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Freshwater Kisses: A Billionaire Love Story

Page 8

by Lakes, Krista

  The wooden porch creaked softly as we stepped up onto it. I slid my key in the door, hearing the lock click open. Grace had left a light on in the hallway so I wouldn't come home to a dark house. For a moment, I thought about asking Robbie to come inside, but I knew that was a bad idea. Not bad because I was afraid of what would happen, but bad because I knew Avery would come bounding into my bedroom in the morning. As much as I wanted him, it was just going to have to wait.

  I turned from the door, and Robbie's arms wrapped around me. He was bathed in moonlight, his eyes deep green pools that I wanted to dive into and never surface. He smiled, his face somehow growing more handsome right before he leaned forward to kiss me. I melted into his kiss, soaking it up and losing myself to him.

  I smiled softly as we separated, my heart pounding wildly in my chest. This had been the best night of my life.

  "Goodnight, Princess," Robbie whispered as he let me go, stepping back off the porch. I pushed the door open, gliding into the warm house on happy feet. I peeked out the window, watching him stride down the driveway, a silly-happy grin plastered on his face as he walked under the streetlight. Clearly, he had enjoyed the night as much as I had.

  I smiled and locked the door, feeling as giddy as a teenager. I knew there was a grin glued to my face and I didn't want it to go away.

  I stepped into the kitchen to grab a glass of water to take to bed and nearly ran over Grace. She was wearing an old tattered robe that was once cream-colored, but was now a faded gray. Several pens stuck out of a messy bun while her reading glasses perched precariously on her forehead. She had a big glass of milk and several oatmeal cookies in her hand. I could tell she was still in full study mode.

  "I was wondering when you were going to get home, young lady," she whispered, giving me her best motherly glare. I just smiled at her and went to the cabinet to get a glass. "Did you have a good time?"

  "I had a spectacular time," I answered, setting the glass on the counter. "He took me to this amazing restaurant, and then we walked around in Times Square. It was so incredibly wonderful."

  "Well, at least he didn't hit you with a boat this time."

  I looked up at her in shock. Grace stood in the kitchen, crossing her arms and frowning. She was not happy.

  "Grace, that was an accident," I said quietly.

  "Right. An accident that nearly got you killed." She punctuated her statement with a sigh and her shoulders sagged as though she were carrying the weight of the world. "I know it was an accident, but you can't expect me to welcome him back with open arms after that."

  I wrapped my arms around her, hugging her close to me. I hadn't thought of how hard it must have been on her to have almost lost yet another family member. She smelled of oatmeal cookies and ink.

  "You know Robbie would never intentionally hurt me," I whispered.

  "I know. I just don't want to see you hurt, period. I can't lose you too, Sam." Grace's eyes met mine, and I could see that their blue depths were full of pain and loss. I hugged her closer, feeling her arms tighten around me as well.

  "I won't let that happen," I whispered. I heard her sniffle, and she gave me one more squeeze before letting me go.

  "You should get to bed. You have work in the morning." She pushed the glasses back onto her petite nose. "And I have to finish studying for this test. I'll see you in the morning, okay?"

  "You got it. I'll make the coffee," I promised. Grace smiled and picked up her glass of milk and cookies and headed back into her room. I watched her go and then headed up to my room to get some sleep myself.

  Chapter 11

  Robbie was supposed to be here to pick me up at any moment, but I stood half-naked in front of my closet trying to figure out what to wear. My nerves had me jumping and changing my mind about every article of clothing, and even how I should do my hair.

  Just relax! I tried to tell myself, but it wasn't working. He's just Robbie! He won't care what you're wearing or how your hair looks! You are supposed to be sailing! I knew I shouldn't care, but after the amazing date in New York City two days ago, I was flustered. I had never liked someone as much as I liked Robbie. He made me feel like anything was possible and that the future could be a wonderful place.

  I finally just threw on my favorite sailing leggings and a lightweight long sleeved shirt over my bikini. The bikini part was optional, but I felt prettier wearing it than my normal swimsuit. I stared at the mirror for a moment, trying to figure out what to do with my hair. I finally just gave up and put the long, dirty blonde tresses up in a manageable ponytail. I did, however, put just a touch of lipstick on. Just because I was being sensible didn't mean I didn't have to at least try a little bit.

  I had a cute skirt with a flattering top in a bag to change into if I needed something dry, and I tossed a waterproof jacket and my sailing shoes in on top of it. I kept a hairbrush and hair-ties in the pocket of the bag, and other than that, I couldn't think of anything else to bring. Nervous butterflies did the mamba in my stomach, and no matter how much I tried to convince myself that this wasn't a date, the butterflies didn't believe me.

  A strong knock on the door told me Robbie had arrived. I slung my bag over my shoulder and hurried to the front door, but it didn't matter. Avery had beaten me to it. She had the door open wide, her new princess dress fluttering in the fall breeze as she waved to Robbie. Robbie grinned at me over her head as I made my way to the door.

  "Hi, Robbie! Do you like my dress? I like it. Thank you. You ready to take Aunt Sam on a trip?" she asked him, her sentences blurring together in a long stream of little-girl enthusiasm.

  "Avery, sweetie, we're just going to go out for today. The race isn't until next week," I answered, giving her a kiss on the top of the head. Avery's small features frowned, and she opened her mouth to say something, but Robbie knelt down in front of her and whispered in her ear. A knowing smile blossomed across her face, and she nodded emphatically at Robbie.

  "Right. I forgot. You guys have a good... day." She giggled hysterically at the last word, as though she knew some sort of secret. Robbie shook his head and stood up slowly.

  "You look amazing. You ready to go?" he asked. He stood confidently in the door, the wind ruffling his sandy hair. The stubble on his chin was back, but it made him look rugged. I rather liked it.

  "Yeah, let me just let Grace know I'm leaving," I said, twisting around to call back into the house. Before I could yell out, Grace came out of the kitchen. She had a highlighter tucked over her ear and her reading glasses on, so I knew she had been studying.

  "Hi, Robbie. You two go have fun," she said, grinning like a Cheshire cat. I narrowed my eyes and glanced from Robbie to Grace to Avery. Last time Grace had seen Robbie, she had not been pleased with him, but now she was all smiles. Something fishy was going on. While Avery had a wild imagination, she didn't get confused that easily. Grace didn't stop studying for just anything, and Robbie looked just a tad too confident. Something was up.

  "All right, you three, what's going on?"

  Grace and Robbie exchanged grins and instantly changed their expressions to look innocent. Avery tried to mimic them, but all she ended up doing was looking like she was going to be sick.

  "Nothing! Go, have fun! It was great to see you again, Robbie," Grace said, pushing me gently out the door. Avery giggled.

  "You too, Grace. Thanks for all your help," he said with a wink.

  "Seriously, guys, tell me what's going on?" I pleaded, but Grace just pushed me harder. Robbie moved out of the door, and before I knew it, the front door was shut with Avery and Grace's giggles muffled behind it. I gave Robbie a questioning look.

  "What's going on? What sneaky surprise do you three have planned?" I asked. Robbie just laughed and guided me to the car. It was a cute, sporty little red thing. He took the bag from my shoulder and put it in the back seat before opening the door.

  I could see Grace and Avery, their blonde hair shining and petite features smiling like jack-o-lanterns in the window
, so I waved. Avery waved back emphatically, almost smacking Grace in the face as Robbie started the engine.

  "I'll tell you what's going on when we get there," Robbie said cryptically. He pulled out of the driveway and began racing the little car down the street. The cool air felt wonderful against the warm sunshine and I leaned back and just let Robbie drive. I knew I wasn't going to get answers from him until he was ready to share the surprise.

  He turned at the intersection leading to the marina, and instead of making a right, he turned left. I sat up in my seat. "This isn't the way to the marina."


  I waited for him to say more, but he just gave me an impish smirk that made me want to hit him. I wondered where we were going that he would turn the wrong way.

  "Where are we going?" I demanded, looking out the window at the fall foliage flying by. I never came out this direction, so I had no idea where we were headed.

  "Some place fun." He shifted into a higher gear, the hum of the sports car singing in the air.

  "Where is this 'some place fun’?" I persisted.

  "Some place fun. You'll like it." He smirked.

  "Argh! Robbie! Tell me where we're going!" I gave his arm a gentle swat, and he laughed.

  "Nope, it's too much fun to get you riled. You're pretty when you’re mad," he said. I full-on punched his arm this time. "I promise you'll like it."

  I slumped in my seat, crossing my arms and pouting. He laughed and turned onto another road. This one I recognized. It was the road to the small, private airport. Robbie turned the car toward the airfield, a plane starting to emerge on the tarmac. He parked the car next to the jet, popping the trunk and grinning wildly. A worn, blue suitcase emerged from the trunk. My worn, blue suitcase.

  "So that's what Avery and Grace were up to last night. I knew we didn't need more milk! They had me go to the store to get me out of the house. You had them help you!" I sputtered, not really angry but definitely amazed that Avery had kept the secret all day.

  "Yup. Grace packed it for me so this could be a surprise. I'm taking you away for the weekend." A little bit of pride at his ability to surprise me filled his voice. He took my hand in his and led me up to the steps of the jet.

  I paused at the bottom of the stairs. "How did you get Grace to agree to this?"

  "We had a conversation. While you were at work after our date in the city, I went to talk to her." He kicked at a small rock, sending it flying away from the plane. "I saw the look she gave me when I picked you up. She had every right to be mad at me. I nearly killed you. We had a long discussion and I told her my intentions toward you."

  "Which are?"

  "I can't tell you or it will ruin the surprise. But they are honorable. Well, mostly." He gave me a sly grin that made me laugh.

  "And she's okay with you now?"

  "Avery's princess dresses might have helped, but yes, we're good," he said. I let out a sigh of relief that I didn't even know I had been holding. Then it hit me that I was leaving Grace and Avery to get on an airplane.

  "But what about Grace and Avery? Grace has a test on Monday, and..."

  "Grace said she could handle it. Plus, I got her a babysitter for Sunday evening so she can study. Grace said it was fine. She wanted you to have a good time." Robbie handed off my suitcase off to a uniformed man who hurried it off into the plane.

  "I am going to kill you both," I said, a grin betraying the obvious lie. This was the best surprise I had in a long time. "So where are we going?"

  "I can't tell you if I'm dead," Robbie teased. I gave him a playful shove and he wrapped his arms around me, his body solid and strong. I was happy in his arms. We could be going anywhere, but if I was with him, I didn't care.

  "All right, keep your secrets. I'll find out soon enough." I gave him a playful glare, his green eyes laughing. He leaned forward, kissing me gently. I closed my eyes, letting his kiss envelop me. Wherever we were going, I was already in paradise.

  "Sir, are you ready to depart?" the pilot asked, sticking his head out of the open plane door. Robbie released me reluctantly, lipstick smeared across his lower lip. He grabbed my hand and together we entered the airplane.

  It was easy to forget that Robbie was a billionaire. Stepping onto that airplane, though, I knew I was going to enjoy the perks of dating a billionaire.

  Comfortable leather couches sat in cozy positions where I was used to rows upon rows of chairs. A big-screen TV dominated a wall, and I could see a fully-stocked bar. It was like our own little club house. This was what I imagined Air Force One must look like. Only nicer.

  I picked a loveseat to sit down on as Robbie stowed his travel bag. An attractive stewardess smiled politely, asking me what I would like to drink. I glanced at Robbie and he nodded for me to get whatever I wanted.

  "I'd like a Naughty Shirley Temple, please," I asked. The stewardess cocked her head, confused, and Robbie laughed. He thumped ungracefully into the seat beside me, placing his arm over my shoulder.

  "She wants a Sprite with grenadine and vodka," he told the flight attendant. Her eyes lit up and she nodded.

  "Anything for you, sir?"

  Robbie glanced at me and smiled. "No, I'm good. Thank you."

  I snuggled into his arm, the smell of leather and Robbie filling my nose. It was a wonderful scent. He kissed the top of my head gently, a smile caressing his handsome features.

  The stewardess was back in a moment, drink in hand. A pink umbrella with a maraschino cherry decorated the glass and I grinned like a kid.

  "Thank you. Do you know where we are going?" I asked her, keeping my voice innocent.

  She gave me a wide smile and shook her head. "Nope." The lie was obvious, but I didn't push it. Robbie gave me a squeeze with his arm.

  "You want to know now, or do you want it to be a surprise?" he asked. The engines began to hum a low, rumbling song as they powered up for takeoff. I sipped my drink and thought about it for half a second. While the surprise would be fun, the anticipation was killing me.

  "Now. Definitely now," I answered. He laughed.

  "We are going to Key Island in the Caribbean."

  I recognized the name. "Isn't that where your brother met his wife?"

  "Yup," he said. He brushed a stray strand of blonde hair from my forehead, tucking it gently behind my ear. "We are staying at my friend Owen's place."

  My brows creased together. While the name sounded familiar, I couldn't place it. Just because I read the tabloids to keep tabs on Robbie, didn't mean I actually paid attention to them.

  "Owen Parker," Robbie said in response to my questioning look. "He was the best man at Jack's wedding, and he has this amazing place on the beach. It's got its own private dock, so I've been interested in buying it for a long time, and he's actually thinking of selling it to me."

  "So it's a working weekend?" I asked, sticking my tongue out at him. He laughed.

  "You got me. My secret dream to be a real estate mogul is now out in the open."

  "Why is he selling it? It sounds like a great place." I closed my eyes, letting my head rest against Robbie's shoulder. The plane started to move.

  "His wife is pregnant with their firstborn. She hates flying, so it's hard to get to the island." He shrugged and kissed my head again, smoothing the hair he'd disturbed with his fingers. "Besides, they are running a bed and breakfast in Iowa, his wife's home state. They are super happy out there, and they don't need to fly out to some lavish beach house."

  "Hmm," I murmured. The roar of the engines and Robbie's gentle fingers in my hair were lulling me into a delightful sleepiness. "I think we are going to have a wonderful weekend."

  "Me too," Robbie whispered as the plane lifted into the air. "Me too."

  Chapter 12

  The island was more spectacular than I could have dreamed. I kept my face pressed up to the window like a child as the town car drove through the island streets and up to the beach mansion. As the driver pulled into the rounded driveway in front of the imp
ressive house, I pinched the inside of my arm to make sure I wasn't dreaming. Robbie glanced over with a frown at the slight yelping sound I made, but I just grinned at him. This was no dream.

  The car parked and I stood in front of the house, just taking it all in. The air was humid and rich with the smell of the ocean and plant life. After the reds and golds of the trees up North, the lush greenness, even in the dark, was almost overwhelming. Night coated the island like a blanket, but spotlights illuminated the big house with white columns and a red tile roof, making it seem welcoming and warm.

  "You ready for a nice little cruise before bed?" Robbie asked, taking my hand as I stood looking at the house. I turned toward him, my brow furrowed, and he smiled. "I did promise to take you sailing today."

  I laughed. A slight breeze played with my hair, and I felt the need to be out on the water. It was a perfect evening for sailing; the stars were twinkling brightly in the sky, and the moon was just rising over the horizon. I kissed Robbie's cheek and then took off running.

  Robbie was hot on my trail as I followed a small path of sand around the side of the house. I came around the corner and stopped dead in my tracks at the view. The ocean stretched out before me with thousands of stars mirrored in its shimmering depths. Robbie giggled as he dodged past me, running quickly down to the dock. He jumped easily from the small, wooden dock into a suspiciously familiar boat bobbing gently in the dark waves.

  I sprinted after him, my steps falling with hollow thuds on the wood out to the boat. I slowed my steps long enough to untie the boat and then leapt aboard Avery's Hope. Robbie turned on the engine, carefully guiding us out onto the ocean. I took off my shoes, reveling in the sensation of the sea air across my bare skin and my toes on the deck. My normal sailing shoes were back in my bag at the house, but for now, barefoot was better than any shoes I could have wanted.


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