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The Perfect Bastard

Page 13

by LK Collins

  Standing, I take one large step and look Georgia in her pathetic eyes. She isn’t going to come in here and ruin my life, not after all this time and what she did to me.

  “You need to get off my property now, or I’m calling the cops. You wanna see either one of these girls, then get a fucking lawyer. You signed away your parental rights, Georgia. I didn’t.” I open the front door, and the girls go inside without me having to say another word. Rianna hands me her mother’s purse, which I toss to Georgia’s feet before following the girls in and slamming the door behind us. This is my house, and she isn’t going to come in here and turn my world upside down.

  “She signed away her rights?” Maisy asks from her seat at the table.

  I never told them that, and now I have to explain. Slowly, I make my way across the room, knowing this has to be hard for her to not only hear but also to process.

  “She did.”


  “I don’t know, honey. Only your mother knows the reason.” She blinks rapidly, staring off into nothing. I wish so badly I could take this pain from her, but I can’t. I can only help her process it. “I’m sorry you guys had to see all that.”

  “It’s okay,” Rianna says, my strong girl makes me more proud than I think she could ever truly know. “We’ll be fine, just like we always have been.” She leans and wraps her arms around her sister. “You need to make things right with Mia and Chandler,” she adds, and as exhausted as I am, I know she is right. Both girls nod their heads in agreement, and I know what I have to do.

  Chapter 38


  One breath in and one breath out, that’s all I can focus on since being at Roan’s. My heart is still in a tizzy, never having felt such pain. And my fingers still itch to touch him, just like I did earlier today after I pulled him off my brother. Him punching my brother isn’t what kills me the most, though. It’s that I’ll never be able to touch him again. He made his choice, and I have to accept it, no matter how badly it hurts.

  After leaving Roan’s, I went back to Chandler’s place. He’d helped as much as he could, and I’m shitty company right now, so I came home. My heart is broken, and it will be for quite some time. Regardless, I’ll never forget Roan and what we shared.

  I guess the saying, “It’s better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all,” is true. Even though every single fiber of my being aches, I wouldn’t change a thing about the time that Roan and I shared.

  A knock on the door startles me. I get up, assuming it’s Chandler checking in, but as I look out the peephole, I’m taken aback. It’s him. It’s Roan. He pounds again. His head is bowed, so I can’t see his face. I wish I could. I have no idea what to do.

  “I know you’re in there,” he calls out. “I saw your brother.”


  I look around my condo as if it holds the answers, but really, I know all the answers are standing on the other side of the door. “I’ll wait out here all day and all night if I have to, baby.”

  The word “baby” chokes me up, and I open the door. An exhausted but still gorgeously sexy Roan looks at me through his dark and charming eyes.

  “You don’t have to do that,” I tell him, referring to waiting out there. Roan has always been my weakness, and I have a feeling he always will be. He barrels in, crashing our mouths together, and in this instant, the pain begins to fade away.

  He’s back in my arms, and greedily I accept him. Even if he chooses Georgia, I’ll take anything I can have from him. And I always will.

  At first, our hands and mouths are a tangled mess, but he slows his kisses, and after one last slow lingering brush of his lips, he pulls away.

  “I’m so sorry for everything. Chandler told me what you saw when you pulled up and what was going through your head.” I cringe as I remember exactly what we saw—Roan and Georgia nose to nose, her hand on his arm as she leaned into him. “I couldn’t imagine, babe.”

  “It’s okay, you’re free to make your own choices, even if I don’t agree with them.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I mean about choosing to get back with Georgia. I get it, she’s the mother of your kids.”

  “Are you fucking crazy? I didn’t choose to be with her. I was out there to tell her that she needed to leave, that she wasn’t welcome in my home. I wanted to make it very clear that I didn’t want her back, but I also didn’t want the girls to hear, which is why we were outside. Didn’t you listen to my voice mail? I told you I kicked her out.”

  I dip my head, ashamed that I didn’t believe him. “I thought she stayed the night, did you notice she was in the same clothes?”

  “I didn’t. I was so angry the only thing I was focused on was getting her out of my house.”

  “So, you’re not getting back with her?” I ask again, needing the reassurance.

  “No, baby, not even close.”

  “I . . . I’m sorry. I’m sorry for Chandler and—”

  “Don’t say another word.” I stop talking, listening to Roan the way I always do, and he looks deeper into my eyes. Deeper than he ever has, and my heart melts as he speaks the words, “Mia Cavalano, I fucking love you.”

  “What?” I respond, clearly not hearing him right.

  “I.” He kisses my forehead. “Love.” He kisses my nose. “You.” He kisses my mouth, and his arms hold me to him as I look up at him in shock. Surely, I’m dreaming.

  He didn’t just tell me that, right?

  “You don’t have to say anything, baby. I just want you to know it.” And he swoops me off my feet, carrying me to my bedroom.

  I hold on to his neck and gaze into his eyes as my mind processes everything. Softly, he lays me back on the plush fabric of the comforter before crawling in next to me. As I breathe him in, his hand moves to lovingly cup my cheek and I speak the words I’ve know for a long time. “I love you, Roan.”

  His eyes light up, and he shifts so he’s on top of me, pressing me firmly into the mattress.

  “Say it again,” he orders, and in one swift breath, I whisper, “I love you, Roan.”

  His cock hardens against my pelvis, and he rocks his hips against me. “Again,” he commands between kisses, and I speak the words, loving that not only can I be honest but also that he reciprocates.

  My hands trail up his back beneath his T-shirt. The tightness of his skin and muscles feel amazing. He groans into my ear and pushes my shirt up, exposing my stomach and then my breasts. The second he sees my nipples, he dips his head and flicks his tongue back and forth over them, bouncing between the two.

  I moan, pleasure glowing through my whole body as I fumble with his button and zipper. Once they are finally undone, I reach in and grasp his shaft.

  “Fuck!” he groans.

  I push his pants down as far as I can, and he kicks them off the rest of the way. Impatient, my hand moves up and down, stroking his cock. I need to taste him, so I bend and take him into my mouth. My free hand cups his balls, which tighten as I massage them and suck his glorious length.

  “Yes, baby,” he says, coaxing me on. Every ridge of his dick feels remarkable, and I get carried away, going faster and firmer. I feel him grow harder, and the next second, he’s pulling my mouth away from him.

  “I don’t want to come yet.”

  “Please, give it to me,” I beg him, needing it. Needing him to relinquish his pleasure at my control.

  He smirks and shakes his head, giving me the look I love as he slips back into my mouth. He lets me control the pace, but I’m not timid, and I don’t go easy on him. I take him deep into the back of my throat, humming around his head, which makes his thighs shake under my palms. Grunting a loud mixture of pleasure, he comes while cursing my name. I swallow all that he gives me, loving the power I have.

  He pumps short quick jerks in and out of my mouth, giving me every last drop. My pussy is so tight it burns, loving this moment and this man. Before I know it, I’m stark naked and bent over. Roan slams in
to me, causing a ticking time bomb of wicked ecstasy to begin its countdown.

  “Oh God,” I cry out.

  “I’m Roan, not God, baby.”

  “Yes, Roan,” I barely choke out the two words as his hands grip my hips and his bone-hard dick takes me out of this world to a place where dreams are made.

  His balls slap my clit, and the head of his cock rubs my favorite spot. Moving my ass to meet his thrusts, he is relentless, not showing me or my body an ounce of mercy, which I love. This is how I like to be fucked.

  Chapter 39


  “Come home with me?” I ask Mia. Our bodies are wrapped around one another’s beneath the covers of her messy bed. I’m asking her nicely, but deep down, I know I won’t take no for an answer.

  “I don’t know. I don’t want to complicate things with the girls.”

  “Are you kidding me? They want you there. Rianna is the one who told me to go and make things right with you.”

  “She is?”

  “Yes.” And honestly, I think it would help to have Mia there to talk about things. This whole situation has been nuts. But that’s what Georgia does to me—she makes me lose my mind!

  “Okay.” Her response is just what I wanted, and it makes me feel like everything is going to be all right.

  We get up and get dressed, I look at how sunken in her stomach is, and it breaks my heart knowing I hurt her.

  “When is the last time you ate?” I ask.

  She shrugs, and I tell her, “You have to take care of yourself.”

  “I know,” she whispers, the pain still evident in her eyes.

  “I’m sorry, Mia. I never meant to hurt you.”

  “Would you stop being sorry? We’re good.”

  She sits astride my lap, and I hold on to her. “Yeah, we are good.”

  She kisses the side of my mouth, and for some reason, I’m taken back to the time in my life where it all went so wrong. “Will you promise one thing?”

  “Of course?”

  “That no matter what happens, you’ll never leave me. You’ll always talk things through with me.”

  “I promise.”

  “I mean it. When we walked into my house and found Georgia there, I didn’t want you to go. When I turned around, and you were gone, it almost broke me.”

  “I didn’t know what to do, Roan.”

  “I know. Just don’t leave me, no matter what happens.” My arms are around her, and it makes me feel so good, so settled as if everything in my world is right. Had she stayed, all of this could’ve been avoided, and I have a feeling she sees that, too. I’m not blaming her. She doesn’t hold a single ounce of fault in this whole situation. I am the one who hid from my problems, and I did it for too long. I’ll never do it again.

  She stands and laces her fingers through mine, leading me through her condo and to her front door. “I’ll drive.” Not able to fathom being away from her for one second.

  “Are you sure?”

  I don’t answer her. Instead, I open my passenger car door and usher her inside. Then I slip in behind the wheel and start the engine. “Do you want to eat before we go back?”

  “No, we can go see the girls.”

  “And you will, but you need to eat.”

  “Okay,” she agrees and then shifts so she’s facing me. “What did my brother say?”

  “At first, he was ready to continue trying to beat the shit out of me.”


  “Really. His nose is all bruised, and you know how he feels about his face.”

  She laughs, which is a sound I love.

  “After I got him to calm down, we talked for a while, and he understood it was a big misunderstanding.” I flip my blinker and pull into a parking lot, nodding to the neon sign for the diner. “Here good?” I ask.

  “It’s perfect.”

  “Good.” We get out and head inside. While we are being led to our table, I shoot a quick text to the girls, asking if they want anything. “You ever been here?” I ask her.

  “No, you?”

  “Yeah, a few times. They have the best chicken and waffles.”

  “I don’t know how you could eat that, it’s so gross.”

  “Whatever. It’s like a delicacy in the South. Have you ever tried it?”


  “Then don’t knock it.”

  “Hi my name is Pam, I’ll be your server. What can I get you two to drink?”

  “I’ll have a coke,” Mia says.

  “Make that two,” I tell the waitress.

  She walks off, and we both look over the menu. I know I’m getting the chicken and waffles, so I set my menu down and look across the table at my beautiful girl.

  “What?” she asks without looking up.

  “Nothing, just admiring the view.”

  She looks behind her as if there is anything more gorgeous than her, and I laugh. “Really?”

  Her cheeks blush, and she sets the menu down. I reach across the table and take her hands into mine, holding them tightly as her warmth fills my body. “I love you, Mia.”

  “I love you.” Her response sounds so natural and effortless as it leaves her perfect lips. I have no fuckin’ clue how I got so damn lucky, but for some reason, I did. If I had to go through everything all over again just to end up where I am now, I would do it in a heartbeat.

  Chapter 40


  “See now you’re a chicken and waffle fiend,” Roan teases me. I must’ve eaten more of his food than he did, but he seemed okay with that.

  He opens the front door to his home, and I tense, still envisioning Georgia inside. “What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing,” I tell him with a tiny shake of my head.

  “You sure?”


  We walk inside, and he calls for the girls. They come up from the basement and both smile when they see me. Each gives me a tight hug, and Roan sets the food on the table before moving to grab two plates.

  “We’re happy you’re here,” Rianna says.

  “Thanks. I’m sorry you both had to go through that.”

  “It isn’t your fault,” Roan adds as he fills their plates. Maisy seems a bit quiet, and I want her to know that I’m here to help. That I feel bad for what she’s going through. I know what it’s like to lose a parent. I lost both of mine. So maybe I can shed some light on the situation and help Maisy see that she’ll be okay, no matter what happens with her mom.

  I sit at the table with the girls as they begin to eat, and Roan stands behind me, gently massaging my shoulders.

  “I want you both to know, that I’m here to help in any way I can. I know your mom being back is . . . difficult.”

  “She’s not back,” Rianna says around a mouthful of food. “Dad kicked her out.”

  Maisy drops her fork against the ceramic plate, clearly upset, and I touch Roan’s hand, knowing we have to make this right. He sits down as well. Now the four of us are at the table.

  “Saying your mom could never see you again isn’t my choice to make. It’s yours. Mia helped me see that today.”

  Tears fill Maisy’s eyes, and I hate the impact this is having on her. “If we let her back in, she’s just gonna eventually leave us again,” Rianna says.

  And Maisy answers her, “But what if she doesn’t?”

  The two girls look at one another as Roan and I sit back. They are both smart, capable girls who can make their own decisions. Yes, Roan and I will be here if they need us, but he’s right. This is their choice, not his.

  “What if?” Rianna asks.

  “Can we not talk about this now?” Maisy counters.

  “You can do whatever you feel is right,” Roan reassures them.

  They finish their food quietly, and I’m not sure what to say. Then they put their plates in the sink and give us each a hug before heading into the basement.

  “Are they okay?” I ask.

  “Yeah, they are. They just need time.”

>   “I have a surprise for you.”

  “A surprise?” I ask, giving him my undivided attention. I love surprises.

  “Close your eyes.” I look at him and remember the time I told him to do the same thing. He just smirks and waits for me to comply. I finally close them and can hear him shuffle around. After an eternity passes, which was really only like thirty seconds, I can’t take it anymore.

  “Can I open them now?”


  I place my face in my palms, hoping he hurries the hell up.

  “Now?” I ask again. This time he laughs as I feel the bed sink under his weight as he settles next to me


  I open them, and stretched out on the bed next to me is a naked and sexy Roan. He doesn’t have a shred of clothing on him, but he does have a tiny teal box lying on his stomach. I swallow, recognizing the color from the jewelry store we were at the other day, and reach for it. He stops me with the gesture of one finger in the air and says, “Strip for me first.”

  “Really?” I ask, and he nods so seductively slow.

  I stand at the end of the bed, the plush carpet soft beneath my toes as I reach for the hem of my shirt. Roan’s dick is hard, and he takes it in his hand, slowly stroking himself while I strip for him.

  “Like this?” I ask and drop my shirt to the floor.

  “Just like that, baby.”

  I turn my back to him, drop my shorts, and then hook my thumbs through the sides of my panties, and give him a coy smile over my shoulder. My movements are slow as I draw the tiny fabric down my legs, bending at the waist to give him a fabulous view. He makes a choking noise that borders on animalistic, and I know I’ve done my job well.

  “So perfect,” he grumbles as I straighten and glance back to see Roan biting his bottom lip. I move to him then, and he lets go of his shaft as I climb onto the bed and settle so I’m straddling his hips.


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