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Nothing to Fear

Page 30

by Claire Boston

  Her nanna got up and gave Hannah a fierce hug, squeezing her so tightly that Hannah winced. Ivan lowered his head into his hands and sobbed.

  Hannah’s heart broke for him. He’d done what he’d thought was right, had tried to protect his family, as misguided as he was. “I’m sorry, Dad.”

  She glanced at her granddad and even he was at a loss for words.

  “No.” Ivan sat up. “I’m so sorry, Princess. So sorry.”

  Her smile was sad. “Me too.” So much pain had been caused by Marko. But now that the truth was out, perhaps they could move on. Perhaps they could start again.

  Perhaps they could be a family.

  After being checked out in the emergency department at the hospital, Ryan was given the all clear. “How’s Hannah?” he asked the nurse who was giving him the paperwork.

  “She’s in surgery to have her leg set,” the nurse said.

  One of the Albany police officers who’d been waiting for him said, “We’ll call for an update later. We need to get your statement.”

  He didn’t want to leave Hannah, but there was paperwork to be filled out and questions that needed to be answered. “Of course.”

  He closed his eyes when he got into the back of the police car and saw Hannah fall off the cliff, helpless to stop it. His chest squeezed. She was alive, she was going to be all right – he refused to believe anything else.

  He couldn’t keep dwelling on that moment. What he needed to do was check on Felix. He needed to hear his son’s voice and reassure himself that he was fine. He dug his mobile phone out of his pocket. It was dead. Of course it was. It had gone swimming with him. “Can I borrow a phone?” he asked.

  One of the cops handed him a phone and he called Mrs Z.

  “Ryan, is everything all right?” Her concern was clear.

  “Yeah, it’s a long story. Can I talk to Felix?”

  “I’ll put him on for you,” Mrs Z said.

  A moment later Felix’s voice asked, “Is everything OK, Dad?”

  “It is now,” Ryan told him, relaxing at his voice. “I’m sorry Hannah and I couldn’t pick you up from Jacob’s place.”

  “It’s all right. Mai let me have anything I wanted at the bakery.”

  “That’s great.” Ryan smiled.

  “When are you going to be back?”

  Ryan was torn. He wanted to visit Hannah before he left. “As soon as I can.”

  “All right.”

  The disappointment was clear in Felix’s voice, but he couldn’t tell him what had happened.

  Mrs Z came back on the phone. “You’re both welcome to stay the night at our place,” she said. “Jamie just arrived and Lincoln should be here later as long as whatever’s happened won’t keep you for longer. It is Christmas tomorrow.”

  Ryan had forgotten. “Thanks. Can I tell you later?”


  He hung up as he walked into the station.

  “This way.”

  Ryan followed the senior constable into the interview room.

  By the time he’d finished answering questions, his patience was wearing thin. Lincoln came into the room and gave him a plastic bag of clothes.

  “How’s Hannah?” Ryan asked.

  “She’s out of surgery and recovering well,” Lincoln assured him. “They’re questioning her now. How did it go here?”

  The relief swept through him. Hannah was OK. “Fine. It was all standard procedure.”

  “Good. I’m heading over to the hospital. Do you want to come?”

  He did, but Felix’s concern played heavily on his heart. He needed to see his son as much as he needed to see Hannah.

  He closed his eyes.

  He didn’t want a life without them both in it. He loved Hannah. Today had shown him that. Part of him had died when she’d fallen off the cliff.


  Hannah was going to be busy with her family and friends around her for the next few hours and the things he needed to say weren’t for an audience.

  “Are you finished here?” Lincoln asked.

  “I need to talk to Felix. Can I drop you at the hospital and take your car?”

  “Sure. I’ll get a lift with Kit out to the farm.”

  “Thanks.” He took the keys Lincoln handed him.

  Life was too short to hesitate. He knew what he wanted.

  But he needed to make sure Felix was on board too.

  Ryan hadn’t come.

  After the nurses had finally shooed everyone out of her room, telling them Hannah needed to rest, Ryan still hadn’t been to visit her. Even Lincoln had dropped in before everyone had left and told her Ryan was with Felix.

  Of course he was. It made sense for him to make sure Felix was safe.

  But it hurt that he hadn’t at least dropped by before he’d gone.

  There was the clatter of the dinner cart in the hallway outside, as dinner was being served to patients. She wanted to sleep, but the painkillers were wearing off. She embraced the pain though. It meant she was alive.

  She closed her eyes, the exhaustion of the day catching up with her. The truth had finally come out. Her grandparents had been shocked and they needed time to process it, but as they had left, her grandmother had embraced Ivan and expressed her sorrow for his loss. Perhaps in time the hurt would heal and Ivan would be welcomed back into the family.

  Hannah wanted that. Now that she knew the truth, she wanted to get to know her father. His misplaced loyalty for his son had caused her grief, but she wanted him back in her life. So much of their lives had been needlessly wasted. She didn’t want to waste a minute more.

  Which was why she wanted to tell Ryan that she loved him, even if he didn’t feel the same way. She was done with hiding. But surely, he would have come if he had truly cared.

  And that hurt more than any of the physical pain she’d endured today. She’d thought their relationship had shifted last night, had become deeper, more important, but perhaps it had just been sex to him.

  Her skin tightened.

  “Is she sleeping, Dad?” Felix’s loud whisper cut through her self-pity.

  Her eyes flashed open and both Ryan and Felix were standing at the end of her bed. Felix was holding a bunch of home-grown flowers, and Ryan was looking so damned good, so alive, she wanted to throw her arms around him and hug him.

  Ryan smiled at her. “How are you?”

  Her heart warmed. “I’m fine.”

  “These are for you.” Felix thrust the flowers at her. “I picked them from Nonna’s garden.”

  “Thank you.” She sniffed the strong rose fragrance.

  Felix was staring at her cast, which was above the covers. “Did you break your leg?”

  Hannah nodded. “And got a few bumps and bruises.”

  “I’m sorry the bad man hurt you,” Felix said.

  “Me too.” She kept her attention on the boy, more than aware of Ryan standing close by, not saying anything. “But I’ll be home tomorrow. I just won’t be particularly agile for a while.” She wasn’t going to be able to do any work on her retreat for at least a couple of months, but she wasn’t going to worry about that now.

  “Dad said he won’t be able to hurt you anymore.”

  Hannah glanced at Ryan, who gave a small shake of his head. He hadn’t told Felix all of the details. “That’s right,” she said. “I’m sorry we didn’t get to spend the day together.”

  “Me too,” Felix said. “We would have had fun.” He picked at the sheet covering her. “I wanted to bring Joe to visit, but Dad said he wouldn’t be allowed in the hospital. So, we left him at the farm with Lincoln.”

  Hannah frowned. “Isn’t he at the vet’s?”

  Felix glanced at Ryan.

  “Lincoln picked him up when he went back to Blackbridge,” Ryan said. “Your grandparents agreed to come to the Zanettis’ tomorrow for Christmas.” He cleared his throat. “We were hoping you would come too.”

  Hannah’s heart swelled in her ches

  “You will come, won’t you?” Felix beamed hopefully at her.

  “Felix, why don’t you ask the nurse for a vase and some water for those flowers?” Ryan said.

  Felix grinned. “Right. Sorry, I forgot.” He took the flowers from Hannah and hurried out of the room.

  Suddenly alone with Ryan, Hannah didn’t know what to say.

  He came closer, sat in the chair next to her bed, and took her hand in his. “Today …”

  He shook his head. “I’ve never been so scared in my entire life. Seeing Marko with that knife at your throat. And when you fell off the cliff …” His eyes filled with pain.

  Hannah ran her hand over his shoulder. “It’s all right. I survived.”

  Ryan gently pulled her into his arms. “I was helpless to stop it.”

  Hannah savoured the feel of him. “No, you weren’t. You distracted him, enabled me to get out of his hold.” Her scalp still hurt from where Marko had pulled it. “Then you dragged me out of the ocean when I was sure I was going to drown.”

  He squeezed her tightly and she winced.

  “Sorry.” He let go of her. “I thought you were dead,” he said. “I didn’t think you’d survive the fall.” He took a deep breath, his eyes wide. “I thought you’d died before I had a chance to tell you I love you.”

  Hannah stared at him. The drugs she was on shouldn’t make her hallucinate. “What?”

  “We haven’t known each other for long, but I want you in my life.” His eyes were wide and honest. “I love you.”

  Hannah’s heart jumped.

  He held her hand. “Have Christmas with us. I know this has all happened so quickly, but today showed me that life isn’t guaranteed. I don’t want to waste any time.”

  Was this real? She shifted and pain shot through her. Yep, she was awake. She tugged him closer, placing both hands on his shoulders. “I agree. We shouldn’t waste any time.” She smiled. “I love you and I love Felix. I want you to know that.”

  “I do.” Ryan kissed her.

  His lips and his taste were so right. They brought comfort and desire at the same time. “I’d love to have Christmas with you and Felix.”

  “Woo hoo!” Felix yelled from outside the door.

  Hannah laughed as Ryan called, “You can come back inside now.”

  Felix ran to the bed and threw his arms around both of them. “This is the best Christmas present ever. I love you, Hannah.”

  Lightness blazed through Hannah. “I love you too, Felix.”

  Felix was right. There was no better Christmas present.

  She was loved by two very special men.

  Her fear hadn’t beaten her.


  Ryan and Felix picked Hannah up from the hospital at nine o’clock on Christmas morning. Felix raced into her room, a red Santa hat on his head.

  “Merry Christmas, Hannah!” He flung his arms around her.

  She pressed him close, wincing a little at the pain. Then Ryan walked in. He too was wearing a Santa hat and it looked good on him. Instantly, she forgot about the pain. “Merry Christmas to you both.” She kissed Ryan.

  “Ew.” Felix groaned.

  Hannah laughed.

  “Are you ready to go?” Ryan asked.

  She nodded and he moved the wheelchair closer to the bed. Felix grabbed her bag of clothes and together they left the hospital.

  They drove out to the Zanetti farm and as she got out of the car with Ryan’s help, Joe raced around the side of the house, his tail wagging a mile a minute. She tapped her lap and Joe rested his front paws on it. Hannah grinned and hugged him, relief filling her that he was fine. He didn’t seem any worse for wear after the adventures of the last few days.

  Ryan helped her up the stairs and then wheeled her inside. The living room was full of people: the Zanettis, her grandparents, Kit, Fleur and Mai as well as Fleur’s father. She frowned. What was everyone doing here?

  “She’s here,” her nanna called.

  Suddenly, Hannah was surrounded by people wanting to hug her and wish her merry Christmas.

  “Geez, I don’t come down for a couple of months and you get into all sorts of trouble,” Jamie said and gave her a hug. “I’m glad you’re all right.”

  She squeezed him back. He was a younger, prettier version of Lincoln and they’d been friends for a long time. “Thanks. It’s good to see you.”

  When the greetings were done, Felix said, “Now that Hannah’s here, can we please do the presents?”

  Hannah sucked in a breath. “You didn’t need to wait for me.” Poor Felix must be itching to open his gifts.

  “Yeah, we did,” Felix grasped her hand. “You’ve got to come out the back.” He pushed her towards the door.

  “Hold up, champ,” Ryan said. “I’ll push her.”

  Felix let go of the wheelchair and bounced up and down on the spot, beckoning to them both. “Come on.”

  Something weird was going on.

  Not sure what was in store for her, Hannah let Ryan push her through the house and out the back door. The backyard was full of supplies: wooden posts, rolls of wire and planks of wood.

  “Merry Christmas,” Ryan murmured in her ear.

  She frowned. “What?”

  “It’s for the retreat,” he said. “We’ve got enough supplies to fence off that damned lookout, make the walking trails and the path down to the beach.”

  Tears sprang to her eyes. It was too much. She hadn’t dared think about her retreat and what her injury would mean to it. It had been too hard. And here her friends were, putting together everything she needed.

  “We’re all going to pitch in over the next week to get it done,” Fleur said. “And since you’re indisposed, you can tell us what to do.”

  “Thank you.” She sniffed back the tears.

  “Your dad wants to help too,” her granddad said. “We should have it done in a jiffy.”

  Hannah stared at him and he shrugged a little self-consciously. “Many hands and all that.”

  Perhaps her grandparents and father would work things out. Her heart swelled as she looked at all her family and friends and their excited faces. They had done this for her.

  Ryan crouched down and wrapped his arm around her shoulder with Felix perched on his knee. Surrounded by their love she smiled. Her life was hers again.

  She had nothing to fear.

  Thank you for reading!

  I hope you enjoyed the book. It would be super awesome if you could leave a review wherever you bought it, because I love to hear what you thought of the story (yes, even if you didn’t like it!)


  Nothing to Fear is the first romantic suspense I’ve written and it required some work to get the right balance between romance and suspense. I want to thank my critique group for all of their feedback and also my beta readers, Jill, Jane and Susy for reading the whole book and giving me wonderful suggestions.

  This is the first book I’ve written which is completely set in Australia, in an area that’s about four hour’s drive from where I live. Though Blackbridge is a made-up town, it’s based on towns in the Great Southern region and I was fortunate enough to visit the area while writing the book. I must thank my aunt, Libby Corson for playing chauffeur/tour guide on my trip and introducing me to a number of people who helped me with my research for the whole series.

  Also the biggest thank you to Matt Hartfield, a sergeant in the WA Police who answered my million questions about what life as a small town cop was like. He enabled me to write about Ryan and Lincoln with more realism – and any mistakes are my own, or for the good of the story.

  I also need to thank Lana Pecherczyk for the gorgeous cover, as well as my editor Alexandra Nahlous and my proof-reader Teena Raffa-Mulligan.

  Finally I really want to thank you, the reader, for picking up the book. Your reviews, emails and messages cheer me up when I’m having a bad writing day.

  About the Author

  Claire B
oston is a contemporary romance author who enjoys exploring real life issues on her way to the happily-ever-after. She writes heart-warming stories, with resilient heroines and heroes you’ll love. In 2014 she was nominated for an Australian Romance Readers Award for Favourite New Romance Author.

  When Claire’s not writing she can be found creating her own handmade journals, swinging on a sidecar, or in the garden attempting to grow something other than weeds.

  Claire lives in Western Australia with her husband, who loves even her most annoying quirks, and her grubby, but adorable Australian bulldog.

  Claire loves to hear from her readers. You can find her at her website,, on Twitter, @clairebauthor, and on Facebook.

  You can also join her reader group.

  First published by Bantilly Publishing in 2017

  Copyright © Claire Boston 2017

  The moral right of the author has been asserted.

  All rights reserved. This publication (or any part of it) may not be reproduced or transmitted, copied, stored, distributed or otherwise made available by any person or entity (including Google, Amazon or similar organizations), in any form (electronic, digital, optical, mechanical) or by any means (photocopying, recording, scanning or otherwise) without prior written permission from the publisher.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

  Nothing to Fear: The Blackbridge Series

  EPUB format: 978-1-925696-09-7

  Mobi format: 978-1-925696-10-3

  Print format: 978-1-925696-11-0

  Cover design by Lana Pecherczyk

  Edited by Alexandra Nahlous

  Proofread by Teena Raffa-Mulligan


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