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Baker (The Skulls Book 14)

Page 7

by Sam Crescent

  Glaring at Whizz, Lash put all the files down.

  “She has a right to know,” Whizz said. “I’ve heard her talking about more kids. She doesn’t want to stop at Anthony and Chloe, and seeing as you’re the other half of their DNA, you need to tell her, Prez.” Whizz smiled, and rubbed his hands together. “That will be all from me today.”

  “I almost lost her.”


  “Our first kid, she lost through an attack. She tried to kill herself, and I almost lost her twice with one kid. Anthony came along, and it was a difficult pregnancy. Then what happened with Chloe. Some couples are only supposed to have a couple of kids. Angel and I, we’ve got our two kids, and I’m not willing to risk her life for anymore.”

  “It’s not just your decision, brother.” Whizz didn’t say anything more about that. “Oh, I also found an updated version of Grandma’s will. It would seem Millie’s Grandma may decide to sell the business. From what I gather, the son, Millie’s father, is not to be trusted, and he’s been trying to hide funds into a secured bank account. No one else knows of her plans.”

  “Who does the money go to in the event of a sale?” Lash asked.

  “Millie, on Grandma’s deathbed. The Grandma is kickass secretive. The reason she has been in Italy for a while now, besides the beauty and the air, she’s been having secret business meetings away from the board. She, and she alone, has the power to sell. I don’t know what this means to Millie, but I’d say a couple of Levys won’t be too happy about having their livelihood taken away.” He walked away.

  Lash hadn’t thought about the vasectomy appointment he’d made. It was weeks ago, and he had another month until he went for the operation. Talking to Angel about it just never seemed like the right time.

  “Hey,” Murphy said, taking a seat. “You got time to talk?”

  “It seems I don’t have much of a choice.” The files of paperwork were going to have to wait. Was this what Tiny had to put up with all the time? “What can I do for you?”


  “Ugh! What has she done now?” Lash rubbed at his temple, really not in the mood to deal with her shit. After his parents died, he and Nash had to grow up with her. Of course, Tate wasn’t always such a bitch. That little surprise in her personality came later in life.

  “She has given me the opportunity to move.”

  “To move? Like house?”

  “Like house, like location, like job.”

  Lash froze. “That’s new.”

  “Yeah. I don’t know if this is a hint that she wants to leave, or she thinks that I want to leave. Either way, I don’t want to make the wrong decision.”

  “What did she say?” Lash asked. Ten minutes later, Lash blew out a breath. “This is a decision for you. Tate is giving you the choice here, brother. I don’t think this is a deal-breaker in your relationship. The club doesn’t have to be your life.”

  “I wanted it to be.”

  “Times change, people change. We all do. This is the choice you’re going to have to make, and then you’re going to have to bring it to church.”

  “Fuck, I was hoping you’d tell me to give Tate some flowers, and love her a little.”

  “Yeah, this is a couple choice that you need to make as a couple.”

  “Fort Wills is our home.”

  “Do what you want to do, and what feels right to you. Right now, I really need to deal with this.” He pointed at the files.

  “Oh, yeah, sorry.”

  “Talk with Tate. Really talk. If you want, Angel and I will take Simon and Isabella. You can have a nice long evening and night with your woman.”

  “Thanks, Lash. I’ll take you up on that soon.”

  Lash watched Murphy walk away.

  Picking up the stack of files once again, Lash flicked them open.

  “Hey, brother,” Nash said, taking a seat.

  “What the fuck now?”

  Nash held his hands up. “What the fuck?”

  “What do you want? Some magical wand to make your dick big? What?”

  “I was just going to sit with you and drink coffee. Right now, I think I’ll go elsewhere.”

  Gritting his teeth, Lash watched his brother walk away. Picking up the large file of documents, he headed into the office, and stopped when he saw Tiny.

  “Are you struggling?” Tiny asked.

  “No one will leave me alone long enough to deal with this shit. It’s not like good stuff they’re coming to me with either. Tate’s thinking of moving, or at least has given Murphy the option to pursue whatever he wants, Whizz is on my back about shit. Nash just wants to hang out.”

  Tiny held up his hand. “What’s the problem?”

  “I don’t have time for petty shit.”

  “This club is more than a bunch of men shooting the shit, Lash. This is a family.”

  “Yeah, and guess what? Families deal with their shit.”

  “Actually, they all help each other out. It’s not about sending one off to do other stuff, while another moans about it.” Tiny folded his arms, staring at him. He pointed at the files. “The good thing about that shit in your hands, it’ll be there tomorrow, in a week, in a fucking month, and you’ll always have time to deal with it. Whizz deals with your first point of defense. That computer crap he does, it’s his battleground, and he’s got us out of some sticky fucking messes. Murphy, he’s my son-in-law. You don’t understand what is going on there, and my daughter is far away from Fort Wills. Murphy is a good and loyal brother. Why does he want to leave?”

  “I don’t know, Tate offered.”

  “Yeah, why did she offer? What the hell is going on in their life that they need to move? This is your club, Lash. Your family. You came to me whenever a problem happened with Angel, remember. When she was in that psych ward, and you didn’t know what to do, who did you come to?”

  “I came to you, and you fixed it.”

  “I got you talking to the doctor. I put you on the path of understanding what was wrong with your woman. I didn’t need to do that, Lash. She was your woman, your problem, you could fix it. The reason The Skulls work, and work well, is because we’re more than a bunch of men shooting the shit. We’re a family. We work together. It’s what keeps us strong.”

  Lash nodded. “Fuck, I’m sorry. I just, I don’t want to fail.”

  “You won’t fail. I won’t let you, and neither will any of them out there.”

  “Don’t you want to take the club back? I’d gladly have you back in charge.”

  “Not a chance, son. This is your life now, and you’re doing so damn good. I’m proud of you.”


  After settling for grilled cheese themselves, Baker and Millie stared out of the penthouse window, watching the passing city go by.

  “I could never live here all the time. Look how crazy it is,” she said.

  “This is the main strip. I imagine further away, it’s easier to deal with.”

  “Still couldn’t live here. So many different vices to cave to. Drink, drugs, sex, gambling, not to mention the all you can eat buffets that are available.”

  He chuckled. “You’d sit eating all day?”

  “Sometimes I think I could. Start from one end, and work my way through the entire table.”

  Baker gripped her shoulders, staring out. “You couldn’t even eat four grilled cheese sandwiches. I think you’re safe from eating so much.” He pressed a kiss to her neck.

  “I love it when you do that.”

  He’d seen her nipples grow hard every time he kissed or touched her neck. Leaning down, he flicked his tongue over her pulse before sucking on the spot. She moaned, leaning back against him.

  “It’s an erogenous zone. It would be so hard to resist me.” Moving his hands to her waist, he slowly started to slide them up. “There are many parts of your body that would make it hard to resist me.” Just beneath her breasts, he stopped.

  Her breathing was heavy. “You’re just going to

tease me, aren’t you?”

  “Teasing is a good thing. I’ll drive you crazy until you’re begging me.”

  Running his hands down her body, he cupped her hips, giving them a squeeze. He couldn’t keep his hands to himself. It was next to impossible to do.

  Sucking on her neck again, he forced himself to pull away.

  “Why did you stop?” she asked, turning toward him.

  “Because I’m not going to be the bad guy here. I want to touch you, but you’ve not given me permission to.”

  She smiled, and damn it made his stomach tighten. What was this woman doing to him? Since he’d been able to finally say goodbye to Katie, it was like a weight had been lifted off his shoulders, and now staring at Millie, she was the sunshine to him. The bright light.

  “I give permission because I’m not pushing you away. I like your hands on my body. I don’t want you to stop.”

  “You don’t?”

  “Well, I don’t want to go all the way. I’m not ready.”

  “That I understand.”

  She stepped up to him, placing her hands on his chest. “I’m going to go and take a shower.” Millie went on her tiptoes, and kissed his lips. “Don’t go anywhere.”

  “I won’t.”

  He watched her disappear into the bedroom. The bathroom was through to the en-suite. His cock was so damn hard, and he wanted her. He wouldn’t spoil their time together though. This was about them getting to know each other without all the crap with it.

  “Keep your shit together, Baker.”

  His cell phone started to ring, and flicking it open, he saw it was Alex.

  “Hello, miss me already?” Baker asked.

  “Ha-ha. I just wanted to make sure you got there safely. Butch gave me a call, but it has been some time since I was last there. Is everything good?”

  “Everything looks good. The fridge is fully stocked, which was a surprise.”

  “You wanted a week away. You don’t even have to leave the penthouse if you don’t want to. If you do, the casino has everything you could want. Playing, gambling, partying, and there’s a good restaurant.”

  “You thought of everything.”

  “Of course. It’s what a good manager does. I think of absolutely everything.”

  In the background he heard a baby whimper.

  “Shoot, I’ve got to go. We’ll be heading out on Monday I think. We’ll meet up, have some dinner.”


  They said their goodbyes, and Baker hung up the phone.

  Moving into the bedroom, he saw the bathroom door was partially open. The sound of water running became the biggest temptation in his life.

  No, don’t do it.

  Do it. Go and see.

  Baker stepped forward, then stepped back. Two steps forward, one step back. Each time he got just a little bit closer than the last time before until he was stood at the doorway.

  Millie was humming to herself.

  She’s all alone.

  She’s completely naked, soaking wet, and all alone.

  You could give her some company.

  Baker removed his jacket and threw it onto the bed. Taking his shirt off, he dropped it to the floor, and entered the bathroom. The frosted glass of the shower didn’t help him get a clear view of Millie’s naked body. His jeans were on the floor in the next second, and he couldn’t wait.

  Millie belonged to him, and there was never going to be another man in her life. He accepted that, and knew without a doubt he would work his ass off to keep her.

  Opening the shower door, he heard her scream.

  “It’s just me.”

  “Baker, what the hell? I’m naked.”

  “So, it’s not like I’ve not seen it before.”

  “Not from me, you haven’t. Okay, you’ve seen a little bit, but come on.”

  “Millie, you and I, it’s happening. We both know it’s going to happen. There’s no denying it. I’m not going to force you, but, however, I’m going to get you used to me.”

  She presented her back and turned her head. “I’m … crap, you’re huge.” She quickly faced the front. “I’m so sorry. I shouldn’t have looked.”

  He couldn’t hold back his laughter anymore. “I want your eyes on me. I’d love your hands, too.” Reaching past her head, he grabbed the soap, rubbing the lavender scent into his hands. Placing it back on the little tray, he put his hands on her hips.

  She jumped, letting out a little squeal. “I wasn’t ready.”

  Pulling her back against him, he cupped her tits. “You’ve got to learn to trust me, babe.”

  “I do.”

  “Really? Right now, it doesn’t feel like it. We’re here together. To make this work. Do you want to, or should we head back home?”

  “No. I want to make it work.”

  “Then let me touch. Let me look.”

  “No one has ever seen me like this.”

  “Your ex was a fucking loser.” He spun her around so she had no choice but to look at him. Taking her hand, he placed it around his dick. “Do you know what you’re doing to me? This doesn’t happen for anyone. I want you. I want you so damn bad that I can taste it. Every time I’m with you, you make me hard. This doesn’t happen for just anyone. Only you.”

  She stared at his cock, and her hand started to move up and down the length, pumping him little by little.

  “I’ve never, I didn’t know.”

  “You know now. This is what you do to me. All the time.” Wrapping his fingers around hers, he showed her exactly what he liked and exactly how he liked it. He released a moan. “Yeah, baby, exactly like that.” Squeezing his fingers, he made her do it just a little bit tighter.

  “Isn’t that hurting you?”

  “No, it feels so good. I don’t want you to stop. I’m going to touch you, Millie. Please, let me.” He let go of her hand around his cock, allowing her to do what she wanted. Her hand on him was all he wanted anyway.


  Putting his hands on her hips, he started to work them up to cup her tits. They were so big, more than a generous handful with tight, red nipples. At the moment those nipples were rock hard letting him know how aroused she actually was.

  “I love your tits, Millie. So big and ripe.” He leaned forward and claimed one of her nipples, sucking it into his mouth. Baker lifted both of her breasts up as if to make an offering to himself. Biting down on her nipple, he flicked the bud to soothe the sting he’d created.

  She moaned, arching up for more.

  “You want me to suck on these beauties?”


  Releasing her tits, he stepped back. “Then offer them to me.”


  “Offer me your tits. We’ve got all the time in the world. No one is waiting for us. Offer those tits to me, Millie.”

  She hesitated for a split second, and during that short time, he thought he’d fucked up. Then her hands moved beneath her breasts, and she lifted up on her tiptoes.

  “What do you want me to do?”

  “Suck them please.”

  “You want me to suck on your titties?”


  “Say it then, Millie. Tell me what you want. Talk dirty to me.”

  Her cheeks were a beautiful shade of red. Not once did she demand that he stop.

  “Suck on my titties, Baker, please.”

  “Always so polite. Do you like me talking dirty to you?”

  “Yes, I do.”

  Stepping forward, he gripped her ass, tugged her close, and sucked one of the beaded nipples into his mouth. Water ran all over them. Baker didn’t care. His hands were full of a beautiful woman. A beautiful woman that had been driving him crazy for a long time, and one he intended to keep for the rest of his life.

  Millie Levy was his, and he knew without a doubt he was in love with her.

  This kind, beautiful woman, had the power to ease his soul, and to grant him the gift of loving again. He wasn’t eve
r going to let her go.


  Biting her lip, Millie fisted her hands at her side, not knowing what to do. Baker’s lips on her breasts felt so good, so right.

  “Touch me, Millie,” Baker said. He took her hands, placing them on his body. He was the complete opposite of her. She was soft whereas he was rock hard.

  Opening her hands, she ran them down his back, and then up again, sinking them into his hair. She closed her eyes, letting out a little gasp as he bit her nipple hard. The pain disappeared as his tongue danced over the pain, sending shockwaves of pleasure rushing through her.

  “You taste so good.” Suddenly, he was gone, and she stared down to see him kneeling before her.

  “Baker, what are you doing?”

  His fingers circled her ankle. “There’s more of you to taste.” His gaze went to her pussy. “And I’d really like a taste.”

  She’d never been one to go bare on her pussy. Millie kept it nice and trimmed as she didn’t like it to be too big and thick.

  Damn, she was thinking about keeping her womanly bits in check, and Baker was on his knees staring at her pussy and licking his lips. It was like her fantasy had come to life, and she didn’t have a clue what to do, or how to handle everything.


  “Trust me. I can make you feel so good.”

  He was making her feel so good.

  “I trust you.”

  Baker lifted her foot, and she closed her eyes, not knowing what else to do.

  “Look at that pretty little pussy. It’s begging for my cock, Millie.”

  “How do you know?”

  “Because I know what it wants, and I know what I want. For now, it’ll have to make do with my mouth.”

  She bit her lip as he placed her foot on the lip on the side of the shower.

  “I have to wonder if Alex designed this shower for this purpose.”

  Millie opened her eyes then, and saw that the little foot rest was in the perfect place for a woman to be open to a man.

  Baker stared into her eyes as he closed the distance, taking her clit into his mouth and sucking it. The moment he touched her, Millie lost all sound thought. It was amazing. His mouth, his tongue as it glided over her clit—she’d never felt anything so magical. It was even better than his fingers.


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