, leaving the kerosene lamp burning for Bobby.
A few moments later he entered, and she squeezed her eyes shut, feigning sleep. He moved quietly, no doubt to keep from disturbing her. When the bed sagged with his weight, she fought the impulse to turn into his arms.
Chapter Eight
Naomi woke, screaming. Someone was shaking her.
“Angel. Angel. It’s only me.” Bobby’s deep voice, laced with concern, floated over her like a silken veil. Still she trembled, and perspiration dripped from her hairline.
“Was it a nightmare?” Bobby pulled her into his arms and kissed her clammy forehead.
His warm, hard body was like a rock in an ocean of torment. She clung to him, making no sound. Had it been a nightmare? She couldn’t remember.
“It’s all right now,” he said.
His melodic voice soothed her, but still she shook. The inky blackness of the night frightened her. “Bobby?”
“What, angel?”
“C-Could you light the lamp?”
“Yes, but I’ll have to let go of you for a minute.”
She nodded against his hard chest and he released her. Within a minute, a flame flickered in the lamp on the night table and chased the eerie darkness away.
Naomi breathed easier and regarded Bobby’s bare torso. She hadn’t seen him unclothed since she’d come across him bathing in the creek. Had that been only a day ago? Naomi felt as though she’d aged a decade since then. That day he’d been far away. Now he was close, within arm’s reach. The golden tone of his shoulders had darkened to honey-bronze in the glimmering lamplight. Curly dark hair dusted the sinewy muscle of his chest and abdomen, and his coppery nipples stared at her, begging to be touched. She reached for one with a shaky hand, but stopped herself. She dropped her gaze to his navel, to the line of hair leading to what she’d seen that day, to what his trousers now hid.
“Angel, you need to stop doing that.”
Naomi lifted her gaze to his smoldering amber eyes. “Stop what?”
“Stop looking at me like you’re starving and I’m a seven course feast.”
Naomi’s face heated. She was thankful Bobby’s shadow cloaked her in darkness, hiding her warm blush. “I...I wasn’t...” She gulped and surveyed his handsome stubbled face. Why lie? This man had witnessed her darkest moment. She had little to hide from him now.
“You are beautiful, Bobby Morgan. As finely made as any man.”
A lazy smile curved his full, kissable lips. “You can’t talk like that either, Naomi.”
She smiled, but she knew when he called her Naomi, rather than angel, he was about to get serious.
“I mean it. You have no idea what you do to me, darlin’. And to know you...that you’re...”
“That I’m what?”
“Damn, angel. You’ve been through hell today. I’ve got no right.” He swung his feet to the side of the bed and sat up.
She touched his upper arm—how glorious the muscle felt beneath her fingers—to stop him. “No right to what, Bobby?”
He turned and met her gaze with his own. “To want you like this.” He cupped her cheek and skimmed her lips with his thumb. “And I do want you. More than I’ve ever wanted a woman. More than...” His voice cracked.
“Don’t be troubled, please.” Naomi covered his hand with one of hers. His fingers were long and thick, and the hair on his knuckles tickled her palm. She gave his thumb a soft kiss. “I want you too.”
He sighed, removing his hand. “Damn it, Naomi. You don’t know what you’re saying.”
Naomi took his hand back and entwined their fingers together. His swearing no longer bothered her. It was just...Bobby. And she liked everything about Bobby. She liked... No. Warmth filled her body. She loved Bobby Morgan. Though they hadn’t met under ideal circumstances, this man was her destiny. She knew it with her whole heart.
She smiled, hoping he could see the love in her eyes. “You think I don’t understand what happens between a man and woman. I do. I have married friends. I know there’s more than the kiss we shared.”
“That kiss, angel, it was—”
“It wasn’t a mistake. I thought it was at first. But it wasn’t.”
He chuckled and squeezed her hand. “I was going to say it was the best kiss of my life. No lie.”
“Me too. Of course it was my only kiss.” She smiled.
“Darlin’—” He cleared his throat. “You’ve been through a mighty hard thing today. You need time to heal. I can’t. Not right after that. No matter how much I want to.”
Naomi brought his hand to her lips and kissed each rough calloused finger. “You are so kind. So sweet. But Bobby, what happened with Ike today convinced me of something. I don’t ever want to be in a situation again where a brute like him could take something I can only give once.” Naomi took a deep cleansing breath and summoned courage for what she was about to say to this man she adored. “As God is my witness, I will be the one to choose when, where, and to whom I give myself for the first time.” She breathed again, her pulse racing, as she unbuttoned her cotton gown and let it fall from her shoulders, exposing her bare breasts. “I choose here, and I choose now. And I choose you, Bobby Morgan.”
“Damn!” Bobby stood up and raked his hand through his already tousled hair. “Naomi, I make my living hunting men. I kidnapped you. Now I’ve committed murder. I’m a fugitive runnin’ from the law. I got nothin’ to give you. Nothin’.”
“You’ve got yourself. That’s all I want. You.”
He sighed and plunked back down on the bed, not facing her. “I got nothin’. No right at all to love you.”
Naomi’s heart jumped, but she held herself steady. She smoothed her palm over his sleek shoulder. “You’ve got the right to love whomever you please, Bobby. I’d be honored if it were me.”
He turned then, and she saw the truth in his eyes before he said the words. Her insides melted.
“It is, darlin’. I haven’t loved another in twenty-two years. Time was, I thought I might have forgotten how. But I love you, Naomi, with everything I am.”
She leaned forward, kissed his lips and whispered, “I love you too. Only you.”
He crushed her into his embrace. “I couldn’t think straight when I saw Ike with his hands on you. You’re mine. All mine. No other man will touch you as long as I live. I promise.” He swallowed hard, his Adam’s apple bobbing against her cheek. “If he’d harmed you—”
“He didn’t,” Naomi said. “You came for me. I trust you.”
He took her mouth in a searing kiss so passionate and possessive that the cadence of his heartbeat sounded in her ears, in synchrony with her own. Their tongues mated and tangled, their moans answered each other. Bobby cupped one breast and flicked his thumb over her hardened nipple, igniting sparks along her flesh that traveled downward to the wet place between her legs. All the while he kissed her as if he couldn’t get enough of kissing her. When he finally broke away, she panted, her breath puffing against his neck as he rained kisses over her shoulders, down to her swollen breasts.
“You’re so beautiful, Naomi. I swear I’ve never seen a more perfect creature.” He cupped both breasts and stared at them.
Naomi’s skin rippled with tiny little shocks. “Now you’re the one looking at me like I’m a feast,” she said with a shaky giggle.
He didn’t meet her gaze. Instead, he lingered over her bosoms, squeezing them, kneading them. “You are a feast, angel. For my eyes, my nose, my mouth, my hands.” He raised his gaze then, a teasing smile gracing his mouth. He inhaled and plucked a nipple. “I bet these taste as sweet as your lips. Sweeter even.”
Naomi gasped when he kissed one. First he licked it, and his tongue probing her sensitive nipple was a delicious sight. The tingles it sent through her heated her blood. But nothing compared to the exquisite sensation when he sucked it between his lips. She moaned, entangling her finger
s in his hair, pulling him closer against her chest.
His suckling and tugging ignited a trail to her heated core. His rough beard scraped the delicate skin of her breasts as he nibbled, adding to the fiery sensation. Naomi wanted more, all he had to give.
When he reached between her legs and touched her there, she nearly jumped off the bed. Blazes ripped through her in a kaleidoscope of images so vibrant and bold, she was sure she’d flown out of her body and was soaring to the stars themselves. Her voice called out Bobby’s name as she hurtled forward, backward, and then plummeted back to the bed where he was kissing the tops of her breasts and rubbing the smooth folds between her legs.
“Bobby.” She panted, and her voice sounded not her own. “Bobby, that was”
He looked up and smiled. “That was only the beginning, darlin’. I’m gonna take you there and back again so many times you’ll be plumb tuckered by the time we’re through.”
“Oh, my...”
Bobby slid her gown over her hips, down her legs, and tossed it to the floor. Naked, she lay before him, eager for him to see all she had to give.
He eyed her appreciatively, his amber orbs burning gold. “Like I said, a feast. A beautiful feast, Naomi Blackburn. From your violet eyes to your cherry lips to your sweet nipples to those gorgeous black curls between your legs, right down to your pretty little toes.” His voice rasped. “If you want to stop, tell me now.”
Stop? Had he lost his mind? “If you stop now, Bobby Morgan, I’ll personally turn you over to the law.”
“Thank God,” he said, and slid down her body and spread her legs. “You’ll like this, I think.”
Like what? She closed her eyes and braced herself, figuring he was ready to take her. There would be pain when he came inside her. She accepted that. She also knew she’d bring him intense pleasure, and that pleased her. She wanted to please him more than anything in the world.
When nothing happened, she opened her eyes and found him staring between her legs.
“You sure are pretty down here, darlin’,” he said.
He touched her, and a moan escaped her lips.