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Love Was the Case That They Gave Me 2

Page 15

by Mz. Lady P

  “You been reading about that nigga Mega again, huh?” I couldn’t do shit but laugh because he knew I was in love with Mega.

  “Oh, Rock please. I just want to taste Rocky that’s all.” I stood up and unzipped his pants and pulled them down. His dick was sitting up looking pretty as ever. I began to slowly suck and slob all over his dick.

  “Ohh shittt!” He forcefully grabbed a handful of my hair and palmed the back of my hair at the same time. That shit only made me start to go harder. I felt him getting ready to reach his peak and as soon as he came, I caught it all. I’m old, but I knew what it took to keep my man happy that was why we fucked all day and every day. Our sex life was the shit and I loved every minute of it.

  “Get up here and ride this dick. I been thinking about that pussy all day.” I dropped my silk robe and mounted him.

  “Ma! Bella needs you! Ooops my bad.”

  “God dammn it, Jayceon! What the hell is wrong with you walking in my room? I swear I’m sick and tired of you and Sky fucking up my groove.”

  “Get on, gone son. Your Momma handling some business.” I turned right back around and finished doing what I was doing.

  “I swear y’all need help.”

  “Bye, Jayceon. Tell Bella I’ll be there in a couple of minutes.

  “Fuck a couple of minutes more like hours,” Rock said as he slapped me on the ass. Jayceon slammed the door hard as hell. Him and Sky were such brats. That was what they got for just walking in doors without knocking first. I refused to stop having sex with my man, in my house just because they were here. What started as a quickie ended up being a damn three-hour session. When Rock was done with my ass, I was exhausted and could barely move. I was glad Chloe came to spend the night and help out with Bella because I was out for the count. Rocky the Anaconda had put a bitch to sleep.

  Chapter 29- Bella

  My body was in so much pain that I wanted to cry each and every time I breathed. I had suffered three broken ribs, a broken arm, and a fractured nose. Both of my eyes were black and blue. The pupils of my eyes were starting to get back to their natural color and all of the swelling had finally gone down. Call me vain, but I was so glad that motherfucker didn’t knock my teeth out. Lord knows I would have just died if I was toothless. For the last week, I’d been acting as if I didn’t know who did this to me because I wanted to get Tyrin’s ass back myself. He got me good as hell. I should have tried to find out about a funeral or something.

  I really didn’t have time to make sure he was dead because Vladimir had kidnapped me. I felt responsible for all of this. I never should have started dealing with his ass from the beginning. Jayceon hadn’t mentioned anything to me about Tyrin signing the birth certificate. Chloe told me when I was in the hospital about everything that had happened. I honestly didn’t even remember him signing it. I felt so bad knowing he threw that shit in Jayceon’s face.

  I was surprised that motherfucker was still breathing after revealing that shit like that. I didn’t know how much longer I was going to be able to avoid Jayceon and his questions. For some reason, I felt like he knew that I was lying to him about what I knew. In my heart, I know that Jayceon would protect me from any harm and right now he was feeling like he failed me, but he didn’t. Neither of us had any idea that the nigga was still alive.

  I was glad when Jayceon left out of the room. I had called one of my friends who had sold Tyrin some property back when we were together. Of course, I had to lie in order to get the information, but she sang like a bird once I had her convinced. It was just my luck he was occupying a new home he had purchased not too long along ago. She gave me the information and I stored it in my phone.

  “What are you doing?”

  “Nothing. I was checking my emails.” I hurried up and put my phone. I watched as Jayceon rolled his eyes and sat down at the foot of the bed. I know that I should keep it one hundred and tell him what I knew, but I had to do this shit my way. He had enough on his plate dealing with the Omar situation. I hurried up and tried to get his mind on something else.

  “Where are the kids? I missed them so much.”

  “Sky took them home with her so they won’t be giving you no problems. I know you miss them, but you’re in no condition to take care of them. Chloe was going to spend the night, but that morning sickness has her sick as a dog. She’s even worse than what you are.” Just thinking about losing the baby made me sad. I hadn’t even really cried about it. Jayceon hadn’t really mentioned it either. I guess he didn’t want to talk about it either. Jayceon and I locked eyes and he crawled in bed with me. It felt good to lay on his chest again. I missed him so much when I was still in the hospital.

  “I’m so happy to be home. I can’t wait to get well so I can go back to work. I feel bad about Sky doing all the work.”

  “You’re not going back to work until I’m comfortable with you being safe. No need to rush. She’s been training Chloe.” I wanted to argue with him, but the sternness in his voice let me know that it was not up for discussion. We both laid in silence holding each other until the sound of Ms. Tina and Pops getting it on invaded the peace and tranquility. We both couldn’t do nothing but laugh. I had to grab a pillow to put over my stomach to brace myself from the pain. My ribs hurt so bad that I couldn’t even laugh without tears coming to my eyes.

  “Come on let’s go home. I can’t listen to them all night. That shit is ridiculous.” Jayceon got up and started grabbing our things. I slowly sat up and moved around slowly.

  “I think it’s cute, Jayceon. Not many people their age still have sex and are in love with each other like they are. I want to be just like them when we get older.”

  “The way shit going for us, I don’t think we’re going to make it.” I was rendered speechless hearing him speak those words. I got misty eyed just thinking he felt like we wouldn’t make it. After all we’d been through, I felt like we could conquer anything. It’s like a smack in my face hearing him say that shit. I sat on the bed while Jayceon placed my gym shoes on my feet. I couldn’t help but grab his face and look into his eyes.

  “You can’t give up on us. We’ve come too far to let the people that trespass against us win. We’re in this shit together no matter what. We have a second chance at being a family again and I’m going to do everything in my power to keep us together. You’re the strongest man I know. Being with you has made me an even stronger woman. What we’ve built no man or woman can take asunder. I love you, Jayceon Bennett.”

  “I love you, too, Isabella Bennett.” He reached up and kissed me so passionately. His tongue tasted like Kush and Doublemint gum. For some reason, that taste always had a way of turning me on.

  “Get a room! How are you feeling baby?” Ms. Tina said as she came and plopped down on the bed.

  “I’m fine. We’re about to go home now. You and Pops need some privacy.”

  “No. I want y’all to stay, I promised you that I would nurse you back to health.”

  “It’s okay, Ma. I’m going to stay with her. Tech can handle things at the club. I guess I can be Mr. Mom until my baby heals.” Jayceon assisted me up from the bed and guided me towards the door.

  “Okay, but y’all better call me if you get overwhelmed. Don’t be trying to pick Jazzy up either. I know if she cries your butt is going to pick her up.” Tina kissed me on the jaw and walked us out to the car. As we rode home, I thought about how much I loved Ms. Tina and how much she cared about me. She didn’t have to love me but she did. If only I could get my own mother to love me. I felt myself getting sad just thinking about my worthless ass parents. I immediately shook that shit off. I promised myself that they would never get another tear out of me and I meant that shit.


  It had been two weeks since I had been released from the hospital and I was doing better than ever. It had been hard as hell for me to get some time alone away from Jayceon. He had been watching me like a hawk. The only time that I could get away from him was for my doctor’s appoi
ntments. Today was the only day he couldn’t take me because he claimed he had a meeting to squash shit with Omar. He must have thought I was a damn fool. He doesn’t squash shit. After the stunt he pulled at our house, I already knew Jayceon was going to kill him. It was crazy how knowing the life he led didn’t even faze me anymore. I came a long way from being green ass Bella. My eyes were open to so much shit now. I went from being the daughter of prominent real estate agents to the wife of a bank robber, hitta, and Thug ass nigga. The crazy part about all of this is I didn’t regret my decision to be with Jayceon. He made life easier when everything was hard.

  Since Jayceon couldn’t accompany me to the doctor, I used that as an opportunity to follow Tyrin. I already know what y’all thinking, y’all thinking this bitch is stupid but I have to do this. I had to get this nigga back for the abuse he inflicted on me. I also needed to know why he did all of these things to me. I never gave him a reason to be so mean and vicious towards me.

  I pulled up to the parking lot of the precinct that he was now working at. I knew that he chose his own shift and he preferred to get off at three so that he could see the four o’clock news. That was kind of weird to me, but that was my personal opinion. My phone began to ring and I knew it was Jayceon. I ignored all his calls. There was no way I could answer the phone and talk to him. He would know off top that I was lying to him about my whereabouts.

  Finally, Tyrin walked out and got inside of a burnt orange Charger. I waited until he drove out of the parking lot before I started to follow behind him. After about an hour of trailing him, I realized that this motherfucker had gone back to the house that we shared that he had rebuilt on the land that I fucking owned. What type of shit is that? I watched as he parked in the garage. Of course, he left the door open with his stupid ass. It was hard to break old habits.

  As soon as I felt like he was all the way in the house, I parked my car and got ready to head towards the garage. I made sure my gun was off of safety. I wanted to be ready to take his ass out as soon as I walked inside of the house. I pulled my hood tight as hell so that no one could see me. I couldn’t afford to be in jail. I was not fit to be nobody’s damn lesbian lover.

  I slowly made my way into the door in the garage that led into the kitchen. It was crazy how he had designed this house exactly the same as it was prior to the fire. Once I walked inside, it was eerily quiet. It freaked me out to the point where I wanted to turn around and walk the fuck out of there. I had come too far to turn back now. I heard noises coming from what I assumed to be the basement. I slowly crept down the stairs and I tried to run back up. Unfortunately, I was stopped in my tracks.

  “Come back, Bella. I’ve been expecting you. Now you know better than to think you could ever get one over on me.”

  “Just let me explain, Jayceon.”

  “No need for explanations right now. We’ll handle that shit when we get home. Come on down here and keep Sierra company. Plus you should be here to see me fuck this nigga up.” I came all the way downstairs and Sierra was sitting on the sofa looking like she had been in a brawl. Tyrin was tied to a chair with duck tape over his mouth. Jayceon, Tech, Rashad, and Dominic were all surrounding him. I was confused as to why Sierra was even here, but that would have to wait until later. I was so damn scared as I sat on the couch.

  Jayceon was looking at me like he wanted to murder my ass. I watched as he removed his suit jacket and rolled up his shirt. I knew it wasn’t the right time for me to be lusting but Jayceon was looking good as fuck in his business attire. Hell I had to sit back and take all of them in. They looked like some black mobsters. The sound of Jayceon’s Salvatore Ferragamo’s clicking against the floor brought me out of my lustful thoughts.

  “You’s a bitch ass nigga!” Jayceon hit Tyrin so hard he flew out of the chair just like how he did me. Tyrin was squirming all around on the floor looking like a straight bitch.

  “Untie that motherfucker! I want him to fight me like he fought my wife and my sister.” Jayceon walked over towards me and kissed me on the lips. I had on my light pink lipstick and some was now on his lips. I took my thumb and rubbed his lips removing the lipstick.

  “Hold that thought Sexy. Are you cool Lil Sis?”

  “I’m fine now, Jayceon. Can I go upstairs I don’t want to watch this?” Sierra was now crying so I moved closer and hugged her.

  “No, you and Bella need to be here to see this motherfucker get his ass whooped. Now stand your bitch ass up and fight me like a man. Don’t nobody get in it. This shit personal right here.” Jayceon had squared up and was in a fighting stance. Tyrin had squared up as well and they were both dancing around. Tyrin didn’t stand a chance once Jayceon started raining blows on his ass.

  “You mad because your sister and your bitch sucked my dick or is you mad because your son is really mine? Did she tell you we fucked before your ass went on the run?” Tyrin’s ass was pulling lies out of his ass left and right. Not to mention, a bloody ass mess and staggering. I didn’t like the way Jayceon turned and looked at me. Before I knew it, I jumped up from the couch and I emptied my gun in his ass. He fell to his knees and fell face forward but he was still moving.

  “Now that’s what the fuck I’m talking about! Bring your sexy ass here.” Jayceon yanked me towards him and palmed my ass as we engaged in a passionate kiss. The smell of gasoline began to overpower my nose. Sierra was dousing Tyrin’s body with gasoline and she was ready to strike a match.

  “I’m about to get the fuck out of here before she burn all of us up. Did you have to get that shit on my Tom Fords?” Rashad said he went up the stairs. Tech, Dominic, and Jayceon waited on the stairs as Sierra and I stood over Tyrin’s body.

  “Finish his ass!” I said and she threw the match on his ass. His body became engulfed in flames quickly. There was no coming back from this fiery ass death.

  “Rot in hell motherfucker!” Sierra screamed and we both rushed out of the basement. Sierra hopped in my car and I got in the car with Jayceon. He had been holding my hand and kissing the back of it while we were driving.

  “I’m sorry for not telling you what I planned to do. Please don’t be mad at me.”

  “I’m not mad. I’ve actually been planning this since the shit in the hospital. I found out that he had been fucking Sierra because I had put her under surveillance. She had no idea that he was the one who did this to you until she overheard him having a conversation about him and his partner kidnapping you. I noticed she had black eyes and was trying to hide the shit. She came clean and said that he had been beating her since she met him. There was no way this nigga could breathe another day after hurting you and my sister. I didn’t know you had it in you, but you made Daddy real proud in there. As a matter of fact, that shit got my dick hard as hell. I need some of that pussy right now!” Jayceon pulled over on a deserted street and got out of the car. He came around to my side of the car and yanked open the door. He pulled me out of the car and roughly bent me over the hood. He pulled my pants down and began to play with my pussy.

  “Oh, shit Jayceon!” He fingers were like magic as he moved them in and out of me. I could feel him unbuckling the belt on his slacks. The feeling of his hand gently choking me and his breath tickling my ear had me dripping.

  “Right dick wrong nigga. Call me Blockka!” He rammed his entire dick in me and I couldn’t help but scream his name.


  “That’s right hit them notes baby. Let a nigga know he up in them guts.”

  “Yassss! You’re all in my guts. You got my pussy so wet.” I was bouncing my ass all over his dick.”

  “That’s right throw that ass back at Daddy.” He started to slap and squeeze my ass at the same time.

  “I’m about to cum. I feel it coming baby.”

  “Let that shit go. I’m coming with you.”

  “Ahhhhhhh!” I screamed out in pleasure as I made it rain all over him.

  “That shit was just everything. Come on let’s go home. I’m not do
ne punishing that pussy just yet,” he said as we began to fix our clothes. I thought I heard something bumping around while we were fucking, but I thought I was just being paranoid. Then I heard that shit again. Jayceon heard the shit, too.

  “Oh, shit I forgot I had this nigga in the trunk,” he said as I watched him grab a gun from under the seat and screw a silencer on it.

  “What nigga?”

  “That bitch ass nigga Omar.” I followed Jayceon to the back of the car and I watched as Jayceon opened the trunk and shot him several times. His eyes were wide open as he took his last breath. We got back in the car as if we didn’t have a body in the trunk. Jayceon flamed up a blunt and passed it to me. I inhaled deeply and blew the smoke into the air.

  “Are you ready to be my wife again, Bella?

  “I been ready, Blockka,” I said as I handed him the blunt and leaned over to unzip his pants. I unleashed the beast and gave him head the whole drive home. I couldn’t wait to get to Vegas and exchange our vows the right way. There would be no more breaking up or divorcing going on. I would be Mrs. Isabella Bennett until the day I died.


  We had finally made it to Miami International Airport. The whole family was with us and we were headed out to Las Vegas to get remarried. Rashad and Chloe had decided to tie the knot as well so it was definitely a family affair. My baby Bella was finally getting the happy ending that she deserved and I was happy to be the one giving her that. She deserved all of that and more. We had our health, wealth, and not to mention two beautiful kids. What more could a nigga like me ask for? I had to make her my wife again. I felt like I was less of a man for us not getting married sooner. That nigga Tyrin and that nigga Omar was dead. I slept better at night knowing I never had to worry about them motherfuckers ever causing problems for my family ever again. I looked over and Bella was smiling ear to ear. I couldn’t help but smile at her and kiss her on the lips.


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