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Baker (The Skulls Book 14)

Page 15

by Sam Crescent

  “That’s it, come for me, baby. Come all over my cock.” Pushing her down onto the bed, he grabbed her hips, and pounded inside her, thrusting as deep as he could go. Staring in the mirror across from his room, he admired the image of them together. It was perfect, pure, and his heart soared higher. Millie was all his, and he belonged to her.

  Thrusting inside her one final time, he released into the condom, holding onto his woman as he did. Kissing her neck, he collapsed to the bed, pulling her in his arms.

  “Baker,” she said.

  “Yeah, baby.”

  “I love you, too.” She looked up at him, her hand placed over his heart. “I’ll marry you whenever you want.”

  “Christmas always seems to work.”

  “Then Christmas it will be.” She moved up, kissing his lips, and then straddled his waist.

  He groaned. “You’re fucking insatiable. I awakened a monster.”

  “I’ve been asleep for twenty-nine years, so it’s time for me to catch up on all that I’d missed.” She leaned forward about to kiss him when sudden banging happened on the door.

  “I’m coming in,” Whizz said.

  “Fuck off!” Baker yelled. Millie screamed, darting off the bed, and hiding as Whizz opened the door. “What the fuck! Get out.”

  “You’ve both got to get dressed. Millie, your shop is on fire.”


  “We’ve got to go, now.”

  Baker shoved Whizz out of the door, and while Millie was getting changed, he tugged some clothes on. “Whatever happens, the club is with you.”

  The next half an hour was a blur as Baker rode with Millie on the back of his bike in time to see the entire shop go up in flames.

  Millie jumped off the bike and stared at the mess. Firefighters were trying to stop the flames, but it was too late. Toys, bears, extremely flammable materials were inside, and Baker held her, pulling her away from the heat.

  “Bethany did this,” she said.

  He didn’t doubt it. Holding onto his woman, he felt the club at his back, watching, waiting, planning.

  “Everything is gone,” she said.

  “You’ve got me, and we’ll get through this.”

  He held her tightly, offering her as much comfort as possible. At the end of the evening, after he put her to bed, he made his way down to the rest of the club.

  All of them were waiting.

  “It was Bethany,” Whizz said. “I put security cameras all around Millie’s store when Andrew was on the attack. I never removed them. I thought it would be good for us to keep an eye on her. I’m glad I trusted my instincts.”

  “You’ve got proof?” Angel asked.


  “Then I think it’s time for me and the girls to pay Bethany a visit.” Angel turned to Lash. “Do you still have your informant at the police?” she asked.

  “Yeah, it’s a new guy. The name’s Lawrence Arnold.”

  “The new sheriff?” Tiny asked.

  “Yeah, he wanted to be on good terms. He likes Fort Wills, and the town likes us. I can arrange for you to have time with Bethany, and for Lawrence to hold back. He owes me a favor,” Lash said.

  “Then do it.”

  “Are you sure about that?” Baker asked.

  “If our kids can look after each other, then I think it’s only fair that the women take care of this. Millie is one of us. She’s your old lady, and right now, she’s under threat. I don’t like it. We won’t hurt Bethany, but we’ll let her know who she’s dealing with.”

  Lash whistled. “Saucy.”

  “You stay here with Millie,” Angel said. “She needs you right now.”

  “We’ll all help with the shop,” Tiny said. “She’s one of us. She’s your old lady.”

  Tears filled Baker’s eyes, and he looked away. “Thank you.”

  “We’re a family, Baker. It’s what we do.” Angel moved toward him, patting his chest. “Go and keep an eye on her.”

  He left the others, knowing he was safe to comfort his woman when she needed him most. Entering the room, he saw she was wide awake, staring at the wall. Removing his clothes, he climbed in beside her, kissing her shoulder.

  “She hates me so much that she couldn’t help herself, and she tore apart something I love.”

  “The club is going to take care of her, Millie. We’ve got the recording, and Bethany isn’t going to get away with it.”

  “She’ll find some way out of it.”

  “Not this time.” He captured her cheek, and turned her head to look at him. “The club is going to handle it.”

  “Why would they?”

  “Because you belong to me. You’re my woman, Millie, and when you become a Skull old lady, you become part of the club. We all love you, and we’re all going to take care of you.”

  Tears spilled out of the corners of her eyes as she wrapped her arms around him. “I love you so much as well. I’ve been waiting my whole life for someone to love me for me.”

  “We do. We love you, forever, and for always.”

  He held her tightly as tears fell from her eyes. It was a vow he’d made to himself before coming home. If he wasn’t ready to love Millie with all of his heart, he wasn’t coming back.

  She owned his heart and soul, and there was no way he was ever going to fight her for them back.

  Millie was his number one.


  Prue kicked open the door to Bethany’s apartment. When the woman made a mad dash for it, Lacey was in, grabbing the woman by her hair, and throwing her against the wall. Tate followed, wrapping her fingers around the woman’s neck.

  “This is assault.”

  “What do you have to say about arson?” Angel asked.

  The color in Bethany’s face disappeared. “I don’t have a clue what you’re talking about.”

  “You spent so long hating your sister, you didn’t even care that someone could be watching. Your hatred, your greed has gotten the better of you.”

  “No one was with me. I made sure of it.”

  Angel walked toward the television and DVD player. Sliding in the disk, she pressed for it to play, and turned to watch. With every second that passed, she saw Bethany look less triumphant and more scared.

  The footage showed clearly what Bethany was doing. Breaking into Millie’s shop, trashing it, and the footage inside did the rest. She threw petrol over the teddy bears, costumes, and other toys, then lit the match, tossing it inside. Bethany left, but she watched for ten minutes as the entire building went up in flames.

  Bethany tried to fight the hold on her neck. Tate squeezed, slamming her back against the wall.

  “What is it to you bitches? She’s a fucking fat whore, and she’s not worth your time. She stole everything from me. My inheritance, everything. You think I don’t know about that! Dad called me up earlier, and told me everything is going to her. It’s mine. I’m the oldest. It’s all supposed to be mine. Not hers. Grandma is selling the fucking company, and tossing us aside. That’s not right. They’re fucking disgusting.”

  “She’s a Skull woman. She belongs to us, and you never try to hurt someone I love.” Angel stepped forward, moving right up into Bethany’s face. She couldn’t believe Millie had been hurt so much in the past by someone this vile. She would make sure her friend was never going to be hurt again.

  “Why did you wait?” Lacey asked. “Why wait nine years to come and hurt her?”

  “You think I cared about that bitch? She was gone, and I didn’t have to look at her. When Brian told me he saw her, I couldn’t resist coming and ruining her. Then Dad told me what was happening, and that I couldn’t let stand.”

  “You’re fucking deranged,” Tate said.

  “Whatever. Is this where you expect me to demand a deal? Fine, how much do you want? We’re fighting the sale, and that bitch of a Grandma better watch her back. Now, how much do you want?” Bethany asked.

  “No, we don’t want anything. I just wanted you to kn
ow that you messed with Millie, and you messed with all of us. We are a family. You start on one, you start on the other.” Angel made her way toward the door. “She’s in here.”

  Tate released her, and Bethany gasped as the sheriff entered. “Bethany Levy, you are under arrest.”

  He told her the crime, and started to read her her rights.

  “No, you can’t do this. It’s not supposed to happen. No, you bitch, you fucking bitch.”

  Angel watched as Lawrence dragged a screaming Bethany out of the hotel.

  “You should have slapped her,” Eva said.

  “There was no need. She got the message loud and clear,” Angel said. Staring at the blazing fire on the screen, Angel hated seeing violence, and this was just the worst kind. “Let’s go home.”


  In the weeks after Millie’s house and shop were burned down, Bethany had no choice but to admit to the charges as there was no doubt of who it was. Millie stayed at the club, and when she could, visited the wreckage, but there was nothing she could do. The damage to the building was too dangerous, and nothing could be salvaged.

  The best course of action was in time to completely demolish, and start from the beginning. In the meantime, she still went to the Halloween party with Baker, dressed as a dead nurse, while Baker dressed as a zombie patient.

  His apartment became available for the two of them, so Millie moved in with him. She spent most of her time following him around, watching what he did with his time, and for the club. When she could no longer stand riding around, and not doing something, she took a job in Lacey’s beauty shop. She mopped floors, dealt with appointments, and tried to make herself busy.

  Her life may have been hectic with her shop, but her life with Baker, that was the best part. Moving in with him had only cemented their relationship, and she didn’t regret it. She loved watching Baker sleep. Especially in the early hours of the morning just before his alarm went off. He always looked so at peace, and then when the alarm went off, he’d moan, slam his hand down on the offending sound, and smile at her as if she was the most beautiful woman in the world. He’d make love to her, awakening her body for the day.

  After breakfast together, he’d drop her off at the beauty shop, and then see her for lunch. She’d work the rest of the afternoon and drive herself home, waiting for Baker to come home. Dinner was a passionate affair, which usually ended with them both being naked.

  Sex played a big part of their life.

  So did conversation.

  So did love.

  They had it all, and Millie knew she was doing the right thing as she sat at the table waiting for him to come home. She stared down at the velvet box, wondering what Baker would think of her proposal. She was completely naked, and hoped it would help for him to accept her question. Baker was always using sex to get her to agree to everything.

  “Hey, baby, I’m home,” Baker said. “I’ve been having to do Christmas shopping for the club. We needed a new tree, and new de—” He stopped the moment he saw her.

  “Hello, Baker,” she said, pushing some hair off her shoulder. “Take a seat.”

  “What’s going on?” he asked.


  “Babe, you’ve never been naked for me to come home to before.”

  She chuckled. “That’s okay. Are you distracted?”

  “A lot.”

  “Good.” She put the velvet box on the table top.

  “What is this?”

  “Open it, go on.”

  He took the box, and opened it.

  “Baker, Jaxson Jones, will you marry me?” she asked.

  “Holy shit.”

  “I love you, and there’s no one else I’d ever want.”

  Baker looked at the ring she’d given to him. “This is real, isn’t it?”

  “Yes.” Her heart was pounding, and she didn’t know what to do if he told her no.

  “You got to this first.” Baker grabbed a box out of his pocket. “I was going to ask you the exact same thing.”

  Millie opened the box, and tears filled her eyes.

  “You know Lacey is going to fire you?” Baker asked.

  “Does that mean you’ll marry me?”

  “Yes, will you marry me?”

  “Of course.”

  They both opened the boxes, and slid the rings onto each other’s fingers. Baker grabbed her ass, pulling her close to him. “Come on, I want us to celebrate.”



  “I was thinking we could go to Vegas,” she said. “I’ve got the tickets right here.” She grabbed the plane tickets that she’d bought. “Do you have plans this Friday?”

  “Yes, this Friday, I’m going to be getting married.”

  “I love you, Baker.”

  “Babe, you’ve given me my life back, and there’s no place I’d want to be than with you.” He picked her up and carried her through to their bedroom.

  Millie held onto him, even as he began to make love to her. It didn’t take long before the headboard started to slam against the wall.

  This was the love of her life, and she was never going to let him go. Millie wanted to spend the rest of her life showing him how much she loved him.

  “I love you, Millie,” he said, later that night. “You won’t regret picking me for everything.”

  She cupped his cheek. “You picked me as well.” Leaning up, she pressed her lips against his. “Let’s make the next fifty years perfect.”

  “I’m always up for the challenge.”


  Sally wrapped the jacket around her body as she stared up at the stars. Her love of the sky had never once diminished. Her love of school had certain started to go. She didn’t love it as much as she used to, and college was by far the worst decision she’d ever made.

  “I thought I’d find you out here,” Steven said.

  She turned to find the object of another worry walking toward her. Steven. The love she’d thought would never be. He stood in front of her, looking a little confused. She’d gone back to college with the promise that she’d talk to him soon.

  “You’ve been avoiding me,” he said.

  “I know.”


  She looked back up at the stars. “I don’t know. It seemed easier somehow.”

  He moved up behind her. “I’m not going anywhere. I’ll wait for you for the rest of my life.” He wrapped his arms around her.

  “What are my mom and dad going to say?” Sally asked. “There’s no way this is going to work.”

  “We can make it work. I’ll do anything to make this work, Sally.” He tilted her head back, running his thumb across her lip. “You’ve just got to have a little faith in me.”

  She stared into his eyes, and wondered what she should do. Whizz would hurt him if he knew the truth. Lacey would be worried if she told her.

  Her leg made them both even more protective.

  “Do you have enough trust in me to take a chance?”

  Did she?

  Sally looked at the stars, wishing she knew what the future could bring.

  “Sally, are you ready to head back?” Drew said, calling toward her.

  Steven growled, and she tensed up.

  One day soon she’d have to make a choice, and she only hoped she made the right one.


  A couple of months later

  “Grandma, this is my husband, Baker,” Millie said.

  Baker stared at the older woman, wondering if she’d be happy with him marrying her granddaughter.


  “Yeah, I told you that I’d gotten married, remember?”

  Her grandmother glared. “I remember everything.” The older woman stood. “Are you not going to give me a hug? It has been too long since you were last here, and I heard what Bethany did to you. Stupid girl, I’m so sorry I couldn’t come back home.”

  Millie hugged her grandmother. “It’s fine. I’m ha
ppy. Bethany is paying for what she did, and I’m not going to regret what happened. It brought me closer to Baker.”

  “She moved in with me,” Baker said.

  Her grandmother looked at him. “I should have warned you about my plans, sweetie. I’m sorry your shop had to pay.”

  “It’s fine. You did what you had to.”

  “I can’t believe I created a boy so greedy that he had someone like Bethany.”

  Millie loved her grandmother so much. “Don’t blame yourself.

  Grandmother sniffled and turned to Baker. “So you’re the man that not only fell in love with my granddaughter, but then married her in some cheap Vegas church.”


  “I love Millie, Mrs. Levy, and I couldn’t wait in case someone stole her away from me. She has been hurt a lot in the past, and I’ve been the cause of some of that pain. I wasn’t going to add to it. She owns my heart.” He wrapped his arm around Millie’s waist, kissing her lips. “I hope you can forgive us. We’d waited long enough, and we didn’t want to wait another moment.”

  Grandma Levy stared, and then broke into a grin. “It’s about time you opened your eyes, Millie. This man is so damn handsome.” She gripped Baker’s cheeks. “Cute. Come on, it’s time for some food.”

  “You’re happy?” Millie asked.

  “Sweetie, it wasn’t about what I wanted. It was only about what you wanted. Does he make you happy?”

  “Yes. Yes, he does.”

  “Then nothing else matters. I will go and do us all some food. I may be old, but I’m not dead yet. Sit, enjoy the sun, and be ready for me to give you the third degree.”

  Baker watched as the older woman made her way inside the house.

  “Do you think she approves?” he asked.

  “Yes. Grandma doesn’t cook for just anyone. What about you, are you still happy for me to be your wife?”

  “Get me alone in a room with you, and I’ll show you how damn happy I am to be married to you.”

  She giggled, and he sank his fingers into her hair. They had been married before Christmas at a Vegas church, and then had a huge celebration at the clubhouse. “You’re my old lady,” he said.

  “And you’re my old man.”


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