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Strictland Academy

Page 8

by Carolyn Faulkner

  With that, April was returned to her place at the head of the bed and swaddled once again in the diaper and rubber pants. LeClair was the last to leave her, with a possessive pat to her waterproofed mons. "Wait'll you find out what they've got in store for you tomorrow morning before classes." She leaned down and gave April a kiss on the lips. "More later, little girl."


  The bell rang horribly early the next morning, especially for those who were unable to sleep due to the aching remnants of the corrections they had endured from the day before. Attendant Hazel oversaw everyone's morning ablutions and Attendant Angela wasn’t far behind, since she had volunteered to oversee April's 'potty training'.

  Attendant Angela took a chair and placed it at the end of April's bed, not bothering to loosen her limbs until she was completely changed. She put a stack of diaper material and a set of rubber pants to one side, and cleaning supplies to the other, and then reached to open the padlock. Slowly, she removed both the pants and the diapers, which were dry.

  Attendant Angela merely raised her eyebrows. "You may keep your diaper dry as long as you like, my girl, but the bathroom is off-limits to you. No one in this institution will go against my ruling. Eventually, just like the accident that got you into this mess in the first place, your body will take over and you'll wet yourself, whether you want to or not. Just think! You won't ever have to wait to go again!” The older woman sounded delighted with the idea of April being permanently swaddled. She also glanced up to the observing room. A single man stood in the window, signaling her to continue. Attendant Angela narrowed her eyes and refocused on April.

  "Why don't you just go for me? Let it out," the woman cooed, pressing against April's distended bladder. April moaned and finally released a stream of hot fluid into the cloth beneath her. She cried with shame as the attendant began to cleanse her thoroughly and with remarkable gentleness.

  “Good girl! I find that a young girl who believes herself to have knowledge well beyond her years and considers herself an adult, often has thoughts that are far from holy and pious. Especially when she finds herself tucked into in a warm, snug diaper. Since that little mind can easily be distracted from the righteous path, I find a preemptive approach works best whenever one of my girls needs to be potty trained."

  Once again, April's clit fell victim to a set of manipulative fingers that were both surprisingly powerful and pleasurable. Her scream built slowly, starting out as a whisper and growing much louder as she desperately tried to reject the woman's advances.

  “Quiet!” The inside of her thigh was smacked sharply by the Attendant's free hand, startling April into smothering her cry of protest. "No one will come to help you, even if you do scream, you fool. You are mine to do with as I please, and for the moment, I will pleasure you. I'm sure you've noticed that we, at Strictland, do not waste our time taking consideration of what you want. I will punish you whenever and wherever I feel like it, and I will make you cum any time I want. I can have you released from this diaper at any time, or I can make sure that you are never, ever allowed out of it. I can have you treated even more like a baby if I desire. Just so you know, I do enjoy having babies to care for. You will discover I tend to be more forgiving on those who completely depend upon me. Especially," she whispered in the girl's ear, "if they call me Mommy."

  "I'm s … sorry," April whispered, her inner thigh burning, "Mommy."

  “What a smart little girl you are! I suggest you tread very carefully around me, baby April. Very carefully, indeed.” Attendant Angela increased the tempo of her fingers as they flicked just the barest tip of her clit, not really giving her quite enough stimulation to achieve her peak, but keeping her close enough to long for completion.

  “Because you were such a naughty girl, you have to be potty trained again. You won't be going to class this morning like the other girls. You have an appointment with the doctor, and you need to know that you will be seeing him quite frequently. I don't want any messes in that diaper, and the doctor is going to take care of that for me in a manner I requested. I'll be there to watch and assist him if necessary, so I suggest you submit yourself to him willingly and without a fuss."

  She leaned forward in her chair and reached up to grasp a nipple, while she set about bringing April to fulfillment against her will. "I want you to come—quickly—or you'll be doing it in front of a crowd of the other girls." She looked up at April, whose head was rolling back and forth, eyes closed, breath coming quickly in short pants." Or is that an idea that titillates you, April? Something you've thought of while you've let men do things like this to you?"

  Not only did April suffer the indignity of being brought to orgasm by her nemesis, she also discovered that those unfortunates who lost control of their bladders and required placement in diapers and rubber pants were not permitted to cover that fact up during their daily lives. LeClair gleefully instructed April on how to pin up her dress at the waist to demonstrate the extent of her humiliation. Her flaming red cheeks, bowed head, and tears that formed wet spots on the front of her dress earned her a multitude of affectionate pats on the bottom and promises for some more 'special time' together from LeClair.

  As soon as breakfast was over, Attendant Angela came to take April by the hand to the doctor's office. Dr. Wells lifted his head, his expression of concern clear. Anger raced across the attendant's face.

  "She has problems with bladder control and requires retraining. You will not interfere with this one, doctor," the woman spat.

  "I have no intent of interfering, unless I see a need. Is there a need, Angela?"

  Face red with hatred, the older woman hissed, "I am Attendant or Mistress to you, young man."

  "You are nothing to me, you old hag. Release that girl before you break her wrist. Are you okay, child?"

  April shivered, knowing better than to tell the truth in front of the livid attendant. "Yes, sir. I am fine."

  "Like hell you are," he whispered in her ear, out of the attendant's hearing. "I will take over from here."

  "This does not concern you. She is my ..."

  "Are you a physician?"


  "Does this concern a procedure that requires medical attention?"

  "Yes, but ..."

  "There are no 'buts'. You may escort yourself out and will be summoned when you are needed."

  "You have made yourself quite an enemy, Wells," the old doctor chuckled as he entered the room. "Those old badgers will claw you to death when you least expect it."

  "I do not doubt you, but I will not be commanded by any sour old crone. I did not allow that from my own mother, and I will not tolerate it from them."

  "I will be watching to see who wins this battle, my boy. You already know you are treading on thin ice and that they are devising a way to make you disappear. Just watch your back. Now, what do we have here? Ahh, this little princess here has some continence issues."

  "I am certain they are psychological. I want her assigned for my studies every day, whatever time is convenient for the witches."

  "The witches are going to be madder than hell. You already took away one of their prize chickens."

  "That girl was beaten within an inch of her life, severely dehydrated and mentally derailed. Her blood sugars were also dangerously low. She would not have survived the night. We are not here to butcher these children!"

  "No, but we are here to reshape them. Every girl who has left this organization has bettered for it."

  "Really? How many have left? And where have they gone? The records show that some of them have been here for three years, which is as long as it has been established. Others just vanished. Incidentally, don’t you find it odd that the beginning of this establishment corresponds with the time period that marriage consent and pregnancy permits began to be issued? Somone stands to make an awful lot of money selling false permits to the ineligible Refused."

  "I don't pronounce sentence, Wells.”

  “Tell me, Dr. Krouse. Ha
ve those girls been married off to illegal partners?”

  “Dr. Wells, I do not get involved with this institutions politics or what occurs between the Headmaster and the Board of Directors. I just do my job. Now it is time to do yours."

  April was ordered to stand in the middle of the room and Dr. Wells carefully stripped her, tsking at the sorry condition of her bottom. When the dress was pulled up over her head and her breasts were exposed, April tried to cover them with her arm, but Dr. Krouse smacked her behind with a sharply barked order to keep her hands at her sides. Once naked, she was placed on her hands and knees upon the examination table, and ordered to lean down on her forearms with her head lower than her bottom. She was cuffed in place with her arms secured to the table, and her knees spread well apart. She was on full display.

  "Why the restraints? She is not going to go anywhere," Dr. Wells asked.

  "They prevent her from moving around and harming herself. That is our policy. Accept it."

  Dr. Wells sighed, "I still think it is unnecessary, but it won't cause her any physical harm. Mentally, though ..."

  The old man ignored him. "What kind of nozzle do you suggest we use for Compton, here?"

  “It is dependent upon the depth of the cleansing and the length of time she has to retain the solution. Have you examined her rectal cavity to make certain she is capable of taking a nozzle without harming her?" Dr. Wells asked, patting the girl's knee with reassurance.

  “Just a precursory. They all had their temperatures taken where God intended, of course."

  “Well then, perhaps we should take a closer look. We don't want anything torn. That would just cause more problems for us."

  Dr. Krouse grinned at his co-worker. "By Jove, Wells, I think you are catching on."

  "I'm a slow learner, sometimes," Dr. Wells agreed, offering a sorrowful look in April's direction. "I know this will be uncomfortable, but it won't harm her."

  "Precisely. We are not here to cause harm, right?" The old man chuckled. "Would you like the honors?"

  Both donned gloves and presented themselves between her spread thighs. The old doctor laid his hands to the inside of April's bottom cheeks and spread them apart. April groaned in mortification, earning herself several swift cracks across her all-too-available buttocks. "Quiet, girl."

  When there were no further unacceptable sounds, Dr. Krouse pried her bottom open even further this time and said, “Please continue, Wells."

  The heat from the light began to feel uncomfortably warm against her bottom hole. "Well, she does not give any indication of having been penetrated at any recent time. Have you ever been violated here, Compton?"

  "No, sir, Dr. Wells. Not … my other place, either."

  "Are you saying you are a virgin?"

  "Yes, sir. Dr. Wells."

  "I am certain she is lying," Dr. Krouse snorted. "Look at that quim! How stretched, and ..."

  "You violated her during her examination, thinking she was deflowered. This also looks like someone might have recently had their way with her as well. Who was it, April?"

  "No one, Dr. Wells," April sniffled, fearful of both the truth and further humiliation.

  "Are you sure?" His question was firm, no nonsense. "These new little tears did not come from the exam, and the region is quite swollen."

  "I'm sure, Dr. Wells." April whispered. She squeezed her eyes shut while he gently probed her pussy.

  “I don't believe you are telling me the truth, April. We will discuss this later. In the meantime, I do believe that very little has ever entered here. There is no evidence of stretching or scars."

  Dr. Krouse nodded. "In that case, what do you think is the best thing to use on her? Keep in mind that she is not to be coddled in any way. I am sure that the dear attendant prefers we use something that's going to make the entire process even more unpleasant, in order to remind her of her behavior."

  "I didn't do anything!" April wailed. "Damn it, Dr. Wells! They wouldn't let me fuckin' pee!"

  “What a temper! And that language! For that act of rebellion, young lady, you're going to receive a paddling while you're getting your enema,” Dr. Krouse clucked.

  "Really, April, how can you expect me to help you when you break the most basic rules? We are both subject to policy here, child, like it or not," Dr. Wells sadly asked.

  "I'm sorry! I'm just scared, and everyone keeps hurting me! Please ..."

  “Believe it or not, this is the kindest thing I can do for you in your present situation. Think about it ... never having to worry about breaking another bathroom rule. What can I do to assist you, Doctor?" Dr. Wells asked, with a shake of his head.

  “Assist me? How about I allow you to administer the solution, while I attend to this naughty little bottom?" As he spoke, the old man lifted a bar up from the side of the table and adjusted its height, then proceeded to hang a large red bag full of soapy solution upon the hook. He checked the tubing, running a bit of the contents out the end of the nozzle-less hose and into a nearby emesis basin, emptying the tubing of air pockets. He clamped it off near the tip and gestured to the tray that contained a variety of nozzles, plugs, and clamps. “What do you think of this one, Doctor? It looks like it would be a challenge for her," Dr. Krouse announced. "Especially if she's as untried as I think she is back there. She certainly won't be able to remove it since it is designed for retention."

  "It is a bit large and bulbous, but I think she can take it without any problems, if she cooperates. April, this will go much easier on you if you try to relax. You have already earned yourself a little paddling, with which I will not intervene. Can you please try to behave?"

  "I'll try, Dr. Wells. I'm just scared."

  "There is nothing to be afraid of, you foolish chit," Dr. Krouse grumbled. "You will feel a lot of pressure and stretching, and your stomach will cramp a little. It is nothing like what my paddle is going to feel like on your bottom."

  "I would think your hand would be more appropriate," Dr. Wells quickly suggested. "Flesh to flesh would add to the humiliation, and you said that humiliation is part of the learning process, right?"

  "Hmmm, yes. I really didn't think you had it in you, Wells, but you are starting to change my opinion about you."

  April whimpered as she felt a large, cold dollop of lubricant placed over her anus. She clenched her muscles as Dr. Wells began to gently massage the greasy substance into her bottom-hole, passing the tight opening with his gloved finger. She yelped and he smacked her lightly, startling her, and ordered her again to cease resisting him. Slowly, he introduced the tip of the black nozzle to her tiny pucker, moving the long, slender hose very carefully in and out to encourage her cooperation. With a reluctant sigh, he began to press it home, urging the wide, flat base through the unyielding sphincter. April bucked in protest, earning three sharp smacks.

  "Stop fighting me! I am trying to help. Push out!"

  "But ... OW!" April yelped, staring back at the man with surprise. That spank hurt!

  "Mind me," his low voice ordered.

  Stifling a cry, April obeyed. The thick device was pressed deeply within her, and she felt her body swallow it to the hilt, leaving her tender and uncomfortably filled.

  “There is a special design at the neck that we call a knot," he explained to the blubbering girl. "It is wider than the nozzle, to prevent any accidental leakage during the procedure. If you stay still, I will go very slowly and give you time to adjust. Disobey me and we will have to get this over with quickly, which I assure you is something you might want to avoid. Understood?"

  "Yes, sir, Dr. Wells," April mumbled in her arms, her face flushing with blood as she tossed about a mental image of herself in her mind.

  "Very good. Here we go."

  April heard the click of the device as the liquid was gradually released. The slow progression into her bowels felt odd at best, but was not particularly uncomfortable. Another loud click was heard, and her entire world was suddenly dominated by the feeling of an irritating s
olution cascading through her insides. She began to pant and squirm, without a thought about the noise she was making, momentarily forgetting the old doctor's promise of a paddling.

  He stood directly behind her, unbothered by the hose that protruded from her behind and down between her spread knees. He raised his thick hand to the unobstructed target and began to spank her sharply, adding sting upon painful sting over several already tenderized spots. The pain to her bottom was a surprisingly temporary distraction from her bloated, cramping stomach, and she welcomed the smacks with loud outbursts of yips.

  Dr. Wells successfully hid the moisture seeping from her pussy from the old man's sight, sparing the girl the additional mortification of her condition's being noticed and announced. The old man stopped the spanking and brushed off his hands after the bag was emptied.

  "There is nothing like a nice red bottom to remind a girl how to behave around her betters, right, Dr. Wells?"

  "Absolutely. I am sure April appreciates your correction and wishes to thank you. Don't you, April?"

  "Y … yes, sir. Th … thank you, Dr. Krouse," April sniffed, still focused on the burning of her newly-spanked backside.

  "You are welcome. And for your good manners, I think we can reduce your holding time to ten minutes, instead of thirty," Dr. Krouse said, gruffly.

  Minutes ticked by. As the sting wore off from her bottom, the rolling in her tummy increased. She kept herself as quiet as possible, not wanting to entice additional time. Dr. Wells checked on her, noticing that she was drenched in a layer of clammy sweat. He patted her bottom and glanced at the clock. "Two more minutes. Do you think you can hang in there?"

  "Whatever you need me to do, I will," April forced out.

  Dr. Krouse clucked, "Two more minutes? That is nothing. In my day, these things were held for hours."

  "Hours?" Dr. Wells asked, with a raised eyebrow, as he prepared the commode.


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