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If I Was Your Woman 2: A BBW Camden Love Story

Page 13

by Mz. Toni

  “Hey Tae baby, how was your day?” he asked before kissing my cheek.

  “It was ok… what’s all this?” I asked getting straight to the point.

  “This is for you,” he said with a smile.

  “Hmmm ok,” I replied nonchalantly.

  “Man stop acting like that Tae baby, this is me waving my white flag, a nigga fucked up and I'm sorry damn,” he blurted out causing me to laugh on the inside.

  “Kasan I don't know what’s going on with you, your phone is always ringing, you're always dipping off and I don't even know where you be at,” I said sadly.

  “I know I've been neglecting you and I'm sorry,” he said kissing my lips, but not bothering to let me know where he’s been. Instead of arguing and having him lie to me again, I just left it alone.

  “Ok Kasan,” I said and began to eat.

  “You like it?”

  “I love it, who made it?” I asked with a smirk.

  “Why you assuming somebody made it?”

  “Come on now, these collards taste better than mine!” I said laughing.

  “My mama made it,” he admitted.

  “It's delicious though babe,” I said laughing.

  “Good because tonight is all about you,” he said licking his lips sexily.

  “Is that right?” I replied. Before he could even reply his phone started ringing, I swear I was so fed up with this shit. Reaching for his phone, I could tell by his face that it was important as he read his text messages.

  “You gotta go huh?” I asked sadly.

  “Yeah, but Imma make this shit up to you,” he said kissing my lips softly before rushing out of the house. I had to know where he was dipping off to. Walking into his office, I began searching through his papers and nothing was really standing out which was pissing me off. Either I was fucking tripping or this nigga had his shit hidden mighty fucking good. Finally giving up on my search, I popped some popcorn and watched “Basketball Wives LA” until I tapped out. Waking up due to my alarm ringing, I looked at Kasan’s side of the bed and it hit me that it was untouched, he hadn’t come home last night. Grabbing my phone, I saw that I had twelve missed phone calls, all from Kasan. I instantly began to worry as I rushed to call him back.

  “You ok babe?”

  “Yeah I'm good. I had to go to New York for emergency business I tried to call you last night.”

  “Oh ok, well when will you be home?” I asked still a little pissed off. Never in our whole relationship did he go anywhere without packing clothes and kissing me goodbye, but I guess I should start to expect the unexpected with his newfound sneaky cheating nigga behavior.

  “I should be home in a couple of days, everything ok?”

  “Yeah I just woke up. I gotta get some stuff together for Camille’s party this weekend.”

  “Oh shit!” he said letting me know that he had forgot.

  “You’ll be home in time right?”

  “Yeah I’ll be there!”

  “Aight well I gotta get dressed, I love you.”

  “I love you too,” he replied hanging up. Getting up, I handled my hygiene and made myself breakfast. Today was gonna be a busy day for me. I had to go pay the caterer and order her cake. I decided to have her party at a hall, I just hoped she liked her diva theme even though deep down I knew she would because it was all about her. As I was leaving the house my phone rang, as soon as I answered it a smile came to my face.

  “Hey daddy!”

  “Hey baby girl!” my father Carlos said.

  “What you doing right now?”

  ”Nothing, about to come see my gorgeous daughter,” he said causing me to blush.

  “Well I was about to head out, but you can meet me at Corrine’s Soul Food.”

  “Aight I should be there in twenty.”

  “Ok see you soon.”

  “Hey baby girl… You know daddy loves you right?”

  “Yes, I love you too,” I replied before hanging up. I swear I loved him so much even though it took me getting shot to get over the resentment I would have had. Pulling up to Corrine’s I smiled when I saw my daddy’s car, I couldn't wait to hug him.

  “Hey daddy!” I said greeting him with a hug.

  “Hey baby!”

  “I’ll be right back, I have to pay for Camille’s catering,” I said walking away. After placing the order, I heard him having a heated conversation.

  “I need you to find the muthafucka that hurt my baby!” he screamed before noticing me and hanging up.

  “Everything ok?”

  “Yeah, I know you heard my phone call, I'm sorry baby girl but I can't rest until I find out who did this shit.”

  “Well, Kasan said it was Tre?” I said trying to pick my dad’s brain.

  “Naw I had my people personally look into that nigga and he ain't do that shit,” my father said.

  “Did you tell Kasan that?”

  “Yeah I let him know and told him he had to pay that nigga hospital bills.”

  “Hospital bills?”

  “Yeah he let his little friend fuck that boy up,” my dad said shaking his head. As soon as those words left his mouth, I knew he was talking about Chris.

  “Oh ok,” I said dropping the conversation. We ordered our food and caught up for a little while until it was time for him to go handle business.

  Chapter Seventeen


  Grabbing my phone, I almost shitted bricks when I saw a text from Keisha saying that her water broke. I didn't mean to rush out of the house like that but I couldn't let her deliver on her own. Rushing out the house, I didn't do the speed limit at all as I tried my hardest to make it in time. Pulling into her driveway, I jumped out of the car and walked in to see her doubled over in pain.

  “Oh my God Kasan it hurts so bad!” she screamed.

  “I know. Do you have ya overnight bag packed?”

  “Yeah it’s in the closet,” she replied. Rushing to go get her bag, I ran to the car. I was so fucking nervous the shit wasn't even funny. As I backed out of the driveway I saw Keisha screaming and that's when I remembered that I’d forgot her. Pulling back into the driveway, I hopped out so I could help her into the car.

  “You so fucking stupid!”

  “My bad yo, a nigga nervous as fuck,” I said while laughing.

  “It ain't funny, just get me to the hospital,” she said with an attitude. Pulling up to the hospital, the staff was already awaiting our arrival with a wheelchair.

  “Can y’all please give me some fucking medicine damn!” she screamed. I couldn't help the look of disgust on my face as I stared at her ratchet ass.

  “Ms. Sanders…Can I speak to you?”

  “If it ain't about medicine then I don't wanna fucking hear it!” she snapped.

  “Is it ok for me to talk in front of him?” the doctor asked.

  “I don't fucking care… oh my God it hurts so bad!”

  “Well we run a mandatory drug and STD test before delivery.”

  “What the fuck, spit it out!”

  “You have trichomoniasis and chlamydia.”

  “Sir, I suggest you get tested.”

  “I ain't fucking her!” I said looking at that nasty bitch like the scum she was.

  “I ain't got shit test me again and fuck you Kasan!”

  “I wouldn’t fuck you with the doctor’s dick!” I said shaking my fucking head.

  “Ma’am I did the test more than once, you cannot have this child vaginally.”

  “Whatever, can I get some medicine now?” she said with an attitude.

  “So is this my baby?”

  “Probably not, I don't know,” her nasty ass had the nerve to admit.

  “You're fucking trifling and I should let you do this shit on ya own!” I screamed. She didn't even reply, she just turned her back to me. Here I am fucking shit up with my girl for this nasty bitch. A couple hours later she was prepped for a C-section, when her daughter was delivered she was 3lbs 9oz and I thought she was beautifu
l, even though I could clearly see she wasn't mine.

  “Can I hold her?” I asked the nurse.

  “Of course,” she said passing me the baby. After holding her, I took her to Keisha and tried to hand her her child.

  “What the fuck is wrong with her?”

  “What the fuck is wrong with you, take your baby!” I screamed. Here she was being sewn up after a fucking C-section and she rather be on FB than holding her child.

  “Why she look like that?” Keisha screamed at the doctor.

  “We don't know yet, but if you want my medical opinion, she looks to have Down syndrome,” the doctor said sympathetically.

  “Down syndrome? I ain't been fucking my family member so why the fuck she got that!” Keisha asked causing the doctor to gasp. This bitch was so ignorant and ratchet I was embarrassed. So instead of arguing with her I gave the nurse back the baby so she could be taken to the nursery. After she was sewn up and taken back to her room, I asked the doctor for a DNA test. I knew she didn't belong to me but I had to be sure. Standing outside the nursery, I looked at the baby. Yeah, I could see she had some health issues but overall she was a beautiful child that didn't deserve a mother like Keisha. I had been at the hospital with the baby for over twenty-four hours and Keisha has done nothing but sleep and be on her phone. The nurse informed me that Keisha wanted to give the baby up for adoption, but that shit ain't even happening. She wanted a baby, now she has one.

  “Mr. Richards, I have the results.”

  “She isn't mine is she?”

  “No she isn't, I'm sorry.”

  “Nah it’s cool,” I said shaking the doctor’s hand.

  “Are you sure you haven't slept with her?” he asked in a low voice.

  “Positive doc,” I said walking away. When I went into her room she was sitting up talking on the phone, grabbing it, I hung it up.

  “That ain't my baby!” I snapped.

  “It don't even matter cuz I ain't keeping it,” she said nonchalantly.

  “You think Imma let you get off that easy bitch!” I said through clenched teeth.

  “I'm sorry Kasan, I just wanted you back,” she said honestly.

  “You really think you deserve to live after this shit!”

  “Please don't do this Kasan.”

  “That baby needs your foul ass, so as much as I want you dead, I ain't gon do that to that baby. You're gonna keep the baby and in return you get to keep the house and car all while staying alive.”

  “Thank you so much!”

  “Yo shut the fuck up talking to me right now, Imma be watching you and if I see you neglecting that child or giving her anything other than love, you're dead!”

  “Ok,” she cried.

  “Hopefully this baby can teach you how to love someone other than your fucking self!” I said walking out of her room. Everything in me said to just leave and go back home to my girl but I felt attached to the baby. I needed to make sure she would be good so I called Shante and let her know I would be gone for a few days. When it was time for Keisha to leave the hospital she still had her same nasty ass attitude and that pissed me the fuck off.

  “Can you grab the baby?” she asked.

  “When you gonna name her?”

  “I can't think of a name to fit that face,” she laughed as if she had just told the funniest fucking joke.

  “Make me slap the shit outta you!” I snapped.

  “Damn it was just a joke. I don't know, you name her.”

  “Ya mommy said I can name you!” I said to the baby as I took her out of her car seat. She just stared and me with her innocent eyes.

  “How about Kassandra?” I asked causing her to give me a smile.

  “Alright then Kassandra it is,” I said.

  “Why aren't you breastfeeding like you said you would?”

  “I changed my mind!”

  “The nurse said it helps y’all bond and shit.”

  “I don't wanna bond with that thing!” she said with disgust. Jumping up, I walked over to her and slapped the dog shit out of her, causing her to fly over to the couch.

  “I told you that you gonna do right by the baby, fuck you thought I was playing?”

  “No!” she replied holding her face.

  “Then take ya nasty ass titty out and feed Kassandra!” I snapped. Taking her from my arms, Keisha pulled her nipple out doing exactly what the nurse had taught her and began feeding the baby.

  “She drinking it!” Keisha said with a smile, seeming almost like she was a human. I watched for a while as Keisha fed the baby until they both fell asleep. I knew it was gonna take a little time, but I wasn't going nowhere until Keisha did right by her child. Grabbing the baby out of her arms and covering her up with a blanket, I placed the baby in her crib and fell asleep in the rocking chair. When I woke up, the baby wasn't in the crib anymore and that worried me. Getting up, I walked around the house in search of Keisha. What I saw surprised me, I watched as Keisha gave the baby a bath.

  “You’re so beautiful, I know it took me a little while to see it and I'm sorry,” she cried as she washed baby Kassandra.

  “I'm gonna do right by you, Imma get a job and make you proud of mommy,” Keisha gushed. I watched a little while longer until my phone rang causing her to look up. She smiled at me and mouthed the words thank you. Ignoring the call, I spent the day with Kassandra; I was taking my ass home today.

  Chapter Eighteen


  Kasan been gone all week and honestly I’ve barely noticed, who the fuck am I lying to, hell yeah I noticed. I can't fall asleep right without him in bed with me so this shit is not only pissing me off because I don't know what he out there doing, but because he messing up a bitch beauty sleep. I let the planning of Camille’s party take all of my time, but today was Friday, the day before Camille’s party and he was due to be back any minute now. If I said I didn't miss him I’d be lying my ass off. No matter how bad he pisses me off I love and worship the ground that man walks on, but I be damned if I let my love for him cloud my judgement and love for myself. Since I knew he was coming back, I made sure that I would be in no position to give his ass some of this wet wet. I called Camille the night before and told her I would watch Sparkle and Mylee so her and Mark could spend some QT. Of course, she wasted no time dropping they asses off, but I didn't mind, I loved my god baby and my little Sparklette. I even went and got Zahniyah, Shaun and R.J. to add to my little daycare.

  “Auntie I think Sparkle likes R.J.!!” my crazy niece said running into my room.

  “Girl go sit ya ass down!” I said laughing. Getting up, I went to check on them. They were two pre-teens of the opposite sex somewhere alone; I wasn't playing them games. When I walked downstairs they were in the basement.

  “What y'all doing?” I screamed causing them both to jump. I was so happy her ear implants allowed her to hear more and more each therapy session.

  “She’s teaching me sign language,” he smiled, causing her to blush.

  “Sparkle go check on your sister,” I said. When she was upstairs I let my nephew know that I wasn't playing with his ass.

  “Now you know her situation R.J., don't go playing with that little girl’s feelings.”


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