Baker (The Skulls Book 14)

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Baker (The Skulls Book 14) Page 13

by Sam Crescent

  Her pussy was already slick, and she wanted him.

  “What are you doing to me?” she asked.

  “I’m getting you ready.”

  Baker took the zipper of her dress and started to lower it down her body. He’d seen her naked enough times, and she no longer felt the need to cover her body. He thought she was beautiful, and she wasn’t going to hide, not from him.

  The dress fell in a pool at her feet, and she stepped out of it, kicking it aside.

  “I’ve not seen this,” he said, putting a finger beneath the lace of her bra.

  “It’s new.” A blue, lacy bra complete with matching panties. She gave a little twirl. “Do you like it?”

  He cupped her tits, running his thumb across each nipple. “I love it. Do you have any idea how fucking sexy and beautiful you are?”

  “No.” When she was with Baker though, she felt like nothing on earth could touch her.

  Baker let go of her breasts and moved behind her. He flicked the catch, and the bra fell forward, his hands capturing her breasts as if they were the cup of the bra. He pulled her back against him, rubbing his cock against her ass.

  He was so hard, and she wanted him, and she wanted this. One of his hands moved from her breast down her stomach to cup her pussy. He moved beneath the lace, and his finger stroked through her slit.

  Crying out, she leaned against him as he moved his finger up and down, over her clit.

  “You’re so wet for me.”

  “I want you, Baker,” she said.

  Reaching behind her, she worked on the belt that kept his pants up. She loved that he’d dressed up for her.

  Suddenly, his hand was gone, and he spun her around. “Remove your glasses.”

  She took them off, placing them on the drawer beside her bed.

  He beckoned her with the crook of his finger, tugging her in more ways than one.

  Once she was in front of him, he grabbed her hips, and placed her on the bed so that she was sitting. He took a step back and began removing his belt. The slow dance, with his swaying hips tempted her.

  “What are you thinking?” she asked.

  “I hope you’re having a good time.” The pants were gone, and she saw the outline of his dick through the boxer briefs. Licking her suddenly dry lips, she had to wonder if he’d fit inside her, and knew it was stupid. Of course he would fit. This was the most natural thing in the world.

  “I am.”

  The boxers went, and his cock sprang forward, showing off his impressive length. The tip was already coated in pre-cum.

  He knelt in front of her, grabbing her thighs, and tilting her back so that she was flat on the bed. Baker tore her panties off, throwing them away. “I’ll buy you new ones.”

  “I can’t believe you just did that.”

  “Believe it, babe.” He spread open her thighs, and then his mouth was on her. “This is all for you.” He flicked her clit repeatedly before sucking the bud into his mouth. She moaned his name, unable to hold back as he tortured her clit. She loved it when his mouth was on her. To her, it felt much better than his fingers.

  He opened the lips of her sex, and she couldn’t help but watch as his tongue moved up and down, then circled around the clit. She was swollen and wet, her cream dripping down the crease of her ass as he continued to suck her pussy.

  “Oh, God, I can feel it,” she said, dropping to the bed. Arching up, she screamed his name as her orgasm took her by surprise startling her in its intensity.

  “So fucking perfect, and beautiful.” He growled the words against her flesh, flicking her clit one last time. “I’m going to spend a lot of time doing that to you. Your pussy tastes so good. I know I’m not going to want to stop at one taste. I’m, going to want more. So much more.”

  He took one of the condom packets, tearing into it. Millie could not do or say anything as she watched him, taking in every line, every tense, every muscle. Baker was one hot guy, and he was all hers.

  Baker urged her up the bed so that she was lying against the pillows. He moved between her thighs, and then she felt him at her entrance.

  “Unchartered terrain,” she said.

  “Are you making a joke?”

  “You’re going where no man has ever gone before, Baker.”

  “And no man will ever be again.” In one thrust, he embedded his length inside her. The moment he pushed, he broke through her barrier, Millie gasped at the pain, and the feeling of being stretched. She’d known and expected the pain. He caught her hands, holding them tightly, as he took possession of her mouth. Through the pain he kissed her, making her forget and focus on the feel of his lips instead.

  “There’s only me, babe. No one else, just me,” he said.

  She held his hands, tightly. “Don’t let me go.”

  “I won’t. You’re mine now. There’s no turning back now.”

  Millie stared into his blue eyes, and couldn’t think of anything else she wanted than to be with this man who owned her soul.

  She thrust up against him, ready to take him.

  “Are you sore?”

  “I want you, Baker. Please, don’t stop.”

  He placed her hands beside her head, keeping hold of her, and using her for leverage as he started to slowly thrust within her. It was short, shallow thrusts, going in and out. Millie didn’t look away from him, marveling at the fact Baker was inside her, not only her body but also her heart.

  “You’re so tight, Millie. So tight, and so mine.”

  His thrusts changed, and he started to speed up. The pain inside her became pleasure, and with it, a soaring feeling of freedom. She met each of his strokes, not wanting the pleasure to end.

  “Oh, fuck, baby, that feels so good,” he said. “I’m never going to get tired of fucking you.”

  The headboard hit the wall, the sound of their lovemaking echoing around the room. This was her first time, with some pain, and she couldn’t wait for the next time, or the one after that.

  “I’m not going to last.”

  Baker thrust deep inside her, and she felt the moment he found his release. His cock twitched, filling the condom as he came.

  Afterward, he collapsed on top of her, his breath fanning her breast as he came down from his orgasm.

  “I’m sorry,” he said.

  “What for?”

  “I wanted you to come with me.”

  “I came before we had sex.”

  “It can happen during, providing the man you’re with isn’t too selfish.”

  “I don’t think you’re selfish, Baker.”

  “You don’t.”

  “No, I thought that was perfect.” She kissed the top of his head. “Can we do it again?”


  Anthony and Chloe were in bed, and Angel grabbed the basket of washing, heading toward the laundry room. She paused when she saw Lash there, waiting. He was leaning against the dryer, glaring at something. The moment he saw her, the glare was gone.

  “When did you get home?” she asked.

  “Just. I let myself in the back. I’ll mow the lawn tomorrow.”

  “It’s supposed to rain tomorrow.”

  “Shit, you asked me to do the lawn didn’t you?” he asked.

  “A week ago. It’s fine. You can’t do it tomorrow. It’ll look a mess. Last time I checked electricity and water don’t mix,” she said, smiling.

  He nodded.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing, babe.”

  “Don’t you nothing me like that. I’ve been married to you for a long time, Lash. Don’t even think of pretending something isn’t up. I can tell.” She put the basket down, and moved toward him, cupping his face. “Tell me.”

  He didn’t say anything. Instead, he pulled out a piece of paper, and handed it to her. Frowning, she took the paper and read it.

  “A vasectomy. This appointment is for Friday, Lash.”

  “I know.”

  “Is there something wrong? Are you ill?”
r />   “No, I’m not ill.”

  “Why would the doctor recommend this?” Angel asked.

  “He didn’t recommend it. I asked for it.”

  “You did? Why would you do that?” She held the piece of paper, but she couldn’t believe it. Lash wanted a vasectomy, and he wanted it willingly.

  “So we don’t have to have any more children.”

  She gasped, stepping away from him. “You don’t want any more children?”

  “No, I don’t. After everything we’ve been through, I’m making the right choice.”

  Angel stared at her husband, then down at the paper. “You weren’t going to tell me.”

  “No, I wasn’t. I was just going to get the procedure done, but I couldn’t. I had to tell you.”

  “And when I wanted more kids, what then?”

  “We’d try, and when nothing happened, you’d move on.”

  Tears filled her eyes, and slipped down her cheeks. “After everything we’ve been through, you were going to be this deceitful to me.”

  “I’m doing it for your own protection.”

  “What for? What do I need protecting from?” she asked.

  “Look at our track record when it comes to having kids. We’re not exactly up there as great candidates for pregnancy,” he said. “You lost one—”

  “Through the enemy of the club!”

  “Anthony was a hard pregnancy.”

  “He was my first one to come to term. All firstborn babies are difficult.” She couldn’t believe what she was hearing.

  “Then Chloe.”

  “Another attack, Lash. None of these incidents are anything out of the ordinary. Not with giving birth to Anthony. He was my first baby. Chloe was a lot easier. The factors surrounding us were what changed everything. No woman should have to face death, but I signed on for that when I fell in love with you.”

  “And I can’t risk losing you. Pregnancy is too big of a risk. I’m going to get this procedure.”

  Angel gasped as tears fell from her eyes. Spinning on her heel, she made her way toward the door, then stopped. “I’ve felt a lot of pain in my life. I’ve been hurt, I’ve tried to kill myself, I’ve been shot, and throughout all of that, I’ve never felt pain like the words you’ve just delivered has given to me.”


  “No, don’t. I love you, Lash. Flaws and all. That love will never stop. If you go and have that procedure, don’t come back home.”


  “It’ll be over. You made that decision without asking me. You made that decision on your own, and if you do this alone you will stay. I can’t be with someone who’ll deceive me.”

  With that, she left, turning on her heel, and going to the one room that always gave her comfort, to her children’s rooms. First she went to Chloe’s room, staring down at her darling girl. She vowed to protect her babies, to protect the club. How could Lash do that to her? She regretted her words the moment she said them. There was no way she could leave Lash. He was her life. He filled her heart with so much love that at times she thought she would burst with happiness. No matter how much she wanted to run to him now, she couldn’t. He’d hurt her.

  Next, she went to Anthony’s room, and chuckled. He was sitting reading. “I thought I put you to bed.”

  “I wasn’t tired, and I like reading.”

  “Did you hear?” she asked.

  “You and Dad fighting?” She nodded. “A little bit.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  “Why? Tab says Tiny and Eva fight a lot, too. So does Tate and Murphy. Fighting is normal.”

  “It’s not.”

  He frowned. “Doesn’t it mean you love each other?”

  “I don’t know, sweetie.”

  “You’re fighting because you’re angry, and you’re hurt. If you feel those things, then it must mean you love each other, and I know you and Dad love each other. A lot.”

  “We do.”

  Anthony smiled. “Would you like me to read to you?”

  “Yes, that would be lovely.”

  Chapter Eleven

  One day later

  Millie hummed to herself as she walked down the street. She was walking down the same street she’d walked thousands of times only today was different. She was walking down the street with a sore pussy, and bruises on her hips. There was no way to wipe the smile from her face. She was so damn happy, and walking on cloud nine. They had made love three more times, and she felt different.

  Everything seemed brighter, happier, more alive than ever before.

  Entering the café, she spotted the Skulls women in the corner, talking. It was Friday lunch time, and she’d closed the shop to have lunch with them, only for a break. She had to go to the post office to make some deliveries, and now was as good a time as any.

  Lacey spotted her first, giving a whistle. “Is it me, or do I detect something different about you?”

  Millie chuckled, removing her jacket, and taking a seat. “I had a wonderful night.”

  “So you and Baker, you’re together-together?” Tate asked.

  “Yep. We’re officially together.” She tucked some of her hair behind her ear, and turned toward the barrister.

  “I’ve got your order, ladies. I’ll be right over.”

  “Thank you.”

  Turning back, she saw how sad Angel looked as she kept gazing at the clock.

  “Are you okay?” Millie asked.

  Angel was usually the happiest, constantly bouncing around without a care in the world.

  “I’m sorry. I’m not the best company right now. I’m kind of in a crisis.”

  “What kind?” Tate asked.

  “The kind that could depend on divorce or not.”

  Every single Skull woman turned toward her.

  “Divorce?” Sophia, Kelsey, Eva, and Sunshine asked.

  “Yeah, divorce. It seems like Lash wants to take our childbearing matters into his own hands, and with it, he was willing to be deceitful. I said some really bad things, and now I’m scared. What if he wants to divorce me? Oh, God, I’m so scared. I love Lash.”

  “I don’t have a clue what is going on,” Emily said. She was Blaine’s old lady, and the mother of Darcy.

  “Lash is scheduled to have a vasectomy today, only I would like us to have more kids. He doesn’t want to take the risk. Instead of telling me about it, he tried to hide it, and with it, I don’t know, I just felt betrayed. Even though he told me in the end. God, I love him. I love him so much.” She leaned forward, pressing her face into her hands. “I can’t stand this. My stomach is twisting and turning. I can’t. I just, I love Lash so much, but how can he think to hurt me like that? And what if he leaves me?”

  “I don’t think he tried to hurt you,” Prue said.


  “What I’ve noticed with Lash is when it comes to you, the guy can’t think straight. You’re all he wants, all he’ll ever want. The thought of losing you, it’s too much for him to deal with.” Prue was closest to Angel, and placed her hand on her back, rubbing it, trying to give her comfort.

  “I don’t know what to do. I told him if he went to that damn appointment, and went through with it, we were done.” Angel pressed her face back into her hand. “I’m a horrible person.”

  “You’re nowhere near horrible,” Tate said. “Believe me, I know.”

  “Don’t we all,” Prue said.

  “Don’t start. You’re as bad as me.”

  “Not on your life,” Prue said.

  “Ladies, we’re here for Angel right now. You can bicker another time, and make it all about you,” Eva said.

  “I feel sick,” Angel said.

  “Do you really think I’d pick a stupid operation over you?” Lash said, startling them all.

  Angel looked up, and there Lash stood, behind Millie.

  “You didn’t go?” she asked.

  “Of course I didn’t go. I was doing what I thought was right for you, for us, not
to get a divorce out of it.” He moved toward Angel, kneeling down in front of her. “When are you going to realize that you mean more to me than anything else? I will move heaven and earth to make you happy.”

  “I’m being selfish,” she said. “I shouldn’t have said that to you, and I regretted it the moment I said it. I was just so hurt. I love you so much.”

  “It has taken you a long time to stand up for yourself, and you were right. This wasn’t a decision that only I should have taken.”

  “I love you, Lash.”

  “I love you, too.”

  Millie watched as the two kissed, passionately. She thought about Baker. It was hard not to think about him.

  “I’m going to head to the clubhouse. I’ve got some business to take care of. I’ll see you tonight for dinner.” He kissed Angel, and then he left.

  “Wow, now that is so romantic,” Rose said. “You two are like serious movie couple material.”

  Angel blushed. “Stop.”

  “I’m being serious,” Rose said. “Hardy’s like the worst hero ever. He cheated on me.”

  “And you took him back, you live happily ever after, and he’s the bad boy turned good,” Tate said. “That doesn’t count. Angel and Lash are the ultimate.”

  “I think we’re all straying off track right now. Let’s remember, Millie lost that V-card.”

  Millie chuckled. “There’s nothing to say.”

  “Was he lame in the bedroom?” Tate asked.

  “No, not at all.” Millie stared down at her hands as she remembered the feel of Baker inside her. “It was the best night of my life.” There had been some pain but not a whole lot. She loved it, and had wanted to do it again. Baker had left her this morning with the promise to speed up the process of buying his apartment. He wanted them to move in together. “Baker is a real gentleman.”

  “Don’t forget. Men want a lady in the kitchen, and a whore in the bedroom,” Tate said.

  “Everyone knows that,” Lacey said. “You’re not going to say anything else?”

  Millie shook her head. “I’m afraid not.” Last night was going to remain with her, and she had no intention of sharing that with anyone.


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