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Baker (The Skulls Book 14)

Page 10

by Sam Crescent

  “I have to agree. In all of the years I’ve known The Skulls, the men do like to gossip,” Millie said.

  Baker looked at his woman.

  “What? You can’t give me that look. That time you were luring me to have dinner with Hardy and Rose. You were always talking about their relationship, and how Hardy wanted to try and mend the heartache between them.”

  “I wasn’t gossiping.”

  “You were talking about the relationship of someone else, gossiping. You see, women have more important things to discuss,” Millie said.

  “Exactly. Like which brand of food mixer is the best,” Sunshine said.

  “Or what brand of marinara sauce tastes the best,” Cheryl said.

  “Or what should I get my husband for his birthday. He has everything he wants.” This from Millie. “We don’t gossip, and if we did, I doubt it would go in our partner’s favor.”

  “Hell no, Butch leaves the toilet seat up,” Cheryl said.

  “Alex drinks out of the milk carton. I hate it. Why can’t he get a glass?”

  “Baker constantly complains about the cake he eats at the coffee shop.”

  “It was too dry,” Baker said. He knew his cakes, and when one was overbaked. He’d paid four dollars for a slice of cake that was overbaked, and the icing hadn’t been properly mixed. He was pissed.

  “I was thirsty, and the glasses are the opposite side of the kitchen,” Alex said.

  “I’ve got no excuse. I leave the toilet seat up,” Butch said.

  Baker glared at him.

  “What?” Butch held his hands up in surrender. “I’m going to own up to the shit I do. I’m a good guy like that.”

  “You’re a kiss ass. That’s what you are.”

  “Thank you.” Butch kissed Cheryl’s cheek. “See, I’m a kiss ass. You can’t be mad at me for all the time.”

  “I can be mad at you if I want to.”

  Millie chuckled. “You’re cute. You’re a cute couple.”

  “Thank you.”

  “We got way off track with that conversation,” Alex said. “I will report to the others to remove all decorations, streamers, and other paraphernalia. You’re not getting married.”

  “Not yet,” Baker said. “I’m going to hope that one day she’ll change her mind.”

  Millie leaned in close, resting her head on his shoulder.

  “We’re taking it slow. I hope.”

  “When are you two heading back home?” Alex asked.

  “Friday.” Baker answered easily.

  “Good, Angel wanted me to extend an invitation to the two of you. Sunday lunch, The Skulls’ place. She’s doing all the cooking.” He turned to Butch and Cheryl. “You two can come, too.”

  “Thank you for the invite, but right now, I’d really rather not travel,” Cheryl said, touching her stomach.

  “Are congratulations in order?” Alex asked.

  “Yes, we’re hoping so.”

  “Then congratulations. I’ll let everyone at the club know of the good news.”

  “We’re hoping it’s good news this time.”

  “This time?” Sunshine asked.

  “We’ve had a few problems,” Butch said.

  Baker saw the pain between the two, and he knew part of what they were going through.

  “To the future,” he said.

  He really hoped Butch and Cheryl found happiness, and that their baby came into the world, sprightly and bouncing.

  The rest of the meal went by without any hitches. It was the first time that Baker could recall seeing Cheryl and Alex be in the same room without exchanging cross words. He was impressed.

  Instead of staying for coffee, he saw Cheryl really wanted some alone time with Sunshine and Alex, so Baker said his goodbyes.

  With a hand on Millie’s back, he took her back to their penthouse suite.

  “Is everything okay, do you think?” Millie asked.

  “I’m hoping so. I don’t like the thought of any of my friends being in pain.” He followed her into the bathroom, loving the fact she was getting undressed even with him in the same room. “Can I say, I love your ass?”

  “My ass now? I thought you liked my breasts.”

  “Tits, ass, I don’t care, I love all of it.”

  Wrapping his arms around her, he breathed in her scent.

  After so much pain in his past, he never thought he’d find love again, and yet he had, with a gorgeous, shy, toy shop owner.


  “What’s wrong?” Alex asked, getting straight to business. They didn’t have time to talk before coming to the restaurant, and he wasn’t interested in waiting around, or beating around the bush.

  Cheryl had contacted him a few days ago asking if they could have a talk. He didn’t know what that meant, but instantly his fears went toward his son.

  “There’s something I want to talk to you about,” Cheryl said.

  “You can say no,” Butch said.

  “Why don’t you tell me what it is, and then I can decide what to do.”

  “Sweetie, there’s no need to panic,” Sunshine said.

  His wife gave his hand a squeeze, offering him comfort. “You’re right. I’m sorry. I’ve just been out of my mind with worry.”

  “Worry, oh, I’m so sorry. Everything is fine. I mean, Michael, he’s a handful right now. A real handful, and Ned is doing all he can.”

  “We’re worried about him falling into the wrong crowd, while he’s here,” Butch said.

  “He’s becoming very disrespectful. Not just to teachers, but also to Butch.”

  Butch smiled, looking at Alex. “You can’t tell me what to do, you’re not my dad. My dad would kick your ass.”

  “Wow. That doesn’t sound like the boy I know.”

  Cheryl had tears in her eyes. Alex was immune to her feelings. His love was for Sunshine. Sleeping with Cheryl had been a mistake, and having Michael, was also a mistake, but it was a mistake that he loved. He’d missed so much of Michael’s early years.

  “We’re not trying to get rid of him. Just, I want to protect him, Alex. You’re his father, and I know you’ll do right by him.”

  Alex frowned. “What exactly are you asking?”

  “I was wondering if you’d like for Michael to come and live with the two of you, for a little while. I think one of the reasons he’s acting up is because we moved away from you. He misses you, Alex. You’re his father, and I’d rather him be in Fort Wills with the other Skulls, than here.”

  “There are a couple of gangs here.”

  “We’d be happy to have him, and of course, we’ll be open to you guys visiting whenever you wanted,” Sunshine said.

  Words had failed him.

  “I’d like to talk to Michael about it.”

  “Yes, that’s fine. I expected as much. It would have to be tomorrow morning now. I hope that is okay.”

  “Yes, it is.”

  Later that evening, Alex stared at his wife where she lay on the bed. She wasn’t sleeping. Her dark skin beckoned for him to go to her, but he held back. Finally, she opened her eyes, staring at him.

  “You’re frowning again. You keep doing that, and you’ll get wrinkles.”

  “I already have wrinkles.”

  “Not lots of them.” She moved to her knees, and reached out, stroking his forehead. “Why are you frowning?”

  “Nothing, just thinking about Michael. If he wants to come home with us, are you okay with that?”

  “Alex, he’s your son.”

  “With another woman. Some women would have a problem with that.”

  “You’ve got me. I’m totally angry.”

  “I’m being serious.”

  “I’m fine with it. He’s still just a child, Alex. He’s your son, and I love you. He needs you.”

  “I won’t have him disrespecting you.”

  “I’m an awesome person. Just watch, I’ll win over your son. I’ll be the cool stepmom.”

  Wrapping his arms around he
r, he pulled her to her feet. “Show me how awesome you think I am.”

  “Certainly, sir.” She batted her eyes, and he groaned as she pressed her soft body against him.


  The following morning, Alex took Michael out for pancakes. He stopped at an old fifties style dinner. It had been a couple of months since he’d last seen his son, and even in that time, he’d grown up so much.

  “So, how are you doing?” he asked.

  “Okay, I guess. Are you going home today?”

  “Well, that’s up to you really.”


  Alex took a sip of his coffee.

  “I want to know what you think of something.”

  Michael stared across at him, looking completely bored out of his mind. “I’m waiting.”

  Oh, this kid had attitude. That was fine. Alex wasn’t worried about a little trouble.

  “How would you feel to coming back to Fort Wills with me and Sunshine? You live with me, go to school with the other Skulls kids.”

  Michael snorted. “Yeah, as if Mom would ever go for something like that, or Butch.”

  “Actually, it was your mother’s idea.”

  His son sat stunned. “It was?”

  “Yes. It would seem that you’ve become quite a handful while here, and you’re more susceptible to peer pressure. She wants you to be around the right kind of people.” Alex folded his arms, staring at his son.

  “I would love to. I’ll do anything.”

  “You’d do anything to come and live with me?”

  “Yes. I want to go back to Fort Wills. I don’t want to live here anymore. I hate it here.”

  Alex accepted the pile of pancakes from the waitress, waiting for her to leave. “Why the sudden hatred of Vegas, and Butch?”

  Michael took a bite of his food, and ate with his mouth open.

  “Close your mouth when you’re chewing. You may think you look like a punk, but it’s gross, and makes you look stupid.” He wouldn’t allow his son to walk all over him. Unlike Butch, he was Michael’s father.

  “Are you just going to be a drag? Telling me what to do, how I should look?”

  Alex took a bite of buttery pancake and stared at his son. He didn’t stop staring, waiting until Michael caved, averting his gaze. “You can talk the talk, but you can’t walk the walk.”

  “Ned has been training me.”

  “A few weeks under Ned’s training, and you think you’re ready to take on me.” Alex tilted his head. “You really do have a piss poor attitude, don’t you?”


  “If you think for one second you’re going to get away with shit because I’m your dad and I’ve been absent, think again. You will show me and Sunshine respect. If you think to be a little shit to your sister, I will make your life a misery.”

  “Yeah, by doing what?”

  “I can send you to military school, or better yet, unleash The Skulls on you. I’m not talking the older generation either. The new generation, they’re lethal, and they’ll chew you up, and spit you back out.”

  Michael stared.

  “Your attitude sucks. It ends now, or your ass will be dropped at the nearest school.”

  “Mom won’t let that happen.”

  “She won’t have a choice. She’s pregnant, and I’d say you being the way you are, you’ll hurt her.”

  Michael went pale. “No, I wouldn’t.”

  “You think stress is good for a woman? It can be the cause of so much crap. Women have died while carrying a baby.”

  Alex allowed his warning to sink in. Michael pushed his pancakes around. “I won’t be disrespectful. I’ll behave, and I’ll be good.”

  “Excellent. Now tell me what the hell went wrong with Butch.”

  “He’s the reason we’re here. You left Vegas, and live in Fort Wills. I don’t want to live here. I hate it here.”

  “Stop being a little brat, and grow up. Life is hard, Michael. It’s not going to be easy. I wish there was something I could do, but there isn’t. Butch is making the most of the situation. The least you can do, is help them. They’re hurting. Butch is your stepparent. He doesn’t have to give a shit, but he does. So does Sunshine. You have four parents, Michael. Two extra than most. For some, you have four extra than most. Stop taking everything for fucking granted. Now eat your damn pancakes.”


  The week flew by, and all too soon Millie was back in her apartment, wishing for the week to happen again.

  “I loved our time together,” she said.

  “Good, I loved being with you. It was nice to get away,” Baker said.

  “It’s going to be a long and busy day tomorrow.” She’d dumped her washing beside the machine. Besides opening up the shop, and giving it a bit of airing, she had a week’s worth of washing to do.

  “How about we prolong today, and go out to the club? Go and see everyone. It’s Friday, and there’ll be a little get-together. There always is.”

  “You’d like to take me to one of your parties?”

  “I think it’s about time I do.”

  Millie bit her lip.

  “What is it?” he asked.

  “Could you pick me out something to wear? I don’t know what to put on.”

  “Easy. Just go with jeans, a sweater, and a jacket. It’s too damn cold to have anything else on.”

  An hour later, they were heading out to the club, ready to have some food. She was starving, and nervous about getting together with The Skulls. The last time it had been a family get-together, there had been a drive by shooting. Happy, one of the club prospects who was a previous nomad, had gotten killed. There had also been a lot of people injured.

  They drove in the car, and she was sure Baker was missing his bike. For a week he’d not taken it for a ride.

  Entering the parking lot, she saw there was a fire glowing at the back, past the children’s playground that had been put in. There were a lot of kids at The Skulls, and with it came a lot of babysitting. The guys had all banded together to put one in so it made looking after children easier. Of course, come the winter when it was all slippery with ice, it wasn’t such a good idea.

  Climbing out of the car, Baker came toward her, taking her hand. The nerves were eating away at her. A couple of scantily clad women called toward Baker. He ignored them, going toward the back. She spotted Nash and Sophia first. They were cuddled up on the ground, drinking from a steaming thermos. Whizz and Lacey were next. Prue and Zero were snuggled, along with Tate and Murphy. Killer and Kelsey were wrapped around each other, dancing, as were Emily and Blaine.

  “Who is on kiddy duty tonight?” Baker asked.

  “Eva and Tiny,” Angel said, carrying out a large tray. Several bowls were loaded with what looked like chili.

  Baker let her go, grabbing two bowls. “I promised I’d feed you.”

  “Thank you.” She took one of the bowls, and took a bite, moaning as the food exploded flavor on her tongue.

  “I’ve been practicing my recipe for it. I want it to be perfect. I even have a child friendly chili,” Angel said.

  “She really does. Simon loves it,” Tate said. “I’ve never seen him eat a bowl of the stuff so fast.”

  “It’s Anthony’s favorite.”

  “You do love kids, don’t you, Angel?” Whizz said.

  “Yes, of course I do.” She smiled at Lash.

  Millie recalled what Alex had said, and wondered if Angel knew the truth of what Lash was planning. From the look in her eye, Millie doubted it.

  “Would you like more kids?” Lacey asked.

  “Let’s not talk about that right now,” Lash said. “How was your trip? Alex told us you had no intention of actually getting married.”

  “It was a shame. I had the decorations in place,” Angel said, moving toward them. She pulled Millie into a hug. “I’m teasing you. I didn’t think you’d get married like that.”

  “No, Millie deserves a white wedding, right?” Whizz a

  She turned to the heavily scarred man. “Erm, not really. I don’t see the need to go to that expense.”

  “You little shit, you snooped, didn’t you?” Baker asked.

  “I may have had a little look.” Whizz held up his hand with his thumb and finger close together.

  Lash snorted. “A little? He has a full file.”

  “You fucker.” Baker turned to her. “I didn’t ask for it, I swear.”

  Millie frowned. “I don’t have a clue what is going on. Snooping, files, I don’t get it.”

  “I looked into your life, sweetie,” Whizz said.

  Lacey slapped him round the back of the head. “You didn’t tell me you snooped on Millie?”

  “It wasn’t ever going to mean anything,” he said.

  “You looked at my life?” she asked. Millie wasn’t stupid. The girls talked while they were ordering the toys, and the occasional gift for their husbands. She knew Whizz was a computer genius, and expert hacker. He helped to stop Andrew, and he helped that girl who now lived with Chaos Bleeds, Lola Sparks.

  Everyone turned to Whizz. “Yeah.”

  “That wasn’t exactly nice.”

  She looked at Baker.

  “It wasn’t me.”

  “It’s fine. He probably found out how lame my life actually is.”

  “It really is. No porn or sex shop history at all.” That earned Whizz another slap from Lacey.

  Millie chucked. “My family has a lot of drama though, right?”

  “Drama? They could make a soap opera about the shit that your family gets up to.”

  “You’re not mad?” Baker asked.

  “Nope. I’ve got nothing to hide. I told you the truth.”

  “So he knows about your previous ex-fiancé?” Whizz asked.

  “I met him,” Baker said. “Yes, in Vegas.”

  “It had to be one of the most awkward moments of my life,” Millie said. “We also saw Butch and Cheryl.”

  “She’s pregnant,” Baker said.

  “Michael is settling in. He didn’t get off to a good start though,” Angel said, wincing.

  “He didn’t?”

  “Nope,” Lash said.

  “They still won’t tell us what he did wrong,” Tate said. “I tried getting it out of Simon, but his lips are sealed.”

  “Neither is Anthony talking,” Angel said.

  “Or Daisy,” Lacey said.


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