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Death Takes A Trip (Julia Blake Cozy Mystery Book 5)

Page 9

by Larkin, Gillian

  “Don’t mention that gold-digger’s name to me!” Mildred spat. “So what if I threw that rock! I saw the way that Douglas looked at Nina as she was taken out on that stretcher. I was glad she’d fallen down the stairs. She should have broken her neck! But no, she had to survive didn’t she? And Douglas had to look at her in that soppy way of his! He was under her spell.”

  Julia thought back to what Nina had said about someone following Douglas and listening to his conversations. She took a chance. “You’ve been following Douglas, haven’t you?”

  Mildred shrugged. “So what if I have? I was trying to protect him. I knew that Nina Sapphire was up to no good the minute I saw her. I let her work at the charity shop so that I could keep an eye on her. What does she do to repay my kindness? Throws herself at Douglas, the tramp!”

  Cain moved closer to Julia and whispered, “She’s scaring me, look at her eyes. She’s going to kill us and bury us in an unmarked grave!”

  Mildred hadn’t finished. “I don’t trust that scheming cow. Where has she come from? Who is she to act like the Queen of Sheba?”

  “Who?” Cain asked.

  Mildred ignored him. “I had to warn Douglas, get him to see sense.”

  “Is that why you came to see him on Tuesday night, the night that he died?”

  Mildred’s teeth pulled back in a snarl. “What’s that got to do with you?”

  Julia was not going to be intimidated. She took a step forward and said, “It’s everything to do with me. Douglas was my friend. Someone murdered him and I’m going to find out who did it.”

  “Well, it wasn’t me!” Mildred thundered. “Stop harassing me before I report you to the police. And get off my land!”

  Julia put her arms out. “Give me Cat.”

  Mildred pulled the cat closer. “Get lost. Cat is mine. Douglas always said I could have her if anything happened to him.”

  Julia said, “I’m only going because I want to. You can shout all you like but you don’t scare me. I think I might tell the police about the rock throwing incident. And what were you talking to Kirk Adams about?”

  Mildred’s face seemed to crumple. She placed Cat on the floor and spread her arms out. In a broken voice she said, “I was telling Kirk that I would never sell Douglas’ house and land. It’s all I’ve got left of him now. You go ahead and tell the police about the window, I don’t care any more. My life is empty without Douglas.”

  Julia wasn’t sure if Mildred was putting on an act. She said, “What will you do with this land?”

  Mildred attempted a smile. “I’m going to build a huge cat sanctuary. Imagine the freedom the cats will have. It’s going to be wonderful. Douglas would have loved it.”

  Julia wasn’t sure about the last comment. “We’re sorry for troubling you. Goodbye.”

  Cain gave Mildred a wave and then followed Julia through the woods and back to Douglas’ garden. He said, “Do you believe her story?”

  Julia shook her head. “I don’t believe what she said about Kirk Adams. You don’t shake hands if you’ve just told someone that you’re not going to sell them something. You usually shake hands to seal a business deal. Mildred is definitely up to something. And she’s got a really bad temper, hasn’t she?”

  Chapter 21

  There was an email waiting for Julia when she got home later. It was from Delilah, the sales agent at the show home: ‘Hello Ms Blake! I’m delighted to inform you that our woodland development will be going ahead! I know you expressed interest in it and I’m sure you’ll be excited as us about the project! Please feel free to call into our Windsor show house to look at the plans! Hope to see you soon!’

  Julia wondered if Delilah ever finished a sentence without an exclamation mark.

  So, the development on Douglas’ land was going ahead. Which only meant one thing - Mildred had agreed to sell the land to Adams Construction. That must have been what the handshake was about. She shook her head. Mildred had no intention of letting cats run free on that land.

  Julia thought about the matter. Had Mildred known that she was the sole beneficiary of Douglas’ will? Probably. Had Kirk Adams found out and approached her direct? That was a possibility. Jealousy and greed were strong motives for killing a person. And Mildred was well built, she wouldn’t have any problems shoving Douglas down the stairs.

  Julia picked the phone up and contacted DI Clarke. He answered on the second ring. For once, he didn’t dismiss her opinion. When she’d finished, the inspector said, “I’m glad you’ve phoned, I was going to phone you actually.”

  “What about?”

  “Some new information has come to light and I need to inform Nina Sapphire of it.”

  “What information?”

  “I can’t reveal that to you now, I have to tell Ms Sapphire first. But I’d like you to be there when I tell her, the news may upset her, or stun her. Either way, she could do with your support. You seem to be close.”

  Julia smiled. “Do you want me there because you’re scared of Doris?”

  There was a pause. Then the inspector said, “I’m a professional policeman, I’ve met many hardened criminals. I’m not scared of an elderly lady who shouts too much. Will you meet me at one p.m. tomorrow at Doris’ house? I’d appreciate it.”

  Julia said she would. She had a free two hour slot at that time so she didn’t have to rearrange any client visits.

  As soon as her call ended she logged onto the Internet and visited the Adams Construction site. Blimey, they hadn’t wasted any time. There was an artist’s impression of what the new development would look like. The new detached houses looked impressive, and expensive. The gardens seemed to be of a decent size too. She knew that according to Kirk Adams, Douglas had agreed to sell his land, but is this what Douglas would have wanted? She sighed. She wasn’t sure anymore.

  This investigation had been going on for too long. Julia hoped that whatever information DI Clarke had would move the investigation closer to a conclusion.

  Julia didn’t sleep well again that night but put on a bright smile when she picked Cain up the following morning. As they went to various houses they talked about what the information could be that DI Clarke was going to impart to Nina.

  Doris opened the door the moment they walked up her path at one p.m. She threw her hands up. “Thank goodness you two are here! That inspector chap has been here for fifteen minutes, standing in the corner of my room like a useless statue. He won’t sit down, won’t take a cup of tea, he’s just standing there silently! He said he won’t say a word until you got here.”

  DI Clarke acknowledged Julia and Cain with a curt nod as they walked into Doris’ living room. Julia sat next to Nina on the sofa and gave her an inquisitive glance. Nina shook her head, it appeared she had no idea why DI Clarke was here.

  Doris went up to the inspector and said, “Get on with it then!”

  DI Clarke looked over Doris’ head and straight at Nina. He said, “I’m sorry for making you wait. I thought Ms Blake could offer you some support. Also, I thought she might want to hear this information direct from me seeing how she’s conducting her own enquiries.”

  Doris said, “I’m glad she is too! She’s kept us more informed than you have. Well? What’s this all about?”

  DI Clarke looked down at Doris. “I will tell you if you stop interrupting.”

  Doris folded her arms and glared at him.

  DI Clarke continued. “We made a thorough search of Mr Pedley’s house and we came across a new will. It had been drawn up the day before he died. It’s an official will, I’ve confirmed this with the solicitor involved.”

  Everyone seemed to hold their breath as they waited for him to continue.

  He said, “Mr Pedley has left everything to you, Ms Sapphire.”

  Nina’s hands flew to her chest, the colour drained from her face. “No! That can’t be! Why would he do that?”

  “Apparently, he told the solicitor that he was going to marry you as soon as possible and
he wanted all the legal side to be settled before you got married. Ms Sapphire, did you know about this second will?”

  Tears ran down Nina’s face. Her hand shook as she took a tissue from Julia. “No, I didn’t. I can’t believe he’d do something like that. I don’t want his property. I don’t want his land. Everything should go to Mildred, that’s what Douglas’ first wife wanted.”

  Julia said, “But things changed for Douglas, you came into his life. I know he considered you to be more important than cats.”

  Nina shook her head vehemently. “No! I won’t accept it! I’m not having his property. Can the will be cancelled? Can I speak to the solicitor?”

  The inspector frowned. “I think you’d have to accept Mr Pedley’s property first and then donate it. It’ll take a while though.”

  Julia studied the inspector. “There’s something you’re not telling us. Come on, we can take it.”

  DI Clarke’s expression softened. “I’m sorry to say this but if something happens to you, then the property reverts back to the original beneficiary.”

  Doris unfolded her arms and pointed at DI Clarke. “So, what you’re trying to say is that Nina’s life is in danger! Mad Mildred will be furious about the new will and will try to murder Nina, just like she murdered Douglas!”

  DI Clarke looked uncomfortable. “I’m not saying that at all. We are still making our own enquiries, we’re not ready to arrest anyone yet. I wanted Ms Sapphire to be aware of the situation.”

  Nina spoke, “It’s okay, Inspector, I know what you’re trying to say. Don’t worry, Doris, I’ll sort this out. I’ll speak to Mildred and tell her that I’m going to give her the money.”

  Doris shrieked, “But she doesn’t deserve it! Miserable old cow. You made Douglas happy. He wanted you to have his property.”

  “I can’t take it,” Nina said. “I just can’t take it. What would I do with all that land? I couldn’t live in his house. No, I have to do the right thing.”

  Doris pressed her lips together so hard that her mouth disappeared. She stormed out of the room.

  DI Clarke raised a finger and made a beckoning gesture to Julia. She followed him outside. He said, “The solicitor has got an appointment with Mildred Hepplethwaite this afternoon, he’s going to let her know about the new will. From what you’ve told me about her temper, she’s going to be furious. I’m going to post some plain-clothes policemen on the streets around this house.”

  “You think that Mildred might try to hurt Nina? Do you think Mildred killed Douglas?”

  The inspector sighed. “I really don’t know, but it’s looking that way.”

  Chapter 22

  Julia and Cain waited for the inspector to leave and then they said goodbye to the two women and headed to their next cleaning job.

  Julia said, “I wish I could stay and keep an eye on Nina. I don’t want her to speak to Mildred about the will.”

  “She’s got Doris to keep an eye on her. And those plain-clothes policemen. She’ll be okay.”

  “I suppose you’re right,” Julia said, her heart heavy.

  But Cain wasn’t right. Julia closed the door of a client’s apartment a few hours later and said, “That’s it, we’re done for today.” Her phone rang, it was Doris.

  She was hysterical. “She’s gone! Nina’s gone! I nipped out for some shopping and when I came back she’d gone!”

  “Calm down, Doris, try to breathe. Did you speak to the policemen outside your house?”

  There was a pause as Doris took some deep breaths. “Those men are about as useful as chocolate teapots! They said they saw nothing. Where do you think she’s gone?”

  “My guess is that she’s gone to see Mildred, to talk about the will.”

  Doris swore. “I told her not to do that! I told her Mildred’s a murderer! Do you think she’s gone to the charity shop?”

  “I hope so. At least there’s safety in numbers. There’ll be customers in the shop.”

  Doris swore again. Julia blinked but didn’t admonish Doris, she didn’t dare. Doris said, “The shop closes early today for stocktaking. If Nina’s gone there she’ll be on her own with Mildred.”

  Julia made a quick decision. “I’m not far away from you, I’ll pick you up and we’ll go straight there.”

  Julia passed the phone to Cain and said, “Phone DI Clarke and tell him what’s going on. Did you hear everything Doris said to me?”

  Cain winced. “I certainly did. She knows some colourful words, doesn’t she?”

  Julia ran to her car with Cain at her heels. Cain made the phone call as they drove to Doris’ house. Doris was waiting for them at the kerb, a look of grim determination on her face. Cain jumped out of the passenger seat and held the door open for Doris. He said, “I’ll sit in the back.”

  Doris nodded and climbed into the car. She looked at Julia and said, “Step on it. If that miserable cow has hurt my friend I’m going to wring her neck.”

  Julia drove as fast as she could get away with. She noticed that two cars followed her and assumed they were being driven by the plain-clothes policemen. She frowned. They were very quick to follow her, she wished they’d shown the same initiative when keeping an eye on Nina. How had Nina got past them? She was a striking-looking woman.

  Doris rubbed her round stomach and said, “I’ve got a funny feeling that something terrible has happened, I can feel it in my tummy. Can you drive any faster?”

  Julia put her foot down. A few minutes later she skidded to a halt on the road that led to the charity shop. She couldn’t go any further because the road ahead was blocked by two police cars and an ambulance.

  “No!” Doris screamed. She opened the door and headed down the road as fast as her old legs would allow. Julia and Cain were at her side in a second. Doris waved her arms and cried out, “Nina! It’s Nina! She’s dead!”

  Julia put her arm through Doris’ and said, “Slow down, you’re going to do yourself an injury.”

  Doris shoved her to one side. “Let me at her! Let me get my hands on that murdering scumbag!”

  DI Clarke stepped out of the shop. He blanched at the sight of the approaching threesome. He held his hands up and shouted, “Stop right there! No one is going in.”

  Doris leapt at him, her fists pounding on his chest. “Let me in! Where’s Nina? Where’s that Mildred!”

  DI Clarke caught hold of Doris’ flailing hands and said calmly, “You need to calm down. Ms Sapphire has been injured but she’s okay. The paramedics are placing her on a stretcher. She’s in shock, but she’s okay.”

  Julia said, “What happened?”

  “We haven’t got the full story yet but it appears that Ms Sapphire came here to see Ms Hepplethwaite. I presume she wanted to talk about the will. We got an emergency call from Ms Sapphire a few minutes ago, she was calling from this shop. I was already on my way following the call from Mr Andrews here. Ms Sapphire was calling from the bottom of the cellar steps, she was lucky to get a signal down there.”

  Julia’s brow creased. “Why was she at the bottom of the steps.”

  “She claims that Ms Hepplethwaite pushed her.” He looked down at Doris and said, “Can I release you now? Can you keep your arms to yourself?”

  “I’m not sure,” Doris muttered through clenched teeth. “Where’s Mildred now?”

  As if on cue, Mildred was led out of the charity shop, a policeman at her side. She was wearing handcuffs. She kept her head low as she walked past everyone and towards a waiting police car.

  DI Clarke kept hold of Doris’ arms as she tried to struggle free. He turned his head as Doris let out a string of expletives.

  He pulled Doris to one side as a paramedic came out of the shop. He was holding the front end of a stretcher. They watched in silence as Nina was carried towards the ambulance. She was wearing a mask, her eyes were closed.

  Doris said, “I thought you said she was okay! She doesn’t look okay.”

  “She fainted when the paramedics arrived, presuma
bly from the shock. Please, try not to worry. She will be okay. She’s going to be taken care of.”

  Doris collapsed into the inspector’s arms and began to cry. To his credit, he didn’t push her away. Julia was surprised to see him put an arm around Doris and pat her on the back. He was human after all.

  “Can we go with Nina to the hospital?” Julia asked.

  The inspector shook his head. “Leave her for a while. I’ll phone you when you’re allowed to visit. I need to speak to Ms Sapphire too.”

  Doris looked up at him and said, “Don’t you be badgering her, you’ve done enough damage already. You were supposed to be protecting her.”

  A flicker of guilt crossed the inspector’s face. “I know. Would you like a lift home in my car? You can sit in the front.”

  Doris sniffed. “Can I put the siren on?”

  “No. But you can put the radio on.”

  Doris looked over at Julia and said, “I’m going in his car. Yours is too small, and it smells funny. No offence.”

  “None taken,” Julia said. They watched DI Clarke walk towards his car, Doris had her hand on his elbow. Julia felt a pang of sympathy for the inspector.

  “What shall we do now?” Cain asked.

  Julia looked towards the charity shop as several policemen entered. “There’s nothing we can do but wait. We have to talk to Nina, find out what really happened.”

  Cain sighed. “I’m glad she seems okay, I thought she was going to be dead. I can get the bus home, the stop is over there.”

  “Nonsense. I’m going to Mum’s for tea. You are more than welcome. She always makes too much.”

  Cain’s face lit up. “Will your dad be there?”


  “Then count me in.” He grinned, and then added, “Thank you.”

  Chapter 23


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