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Collision (Delta Protectors Book 1)

Page 10

by Kayla Myles

  Then, I handed her the envelope and swore I never read it, only that Martin had made me promise to hand deliver it to his family when the time came. Her eyes filled with tears as she read the letter, and when she put it down and composed herself, I apologized for taking so long and not coming as soon as I got back in the country.

  I told her that my guilt and feeling of responsibility for Martin’s death made me afraid of approaching them. I also apologized for not being good enough or strong enough to keep Martin alive, and that was where she took my hand and squeezed it gently, her lips forming a sad smile.

  “Captain Keyes, it’s not your fault. My Martin would’ve never wanted to see his friend in danger, and that’s why he jumped in to save you,” she said, and I stared into her eyes that were filled with so much comfort and assurance. “I’m sure he knew you would’ve done the same thing if it was the other way around, and that’s why he didn’t hesitate.”

  She took a deep breath and let my hand go, her eyes falling on a picture of the three of them as a family.

  “I knew even before we got married that I loved a man who could disappear in a flash of a moment. I understood from the start, the dangers my husband faced head on daily, was a choice he made to ensure our family’s future and because he thought it was the right thing to do. So, really, you have nothing to be sorry for. I am truly grateful you brought his last wishes to me, Captain. With this, at least my daughter and I can put his memory to rest,” she finished.

  After a few minutes of reminiscing about my good friend, I declined her offer for tea and told her I had to get back to work. She asked me to visit again and I told her I would for as long as she stopped calling me captain. I left the Vaughn’s residence with a smile on my face and my heart feeling lighter than it had in ages. Veronica was right. It did feel great to finally get that off of my chest.

  I climbed inside my car and was about to text Veronica the good news when my phone started vibrating. I read the screen and frowned when it registered a number I didn’t know. I took the call and recognized Spencer’s voice immediately.

  “Dude, it’s me, Spencer. You have to come quick! Henry took Veronica!”

  “What?!” I shouted. I quickly placed the call on speaker and clipped it on my AC before starting the car and pulling out of the parking space.

  “How the fuck did he know where she is? Have you contacted Chase?” I asked him rapidly, turning left so I could get onto the main road.

  “I’m chatting with him as we speak. He said he’s tapping onto Henry’s car. He’ll update us with the coordinates,” Spencer said.

  “How did that son of a bitch get a hold of her location?” I asked.

  “Chase said Sasha badgered him into telling her where you took Veronica and she told Henry when he asked. She didn’t know we were suspecting him,” he said. I flamed my fist on the dashboard in frustration.

  “How could she be so stupid?” I hissed, slamming my foot against the gas. “Even we were able to figure out Henry’s schedule and frequent visits to Veronica were suspicious, why the fuck would--,”

  “As much as I am honored that you chose me to hear your diatribe, this is neither the time nor the place, Delta Force,” Spencer said. “Sending you the coordinates now.”

  I gritted my teeth as I swerved my car to the right, narrowly avoiding the car in front of me. I switched to a clear lane and stepped on the gas, hard. I looked at the digital clock on the dashboard and clenched my teeth.

  I was at a race against the clock, and time was running out.

  I switch to another lane and then another, swerving left and right just to get past the traffic, but the little part in my brain kept whispering I wasn’t going to make it.

  I shook my head adamantly. No! I had to make it! I had to!

  She needs me!

  I wasn’t doing this because I was hired by her manager.

  I wasn’t even doing this as a sense of responsibility as her bodyguard.

  I was doing this because despite the short time we spent together, I had gotten to know the real person behind the façade she wore for the millions of people watching her. She wasn’t just another big shot actress I thought her to be.

  “Hold on, baby. I’m coming!”

  Chapter 21


  I was wearing a beautiful wedding dress, my makeup was spot on, and this church was one of the biggest yet truly exquisite edifices in history. Everything was perfect, except for one thing:

  I didn’t want this.

  This man I was going to meet at the altar? He was so far from that constant variable in my dreams. I never thought he was this kind of man all along.

  I took a deep breath, placing a hand on my chest as I tried to calm the rapid beatings of my heart. The little hairs on my arms rising through the sleeves of my wedding gown, but I tried to talk my mind out from my nerves.

  I’m an actress. I shrug off my nerves every single time I stood up and faced a camera. This was just another one of those things. I was about to play the leading role, except unlike all the others I’ve played before, this role could be the end of me, a matter of life and death.

  I needed to be strong, at least enough to buy me some time.

  The damsel in distress always got rescued in the end, but for my white knight to come to my aid, I had to try and look for a way to rescue myself.

  Jason was going to come for me. I just had to stay calm until he arrives.

  The door opened and I struggled to keep my resting bitch face on, even when all I wanted to do was scream. I could never get used to that emotionless face no matter how much I saw it.

  He was wearing a black suit and tie for the occasion, a rare sight to see considering his usual getup consisted of brown on brown, but I wasn’t fooled. He could clean up well and turn himself into Brad Pitt for all I care, but that doesn’t change who he is or what he did to me.

  The corners of his mouth lifted into a smile that made my skin crawl, but I kept my resting bitch face steady, not letting him know how revolted I was.

  “You look very pretty,” he marveled, and I just stared at him, refusing to say a word. He walked closer to me, placing his finger under my chin so he could make me stare into his eyes. “Are you ready to get married?” Henry asked, his eyes twinkling with a maniacal look on his face. I scoffed and moved my head away from his touch before glaring at him.

  “I’m ready to get out of here,” I told him, and he chuckled, shaking his head, almost as if the very concept of my escape was ludicrous to him. “You’re despicable. How could you do this to me, Henry? I trusted you! All these years you were harassing me!” I cried.

  “You misunderstand me, pumpkin. I love you! I’m the only man who understands what you’re going through, and who knows you completely,” Henry replied. “We belong to each other, Veronica. I knew this from the very first moment I met you, and it was only a matter of time before you agreed” he said, and the bile started to rise up my throat making me want to throw up.

  “Do you not see how I was the only one who truly protected you all these years? I made your career and I took care of you, Veronica. I did everything for you, how do you not see that?” he asked. “My only mistake was hiring that stupid security firm over my own men, but I had to look legitimate,” Henry replied. “And now you’ve fallen for the idiot bodyguard, are you kidding me? What about the man who made you who you are Veronica? Me. It doesn’t matter anyway. I can’t wait for you to come around any longer. The time is now, no more games and no more lies. You will be mine.”

  “You’re sick and so wrong on so many levels!” I spat at him. “I can’t fucking wait to get out of here and call the cops on you, psycho!”

  “And how will you manage that?” he asked, lifting one eyebrow so high it almost receded into his hair line. “We have this place surrounded. No one can get in or out without my men knowing. There is no way for you to escape. Unless, of course…,” he trailed off and tilted his head, crossing one arm over hi
s chest so he could lean his other arm on top of it, perching his chin on his fist. “…you were expecting someone to come and save you,” he murmured.

  It was my turn to smirk at him.

  “What? Do you honestly think that pathetic protector of yours is going to rescue you?” he snorted, and I shook my head, making his brows furrow in confusion.

  “No,” I said, my confidence evident in my face and tone. “I don’t think,” I said. “I know.”


  Henry dragged me down to the chapel, where the poor Reverend was held in place by Henry’s stupid lackeys. He looked at me in pity and I tried to tell him with my eyes that help was on the way. Henry shoved me in front of the Reverend and took the place beside me, pulling at his suit in an effort to make himself more presentable.

  He raised his hand and signaled to his henchmen near the stereo and the man fiddled with the buttons. Before long, the strains of the Wedding March started to play and it took every inch of my willpower not to vomit at the tackiness.

  Henry glared at the Reverend, and the poor man immediately started on the Rites, despite my attempts to delay him. Henry held me by the arm so tight, it made me wince and I was forced to keep quiet.

  Jesus, Jason. Where the hell are you? Move your ass!

  “If there is anyone who is opposed to this marriage, speak now or forever--,”

  The doors banged open and I turned around to see Jason running towards me. I smiled and pulled at my puffy skirt and ran like hell towards the man I loved, meeting him halfway across the aisle. I saw the Reverend run for safety out of the corner of my eye before I threw my arms around Jason and he held me tight around my waist, his heart beating so loud, I thought it was going to burst out from his chest.

  “I knew you were coming to save me,” I said, breathless. He squeezed me tighter against him and I felt his lips brush against my neck.

  “Get behind me,” he said, and I took my arms off and stood behind him, looking at Henry and his lackeys with every bit of hatred I could muster. I smirked as Henry started spluttering in disbelief, unable to comprehend Jason’s appearance.

  “W-what are you waiting for? Seize him!” Henry commanded, and they raised their guns and pointed at Jason, who kept his pistol straight at Henry.

  “Give it up, Henry,” Jason said, pulling the safety off of his weapon. “I’ve disabled your guards around the perimeter and those three knuckleheads are all you got left. Do you really think they’ll be able to take me down?” he asked.

  The uncertainty in Henry’s face was evident but he pointed his fingers and the men started shooting. Jason and I ducked at the last minute and crawled for cover, hiding at one of the benches in the middle of the chapel. I heard Henry cry out.

  “Don’t shoot her! Kill the boy!” he bellowed, and I heard the stupid idiots drop their weapons to the floor and started looking in between the benches surrounding us.

  Jason placed his finger on his lips telling me to keep quiet. He pointed toward a pillar and mouthed the word, “Run” before loading another mag into his handgun and crawling in another direction.

  I quelled my worry before it could get any worse and did as Jason instructed, running as fast as my four-inch heels could go. I was so fucking thankful for all that stiletto training they had me go through because even while wearing high heels, I was as silent as a ninja. I took cover and peeked at Jason slamming the butt of his gun at his assailant, knocking him out before spinning around and kicking another enemy square in his stomach. The guy fell back to one of the benches and Jason turned around and dodged the third man’s swiping knife at his neck.

  I was too distracted watching him fight that I didn’t realize Henry was behind me and he yanked my arm toward him. I glared at him and took my shoe off of my feet, using the stiletto like a dagger and hitting him repeatedly on his head. The idiot didn’t know what to do except block my attacks to the point where he turned around and started to run away from me.

  I was a slave to my adrenaline now and I chased after him only for Jason’s arms to wrap around my waist and pull me against him. He made a move towards Henry, a murderous look on his face. Henry suddenly pulled something from inside his coat and then pointed a gun at us, stopping Jason in his tracks.

  “You didn’t think I wasn’t prepared for any of this, did you?” Henry said his face all sweaty but his mouth split into a crazy grin. “I made sure to cover everything! You stupid ex-soldier! You’re not going to keep me away from my destiny!” he cried.

  My fingers clenched around Jason’s jacket, fearing for his life when I heard him snort. My eyes widened, turning to look at him in disbelief when his shoulders started shaking as he laughed.

  He. Fucking. Laughed.

  I didn’t see anything funny, and it was clear from the weirded out expression on Henry’s face that he didn’t understand why Jason was laughing either. I let go of Jason and he used his finger to wipe a stray tear in the corner of his eye.

  “What the hell is so fucking funny?” Henry snarled, and Jason chuckled, looking at him with a menacing grin.

  “It’s just really hilarious that you thought you had everything planned out,” Jason said mildly. “And what’s even more hilarious is that you thought that…I didn’t have any back-up plans of my own,” Jason revealed.

  Henry’s eyes widened and he slowly raised his hands up in the air, dropping the gun he was holding. He grunted and tripped over to the side and my mouth fell open as a guy with blonde hair was standing behind him, holding a gun to the back of Henry’s head. The guy clicked his tongue behind his teeth multiple times as he took both of Henry’s wrists and put handcuffs on them.

  “Seriously, Jason. Did you have to take all the credit?” the blonde guy complained. Jason ignored him and placed his hands on my shoulders, looking at my face with narrowed eyes.

  “Are you alright?” he asked, and I smiled.

  “I am now,” I pointed at Blondie and furrowed my eyebrows. “Who is this guy?” I asked, and Jason shrugged.

  “No one important. For now, let’s get you home.” Jason said.

  “But what about Henry?” I asked.

  “Chase is outside with the cops. The rest of his men are knocked out. Spencer can take care of that creep,” Jason replied. “Can we go home now?” he asked, and I grinned happily, pulling at the veil on my head and throwing it in the air.

  “Boy, do I like the sound of that!” I exclaimed. I took his hand and was about to run out of the chapel when he pulled me back, staring at me. I crumpled my eyebrows in confusion. “What’s the matter?” I asked.

  He continued to stare at my dress and I blushed profusely, realizing now that we looked like a bride and groom in our outfits.

  “You know, we don’t look half-bad,” Jason remarked, and I smiled. He looked into my eyes and smiled back. “What do you say? Do you want to get married to me in the near future?” he asked. I could not believe this man. Was he really going to propose to me like that? All casual, cavalier, like he was asking me for tea?

  I scoffed at him.

  “Try working on your pitch next time and maybe then I’ll let you know.”


  Six months later…

  “I don’t think I can do this,” Veronica said, turning around making a move to run away. I caught her by the shoulders and massaged them comfortingly before turning her back around to face the door.

  “Relax. You’ve been talking to them on the phone for over a month now. It’s time, baby,” I said, encouraging her.

  “Yeah, but what if they don’t like me?” she asked, and I chuckled.

  “Then they never should’ve invited you to spend Thanksgiving dinner with them, right?” I reminded her, and she shrugged, rolling her eyes.

  “You always have a reply to everything I say,” she grumbled. I smiled and placed a soft kiss on her nape.

  “That’s just one of the reasons you love me,” I told her. I slid my hand down her arm until I reached her ring finger, w
here I traced the silver engagement ring I gave her the other night.

  “Yes, but between the both of us, don’t you think you’re getting the better deal?” Veronica teased, and I snorted.

  “Unlikely. You try standing in the background every day while your girlfriend—,”

  “Fiancée,” she corrected, and I rolled my eyes.

  “—fiancée throws herself at every actor she’s paired up with. You know that kiss with fucking Chris Evans still gets on my nerves,” I told her, and she scowled.

  She opened her mouth to complain again when the door opened, revealing a petite woman with Veronica’s chocolate brown hair and eyes. Her mouth formed a small ‘O’ and her eyes started to tear up as she looked straight at Veronica, who swallowed and waved her hand nervously.

  “Hello,” she greeted before sighing. “Happy Thanksgiving…Mom.”

  The End

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