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Immortal Revenge

Page 7

by Abshire, Mary

  She opened the square door and found a woman lying within the locker. “I can’t stop loving him. He’ll always be in my heart and mind.” Another foul odor invaded her nose and her gut twisted with disgust. She slammed the door shut.

  Behind her, she heard click, swish and a soft thump. Click, swish, thump continued while she checked the two units at the bottom.

  “Emotions are destructive, Ms. Dillinger. One of two things will happen to you. You will either be hurt and wish you were dead, or you will end up dead.”

  Katie stopped in front of the next cooler and checked inside. “I’m human. What am I supposed to do? Just…be?”

  “Welcome to the world.”

  She tugged the lever of the next square locker. The cold emptiness of the storage unit oddly reminded her of Riker. She didn’t know much about him other than he was older than Kyle, worked with him, knew how to fight and was smart. He managed to survive far longer than Kyle had. Was the key to his survival avoiding emotions? And if she followed his advice, would she too end up cold and desolate?

  On the flipside, would suppressing feelings allow her to win when facing the extreme, when facing death? His logic made sense. Focus on the task and nothing else. In the heat of battle, fight to claim your prize. Kyle had repeated the words to her multiple times. The prize could be life or a simple goal, whatever the person fighting wanted. Kyle had never said the words Riker had, yet the meanings were damn close, if not dead on. But Kyle was not like Riker or the empty cooler in front of her.

  Riker came to stand beside her. “Take my advice, ditch them.” He strode away, heading for the double doors they’d entered.

  Katie shut the hatch, then strode out of the morgue. She reached the record room and found Riker studying the file cabinets.

  “My goal is simple,” she said, stepping closer to him. “Find and destroy the vampire responsible for Kyle’s demise. Yes, I will always love Kyle, but when I face the enemy and it comes down to only one of us walking away, I’m going to fight like hell to make sure it’s me.”

  While revenge motivated her, it wouldn’t lead to her downfall. Emotion didn’t drive Katie. It never did when she fought with Kyle, or she would’ve lost every time. She liked the challenge. She yearned to win and understood the effort needed to succeed. Hard work and unrelenting determination were two of her strongest qualities she possessed. When it came time for her to face the rogue who ended Kyle’s existence, she’d beat him and claim her revenge. She had no doubt about it.

  Riker made no response to her statement. His gaze continued to slide over the filing cabinets. He stepped closer to one, then tugged on the handle. The drawer clanked from the inside and remained closed.

  He twisted and glanced past her. “Check for keys in the desk.”

  Katie strode to the desk wedged between file cabinets. She switched on the desk lamp, then started rummaging through the side drawers. Finding only typical office supplies, she rolled the chair back and pulled the thin drawer from underneath the desk. The jingle of keys brought a smile to her face.

  “Got them.” She snatched the keys, twisted and tossed them.

  Riker caught the keys and immediately searched the set.

  “What are you looking for in the cabinets?” Katie asked as she walked toward him.

  He slid a key into the lock and it clicked. “Something your assassin left behind.” He scanned the contents of the drawer, then shut it and moved to the one below.

  “Can I help?”

  Riker flipped dividers toward him while his gaze remained lowered. He paused, then lifted a clear plastic bag. “What have we here?”

  Katie stepped closer to examine the Ziploc bag. Black writing showed a date. It was the same one of Kyle’s demise. The line for the name listed unknown. The line next to contexts showed the number one and word ring.

  Katie snatched the bag out from Riker’s hand and walked fast toward the desk. Holding the bag under the desk lamp, she pried it open and then dumped the ring into the palm of her hand. A flood of emotions crashed into her and weakened her knees. She fell into the chair.

  The ring was the one she’d given to Kyle a year after he proposed to her and she turned him down. She’d told him she wanted to wait. For the following year, he’d acted solemn and depressed. He’d shed a few tears on occasion too. On his birthday, she tried to brighten his mood. She’d given him a gold ring with the words devoted lovers forever etched on it.

  Tears spilled from Katie’s eyes as she held Kyle’s ring. His somber frame of mind had changed from that time forward. He’d worn the ring every day since she’d given it to him. Even on his last.

  “If I were the enemy, you would be dead right now Ms. Dillinger.”

  She swallowed hard and ignored Riker. She was human and Kyle had been too. He’d loved her, cared for her and even wept for her. The vampire had heartfelt emotions, unlike Riker standing next to her. How could the two be so completely different, yet loyal friends for centuries?

  “Time to go.” He reached for her hand holding the ring.

  She closed her fingers around the last object that had belonged to Kyle, then slammed her fist on the desk. She shot up from the chair and bumped–or rather, shoved–her shoulder into Riker’s as she headed for the exit. If he wanted her to push her feelings aside, she’d prove to him she could do it. Starting now.

  She strode down the hall and stopped at the elevators. While waiting for her ride, her heart thumped fast, fueled by irritation with Riker. The fire within her gave rise to an outpour of sweat. She fanned herself and held Kyle’s ring tight in her other hand. Riker had good words of advice, ones she’d heard from Kyle, but in different ways. What bothered her about Riker besides his attitude was he assumed she was weak. Human. She spent nine glorious years loving a vampire. She was human, but she was also smart enough to know how to beat a vamp at their game. Kyle made sure she learned how.

  The ding of the elevator alerted her to its arrival. Riker wasn’t in sight when she stepped inside and she refused to wait for him. Once the doors closed, she lifted her hand and viewed Kyle’s ring. The tiny band was the last material object she had to remember him. No one would steal it from her. As she rode to the main level alone, she tucked the ring into her bra.

  From the elevator, she returned the way she’d came in from the hospital and exited through the glass doors. Cool, night air soothed her heated flesh as she strode to her car. She stopped at the driver’s side and realized Riker had the keys.

  “Fuck,” she said, staring at the handle on the door.

  “Looking for these?”

  She turned to find him walking toward her, dangling her keys in front of him as if tempting her to take them.

  “Give them to me.”

  He lowered his hand. “I’ll drive.”

  “No, you won’t. I will,” she said firmly.

  One of his brows rose. He said nothing and stared at her. His green eyes lit up. The ghostly presence slipped into her head. In a split second, she reinforced her mental shields and the presence vanished.

  “Give me my keys,” she said, glaring at him.

  His frozen gaze produced no effect from her. Sunrise would arrive in less than two hours. She’d stand by her car all morning, immobile and glaring if she had to. In their current standoff, she had the luxury of time, whereas he didn’t.

  As if he sensed her plan, he finally tossed the keys to her, then disappeared around the car.

  Katie slid into the seat and adjusted it. “Which hotel?”

  “The Holiday Inn near the interstate,” he said in a dry tone.

  She backed out fast from the parking spot, then came to an abrupt stop.

  “I’d like to get there in one piece,” he said with his familiar cold gaze.

  Katie grinned as she shifted the gear. “Then don’t lose your head.”

  Riker frowned and illuminated his eyes. Finding his displeasure humorous, she pressed her foot on the accelerator. The tires screeched and the ca
r zoomed forward. She paused briefly at the intersection, then took off down the road.

  “That ring needs to be destroyed,” he said in a calmer voice.

  She tightened her grip on the steering wheel and kept her gaze focused on the road. “Good luck getting it from me.”

  “You think you can stop me?”

  She turned to face him. “Yep.”

  “You won’t if you hit that car coming.”

  Katie shifted her attention back to the road. From her right, a sedan drove across the street. She braked fast to avoid ramming the back half of the car.

  “Fuck!” She yelled as her Camaro came to a sudden stop and the other car drove by.

  Her heart raced. Anger and annoyance, both the result of Riker, had nearly caused her to have an accident. Maybe her emotions were in the way. She needed to control them better. She needed to release her energy, blow off some steam. It would be her first priority after they checked in at the hotel.

  She pressed her foot on the accelerator.

  “I’m starting to regret my promise to Kyle.”

  “I’ll make you a deal. Help me destroy Kyle’s assassin and I’ll let you out of your promise. You go your way and I will go mine.”

  “If only it were that easy, Ms. Dillinger.”

  She glanced at him. “Make it.”

  Why couldn’t he simply walk away from her? Kyle was gone. What retribution would follow Riker if he left Katie to her own devices? She wanted to ask, but she’d had enough of the vampire. To avoid any further arguing, her best option was to get away from him. She’d inquire later about his vow to Kyle.

  Katie parked in spot off to the side, not far from the main entrance of the Holiday Inn. While Riker retrieved his bags from the backseat, Katie claimed her bag of clothes from the trunk. She didn’t have much, an extra pair of jeans and two shirts, but they’d last until she returned to Julie’s house in the afternoon. She closed the trunk lid with a soft thud.

  Riker paused beside her, then headed for the illuminated entrance. “The plan for tomorrow is for you to acquire as many weapons as possible, then return to your room and wait for me.”

  Katie tightened her grip around the strings of her clothing bag. “I’m not fond of people dictating my movements.”

  “I don’t care if you’re fond of me or not. If you want to live, do as I say.” He opened one of the doors for her.

  Teeth clamped together, she walked into the hotel and headed for the check in desk. The quiet lobby appeared clean and decorated with fake plants and cheap artwork. A young man stood behind a tall wooden counter. She stopped in front of him and noticed his tag said Henry.

  “Can I help you?” he asked, smiling.

  Riker came to a halt beside her and claimed Henry’s attention. “I have two rooms booked under the name of Leonard Johnson.”

  Henry lowered his gaze and typed into the computer. “Leonard Johnson, yes, I have you here.”

  While Henry worked behind the counter, Katie stepped back and scanned the hotel. Not far from where they stood was a large seating and eating area. At the farthest point of the entryway, tinted glass walls overlooked an empty swimming pool. She stepped closer to the glass and found a workout room to the left. The perfect place for her to release her frustration.

  She spun and returned to Riker’s side. Henry placed two cards on top of the counter.

  “1324 and 1326 are down the right hall. You’ll turn left, down another hall to reach the rooms,” Henry said as he pointed beyond Katie.

  Katie snatched a card. “Thanks.”

  Once Riker had his keycard, they headed for hall leading to their rooms.

  Katie stopped in front of the pool area. “You go on. I need to work out for a bit.” She took a step back as he twisted to meet her gaze. “Don’t worry. I’m not leaving the hotel.”

  He was good at hiding his emotions, but this time he had a slight downward curl to his lips.

  She took another step back, then another. When he turned and headed down the hall, relief and anxiety mingled within her. The fucking vamp annoyed her with his snub, arrogant attitude. But she needed his help. Fighting and destroying another vamp on Kyle’s blood wouldn’t be easy. To keep peace between her and Riker, she’d bite her tongue around him and workout her anger in the fitness room. Once she completed her goal, she’d grant him leave from Kyle’s vow. No one could force him to stay, so why would he?

  The man continued to mystify her. She wanted to know more about him, if she could calm down enough and learn to control her irritation with him. He failed to answer some of her questions and certain comments he made raised her curiosity more. His whole attitude was the exact opposite of Kyle’s, yet they were loyal to each other. Why?

  She wanted answers to the growing list of questions in her head. Somehow, she’d have to get the vampire to talk. If her lover had found kinship with Riker, then she could find a way to get Riker to open up. How difficult could it be? Surely, it couldn’t be worse than fighting a vampire. She hoped.


  “Jules,” Katie hollered as she stepped into her friend’s house. “Are you here?”

  She closed the door behind her. The scent of beef floated in the air. Her stomach growled, enjoying the aroma. She’d woken up after 1 p.m. and hadn’t had time to eat anything. She rushed to clean up, dress and visit the bank. Before she’d fallen asleep, she’d sent Jules a text to let her know she was safe and coming for a visit around two. Her timing was a bit off, but at least she’d made it.

  “In the kitchen,” Jules yelled.

  Katie walked through the living room and headed for the kitchen.

  “I hope you’re hungry.” Jules set a plate on the table. She had her hair pinned behind her head and wore white sweat pants with a skintight yellow t-shirt with the word disco in the center. “I made a hamburger for you and saved it.”

  Katie’s mouth watered as she eyed the food. “I love you, Jules. Marry me please.” She pulled out the chair and set her purse on the table.

  Jules laughed as she sat next to her. “Sorry hon. I like dick. Big, hard–”

  “I’m going to eat now,” Katie said, stopping her before the graphic description took her hunger away.

  Jules grinned. “Fine.”

  “Where’s Joe?”

  “He left about fifteen minutes ago. You just missed him.”

  Katie chewed while she held her food close to her mouth. She’d hoped to talk to both Joe and Jules together. Now, she’d have to rely on her friend to convince Joe to take a vacation.

  “So, tell me about your vampire friend.”

  Riker? A friend? No way. The cold vamp was not the sort she wanted to shop, chat and play with. How Kyle managed to be friends with him was a question she considered more than once.

  She set her hamburger down and wiped her hand on her jeans. “He’s not like Kyle at all.”

  “Oh? Do tell.” She leaned her elbow on the table.


  “What, like mean?”

  “No, he’s arrogant and lacks compassion.”

  Jules straightened. “How old is he?”

  “I think three hundred years older than Kyle was.”

  “Maybe that’s why he seems that way.”

  Katie nodded as she chewed on another bite.

  “What does he look like?”

  “Stringy blondish-brown hair. Tall. He looks European. Swedish maybe.”

  “He sounds kind of cute. Did he have a decent body?”

  Katie lifted her shoulder while she gnawed on her food. She had no attraction to Riker whatsoever. In fact, she doubted she could feel an attraction toward any man for quite some time. Kyle had been her lover since she was eighteen and he was a damn fine one. The thought of having sex with another man was one she couldn’t fathom. Love, sex and everything in between died with Kyle.

  “The vamp gets under my skin with his attitude, but I can’t let him bother me. I have to overlook his rudeness and try
to be nice.”

  “He’s that bad?”

  “He’s agreed to help me, so that’s all that matters. I can handle him.” She hoped.

  Jules shook her head. “Maybe you should reconsider.”

  “Not happening disco baby.”

  Jules placed her hand on Katie’s knee and gave her a worrisome look. “Are you sure you can trust him?”

  “Yes, and no. He said he made a promise to Kyle to protect me. In that respect, yes, I trust him even though I don’t like him.”

  “But?” Jules prompted.

  “He asked me where I went after I spoke to the police and if I had spoken to anyone about Kyle’s demise. I lied to him and said I slept in my car.”

  “Why is he concerned?”

  “Because the vampire in town is still here to clean up the mess, erase minds and any evidence Kyle existed. He visited the police station to wipe their minds. When he did, he found out from Ben that I knew Kyle.”

  “Are you sure about this?” Skepticism clung to her voice.

  “Pretty damn sure. I called Ben and asked about the investigation into Kyle’s death and he responded as if he never heard of a Kyle. I plan to stop by there later and talk to Ben, but I know a vampire manipulated his mind.”

  “Oh, Katie. Why even go there?”

  “I’m hoping he might have a description of the vampire who visited him. It’s worth checking.”

  Jules shook her head. “Poor Ben.”

  “There’s more.” Katie pushed the empty dish away from her.

  Jules stared at her and waited. After a few seconds of silence, her eyes widened slightly. “Please tell me it doesn’t involve me.”

  “I’m afraid it does, but I have a solution.”

  “Oh, God.”

  Katie reached for friend’s hand and grasped it. “I don’t want Riker to find out about you, and I don’t want to risk this other vampire finding out we’re friends.”

  “What do we do?”

  “I stopped at the bank on my way over here. I have enough money for you and Joe to take a vacation in Indianapolis. In a week, perhaps less, you two can come back and everything will be fine.”


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