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Her Highland Laird: Norman Ladies: Book One

Page 9

by Hannah West

She had begged to be taken with Marie and had asked him not to send for her brother. She did not want him to know that she was alive, not just yet.

  “I ask this of you because I am selfish,” she had reasoned, “I do not want him to see me as I am now. Let him be at peace with my death. I do not think I could bare his disappointment in me. What would he do with his soiled sister and her bastard child? No, I shall not see him. Maybe once the child comes I will consider it.”

  She had given him a sad smile. “Your wife needs me more. I was a witness to what befell her and she will need support and understanding from someone who also went through it.”

  Ian had asked her everything that happened to Marie but Brianna would not say more, telling him that Marie would tell him when she was ready.

  Now as he stared at them together he saw a bond between them even with Marie in a deep slumber.

  The healer thought that Marie was sleeping so much to heal better. If she woke up, it would be because her body thought it needed too. But she could sleep forever.

  Ian turned away from the bittersweet sight and went down to the great hall. It pained him to look upon her for too long. Every night he begged her to wake and prayed in the morning to have god give her back to him. But so far his pleas have gone unanswered.


  Marie heard a pretty voice humming drawing her closer to wakefulness. She felt warm, like she was drifting in a pool of warm water.

  Slowly she lifted heavy lids and looked upon the sweet voice that had sang for her.

  A young woman pregnant woman sat in a chair holding her hand and looking out a window away from her.

  Feeling safe and content she smiled and then gave the woman’s hand a soft squeeze. She did not know this woman, but felt like she should.

  The woman’s head whipped around to stare at her and gasp, “You’re awake!” She pulled her into a tight hug for a long moment before letting her go.

  “Who are you,” she asked the woman, “I feel like I should know you.”

  The hopeful look that had been on the woman’s face crumbled. “You do not know me?”

  She shook her head and then thought a moment before saying, “I am not sure who I am either. Do you know me?”

  “My name is Brianna and your name is Marie, Marie Anne and you are from England. Do you know where you are?”

  A shake of the head. “You are in Scotland.”

  Marie wrinkled her nose. “Why am I so far from home?”

  Before Brianna could answer Ian rush to the bed and gathered her up in his arms.

  His shoulders started shaking and he cried silently into her hair without saying a word.

  Marie was surprised at the man suddenly hugging her, but she was shocked when he started to shake then then cry. She felt bad for this man, but like the woman she did not know who he was.

  She felt like she should, but it felt as if what she needed hid behind a thick stone wall.

  Brianna placed a hand on the man’s arm and gently tried to pull him away from her. Marie sat stiff in his arms.

  “Ian, she doesn’t know who you are,” Brianna said gently.

  He pulled away and gave Brianna a look Marie couldn’t understand.

  “What do you mean? Of course she knows me,” the man said before turning to her. “Marie why does she say such things?”

  The hopeful look in his eye made her want to tell him what he wanted to hear but she could not lie to this man. She might not remember him as he knew her but he was important to her she could tell.

  She gave him a gentle smile. “I’m not sure who you are, but for some reason I know you are important to me. I just don’t know why.”

  He took one of her hands. “I am important, I am your husband, Marie. I am Ian Buchanan.”

  “Ian,” she echoed, it rang a distant bell that she couldn’t quite reach. “Husband? Is that why I am in Scotland?”

  He nodded, hope blooming in his eyes. “We were wed less than four months ago, but we were happy.”

  “Were,” she question, “Did something happen?”

  “No,” he said quickly. “No. I went away to meet my king and you were taken from me. That’s why you don’t remember me. You were injured and you have been asleep for a while. But that’s okay now that you are awake. We can get through anything as long as we are together.”

  Brianna tried to pull him away again. “She needs her rest, Ian. It’s a lot to take in.”

  “You’re right as always Brianna,” he said getting up, but he kissed Marie on the forehead. “I’ll come and check up on you in a while. I’m just so glad you came back to me.”

  Chapter Twenty Eight

  Things were slowly getting back to normal but Marie still did not remember anything that had happened before she was taken, but Ian was grateful to have her back. He started to woo her, hoping it would bring back the fondness they had known in their short time together.

  She was not as she had been before, she was softer in a way now that she hadn’t been, but he was afraid that the peace she had found in not remember would be shattered when she remembered what happened, if she ever did. With the way they found her, he worried that it would break her.

  Marie turned around to smile at him from where she stood in the field of flowers. The sun shone behind her lighting her hair on fire and giving her a halo. She was almost completely healed now and more beautiful than he could remember.

  “Ian, come here,” she beckoned, holding out a hand.

  Without pause he went to her and took her small hand in his large rough one. “What is it, my sweet?”

  She held up a small branch of heather and brushed it against his cheek. “This reminded me of something.”

  She had been getting fleeting memories, images but nothing more and it frustrated her most of the time, but when she got a good feeling she became happy.

  He smiled gently at her and took ahold of her hand. “What did it remind you of, my sweet?”

  She looked into his eyes before whispering, “You.” She leaned up and kissed him softly across his lips.

  The first time she had kissed him since being returned to him.

  He closed his eyes and enjoyed the feeling of her lips to his, the soft pressure the told him she was real. That she still was the woman he loved. And when she pulled away she gave him that delightful blush of hers.

  “Well in that case I shall have to bring you heather every morning,” he said huskily.

  She gave him a playful push. “Oh stop, you wretched man.”

  He pulled her closer and kissed her forehead. “But I am yours, fair lady.”

  “Well,” she said fingering the ties on his shirt, “I do like that idea.” She looked up at him. “We are wed, are we not?”

  Ian had a hard time swallowing, let alone answering. Was she suggesting what he thought she was? He could hardly wait.

  “Aye, lass,” he said roughly.

  Her smile turned sensual. “Good,” she whispered in his ear. “Then can we return home for the day? I have a few things I want to learn about. If you aren’t otherwise engaged?”

  With a growl he scooped her up in his arms and headed for their horses.


  Marie was shaken awake by a rough set of hands and tried to fight them off, begging to be let go. When she opened her eyes she saw Ian as he ran a soothing hand down her keep.

  “Shhh, lass, it is but a bad dream, go back to sleep,” he said gently bringing her into his arms.

  She settled down as she realized the blood and screaming hadn’t been real. It was not happening to her, she was safe here in the castle in Ian’s arms. Slowly her shaking stopped and she sighed once more completely relaxing in his arms.

  Soon he thought she was asleep and he adjusted them so they were laying once more. Even as he breath evened out into that of a deep sleep Marie remained awake and scared.

  When morning came he looked worried and so she pretended as if she did not remember what had happened the night before. It
seemed to ease his mind, but not his worry.

  She did not feel well and he requested that she stay in bed until she felt better. Her heart welled with a strong feeling for him, but it was different she knew now. He was still a stranger to her in some ways, but she only truly found comfort in his presence. It was as if she was no longer herself, but someone else in a strange land among strange people. She had not even remembered Maeve, who Ian and Duncan said was her first friend here.

  She was frustrated that everyone seemed to know her by she did not know them.

  Brianna came in a short while later to see how she faired and to be honest Marie was not sure how to answer.

  “Well do not stress yourself to much more. You are still healing. What you went through was more than anyone should have to,” Brianna said looking worried.

  “Will you tell me what happened to me?” Marie asked of her again.

  Brianna shook her head. “If you do not remember then it is best not to know. It would only hurt you more.”

  Marie sighed and rolled away from her, facing the wall. “I am tired of being told things I do and do not need to know. You may go.”

  Hurt at being dismissed Brianna left her alone in the dark room.

  Over the next few days her sickness grew worse to where she could not keep any food in her belly and she got bouts of dizziness should she try to get out of the bed. Marie felt as if she were dying.

  Going against her wishes Ian had the healer call upon her and look her over. By the end of the healer’s poking and prodding Marie just wanted to be left alone.

  But what the healer told her was happening she could not believe it. She told the healer to keep it to herself and she would take care in letting the laird know.

  After the healer let she had Brianna brought to her. When she entered Marie was pacing the length of the room.

  “Did Blackadder rape me,” Marie asked her, a catch in her voice.

  Brianna’s face turned bleak.

  “Did he?” Marie asked desperately. She came up to Brianna and took her by the shoulders.

  “No, he never did,” she said with grim certainly, “That is why he beat you. He couldn’t do it and no one else was allowed to touch you. Why did you ask?”

  Marie let her go and placed her hands over her still flat stomach. “I was told I am with child.”

  Brianna blow out a shocked breath.

  “I had to be sure. I could not have the child of that man,” Marie said with a shudder.

  “You remembered,” Brianna said grimly.

  Marie shook her head. “Not everything, but I have been having nightmares, but some of them are memories, I know it. The horror of that place haunts me. I have not told Ian that I remember anything. But,” she added rubbing her stomach, “I find this child to be the best thing to come out of that. Mayhap this will make Ian happy too, but I know that he too will question if this child is his. How could such a small thing survive through the beating I received?”

  “I will make sure Ian knows that you were not raped before you tell him. You should not suffer that,” Brianna said determination. “Just be glad you and your child are safe.”

  Marie looked at her with tears in her eyes. “You would do so for me after I have been so cruel to you?”

  “You were simply reacting to what you had been through, but you will have to tell Ian and soon.”

  “You will have to tell your brother as well, Brianna. He thinks you dead,” Marie pointed out.

  “All in good time,” Brianna agreed. “I first shall have my child then I shall tell my brother I am still among the living. If he is not shamed by where I have been then I shall tell him of my child. I will not let my child be taken from me no matter their father. Since their father is dead it would matter not and my brother will not seek revenge.”

  “That is fair,” Marie said in understanding. She would have done the same. Now she wondered how Ian would take the news of a child.


  Brianna made her way carefully over to Ian who sat before one of the hearth in the great hall in a winged back chair.

  Hand pressed to her back to try and easy her discomfort, she stood in front of him and he looked up at her with concerned expression.

  “The healer would not tell me what is wrong with her,” he said looking back into the fire. “She had only just been returned to me, I could not live if I lost her.”

  Brianna smiled at him, he was bring over dramatic for something so small. But she must tell him. She owed it to Ian who had been like a brother to her and to Marie who had saved her and became her greatest friend.

  “Ian,” Brianna sighed, “you asked me what happened to her. You know that she was beaten, but you do not know why.”

  His sharp gaze drew back to her and narrowed. “What do you mean?”

  “May I sat?” she asked gesturing at the other chair.

  He waved her into the chair.

  After she settled, somewhat comfortable she sighed in relief, then looked back to him with a serious expression.

  His face had turned into a mask of despair and anger. “I truly don’t want to know anymore. To know her suffering is to keep it alive. She doesn’t remember so why should I?”

  She reached a hand over and placed it upon his arm. “She remembers some, Ian, but she does not wish to make you sad or to pity her.”

  “She remembers?” he gasped.

  Brianna nodded. “Some parts, not much, but that could change. I know one thing and she knows this as well and she needs you to know. She was never touched by him or any of his men. That is why she was beaten. Blackadder was not man enough to do what he wanted to, so he beat her.”

  The relief that flooded over his face and sparked in his eyes was a real thing, she could feel it roll into him.

  “She was not raped. That is the most important thing you need to know,” Brianna repeated.

  He gave a tight smile, “It would matter not. I love her no matter what happens. She will never do anything that has to be forgiven.”

  Brianna was relieved to hear that and she made a content sound.

  “That is good, Ian, very much so. I just thought you should know.” She got up and started to walk away, but stopped next to him a put a hand on his should.

  “She’s dying, is she not?” he asked her quietly.

  “Nay, my laird she is not. She is ill but it shall pass with time,” she said with humor. She leaned down and kissed his cheek. “Thank you for letting me stay.”

  He looked up at her strangely. “You are like family. You are always welcome here.”

  “Talk to her,” Brianna urged and then she walked away from him, leaving him to make his choice.

  Chapter Twenty Nine

  A warm arm wrapped around her waist waking her from her light sleep. She rolled over and snuggled into Ian’s arms. He kissed her forehead lightly and then place his chin on top of her head.

  “How fare you, lass?” he asked softly.

  “I feel as if I had been beaten again,” she sighed, “But you feel wonderful, husband.”

  “Are you dying,” he asked solemnly.

  “Nothing so grave as that,” she said after a moment.

  “Then what?” he asked, hoping something he was not sure he wanted to know.

  “I-I am,” she paused unsure of how to say it so she took one of his hands and slid it between them so it rested on her stomach. “I am with child.”

  She held her breath as he remained silent but his hand splayed wide and warm where it touched her.

  “You are sure,” he asked quietly.

  She nodded and nestled herself closer to him. “Yes and it is yours. No other has ever touched me.”

  He leaned up and then looked down at her. She would not meet his eyes. So he kissed her forehead. “I know. But it would not matter if they had. Any child you shall bear will always be ours. I love you lass,” he said placing his forehead to hers, “so much the thought of being without you could kill me.”

nbsp; She gave a soft cry before she wrapped her arms around his neck. “I love you so much, Ian Buchannan, so much I could not go one without you.”

  “Then make me happy ,lass, and stay with me always,” he said passionately.

  “Always,” she agreed before he stole her lips yet again.




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