Love Was the Case That They Gave Me 2

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Love Was the Case That They Gave Me 2 Page 14

by Mz. Lady P

  “Are you cool Bro?”

  “I’m fucked up right now because I have no idea where the fuck she is. I can feel it in my stomach. Something is wrong?” The car became silent and we just continued to pass the blunt back and forth. When we pulled up, Rashad was already leaning against Bella’s car. I jumped out of the car and looked inside. Her purse and her phone was sitting on the passenger’s seat. I leaned my head on the hood of the car because I immediately became sick to my stomach.

  “I swear on my fucking seeds it’s about to be a fucking bloodbath. I’m sick of playing with these motherfuckers. We move in on Omar tonight.” I hopped in Bella’s car and Tech drove mine back to my parents’ crib. I needed to see my kids and just hold them. This shit felt like Déjà vu all over again. I went straight upstairs and watched my kids as they slept. They needed their mother here with them right now.

  “We need to call the police, Jayceon. This isn’t like Bella. What if that crazy man has her again?” my ma said as she walked in the room and sat down next to me on the bed. I had my head down in my hands.

  “For some reason, Ma, I don’t think that’s the case this time around. We’re about to go holler at this nigga Omar. He been breathing too long. Plus, his ass is the one who did the drive by at the funeral today.”

  “Make sure y’all torture that nigga for hurting my baby. While y’all out doing that, I’ll be calling around trying to find my daughter. Chloe, Sky, and Shayla are getting on my nerves with all this crying so we have got to find Bella.”

  “I can’t lose her now, Ma. We just made shit right.”

  “Everything is going to be okay. Trust me son. Now go handle that bitch ass nigga. I love you Baby.”

  “I love you, too, Ma.” She kissed me on the jaw and left out of the room. I was supposed to call my crew before I headed out to get at this nigga Omar. I changed my mind as I sat and contemplated all the things that my people were going through because of me and my selfish actions. My hasty decisions had put my family in danger and it was up to me to handle the shit accordingly. At this very moment, Bella was somewhere probably being tortured. I hope like hell that was not the case. I would lose my fucking mind if somebody hurt Bella behind my shit again. This shit had a nigga feeling like it wasn’t meant for us to be together.

  No matter how hard we tried to make shit work it was like the odds were stacked against us. Bella had been fucked up since I came into her life. If I could take back falling in love with her, I would. What once was a beautiful soul, I’d managed to create a beautiful nightmare for her.

  In route to the location I had on Omar, my phone rung and it was my mother screaming and hollering about Bella. I couldn’t make out what she was saying, but I knew that Bella had been hurt. I made a crazy ass U-Turn in the middle of the street heading back towards the damn hospital I had just left. It took me less than ten minutes to get to the hospital. When I walked inside, everybody was there and they all looked like they were crying. The police were talking to Bella’s mother and father. I hated that each and every time I saw these people it was under bad terms. They were both crying so I knew shit was all bad. They’d never shown any emotions when it came to her so this whole scene had me feeling like they were about to tell me some shit that I wasn’t prepared to hear.

  “Oh, my God! They’re saying that she might not make it!” Chloe said as she collapsed while crying and Rashad was holding her up. I lost all sense hearing her speak those words.

  “Where the fuck is she? I need to get to her. All she needs to do is hear my voice.” I was trying to rush past the security, but they were holding me back. Once the officers turned around from talking to her parents, I was able to get a good look at their faces. It was that bitch ass Officer Braxton and his partner. The only thing I could think of was the bruises that were all over Bella’s body back when she came to Dubai. I wanted this nigga so bad, but we were under the impression that his ass had died. Now that I was looking at this nigga in the flesh. I had to fulfill the promise of beating his ass if I had ever got the chance. I broke free from the security and I charged full speed at his ass.

  “Bitch ass nigga!” I hit his ass and he went down like a ton of bricks. Rashad, Dominic, and Tech jumped in and started stomping his ass out with me. It’s like I became a mad man as I tried to murder this motherfucker.

  “Calm down son. He ain’t worth it. Let’s just focus on Bella.” My pops had pulled me off of him and was holding me back.”

  “Fuck that bitch ass nigga. I’ll murder his ass and I don’t give a fuck about him being a police officer. His coward ass put his hands on Bella. As a matter of fact, why are you here nigga? Get the fuck out of here. The only people I want here is the family.

  “She’s the mother of my child. So I have every right to be here.”

  “What the fuck you just say nigga?” I was trying my best to get away from my father and beat this nigga’s ass. He had this smirk on this face like he was getting a kick out of this shit.

  “Baby Jay is my son. I was there when he came out of that pussy and damn near the first year of his life. Where the fuck were you at nigga? Oh yeah, you was on the run. While you were gone, it was me who took care of Bella and Jay. Read it and weep nigga.” He threw some papers on the floor and walked away.

  I bent down and picked them up and it was the original copy of my son’s Birth Certificate. He had signed his name as the father. Anger consumed me and I jerked away from my father. I grabbed my son and my daughter and we walked out of the hospital. How could Bella allow him to sign as the father? True I wasn’t there, but they wanted for nothing. I took care of her and my seed. This shit had really fucked me up in the head. Knowing this nigga was trying to stake claim to my son had me on edge. I was damn near to my car when I heard my mother calling my name.

  “Jayceon! Bring your ass back here.”

  “No, Ma! I have to get out of here before I kill me a motherfucker. She let him sign my son’s birth certificate. How could she do that shit to me? He’s mine. That’s my son!” I picked him up and sat him down on the hood of the car. “You’re my son and I love you. Nothing will ever change that.”

  “Love you, Da Da!” He reached his arms out and hugged me around my neck. I was shedding tears like a bitch. Bella and my kids were a nigga’s weakness. I placed both of my kids in the backseat and my mother stepped in front of me before I could get in the car.

  “So you’re just going to leave her in there while she’s fighting for her life. I raised you better than to ever let a nigga think he got one up on you. One thing for sure and two for certain, I know that motherfucker did that shit without Bella knowing or he forced her to do it. You have no idea what he did to her. She was so scared of him that she kept the baby from us. Bella needs you now more than ever. If you walk out on her right now, you will be confirming that when she needs the most you are not around. As far as I’m concerned some shit ain’t right about his appearance and the fact that she is now beaten to a pulp. He is the same motherfucker who Bella thought was dead. You said she texted saying that she had been pulled over by the police right?” I leaned my head on the top of the car and just thought for a minute. I was taking in everything that my mother was saying. Not to mention, the fact that Bella had been beaten. I grabbed my son and daughter out of the car and headed back in the hospital. My mother grabbed my hand and we walked back inside the hospital. As we were walking in, Officer Braxton and his partner were walking out.

  “Bang! Bang!” I said to his ass and gestured as if I was pointing a gun at his ass. His days were numbered and I had every intention on killing him. I gave less than a fuck about him being a police officer. Right now I had to let the bitch nigga make it. Bella was my only concern. When I made it back to the family waiting room, I could tell that everybody had been crying still. I sat my kids down and went to the vending machines to grab them some snacks.

  “You cool Son.”

  “Not really. I need to see Bella before I go crazy.”

  “We’ve already been back there and she’s fucked up. I’m sorry son, but she lost the baby. She had some internal bleeding from the broken ribs she has. I know it’s fucked up, but I need you to go back there and man up. Afterwards, we’ll get at this bitch nigga because I feel like he’s responsible. I love you son.”

  “I love you, too, Pops.” We embraced and he directed me towards Bella’s room. I took a deep breath before I went inside. I slowly opened the door and made my way in. Bella’s once beautiful skin was now black and blue. Her nose had a splint on it and her arm was in a cast. I walked over to her bed and pulled up a chair. I laid my head on her stomach and shed tears silently. I looked up when I felt her rubbing my head. Tears were seeping out of the corners of her eyes and that made me shed tears like a motherfucker. I placed my head up against her forehead and we cried together.

  “Shhhh! Don’t cry baby. I’m here. Please don’t leave me here on this Earth without you. I need you here with me and the kids. I’m nothing without you. You have to pull through. Our wedding is in a month. I know I fucked up in the past but all I need is you. You give me life and my life ain’t shit without you. Please tell me who hurt you so I can torture them slowly.” Bella was trying her best to tell me, but I couldn’t understand what she was trying to say.

  Instead, she just grabbed me and kissed my lips. We had shared many kisses and intimate encounters with one another, but there was something much different about this one. I stayed with Bella until I felt like she had drifted off to sleep. I made a couple of calls and hired security to stand guard outside her door. As soon as I was getting ready to leave the room, my father, my mother, Sky, and the nurse Sierra all entered the room.

  “This is your big brother, Jayceon.” She walked towards me and I pulled her in for a hug.

  “You knew all along didn’t you?” she whispered in my ear. I felt Sky wrap her arms around us as well. Her little jealous butt don’t want to share me with no one; I thought to myself. Moments later, my father came and hugged us as well. I was amazed to see big bad Rock shedding tears. I looked up but my mother was no longer in the room. I could only imagine how she must be feeling seeing my father’s other child.

  “We’re going to give you some time alone with Bella. We’ll be outside waiting for you.” My Pops said and they all left out of the room.

  “I love you Bae and I’ll be here first thing in the morning.” I kissed her on the lips and I left the room. I couldn’t stand seeing her like that. I waited in the emergency area until the security detail showed up that I hired. I looked around for my mother and she was no longer there. That meant she was in her feelings about Sierra. I needed to get home and check on her. Her and Sky was so much alike they didn’t want to share us with anybody. When I walked outside, Rashad was holding Chloe’s hair while she vomited in the trashcan. My nigga done dropped a seed off in her lil ass. I was walking in their direction when Mr. and Mrs. Santos walked up to Chloe.

  “What are you doing here? Didn’t I tell you to stay away from my daughter? She was never supposed to know that you existed.” Mrs. Santos screamed in Chloe’s face.

  “If you don’t get your old ass out of her face I’ll slap the shit out of you,” Rashad said as he pushed her ass out of the way and dared Mr. Santos to say anything.

  “What type of man are you to let her do me like this? Not to mention, how she treats Bella. I hate the day my mother laid down with your weak spineless ass. Fuck you and fuck this old Cruella Deville looking bitch, too. I want nothing to do with you ever again in life. I can’t speak for Bella when I say we don’t need your ass. I never knew what a daddy was until now anyway. Ain’t that right Daddy?”

  “You better motherfucking believe it. Now get the fuck out of here before I put some hot shit in ya asses.” Rashad had pulled his gun out and pulled Chloe closer to him. I couldn’t help but laugh as Mr. and Mrs. Santos got the fuck out of dodge. Y’all think I’m crazy, but Rashad was the crazy one.

  Chapter 28- Tina

  One would think that I would be okay about Rock finding his daughter. It was not that I wasn’t happy for him, but seeing her reminded me of his infidelity. It was crazy how we as women would forgive a man for their indiscretions, but be ready to kill his ass when we be reminded of it. From the moment I looked at the picture Jayceon had sent Rock, I knew that was his daughter. For some reason, her and her brother’s images were embedded in my mind. She looked just like my Sky and I hated that. Don’t get it twisted I would never mistreat her because I would never want anyone to mistreat my kids. It was just that I had to get used to her being around.

  Rock had been happy ever since he saw her in the hospital. She was so happy that she was crying. It was actually heartwarming to see them reunite. At the same time, I was all in my feelings about how things would change for us now that he had been reunited with his daughter. It would only be a matter of time before he reunited with his son as well. Regardless of all of this, I loved Rock more than anything in this world. His family was mine, but that didn’t mean that their presence didn’t effect me. I usually smoked joints, but after today’s events, I needed a blunt.

  My mind was in overdrive thinking about Bella. I felt like she was one of my own kids. I hated that such a beautiful person has endured so much mental and physical abuse. As a mother, I felt so ashamed knowing that my son caused her any type of heartache. I raised him better than that. I love my son, but I was a woman before I was anything. Bella didn’t deserve anything that she had been through. I could admit that I’d seen a big change in Jayceon since him and Bella reunited. I hated to see my baby crying over the love of his life. It was fucked up how life dealt you a shitty hand when you got on track and started living right.

  My baby wasn’t no saint, but he didn’t deserve to have the weight of the world on his shoulders. I hadn’t prayed in a long time, but I’d been praying really hard for Bella to have a speedy recovery and for their relationship to make it. A blind person could see that they were in love and they belonged together. Jayceon had changed for the better and I intended on being here to help him through this.

  These niggas were trying to fuck with my baby but what they didn’t know was his momma used to be a gunslinger. I was itching to put some hot shit in that nigga Tyrin’s burnt up ass. He had got to be out of his rabbit ass mind talking about my grandson is his. Bitch where? That was all Bennett in his blood. I’m gon’ need him to have several seats. I played many motherfucking games, but playing with my grandbabies was not one of them. I had a bullet with his name on it from when he kept him from us when he was first born. I couldn’t blame Bella she was afraid and alone. We as women always fell for the rebound nigga and his ass was worse than the motherfucker we tried to get over. Life could be real fucked up sometimes but only the strong survived. Last time I checked wasn’t no weak motherfuckers in this family. Survival was a must.

  We’d always came out on top and we would continue to do just that. The more I sat and thought about the way I was acting, I became mad at myself. If I didn’t know anything else, I had Rocky’s heart and he loved me in a way that no other woman in this world could ever even imagine. Sierra and Jace would make this family even bigger. Lord knows Rock and I had enough love to spread around.


  It had been a week since Bella’s incident and she was finally starting to speak words. We were all getting a little worried because they thought that she might have some brain damage due to being punched in the head with so much force. We were glad when the Neurologist came back and said that everything was fine. It was all up to Bella at this point. I hated that they were trying to send her home. I feel like she should have stayed longer. Of course, that damn Jayceon had gone and hired a whole medical staff to sit with her around the clock, but fuck that. We’re her family and we would nurse her back to health. I didn’t like all them strange bitches running around in tight ass scrubs around my motherfucking man.

  I was from the old school and I didn’t trust a soul ar
ound Rock. Not to mention, the rest of the crew. They were all young and rich. I noticed how Jayceon’s nurse used to stare at him. Always trying to give him baths and shit. I sent her ass packing. I would wash my own son up. Rock said I was exaggerating, but I knew better.

  After cleaning and cooking up a feast in honor of Bella being able to come home, all I wanted to do was take a bath and sip on me some Chardonnay. Rock had been spending more and more time out in the streets with Jayceon. I was worried about both of them, but I knew they had things under control. I tried my best not to worry about them, but it was hard knowing there was a possibility that I might lose them to the streets or even jail. I had been through that once and I never wanted to deal with it again.

  Once I was finished with my bath, I decided to read a book. Sky had me hooked on this damn book series titled All I Want is that Hood Love. I was on part three and I swear that damn Mega was the truth. He reminded me of Rock so much. I swear that nigga could get it all day every day.

  “What’s up Bae?” I looked up and Rock was leaning against the door frame looking sexy as hell. It’s like the older he had gotten the more handsome he was. I loved rubbing on his baldhead. He worked out at least three times a day. At forty-six he had the body of a damn twenty-five year old and I just couldn’t resist it.

  “Nothing. Just reading and relaxing. I’m getting a little me time before Bella gets here. I want to make sure I’m well rested so I can take care of her. How was your day?”

  “It was eventful. Bella is here now. Jayceon was ready for her to come home so he had her discharged early. I’m tired as hell hanging with them knucklehead ass niggas.” Rock laid across the bed fully clothed. I closed my Kindle and raised up out of the bed. Like the good woman I was, I removed his shoes and placed his feet in my lap. I started to massage them like I did every night. The Chardonnay and had drank had me feeling horny so I slowly rubbed my hand up the leg of his slacks until I found his dick.


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