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Freshwater Kisses: A Billionaire Love Story

Page 6

by Lakes, Krista

  It only took us a moment to secure the boat, the knots flowing from our fingers as we tied and secured everything. Robbie did a quick double-check before we jumped from the boat and onto the dock.

  "You are covered in salt," Robbie said, laughing as he brushed white grains from my cheek. "There's a freshwater bucket over there."

  He took my hand and guided me toward an old-fashioned water spigot and turned it on. Crystal clear water sloshed out, and I put my hand under the flow. The water was warm, and I smiled. Robbie lifted a bucket and slid it under the spout. Memories of the last time the two of us had rinsed off under a bucket like this flooded my mind. I found myself aching to kiss him.

  Robbie raised the bucket over my head, his strong arms steady as he prepared to pour it. I stepped in close to him, and he let the water fall over us. I stood on tiptoe and found his lips with mine, the water cascading around us.

  This kiss wasn't the innocent first taste of love between two friends. Robbie didn't freeze this time, no longer a boy unsure of oncoming masculinity. This time, he let the bucket fall, his fingers tangling in my hair as he pressed his lips against mine. His body met mine, his heat seeping through wet clothes and filling me with a fire of want. Our tongues met, the taste of freshwater mixing in with the kiss. It was sweet and clean and everything I had ever expected in a kiss.

  My watch beeped again, giving me one final warning. Breathless, I pulled away, our foreheads still touching as our lips separated.

  "Go pick up your niece. I'll finish up here." Robbie's voice was low and full of want. Our eyes connected, and I lost myself in his sea of green for a moment.

  "Okay," I replied. My head was spinning. I wondered if I had forgotten how to breathe. I stepped back, and Robbie's hands went to my shoulders. He looked me up and down and smiled.

  "Thank you for the boat," I whispered. I leaned forward and kissed him again, not ready to leave him just yet. His mouth caressed mine, and time stopped for a moment. Then he pushed me back gently.

  "You better go or you'll be late," he said. His green eyes held a fire that said he didn't want me to go, that he wanted so much more. I fought inwardly with myself, but I knew I had to leave.

  "Avery's Hope," I said, taking a step back. His brows came together in a question. "I want to name the boat, Avery's Hope."

  Robbie nodded. "That's a perfect name; and I think Avery will approve."

  I took another step backward, making the distance between us grow and hoping that the extra space would make it easier to leave him. It didn't, but I knew I couldn't stay. I turned and started to walk back down the pier, my fingers going to my lips to feel the passion still surging within them.

  "Hey, Sam?" Robbie called out. I turned, ready to run back down and into his arms if he asked. "I'd like to see you again. Can I take you out to dinner tomorrow?"

  I beamed at him. "Yes. I get off of work at four."

  "Excellent. I'll be at your house at five then. Dress fancy." His smile lit up the dock brighter than the sun. I nodded enthusiastically and then forced myself to hurry away so I could get to Avery by the time school got out.

  Chapter 9

  The coastal town of Winchester was not that big. It was a really nice tourist town, with a big, beautiful marina, three restaurants, and a bar that is more local than tourist. Technically, Grace and I didn't even live within the town's limits, but the sheriff still looked after us like we did.

  New York City was about an hour away by train, so if any of the small town's inhabitants wanted to treat someone or have a night out, most of them usually hopped on the train. Unless, of course, they happen to be the son of a billionaire.

  It was just before five, and Robbie was right on time. I peeked out the window and nearly didn't recognize the man walking up. I still saw him in my mind as the gangly, awkward twelve-year-old boy who liked wearing basketball shorts and t-shirts. I had only ever seen him in sailing gear or khakis since we became adults, and I was surprised to find he even owned a suit.

  Where I was expecting a sailor, a prince stood on my front porch. He had tamed his wild sandy hair into something that could grace the cover of a men's magazine, and his normally scruffy chin was clean-shaven. A black suit jacket hung perfectly across his broad shoulders, and a dark green shirt underneath it made his green eyes pop. A tie was never his style, so I wasn't surprised not to see one, but even without it, he looked ready to go to dinner with a movie star.

  I gulped and let the curtain fall. I felt almost too casual in my dark blue dress, but it was the nicest thing I had. I knew it looked good, but it was my go-to dress for weddings, banquets, award ceremonies, and anything that needed me to wear something fancier than jeans. Seeing Robbie looking like the billionaire he was, my dress suddenly felt a little shabby. I smoothed the front and made sure my hair was still pulled back. Grace and Avery had enjoyed teasing it into curls and doing my makeup. Even if my dress was a little plain, my hair and face more than made up for it.

  "I GOT IT!" screamed Avery as the doorbell chimed. She tore down the hallway, her princess dress flowing behind her, and threw open the door before I even had a chance to move. She loved answering the door.

  "Hi," Robbie greeted her, bending down and resting on his heels to be at her eye level. "I am supposed to take a princess to dinner tonight. You look ready to go."

  Avery beamed up at him, twirling her iridescent princess skirt at her feet. It was supposed to be her Halloween costume, but she refused to wear anything else. It was a struggle in the mornings to convince her to wear her school uniform, and she only changed when Grace promised she could wear her princess costume as soon as she got home. Halloween was still over a month away, but she wasn't showing any signs of getting bored with it.

  "Aunt Sam, there's a man at the door for you," Avery called out, her eyes never leaving Robbie. I could tell she was smitten, and given how handsome he looked in that suit, I couldn't blame her.

  "Thank you, Avery," I said, walking over to the open door. Robbie's jaw dropped slightly.

  "Wow... you look amazing..."

  Heat flared through my cheeks, and I put my hands on Avery's shoulders just so they had something to do. "Thank you."

  "Avery, come here and let your aunt get out the door," Grace's soft voice came from inside the house. She stepped into the hallway with a disapproving look. I wasn't sure if it was meant for Avery or Robbie.

  "Grace, it's always nice to see you." Robbie nodded politely at my older sister. "You and your mom have a nice night, okay, Princess?"

  Avery grinned up at him, and slowly turned back toward her mother. I picked up my purse by the door, and stepped out into the cooling evening air. I waved to Avery and shut the door firmly behind me. Robbie's hand reached for mine as soon as I released the handle. His skin was warm and rough with calluses, but it fit in mine like it had been designed to go there.

  "Did I mention you look amazing?" Robbie asked, guiding me out of the driveway and toward the park near our house. I realized that there wasn't a car parked nearby, but I let him lead the way.

  "Yes, thank you. You look pretty good yourself." I squeezed his hand, and he chuckled.

  "I wanted to make this evening special. I wanted to look my best for you," he said, turning to glance at me. His green eyes caught the light and sparkled. His smile was beaming and meant only for me. The butterflies in my stomach flapped harder as he smiled at me, and I felt like giggling. The leaves rustled gently, as the moon started her graceful rise. The oncoming night hummed with magic, the dancing leaves and the glow of the moon promising an evening to remember.

  "Where are we going? Did you bring a car?" I asked, glancing around. We were almost to the end of our short block, but there wasn't a car in sight.

  Robbie laughed and tugged gently on my hand. "We're almost there."

  He led confidently as we rounded the corner, heading toward the small park that Avery liked to play in. As we turned, I could see a helicopter waiting in the middle of the soccer fie
ld. I had a sneaking suspicion that we weren't taking the train.

  "Is that yours?" I asked as we came closer.

  "No, it's my brother's, but he said I could use it for the night." He laughed when I gave him a doubting look. "No, I really did ask! It's all ours for the evening."

  A wave of excitement washed over me as Robbie led me to the door and helped me inside. I had never been on a helicopter before. Robbie handed me a set of headphones, placing a matching set on his ears as he sat down next to me. The whir of the blades thundered above us as the pilot began to take off.

  I gripped Robbie's hand, peering out the window as the ground floated away. There were no jumps or a speeding sensation like there was with a plane, just the ground disappearing below us. I grinned at Robbie, mesmerized by the way the trees shrank and the world suddenly stretched out before me. I liked flying in a helicopter.

  The time flew by quicker than I thought it would and before I knew it, we were coming in for a landing on the top of the DS Oil and Gas building. I pressed my nose to the glass, seeing the city for the first time. Despite being so close, I hadn't had a reason to visit New York City yet. I couldn't believe how big it was!

  We landed with a simple thump, and Robbie grinned, helping me out of the helicopter, his hand warm in mine. I was glad he didn't let go as he ushered me quickly across the rooftop and down into the building.

  "That was spectacular! I could see the whole world from up there," I said in amazement. We stepped into a gold-plated elevator. Robbie pushed the button for the garage, and I leaned back against the shiny cage. I still held onto Robbie's hand, though.

  Robbie grinned. "If you liked that, then you'll love dinner."

  "Where are we going for dinner?" Curiosity bubbled up inside of me. There were so many fabulous places to eat in New York City, but something that related to a helicopter ride?

  "You'll see when we get there," Robbie said with a smug smile.

  "You aren't going to tell me?" I gave him my best pout.

  "Nope. I like being able to surprise you," he said, his tall frame coming in close to mine. I could smell his cologne and the clean scent of his shampoo. The aroma was intoxicating and wonderful. His lips were so close, all I had to do was rise up on my toes just a little, and I could kiss him. I started to lift up, my mouth inching ever closer to his, when the elevator dinged and the doors opened. Robbie gave me a wicked smile and pulled away, grabbing my hand and tugging me out the elevator doors.

  A sleek, black sedan was ready for us, a driver waiting with open doors at the curb. I followed Robbie, my heels clicking on the cement. The interior was warm and spacious and smelled of leather and new car. As soon as we were situated, the car pulled out smoothly into the New York evening.

  Buildings rose up into the night sky, their lights twinkling like stars. It was as if each skyscraper were its own universe, full of twinkling galaxies of light, and together they created heaven. Robbie leaned back in his seat, a small smile on his lips as he watched me take in the city. I couldn't look away from the towering buildings and the people hurrying in mass numbers across the busy sidewalks. I had never seen so many people at once, especially in the evening. I could easily see why New York was called the city that never sleeps.

  The car came to a gentle stop in front of a spectacular building and Robbie helped me out and onto the curb. The air was colder than I had expected, and I shivered slightly. Robbie's brow creased for a moment, and he quickly shrugged out of his jacket, draping it around my shoulders. It was warm from his body and surrounded me with a scent that was only his. With quick confident steps, he hurried me out of Times Square and into a hotel. I gave him a concerned look, as I wasn't quite ready to just hop into a hotel room at that point. I wanted to kiss him again like crazy, but my sister would kill me if she found out we went straight up to a hotel room. He just grinned and pulled me into an elevator and hit the forty-eighth floor button.

  The elevator rose smoothly, and I slid my hand into his. His callused fingers surrounded mine, warm and strong. It only took a moment before the doors opened out into a beautiful restaurant with giant windows. It was quite possibly the most stunning thing I had ever seen.

  The hostess greeted us and hurried us to a table for two next to one of the big pane-glass windows. The lights from the city twinkled like fireflies in the dark, the Empire State Building directly in front of us. Robbie pulled out my chair before sitting across from me. The sounds of tinkling laughter and playful chatter filled the restaurant as the guests enjoyed themselves.

  "This is amazing," I whispered, looking out the window and seeing the buildings shift. I realized the floor moved slightly and the view changed as the entire restaurant slowly rotated.

  "It's moving!" I gasped, and my eyes went wide. Robbie laughed and reached across the table to take my hand. I was glad, because I really didn't ever want him to let go. Even just the short time apart between him pulling out my chair to that moment seemed too long to not touch him.

  "It will make a full 360° turn every hour. This way, you'll be able to see the whole city and still get dinner," Robbie said. His green eyes danced with mirth, and I couldn't look away from his smile. Screw the city, I thought, I've got the best view.

  "Good evening. Can I interest you in a wine flight? Or perhaps some champagne to get the evening started?" a waitress asked. She was beautiful, with long blonde hair, blue eyes, and legs that went on for miles. I instantly felt distrust toward her for being so effortlessly beautiful, but I did my best to smile back.

  "I'd love some champagne. Dom Perignon Rose if you have it, please," Robbie said. He gave her a quick smile before looking back at me.

  "Of course. I'll be right back with that," the waitress cooed, placing her hand on Robbie's shoulder. He didn't even look at her; he just kept smiling at me until she left.

  "I hope you don't mind that I ordered for you. It's one of my favorites," he said. His thumb stroked the palm of my hand, sending thrills up and down my spine.

  "No, it's fine. I don't know anything about champagne, so I'm glad you did. This is all so fancy—I have no idea what to order," I said sheepishly, looking down at the menu. Lobster, filet mignon, lamb, and mussels with delicious sounding descriptions all stared up at me.

  "I recommend the steamed mussels in Normande sauce. The brandy in the sauce gives it a sweetness that is just perfect," he suggested. I giggled.

  "You are just trying to get me in the mood," I teased. "Dinner in a luxurious hotel, now suggesting an aphrodisiac for dinner..."

  "You're thinking of oysters, but if that's what you want, then I won't say no." He gave me a naughty wink, and I felt a blush sear across my cheeks. The corners of his eyes crinkled slightly as he chuckled.

  "Champagne?" the pretty waitress interrupted, batting her long eyelashes at Robbie. He nodded patiently for her to open and pour the bubbly liquid. I couldn't imagine a more overt sexual innuendo as she held the bottle and popped the cork, her mouth open and the look of pleased surprise almost inappropriate. The smile on my face became wooden. She was much more attractive than I was. Her long, blonde hair was curled and her dress looked expensive. My straight hair was losing the curls Grace and Avery had managed to coerce hours ago, and I knew my dress was far less revealing than hers.

  But Robbie didn't seem to notice. Once the champagne was poured, he listed off his order with polite words, and as soon as he finished, he took my hands in his and smiled. The blonde pouted, but she very clearly got the message that he wasn't interested in her. He was interested in me. A rush went through me, and the smile on my face became genuine again.

  "So, tell me, what happened after you moved away? All of it. I tried calling you a couple of times, but the call never went through," Robbie asked, his attention solely on me. It was hard to concentrate with his green eyes absorbing my every detail, and the warmth from his hands seeping into mine and filling my core.

  "Well, we moved to Texas to start Dad's new company idea. Things looked go
od for a while, but then everything kind of fell apart. Dad's business partner stole some funds, and then the creditors came knocking." I shrugged. "We moved a lot. He was actually thinking of reapplying for his old job at DS Oil and Gas when the accident happened."

  "I heard about that. I was really sorry that happened; I liked your parents," he said softly with a gentle squeeze for my hands.

  "I don't really like talking about it. Thank you, though." I took a deep breath and continued, "Anyway, I moved into Grace's apartment after that. She got married and had Avery a couple years after that, and sailing picked up."

  "So why are you in Winchester, then?" he asked. His face was so concerned and interested in my well-being, I almost didn't want to tell him what had happened. I didn't really like talking about my past, and I was actually surprised I had said as much as I had. It was a testament to Robbie that he could get me to tell him any of it.

  "The house was Avery's grandmother's. When Avery's dad Evan died, Grace and Avery moved in with Evan's mom, Betty. She died in the spring, and so I came out to help raise Avery." I took a sip of my champagne.

  "And that's why you're not sailing, right?" Robbie asked. I nodded.

  "That and Cora's injury. I hope I can get back next season, but it's going to be rough." I shrugged, trying to make it appear as though I didn't care. Taking this season off was almost certainly death for my career, but I hadn't seen any way out of it.

  "We have to get you back out on the water," Robbie said. His eyes went serious for a moment. "Have you ever heard of the Champion of Champions Invitational in Chicago? It's a freshwater event, but it's the last race of the season."

  "Have I heard of it?" I made an incredulous noise. "I've wanted to race it for years. It's super prestigious, though, and there is no way I could get in..." I stopped and stared at him. "You have an invite, don't you?"


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