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Strictland Academy

Page 3

by Carolyn Faulkner

  The table was flattened and the leather belt surrounding Patricia's waist removed. The tall, slender girl was flipped forcefully onto her stomach, secured at the waist, and the center of the platform was once again raised to elevate the center point of Patricia's helpless body. The chains holding her legs in position were drawn tightly downward, stretching the skin on her bruised bottom. With a grim expression, Attendant Hazel lifted the ruler-paddle and sighted over it in the direction of its fleshy target.

  Loud, popping cracks, accompanied by muffled screams, vibrated through the room as Attendant Hazel flailed the poor girl's bottom in a furious tempo. “A reprobate student will submit quietly to any type of examination her superiors feel is necessary. She will cause her superiors as little problem as humanly possible during said examination or she will be taught to regret her actions by a swift and forceful punishment,” the woman lectured, emphasizing every word with a crisp smack to any area of pale flesh that remained to be seen, including the exposed, tender inner thighs.

  The thick bandage did little to stifle Patricia's howling. Her bottom and thighs reddened deeply, as the length of the narrow board made its fiery imprint on her flesh. It took only a few seconds before the entirety of her exposed hindquarters blazed an angry crimson, mottled with various shades of purpling bruises. The punishment stopped as abruptly as it had begun, and Attendant Hazel allowed the girl's glowing backend to quiver in the cold before the table was again flattened and her victim returned to her position upon her back. With a satisfied nod, Attendant Hazel departed, and the doctor returned to his perverse perch between Patricia's legs.

  With a repugnant grin, the nurse again latched onto the poor girl's breasts, squeezing and massaging as she worked her way to the taut nipples. She pinched, tugged and twisted, challenging the girl to curb her natural instinct to scream. The nurse finally released Patricia's breasts, announcing that no abnormalities were felt.

  The physician nodded and placed the file to his right. "That's good, Nurse Boynton. Please note your findings. Now, let's see what we have down here, shall we?"

  "Pardon me," a man's voice was heard from the doorway. "Why was I not summoned for this examination?"

  "We did not require your assistance, Dr. Wells," the scowling nurse informed the tall, slender man. "Dr. Krouse and I are very capable of handling three intakes on our own."

  "Recent accusations have led to Headmaster Judas being instructed by the Board of Directors to enact a new State policy to ensure the women, if unmarried, remain intact. That policy requires two professional medical doctors for every examination, gynecological or otherwise. These new rules are designed to protect this institution. Now, would you care to inform him and the board of your reasons for disregarding their orders, or shall I?"

  "There have been no accusations," the nurse snarled.

  "There most certainly have, and the majority have been against you. Need I say more?"

  The nurse's cheeks brightened to a vivid red as her lips tightened angrily, but she remained silent. Molly eyed the tall doctor. He was much younger than the other staff members and fairly attractive, with well-trimmed brown hair and close-cropped beard, clean fingernails, and a general sense of confidence. Dr. Wells waited until the nurse moved aside and stood at Patricia's head, placing a gentle hand on her wet cheek.

  "I am Dr. Wells. I am a psychiatrist and will be monitoring your progress throughout the program. I understand that this is a very unpleasant ordeal, but you must try to keep your screaming to a minimum. Your bottom does not look as though it can afford anymore strokes," he said softly, his thumb wiping the tears from her face. "I am sorry you are having to go through this, but I also understand that you volunteered for it in lieu of prison. Is that true?"

  Patricia nodded her answer. Dr. Wells sighed and gently removed the makeshift gag. "This will make it easier to breathe, just no more screaming. Would either of you like to explain to me the reason for restraining her like this?"

  The nurse muttered a comment under her breath, eliciting a nod from the other physician. He cleared his throat before speaking. "Dr. Wells, despite the new policy, you have been instructed not to interfere with our training techniques. Techniques that are sanctioned by the State. Coddling these inmates will only cause them more difficulty in adjusting to their situation, particularly if one of them is selected by a husband. If you insist upon continuing with these acts of ... weak compassion ... I will report it to the board. Your cousin will have little say, then."

  "Your threats of reporting me have no impact on my choices, Krouse. Or my contract here. You know I was hired in compliance to the state regulations that required a licensed rehabilitation specialist. Considering your license status, I would think twice before threatening me. You should also know that my distant familial relationship to Headmaster Judas or his brother, Judge Jeremiah, has no impact on my decisions. I support the State in that discipline is necessary. Not abuse. I am also aware that the, ahem, ‘sanctioned methods’ are left for interpretation by those who practice them. To treat anyone in this matter is inhumane, and our purpose is to prepare these young women for a life outside these walls. I cannot imagine anything these girls have done to warrant such treatment," Dr. Wells said, running his hand absently over Patricia's hair. "Now, please continue. And kindly work on remaining professional."

  Molly met April's eye. Perhaps there was hope yet! The nurse reached over and parted Patricia's nether lips for the doctor, causing the girl to break into a torrential bout of sobbing.

  "That is quite enough, Franklin. Embarrassment does not lend itself to such an outburst," Dr. Wells said firmly, forcing her to look at him. "That did not hurt, although I do not understand the purpose in the action."

  “Nurse Boyten and I have been involved in the penal system for a number of years," Dr. Krouse said sharply. "We have discovered that certain responses to various types of stimuli demonstrates whether or not an inmate is likely to force herself upon the others. As you commented, we are to keep these girls intact if possible, but we cannot always protect them from other inmates. This ... tantrum ... suggests that she would be resistant to accepting unwanted attention. Her resistance could also lead to violence towards her."

  "So, you are suggesting that the reaction to a humiliating gesture helps determine her character?"

  "Absolutely. It enables us to pinpoint those who might very well cause harm to others. Well, what do we have here? It is no wonder she insists on that caterwauling." The physician snatched his glasses off the tray and placed them over his eyes so that he could peer closely at Patricia's secrets. "We have a complete virgin! She has quite a substantial covering. Would you care to look, Dr. Wells?"

  "That is interesting. A fully intact hymen is certainly a rarity, and I'm sure that Headmaster Judas will be quite thrilled to learn that we have a girl here whom we can look out for and ensure that she remains pure."


  The older man caught the hint very clearly and his face reddened angrily. "If you are implying that I..."

  "I have implied nothing. As I commented, these girls are not only subjected to your frequent ‘medical’ and ‘nursing’ exams, but, as you suggested, they are also vulnerable to the attention from some of the other, more aggressive inmates. I have no doubt that several of our participants enjoy girl-on-girl encounters and would love the opportunity to deflower an innocent. Again, our primary duty as physicians is to protect them and ensure no harm is done during the zealousness of retraining. Just think how pleased her future husband will be when he receives a virgin wife! I know I would be."

  Grabbing the opportunity to continue with his thought process, Dr. Wells sat on a stool next to the older man and gazed at Patricia's treasures. "Your theory regarding their responses to stimulation does have validity in determining the extent of monitoring they might require when unsupervised. I am also interested in seeing your particular examination methods. You have convinced me that they might be quite effective in determining
which girls are most likely to engage in after-hours activities."

  Molly wondered if the older doctor detected the growl and sarcasm in the younger man's voice. Why in the world would someone with integrity like Dr. Wells get caught up in such a horrible place? Maybe he was a plant to expose the horrors happening here? Or was he just another casualty of war trying to survive any way he could? Psychiatrists were not considered necessities in a world where survival was a daily goal, but medical doctors were. Maybe ...

  A scant expression of pleasure lit across Dr. Krouse's pox-scarred face as he puffed his chest with pride. "Your information is quite accurate. I do have a way with these little quims," he boasted, as he continued to stroke his fingers over Patricia's slit. "Unfortunately, her being intact negates a vital portion of the exam. I will proceed with determining her responsiveness. As I mentioned, my research indicates that the girls who are easily stimulated tend to be ones who have the potential to initiate the most problems for themselves. By discovering this early, we can nip some future difficulties in the bud. Open her up again for me, Nurse."

  Patricia's lips were unceremoniously pried apart, exposing her dark pink flesh. The doctor grunted, explaining his theory. “Spreading the labia is noted to be an action that arouses many women, just as the act of being restrained. These girls enjoy the knowledge that they are not in control, and therefore harbor no guilt as they as experience pleasure that is essentially forbidden outside supervised walls. See how she tightens and then relaxes her muscles? Her body is obviously begging to be penetrated. It is quite instinctive. She also has a produced a fair amount of moisture, likely in response to both her reprimand and being tied down. She clearly enjoyed it."

  "That could also be a physiological response to fear," Dr. Wells frowned. "How did you come to your conclusion that she is aroused? I don't see any swelling of her vulva or her clitoris."

  "Experience, Wells. Something you have not obtained just yet, especially with women. I understand that you are up for consideration for marriage.”

  “My personal life has nothing to do with our work here, Dr. Krouse. However, to avoid any rumors, the State has suspended approval for me for two more years because they wish to spread out time between birthings.”

  “Of course, you are a Selected, aren't you? Lubrication, please,” Dr. Krouse ordered snidely. He trailed his fingers up to Patricia’s clit before extending his right index and middle fingers out for a dollop of the viscous fluid. He returned to the small, trembling button and placed his fingers upon it. "You may start timing this, Nurse."

  Patricia clenched her muscles as he began to mercilessly manipulate her untried body. The eyes of everyone in the room were glued to this spot, including those of Dr. Wells. Tears ran down the sides of her face and soaked her hair, and the sound of her desperation rose as the hapless girl begged to stop the attention.

  “Nurse? What is your medical opinion regarding stimulating her breasts? Do you believe it might bring her to orgasm more quickly?"

  “I would say so, Doctor. Her nipples were hard right from the beginning and grew tighter during my evaluation. By the amount of liquid she's expelled, it seems that she was definitely aroused."

  This time, the nurse's hands weren't gloved, and she set about abusing those mounds at least as avidly as she had previously. Dr. Wells frowned as she pinched, tweaked, and pulled on those delicate tips. He placed his wide hand over the nurses to stop her. "Stop. I wish to try something. In the matter of science."

  "How dare you interrupt ..." The old physician scowled, pausing to glare at the younger man, oblivious to Patricia's severely muted begging.

  "You have other girls to apply this technique to, but how many are complete virgins? Not just with a full hymen but also innocent of experiencing stimulation. Have you ever had an orgasm before, Patricia? No? Not even self-induced? Fascinating. Doctor, please satisfy my curiosity and allow me to resume your nurse's activities."

  "Very well." His tone held frustration. "Reset the timer."

  Molly continued to watch as Dr. Wells leaned over the frightened girl and touched her cheek. She could see him mouth the words, 'I'm sorry', and that Patricia visibly relaxed with the gesture of compassion as his hand slowly caressed her face. Slowly, he directed his warm palm downward to her tender, bruised breasts. Patricia's eyes looked wild, as she writhed to escape the fingers that began to roll her nipples gently between them. He made a shushing sound and wet his index finger with his saliva, tantalizing the tip of her left nipple and tracing the areola with feathery caresses. All the while, her clit was ceaselessly flicked by knowing fingers. Unable to control her body's response, Patricia arched her back and loud groans were heard within a few short minutes. A muted scream accompanied her total loss of control as her muscles strained violently against her bonds, her body contracting with wave after wave of forced ecstasy as it experienced its very first orgasm.

  The nurse raised her eyebrow with interest. "Two minutes and forty five seconds, Doctor."

  “Amazing. I would not expect a virgin to respond so rapidly. She even ejaculated! Perhaps we should try this experiment later, Dr. Wells. Are you game?" Dr. Krouse said, excitedly.

  "By all means, Doctor." Dr. Wells ran his hand gently across Patricia's belly and looked kindly in to her eyes. "That wasn't terrible now, was it?"

  Patricia merely shook her head, her limbs still shaking from the climax. A look of mortification was painted on her face as she was unceremoniously flipped over onto her tummy, allowing Dr. Krouse complete access to her bottom. The snap of rubber gloves made her jump, and she expelled another loud moan as the center of the table was raised again, lifting her bottom well above her head. Her moans changed to indignant squeals, as her bruised cheeks were pried apart and a large-diameter thermometer was pressed to her bottom hole. Dr. Krouse moved it with practiced ease; spreading her tight sphincter around it, he slipped it quickly inside and invaded her rectum at least five inches before he finally stopped the advance.

  "I bet this girl is a little embarrassed to have her temperature taken like a child," Dr. Krouse announced, patting the tender, bruised bottom as he twirled the instrument between his index finger and thumb. "Would you believe that mothers rarely use this method nowadays? This is an antique seaman's thermometer. It is an invaluable piece of equipment. They have not made these in centuries," he boasted.

  "It is most impressive. Rectal temperatures are still known to be the most accurate," Dr. Wells concurred. "It is an old but proven technique, and one I personally prefer. I am certainly impressed by the length and width of this particular instrument. How long do you keep it in?"

  “Because it is much larger than the standard, it seats itself well without fear of breakage. It is also more accurate in finding the core temperature than the standard glass thermometers, but requires remaining in place much longer. In view of that issue and the chill in the air, I don't chance a misreading. Ten minutes if the girl does not appear to be ill."

  "I do admire thoroughness. Even when batteries were available to charge the probes, I always fell back on this procedure. Oh, you can stop your fussing, Patricia," Dr. Wells said softly, as the girl wept and begged for the long glass wand to be removed. "This is not hurting you. I know it's undignified, but you will recover."

  "Dr. Wells is correct, girl. You will all discover that the most shameful part of this examination technique is the horror of being treated like child in front of your peers. By doing so, you will quickly learn humility and submission," Dr. Krouse proclaimed. He spent an inordinate amount of time “adjusting” the glass rod within her, pausing to allow her to relax before he moved it again. Ten minutes clicked slowly by before he removed the intruder, simultaneously running his hands all over her bottom while tsking at the marks he saw there. "It is a shame that she had to be punished so severely on her first day, but if they learn the consequences in the beginning, it will spare them a lot of grief in the future. We're done with this one. Who's next?"

r witnessing the other girl's humiliation, Molly and April were better prepared as to what to expect during their opprobrious ordeal. The absence of an intact hymen in both women led the old physician to conclude that they had sullied themselves on some Rejected man's cock, and were thus subjected to a thorough gynecological exam, complete with Pap smears.

  When her turn came, April trembled visibly, for his conclusion had been wrong. Years of climbing rooftops to escape small gangs of thieves had left her without the barrier. She began to sob as she was prepared for the speculum. Despite her slight form and physically small, extremely tight opening, the doctor used the same sized speculum for her as he had for Molly. His only concession to her size was that a larger amount of lube was applied and he took his time introducing it into her. April blubbered and pleaded, her restrained body protesting the invasion.

  “Come now, Compton. You're making a mountain out of a molehill. Young Petry didn't carry on like this. She took her examination – at least this part, anyway – quietly. You should look to her example,” he scolded, as he opened the speculum blades, feeling her unwilling body yield. "You obviously gave it away to some man already. I am sorry, but this is the price you pay here for being slutty, Compton. It does not hurt if you relax."

  April's cries rose to a fever pitch. Before she'd expended her first loud lungful, she was gagged with a mouthful of dry bandage material, secured with a wide layer of medical tape. Dr. Krouse pulled the device from April's body and stepped back as a woman barged into the examination room, using his body to block the younger man from interfering. It was the same woman who had promised to keep an eye out for April's “rebellious spirit." But instead of a rescue, April was splayed helplessly on her tummy and her backside thrashed heavily with a ruler-shaped paddle similar to that belonging to Attendant Hazel.


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