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Love Was the Case That They Gave Me 2

Page 11

by Mz. Lady P

  “Wake up Dominic.”

  “I’m not sleep. I just have my eyes closed.” He opened his eyes and stared at me.

  “You need to go back to the hospital. I don’t like the way you’re breathing.” It had been so long since I looked into Dominic’s hazel eyes. His dreads had grown longer. He was still built and hadn’t lost much weight since being shot. His light skin was still perfect without a blemish in sight. He stroked the side of my face and that made me look away from him. I couldn’t even remember the last time he even touched me or looked at me in a loving way.

  “I’m straight. I needed to be here with you. Ever since you left the hospital, all I can think about is you. I’m so fucking happy knowing that you’re carrying my seed.” He managed to sit up and kiss my stomach. I couldn’t help but rub my hands through his dreads. I couldn’t help but moan out in pleasure because Dominic had started to place kisses along the bottom of my stomach. At the same time, he had slipped his hand inside of my pajama bottoms. The feeling of him flicking his fingers back and forth across my clit had me dripping wet. I hadn’t had any in a minute so I was probably going to cum all over his fingers. I had to close my legs together as tight as I could.

  “Don’t do that. Take that shit off,” he said as he started to tug at my clothing. Lord knows I wanted to fight him, but I couldn’t. My pussy needed some attention and I loved it when he became aggressive. He was trying his best, but I knew that he was in pain. I took off everything and I was completely naked. Dominic was laying back breathing heavily. After I got me some dick, he was taking his ass back to the hospital. I couldn’t help but laugh as I mounted him. This nigga still had on his hospital gown. I was so wet that his dick slid inside of me with ease. I slowly and methodically began to ride him. Up, down, back and forth. Just the way he liked for me to do it. I had to hold on to the headboard because I knew that his chest was hurting.

  “I love you much, Shay Shay. I’m gon’ do right by you and my seed.” I didn’t respond because I didn’t need for him to tell me. I needed for him to show me. I slipped my fingers in his mouth so that he could shut the fuck up and take this pussy. I continued to ride him until I rained all over his dick. I jumped up and sucked him until he came all down my throat. I don’t know why but giving him head had always made me cum. After we were finished, I got up and got a hot towel to wash him clean. I was glad I brought him some clothes from our house.

  “Here put this on. I’m about to hop in the shower. Your ass better be ready to go back to the hospital when I come out.” I walked away from the bed, but he grabbed my hand to stop me.

  “Thanks for sticking with a nigga through all the bullshit. I know you don’t believe me when I tell you I’m sorry, but from the bottom of my heart, I’m sorry for everything. I promise from this day forward I’m going to do everything I can to make sure I do right by you and my seed. I love you, Shayla.”

  “I love you, too, Dominic. I really hope that you’re telling the truth because the last thing I want is for our child to be visiting your gravesite because I swear I’m going to murder your black ass if you fuck with me. Not to mention, I will take this baby and you will never see us again.”

  “You won’t take my seed nowhere you can stop with all that bullshit. What’s the shit about you pulling the damn plug on me? Your ass was really trying to kill a nigga, huh?” I was trying my best not to laugh at his ass, but I couldn’t hold it in. I could tell he was in his feelings about that shit

  “I’m not going to even lie my emotions were on a high when that bitch said she had a baby by you. I wanted your ass dead and that bitch was next. God was on your side baby. Now, let me give you a word of advice like I gave your bitch, you better be careful what you do to me.” I stared at him as I spoke and I could see a hint of fear in his eyes. I leaned down and kissed him on the lips and walked back into the bathroom. I had a feeling he was going to sleep with one eye open going forward. For his sake, that was what he better do. In my heart, I knew that I would never want to see him dead or hurt, but he didn’t have to know all of that.


  I had to Lose Myself so I Could Love You Better

  Marsha Ambrosius

  Chapter 22- Bella

  I knew for a fact Jayceon knew something was up, but he was trying his best to hold his composure. I know he was trying hard not to ask what was going on. I also knew that I had to tell him before he thought I was trying to be sneaky and get an abortion behind his back. That was something I would never do anyway. It wasn’t that I didn’t want another baby with Jayceon. I just knew that he was going to become even more protective and try to keep a hold on me. I wasn’t going anywhere, with him is where I wanted to be. I just didn’t want a baby to stunt my growth process. I had made great strides in the last year and I didn’t want to take steps backwards in my quest for independence. I know that having another baby would only make him even crazier over me.

  I was so damn sick and tired of throwing up. I had been in the bathroom for the last ten minutes and nothing was coming up. This shit was getting harder and harder to hide. Although I really hadn’t hid a thing. However, I did know when I first started throwing up that I was indeed pregnant. A bitch was in straight denial. After nothing would come up, I got up from in front of the toilet to wash my face and brush my teeth. When I walked out of the bathroom Jayceon was laying across the bed playing with the kids. The sight was so beautiful between us. I knew without a doubt another baby would make our bond even tighter. I was just so scared of how things would change for me. I climbed in bed and continued to watch them play for a couple of minutes.

  “Grandma has cookies. Go down and get some. Make sure to give one to Trinity.” The kids jumped off of the bed and ran out of the room. Jayceon got up to close the door and pulled a blunt from behind his ear. He sat down at the foot of the bed and flamed it up. It was crazy how I could feel the anger radiating off of him. I knew that he was in deep thought at the moment. I just didn’t know about what.

  “Is there something you need to tell me, Bella? Before you speak, I suggest you tell me the truth.” He was speaking in a cool, calm, and collected voice. I never got that voice under these type of circumstances. I thought long and hard before I said anything. He didn’t have to tell me to tell the truth because I had no intention on lying. How could I give him ultimatums about doing right by me if I was going to turn around and lie about something that was so big? Since Jayceon had his back to me, I decided to crawl to the edge of the bed where he was sitting at. I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him on the cheek.

  “I’m pregnant,” I said just above a whisper.

  “I knew already. I was just waiting for you to tell me.”

  “It was all the damn throwing up wasn’t it?”

  “That was part of it, but that pussy was dripping like a faucet and when I couldn’t get all the way up in them guts, I knew I had put another seed up in you.” He pulled me from behind him and sat me on his lap.

  “Last night, when we came in Shay’s room why were you in the bathroom crying?”

  “I just wasn’t so sure that things would be okay for me once I got pregnant again.”

  “Don’t do that, Bella. Please don’t make me feel bad about being a father and a good nigga to you. I already know what you’re thinking and you’re absolutely right. Now that you are pregnant, there is no more working and being on your feet. You can run the business from home. Let Sky and my momma go out and show the houses. I’m not trying to tell you what to do. But this time around I want your pregnancy to be as stress free as possible. All I want you to do is stay home, take care of the kids, and spend all the money you want.”

  “That’s what I’m talking about, Jayceon. I don’t want to stop living my life just because we’re having another baby. I can work until I get like seven months. Please, Bae, just let me continue doing what I love to do. I promise if I start to get sick or overwhelmed, I will hand everything over to Ma and Sky.”

sp; “Deal, but I’m going to be watching your ass like a hawk. The minute I think you’re doing too much, I’m putting your ass on maternity leave myself. I know that you think I want to run everything, but that’s not the case. I just feel like I failed you once before and I don’t want to do anything to put you or our family in jeopardy again. Not to mention, you need somebody to take care of you. I hate that you don’t have your parents here to share all of this with you.” He lifted my chin and kissed me softly on the lips.

  “It’s okay, Jayceon. I’m happy with having Ma and Pops. They have been so good to me and the kids. Plus, I have Chloe and I’m happy about that.”

  “That’s why I fell in love with you. No matter what the odds are against you. You always find that silver lining that makes you see the brighter side of things. I love you for just being Bella.”

  “Awww! I love you too baby.” We started to kiss passionately as I pulled his shirt up over his head. I got off of his lap and got on my knees in front him. It had been so long since I had gave him some head, so I couldn’t wait to taste him. I reached inside his boxers and pulled his dick out. I ran the tip of my tongue over his dick. I closed my eyes and savored the taste of his nectar that was oozing out. I took him in whole and I massaged his balls at the same time.

  “Suck that dick just like that.” Jayceon laid back on the bed and grabbed the back of my head. He started to pump viciously in and out of my mouth. That didn’t do anything but make me suck him even harder. His phone had been vibrating the entire time I was sucking his dick. Since he was laid all the way back, I grabbed his phone to look at the screen. I continued to suck his dick and massage his balls with my left hand.

  While my right hand flicked through his messages, there was nothing but messages from Monique telling him how sorry she was for getting an abortion. I was glad to know that he hadn’t responded and hadn’t been dealing with the bitch. The last message that came through was a picture message. I opened it and that bitch was playing in her pussy. I took a closer look and the bitch was in Jayceon’s old house. I felt his nut building up, so I threw the phone back on the bed and I began to the slurp and slob all over his dick. I made it real nasty for him just the way he liked it.

  As soon as he came in my mouth, I spit it back on his dick and licked it all back off. I sucked on him until his body started to shake. He had to grab my head and lift it up to stop me from sucking on his dick some more.

  “Damn, Bella! You a motherfucking beast!” Jayceon said as I got up and went into the bathroom to get ready I had somewhere I needed to be. I stayed in the bathroom as long as I could. I knew after the way I sucked Jayceon’s dick he would be knocked the fuck out for a couple of hours. I put on a jogging suit and a pair of gym shoes. I was about to pay Ms. Monique a visit. It was obvious the bitch was not getting the picture, so I needed to make the picture just a little bit clearer so that the hoe would know not to fuck with me. Whatever her and Jayceon had was over. The bitch got an abortion and that made the shit even better. They had no attachments so there was no reason why she should even be contacting him.


  Once I made it to the house, I grabbed my gun from the glove compartment and put it in my waist. While I was going through the motions with Jayceon, I used to go to the gun range to blow off some steam. Not to mention, to upgrade my skills. I needed to be able to protect myself from any harm that might come way. After all that I’d been through. I was ready for anybody that thought that they could bring harm my way. I used Jayceon’s key that I took off his key ring to get inside the house. As soon as I walked in, I wanted to walk back out. The house was a complete mess. There were old food containers and clothes all over the damn place. This bitch was nasty and to think this hoe called herself trying to walk in my shoes. Bitch please.

  I made my way towards the back and damn near threw up when I walked inside what I guess was the bedroom her and Jayceon once shared. The room looked and smelled like a damn out house. This bitch was sitting up looking like a hot ass mess. I laughed at her ass because that was what happened when you don’t know the real Jayceon. He had this hoe looking like she was about to commit suicide. I been there and done that shit.

  “What the fuck are you doing here?”

  “Don’t ask me shit. You have five minutes to get your ass the fuck out of my house.”

  “This is Jayceon’s house and I’m not going anywhere until he comes and talks to me.”

  “My name is on the deed you dizzy ass bitch. As far as Jayceon coming to talk to you, that shit won’t be happening today or any other day for that matter. Now like I said, get the fuck out and you now have three minutes.” I looked at my Rolex and smiled at the bitch. At the same time, I pulled my gun from my waist and held it down by my side. Just so that the bitch could see that I was not playing with her ass.

  “I swear to God. Jayceon is going to regret the day he didn’t come and talk to me.”

  “No bitch you’re the only one that will have regrets. Watch your mouth before you find yourself in a fucked up situation.”

  “What situation might that be? Like Jazzy’s real mother. I know he killed that bitch and you were there. So, since you want to get in between me and Jayceon’s shit. You and him can go to jail together!” The bitch was grabbing her purse and headed out the door. Without hesitation, I raised my gun and shot her in the back of the head. Blood and brain matter splattered all over the door. I started to panic just a little because I knew Jayceon was going to have a fit I was even over here putting this bitch out of here. Not to mention, pregnant and killing people. Once I gathered myself, I pulled out my phone and called Jayceon. I didn’t tell him what had transpired. I just told him that he needed to get over to his old apartment. Before I could say anything else, he had hung up in my face. I shot her ass again in the back because I heard her ass gurgling. That shit was creeping me the fuck out. When I woke up this morning, I had no intentions on killing another one of Jayceon’s bitches.

  Chapter 23- Jayceon

  I just so happened to be going through my phone looking at the messages from the bitch Monique. I was baffled because they were not in bold anymore and I knew I had never read them. I didn’t look at anything the bitch sent to my phone because I wasn’t even entertaining her delusional ass. I had no idea the bitch had been in my old crib until I looked at the picture of her masturbating in my damn bed. When Bella called and told me she needed me at the apartment, I knew some shit had popped off. I was pissed at Bella because she was doing sneaky shit. One would think she would have learned her lesson from the last time when she went through my phone. I could only imagine what the fuck I was getting ready to walk into. I didn’t even bother to say anything after she told me where she was. My mind was going into overdrive as I drove over to see what the fuck was going on.

  “Sky’s ass done rubbed off on Bella?” Tech said as he handed me the blunt. I inhaled and I couldn’t agree more. This was some shit Sky would do to his ass. I swear Bella was not the woman I met two years ago.

  “Hell, yeah. Lil Sis ain’t got no chill button,” Rashad said agreeing with Tech. Bella’s car was in the driveway when we pulled up. I took a deep breath before I exited the car. I walked up to the door and got ready to use my key and that was when I realized it was no longer on my key ring. Bella had stolen the damn key and that was how she got in the damn house. I couldn’t do shit but shake my head as I knocked on the door. Seconds later, the door opened and Bella stood off to the side to let us in. She got ready to say something, but I put my hand up silencing her ass.

  “Shut up, Isabella!”

  “Don’t talk to me like that.” She walked towards the back and we followed her. I had to do a double take as I looked at Monique’s lifeless body in the doorway with a bullet hole in the back of her head.

  “Damn, Bella!” Rashad said as he stepped over her body and sat down on the bed.

  “What the fuck happened?” I asked through gritted teeth. She stood in the hallway with her han
ds folded just looking at me. Not saying shit.

  “Are you talking to me? I could have sworn you told me to shut up.”

  “I swear if you wasn’t carrying my seed I would slap the shit out of you. Stop fucking around with me. What the hell happened?”

  “I saw that she was texting you and that she was in the house, so I came to remove the bitch since you didn’t do it. What you had intentions on coming over here? You sure didn’t tell me the bitch had been trying to contact you either.” I was trying my best to calm down, but Bella was really pushing it with this stupid shit.

  “You went through my phone, huh? Go to the crib and I’ll deal with your sneaky ass when I get there.”

  “Whatever, Jayceon.” Bella waved her hand at me and walked away. I was about to go after her ass, but Tech grabbed me back.

  “Handle that shit later. Let’s get rid of her ass and torch this bitch,” Tech said as him and Rashad began to roll Monique’s body up in the carpet that was on the bedroom floor. I went and grabbed my safe that was built into the back of the closet and carried it out to the car. When I went back inside, they were carrying her body to the garage where her car was and placed it in the trunk.

  “I’ll head over to the yard and get rid of her. Y’all torch the bitch and I’ll meet back up with y’all at the club.” I couldn’t believe I was transporting a dead body in broad daylight. I headed over to the junkyard and sold the car to the owner for five thousand dollars, but it had to be crushed. He happily obliged without questioning my reasons. I stood and watched as it was put inside the compactor and crushed. I was satisfied knowing that the bitch would never be found. Now I needed to find out why in the fuck Bella went and killed the bitch in the house. I needed to calm down because I was pissed off with Bella. Mainly, because she went behind my back and did some shit that she knew would make me mad. If she had told me what she was about to do, I would have gladly went with her and removed the bitch from the house.


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