Baker (The Skulls Book 14)

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Baker (The Skulls Book 14) Page 14

by Sam Crescent

  The rest of the lunch went by without much event. Angel perked up, and by the end of everything, Prue and Tate were at each other’s throats. It was kind of funny to watch. Millie didn’t know who won or not.

  Angel invited her to dinner that Sunday with her and Lash, which she accepted. Millie thought dinner would have been at the club but Angel told her not. She didn’t always cook at the club.

  Heading back to her shop, Millie opened it back up, and was humming to herself as she put some of the toys right on the shelf. Minutes passed, and the door opened, letting her know a new customer had arrived. She turned around with a smile on her face, and froze.

  “Hello, sister,” Bethany said.

  Bethany, her sister, the woman who liked to make sure her life was miserable stood in the doorway. “Wow, you really didn’t grow up, did you?”

  “What are you doing here?” Millie asked, feeling every part of herself start to shrivel up a little.

  “Is that any way to talk to your sister?”

  “I’ve been here a long time, and you’ve never found the need to come and visit me.” There was no love inside Millie when she looked at Bethany. That had died a long time ago. Her sister went out of her way to make her life a misery.

  “Let’s just say I bumped into someone, and he had some fun things to say about you.”


  “Yeah, Brian, remember him?” Bethany asked. “I sure do. He’s a tasty little morsel who I can pick right off the shelf.”

  “Yeah, I remember you screwing him on my wedding day.”

  “Sweetie, I was fucking him a hell of a lot longer than that. He was really good in the sack as well. I mean, really good. I’ve never had one better so far. Then again, I’ve never had an MC member either. You’re always the good girl, Millie. I only need to be the good girl when it matters.”

  “You mean when you’re trying to turn Grandma against me? Cut me out of the will?”

  “What?” Millie was confused.

  “Have you spoken to Grandma lately?” Bethany asked.

  Millie frowned. “It has been a couple of months. She’s been busy, why?”

  “So no conversations about what she’s doing?”

  “I’m not about to talk to you about Grandma, Bethany. Whatever she decides to do, it’s up to her.”

  “It’s not like you deserve anything. Look at you, do you really think you’ll keep an MC guy for long? No one likes a fat ass.”

  Millie stared at her, waiting.

  “What? You’re not going to tell me I can’t have him?” Bethany asked. “You already know you’re going to lose. Who’d want you, over me?”

  “I’d take Millie any day,” Baker said, startling both women.

  Millie turned toward the door to see Baker glaring at Bethany.

  “I take it this is the sister?”

  “So she’s been spreading rumors about me that are completely unfounded.”

  “Is that what you do to make everyone think you’re a fucking princess? Blame your sister? I heard everything. You’re a fucking bitch.”

  Bethany smiled, and Millie winced as her sister swung her hips from side to side, moving up to him.

  “What’s the matter? Are you jealous? Baby, I’ve got skills that will make your mind pop. Leave my frumpy little bitch of a sister behind. I can show you what a real woman is made of.” Bethany went to stroke his face, and Baker looked utterly disgusted.

  “Don’t even think of touching me. I’ve got a woman, and she’s all I need.” Baker released her, moving behind Millie, and banding an arm around her. “I was hoping to catch you alone.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  “Is that how it’s going to be? Oh well, you’ll soon see there’s no getting rid of me. I’ve had every other boyfriend you’ve wanted, Millie. I’ll have him, too.”

  Millie frowned. “There’s only ever been Brian.”

  “Oh, didn’t you know? You used to have some boys come to call. I showed them the error of their ways. No one wants a fatty. Bye for now.” Bethany left the shop. Millie’s nerves were totally shot.

  “There’s my sister. Most men fall at her feet.”

  “I’m not most men, and there’s no way in hell I’d ever pick her over you. She’s a fucking viper.”

  “I know. It’s a shame no one else has ever seen the real her.” She pushed some of her hair off her face, and turned to smile at him. “Hello, handsome.”

  Baker slammed his lips down on hers, making her moan. Banding her hands around his neck, she gasped as he gripped her ass, tugging her close.

  “I want to fuck you so damn bad.”

  “I want that, too.”

  He pulled away. “You do?”

  “Yeah, I do. I want it more than anything.”

  She went in for another kiss, only he moved away, going toward the door to flick the lock in place. Seconds later he was pulling her toward her office.

  “Strip,” he said.


  “I want you completely naked, now.”

  He went for his belt and started to unbuckle it. Biting her lip, Millie didn’t argue, and got to opening up her jeans. Sliding them down her thighs, she tore off her shirt. The moment she was completely naked, Baker was on her. He lifted her up, pressing her down on the desk. Papers flew in all directions.

  “This isn’t going to take long.” He tore into a condom, rolling the latex down over his length. Aligning the tip to her core, he slammed all the way inside, making her cry out. “You’re so fucking tight.”

  She stared down at where they were joined, his cock slick with her cream even with the condom protecting them.

  He pulled out of her until only the tip remained before fucking her hard, repeatedly pounding inside her.

  “You like this, baby. You like me owning your pussy?”

  “Yes, yes, I love it.”

  She loved it when he talked dirty, when he got her all wet and ready for him.

  “No one else will ever drive me wild. My dick, Millie, it belongs to you.”

  “Please, I need to come.”

  Baker took her hand, placing it between her thighs. “Make yourself come.”

  She stroked over her clit as he pounded inside her, the force of his thrusts heightening her need. With a few strokes, she came, screaming his name.

  He grunted out, slamming all the way inside her, and groaning. His cock pulsed sending more pleasure shooting through her entire body.

  Both of them were panting, and Baker groaned. She saw him check the time, and drop his head to her breasts. “Babe, that took us ten minutes.”

  “Oh. Is that not good?”

  “I was hoping to last a little longer, but when I get you naked, I lose all thought process.”

  “I’m not going to complain about that.” She cupped his cheek. “Thank you so much for stopping by.”

  “Your sister, she gets a great deal of pleasure out of hurting you.”

  “It doesn’t matter.”

  “It does to me. I’m not going to let her hurt you. Not now, not ever.”

  “There’s not a lot we can do about it. Maybe if she’s ignored, she’ll leave,” Millie said, only hoping her sister would.

  “Do you believe that?”

  “It’s what I hope.”


  Bethany didn’t leave. No, she attempted to visit the club, several times. Baker often found her trying to lure in several of the club members, even some of the Prospects. None of the men wanted her. Besides the fact nearly all of them were happily married, the other members saw her viciousness. The Skulls was no longer a club intent on getting into any drama. The past ten years had been filled with enough drama and heartache to last everyone a lifetime. Bethany smelled of trouble, and they were all keeping a wide berth. Also, she kept asking about Grandma, which annoyed her. Bethany never cared about their Grandma before.

  A couple of days before the Halloween party, Baker sat at the dining table of the clubhouse,
drinking a cup of coffee. The club was heavily made up with white cobweb streamers, pumpkins, candy, and moving objects that went off if you moved past them.

  Angel entered after dropping the kids off.

  “I thought you were going to get your hair done?” Baker asked.

  “I was. Millie’s sister was there, and it looked like Lacey was about to pierce her throat with a pair of scissors. I can’t believe Millie and Bethany are related. They’re two completely different people.”

  “Complete opposites.”

  “I know it’s strange for me to say, but I really don’t like that woman.”

  “You don’t like someone?” Lash asked. “Usually, baby, you’re the one who tries to find a redeeming quality in everyone.”

  “I know. It’s kind of hard to do when the woman in question seems to get some sick twisted joy out of hurting her sister. She likes to talk about how she had sex with Millie’s ex.” Angel shook her head. “It’s just wrong.”

  “Sister has a pretty violent past as well,” Whizz said. “I’ve told Lacey to ignore her. My woman has more chance of going to jail than getting away with Bethany’s murder.”

  “None of the women like her. I for one can’t stand her,” Sophia said, entering the room. “I’ve been to see Millie as well. It’s just making Millie withdraw more into herself.”

  “She’s seen this type of shit before. I spoke to her about it. Her sister tends to worm her way between Millie and her friends, spread vile gossip, leaving Millie alone,” Baker said.

  Eva snorted. “Not going to happen. Not with this club. She’s probably pissed she hasn’t been able to screw you yet.” She pointed at Baker.

  “Not happening. My heart is with Millie. Always will be.”

  “Any chance that heart of yours is leaning towards marriage?” Whizz asked.

  “Not yet, no. You and Lacey shouldn’t bet on people’s feelings, or their future.”

  Whizz shrugged. “It keeps our love interesting, and it stops us from becoming bored.”

  “Some of us are lucky enough that we’ll never get bored,” Lash said, taking Angel’s hand, and kissing it.

  “I wish there was something we could do,” Angel said.

  “Be there for her. She’s used to no one wanting anything to do with her. The only woman who ever showed her any love and affection lives in Italy. Her grandma.” Baker ran some fingers through her hair. “I’m going to head out to see her. Have some lunch. Make sure she’s still coming to the party.”

  He said his goodbyes and made his way toward his bike.

  “Ah, just the biker I wanted to see,” Bethany said.

  Baker turned toward her and shook his head. “Not going to happen. Not in this lifetime.”

  “It’s only a matter of time before you cave. I’ll give you props. You’re a lot stronger than her last boyfriend. Brian didn’t put up a fight. I was dancing on his dick before the end of the day.”

  “Go home.” He straddled his bike, ignoring anymore of her words. Baker had come to the conclusion that ignoring her was the best way to get rid of her.

  He rode toward Millie’s shop. His woman was putting her sign out, and he saw the sadness in her eyes. Her shoulders were slumped, and her eyes looked like she’d been crying.

  Parking the bike, he moved toward her.

  “Baker, I didn’t expect you,” she said, pushing a stray strand of hair off her face.

  He pulled her into his arms, kissing the top of her head. “I’ll always come for you. I missed you last night. What’s wrong?”

  “I was tired. I didn’t feel too good.”

  Tilting her head back, he stared into her eyes. “Don’t let her hurt you,” he said.

  “It’s easy to say that. I don’t know. I feel like the last nine years have all been a waste.” Tears filled her eyes, and started to fall. “Fort Wills was supposed to be my start, my chance to just be myself. Not stupid fat Millie who can’t do anything right, not even keep a boyfriend!”

  “Hey. You’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever met, and you’ve got a boyfriend standing right here, right now, and I promise you, I’ll not stray. I’m like a loyal dog. You’ve already taken me, now you’ve got no chance of ever getting rid of me.”

  She took a deep breath. “I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t worry about it.”

  They made their way inside her shop, and he noticed one display of small toys had been toppled over. “Bethany?”

  “Yeah, she came in this morning, and said a few horrible things. It’s just like being at home, only worse.”

  He kissed her temple. “Don’t worry, everything will be okay. I promise.”

  Baker helped her pick up the mess that Bethany had made, and stayed with her ‘til lunchtime. He ate lunch with her, and asked about the Halloween party. She was still going with him, but she was also a little scared because Bethany would find some way to ruin it. He couldn’t stay with her after lunch as he had some business still to attend to. After he took her back to her shop, Baker had to leave.

  Leaving her was the hardest thing he’d ever had to do, and wondered if there was any way to get rid of Bethany, he’d do it.


  Millie was finishing up her packaging of recent internet orders when Bethany returned. She’d called her grandma asking if something had gone wrong, and there hadn’t been anything. Her grandmother had told her that she’d made some decisions, and that Millie wasn’t to worry. When Millie asked about Bethany’s reappearance, her grandmother had said to get rid of Bethany, that she wasn’t happy with certain changes being made. For some reason her grandmother was being really vague. It wasn’t Millie’s place to ask about the will, and whatever she decided, she trusted her grandmother. This was not a social call from Bethany, and it was simply a visit to make her life miserable because Grandma had always preferred her over Bethany. Grandma had told her to be careful and to watch her back.

  “Well, I have to say my visit has been really disappointing,” Bethany said.

  “I haven’t seen you in nine years. What could you possibly want?”

  “Let’s just say our dad has told me something, and I don’t like it. Grandma thinks she can get away with changing this family, and she’s wrong. You’re scum, exactly like her. You don’t deserve the Levy name, nor any of the perks. It’s just so easy to take from you, Millie. You never put up a fight, and you always look so miserable. Also, you’re fat, and I really don’t like fat people. You’re gross, disgusting, and to be quite frank, it’s humiliating sharing the same name as you. You’re not even fit to be a Levy. Grandma won’t get away with what she’s done. We’re going to make sure she pays.”

  Millie stared at her sister, and thought about what Whizz said.

  “Then leave. I don’t see why you’re even here.” It was time to finally let go of whatever crap her sister wanted to do, or wished to do. “Actually, we’ve been over this. I know why you’re here. Scrap my last question. Fine, try and steal Baker away from me. Try and get all of The Skulls to turn their backs on me. Go ahead, I dare you, because I’m done with you. I’m bored, and I’m not going to allow you to control any other part of my life. You mean nothing to me, now and for the rest of my life. I don’t give a fuck about the Levy name. You know why? It’s embarrassing. People hear it, and think of you, Mom, and Dad, and they’re disgusted by you, just like me.”

  Bethany looked totally shocked.

  “I suggest you leave before I call the cops.”

  Millie stared at her sister, and any kind of need or wish to be friends with her died. Over the years Bethany had destroyed any kind of love that she may have had for the other woman. Going to the phone, she lifted it up, intent on taking matters in her own hands.

  “We’ll see who gets the last laugh!” Bethany left, and with it Millie could take a deep breath.

  She was done with being bullied, she was done with being made a laughingstock, and she was done with a sister filled with hate.

Chapter Twelve

  Baker flipped Millie over onto her stomach, kissing from her neck down her spine. “You turn me on when you tell me shit like this,” he said.

  “What? How I finally told my sister to fuck off, and how much I enjoyed actually doing it?” she asked.

  “Yeah, for having trust in me, and in the club.”

  “I just wish I’d told her to go and fuck herself a long time ago.”

  He kissed her neck, biting down on her pulse. “You said the word fuck, you naughty girl.”

  He nibbled on her neck, sucking on her pulse.

  “You’re turning me bad with that wicked tongue of yours.”

  “It always feels so good to be bad.” He kissed down her back, going to her ass. Drawing her knees up, he slid a finger deep inside her pussy, thrusting in deep. His apartment should be ready in a couple of days, and he’d forced Millie to come to the clubhouse. He didn’t want her to be home, and he wanted her to be surrounded by the club. The Skulls loved her, and no one was going to let Bethany hurt her. “I’ve been asked when we’re going to get married.”

  He slid a third finger inside her, teasing her clit with his thumb.

  She groaned, and thrust against him. “I thought we agreed no marriage in Vegas right now.”

  “What if we let Whizz win?”

  “You want to get married? Is this a proposal, Baker?”

  He moved his hand away from her pussy, and slammed his cock deep inside her. Lifting her up so that her back was flush against him, he cupped her tits, teasing the peaks with his cum soaked fingers. He’d lick them clean later. First he intended to fuck her pussy raw so she couldn’t remember her own name.

  “I’m thinking it’s what we should do.” Holding her tight against him, Baker growled. “I can’t hold back any longer.” Right there, pounding his cock inside her pussy, he spilled his heart out. “I love you, Millie. I love you so damn much that I can’t even think straight. I want us to be together, to have a family.”

  She turned her head. “You can’t do this, not right now.”

  He moved his hand down to stroke her clit, and riding her pussy hard, he brought her to orgasm, relishing the screams echoing off the walls. The rooms were as soundproof as the club could get them.


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