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Captive Justice: A Private Investigator Mystery Series (A Jake & Annie Lincoln Thriller Book 4)

Page 13

by Rayven T. Hill

  Hank showed his badge to the receptionist, who squinted at it and then frowned at Jake and motioned toward a pair of double doors. Jake nodded, smiled at the receptionist, and followed Hank through the doors.

  The large main room of the hospital’s emergency department seemed well equipped to treat patients with serious medical conditions and injuries. Hank approached a nurse in a starched white uniform who seemed to be in charge, and showed his badge.

  “I’m looking for Rosemary Coleman?”

  The nurse motioned toward one of many private treatment rooms that lined the far wall. A uniformed officer was keeping watch outside one of the curtained-off rooms.

  “We’re keeping her for observation for a few hours,” the nurse said. “The doctor has already examined her, so you can see her now.” The nurse frowned. “But just two of you at a time.”

  Jake looked at Annie, and Annie looked back. “I’ll wait out here. You can fill me in later,” Annie said as she turned and took a seat in a small waiting area.

  Hank approached the room and nodded to the officer. He pulled back the curtain and he and Jake entered the small, dimly lit room. A woman was propped up in the hospital bed, her head to one side, her eyes closed.

  “Rosemary Coleman?” Hank said softly.

  The woman’s eyes shot open. “Yes,” she said.

  “I’m Detective Corning.” Hank motioned toward Jake. “And this is Jake Lincoln. Are you able to talk?”

  She nodded.

  Hank explained to Rosemary who Jake was and how he was involved. She seemed to be in a calm, composed mood despite her recent predicament.

  “The place where you were held is being thoroughly examined now, but I have a few other questions.”

  She nodded again.

  “Did you see the face of your captor?” Hank asked. “Would you be able to identify him?”

  “There were two of them in the woods, but they wore masks and they took me to a cellar. I … I almost escaped once and there was only one man there at the time and I saw his face, but he caught me again. He didn’t hide his face after that, so I knew they were never going to let me out alive.”

  “Would you recognize him again?”

  “Yes,” she said. “I would know his face anywhere.”

  “As soon as you’re able, we’ll get a forensic artist to conduct an interview with you, then get you to look at some mug shots later,” Hank said and made a note in his pad.

  She nodded.

  Hank looked up. “How did you escape?”

  She smiled slightly. “I pulled the building down.”

  Hank tilted his head. “What do you mean?”

  She explained how she’d freed herself, resulting in half the ceiling coming down, and how she’d beaten down her abductor with a piece of wood.

  Jake grinned as he pictured the scene. She had a lot of spunk.

  “It was the only choice I had,” she added.

  “You didn’t kill him, did you?” Hank asked.

  She laughed. “He was still breathing when I left.”

  “You did the right thing, Mrs. Coleman. Your husband paid the ransom demand, but we have reason to believe they had no intention of letting you go.”

  She nodded slowly and said quietly, “I was afraid of that.”

  Hank got more details from her as to when, where, and how she was abducted, and what had happened during the period she was held. She stopped and frowned. “I think there was a blue van parked behind the building.” She closed her eyes a moment. “Yes, I’m sure there was.”

  Jake exchanged a look with Hank. They’d been looking for a white van all this time. Perhaps they’d been on the wrong track, or maybe there were two vans involved.

  The curtains to the room slid aside and Walter Coleman stepped in. “Darling,” he said. “I came as fast as I could.”

  The small hospital room was getting crowded as Jake stepped back to allow Coleman past. Coleman squeezed through, leaned over, and kissed his wife on the forehead. “Are you all right?”

  “I’m okay,” she said.

  The nurse appeared in the doorway. “Gentlemen, I’m going to have to ask one of you to leave.”

  “It’s okay. I believe we’re done here,” Hank told her, and then looked at Coleman. “I’ll arrange for an officer to stay at your home once your wife is released. We have to take every precaution until these guys are captured.”

  “Thank you, Detective. Thanks, Jake,” Coleman said as they turned to go. “I appreciate it.”

  Jake and Hank joined Annie in the waiting area. “Let’s go to the abandoned store where Mrs. Coleman was held,” Hank said. “Jake can fill you in on the way.”

  Chapter 35

  Friday, September 2nd, 1:44 p.m.

  ANNIE WAS VAGUELY familiar with the part of the city where the abandoned store was located. As they drew closer, she saw that many of the buildings in this area were rundown, vacant, and probably earmarked for demolition at some time in the near future.

  Jake pulled the Firebird in behind Hank’s Chevy where half a dozen police cars, along with the forensics van, sat in front of a boarded-up storefront. Onlookers had gathered across the street in groups of two or three. Officers hung about in front, keeping back the curious, with a pair of cops at the door of the building, barring access to the unauthorized.

  The Lincolns climbed from the car and joined Hank, already striding toward the front of the store. The officer nodded at them and let them inside.

  Annie wrinkled her nose as she was hit with a musty odor, the staleness of rotting wood and perhaps the faint smell of human waste. Garbage littered the floor, old newspapers and trash spread about, piled in corners and along the peeling walls. A pair of dusty showcases sat near the front. A fold-up chair and a cardboard box to serve as a table, strewn with empty coffee cups, were the only signs anyone had been here recently.

  An investigator stood beside a gaping hole in the floor, staring into the basement below, his arms folded. Annie recognized him as the lead crime scene investigator, Rod Jameson.

  Other investigators were at work. The entire contents of the store were being carted away to be studied, scrutinized, and examined thoroughly. The job would soon be done.

  Annie stayed out of the way as she went to the back of the store. The door was open and she stepped outside. An officer leaned against the doorframe and Annie smiled at him.

  “Hello, Yappy,” she said.

  Officer Spiegle was called Yappy by almost everyone. No one knew how he got the name, but he didn’t mind it. He considered himself lucky to have this job and normally would’ve been passed over during the hiring phase, but his daddy had been a well-respected sergeant who’d been killed in the line of duty. Nobody disliked Yappy. He was pleasant enough, but his assignments never much more than menial.

  “Hi, Annie. I heard you guys were on this one,” Yappy said.

  “Not by choice this time. It seems like we’ve been chosen.”

  “Yeah, I heard about that,” Yappy said with a wide grin.

  Annie looked up and down the alley. The blue van Mrs. Coleman had seen was gone and likely the abductor was gone with it.

  She wandered down the access road. A big orange dumpster a few stores away, a rusty vehicle which looked abandoned, trash and litter everywhere, but no signs of life in this nearly forgotten street.

  She nodded to Yappy and went back inside. Hank was talking to Jameson and Jake stood beside him. The bulk of the job was done, with most of the contents removed.

  She wanted to see what was downstairs where Mrs. Coleman had been held. She caught Jake’s eye and he came over to her.

  “Let’s go downstairs,” she said.

  “I think they’re finished down there,” Jake said as he headed for the steps. “It should be okay.”

  Annie followed Jake down the stairs. They stood at the bottom and looked around. The floor was a disarray of broken boards, wood chips, splinters and … blood?

  Annie stepped ove
r to the wall. This must be where Mrs. Coleman had beaten back her abductor. She knelt and examined the floor. The porous concrete had soaked up most of a small pool of drying blood, and blood was sprayed across the broken boards. The kidnapper had survived and somehow picked his way up the stairs. He was likely the one who’d taken the van and would be long gone.

  She stood and scanned the room. This was undoubtedly the same place the doctor’s wife had been held and perhaps where she’d been murdered. She shuddered when she saw a broken chair and recognized it as the same chair both victims had been tied to when photographed.

  Jake was examining the ceiling. “It’s no wonder this all came down. The ceiling joists are almost completely deteriorated by dry rot. I’m surprised it lasted this long, and when Mrs. Coleman knocked out the support pole, the whole thing came tumbling down.”

  “But it’s not that damp in here,” Annie said.

  “Dry rot doesn’t need much moisture,” Jake explained. “It’s actually fungus that grows and it’s hard to eradicate. Eventually, the decay can cause instability and the entire structure can collapse. That’s what happened here.”

  “Then it’s fortunate for Rosemary Coleman they picked this place.”

  Jake nodded. “Yes, it is. And now, we’d better get out of here.”

  They went back upstairs and joined Hank. Jake explained his theory and added, “This place should’ve been torn down long ago.”

  Hank said, “It was boarded up but somehow they managed to get in. We’ll soon know who owns this building and that might shed some light on our perps. Maybe.”

  Annie doubted it would.

  Hank continued, “And now that we know exactly where Rosemary Coleman was abducted, officers are on their way there. Detective King’ll be spearheading that and they’ll go over the wooded area with a fine-toothed comb. They might find something.”

  Annie interrupted. “The blue van is gone.”

  Hank nodded. “I checked that as well and if it was the kidnapper’s vehicle, he’s gone with it, I presume.”

  “He left a lot of his blood downstairs, though,” Jake said.

  “The hospitals and clinics have been informed in case he shows up for medical aid,” Hank said. “And I already have Callaway cross-checking the records for any registered blue vans.”

  Rod Jameson approached. “We’re done here, Hank. It’s too soon to tell what we have, but there are some fingerprints around. Some on the coffee cups, and we might get some DNA from them as well. And of course, the blood downstairs is going to help identify one of them.”

  “We have a physical description of the injured perp as well,” Hank said. “Mrs. Coleman was sure she could identify him and once we get him, we’re well on our way.”

  “If he talks,” Jake added.

  “He’ll talk,” Hank said. “I don’t think he was the brains behind this operation and if the crown offers him a lighter sentence … he’ll talk.”

  “Then we have to find him before someone else is hurt,” Annie said.

  Chapter 36

  Friday, September 2nd, 2:15 p.m.

  WHEN HANK STEPPED from the store he almost ran straight into Lisa Krunk. She seemed to have been trying to get some information from one of the officers guarding the door, but she spun around when she saw Hank and shoved the microphone at him.

  Hank brushed it aside and moved to the front of the boarded-up windows, out of the way. Don’s camera followed his moves and Lisa was right behind.

  “Detective Corning,” she said. “What can you tell me about the events taking place here?”

  Hank paused. Lisa could be a royal pain, but if handled properly, she could be of some help. Besides, she owed him one. He disregarded his annoyance for her and spoke pleasantly for the watching camera.

  “Good afternoon, Lisa. I received a call that a second kidnapping victim had been held in this building and fortunately, was able to escape. She’s now under protection and we’re well on our way to rounding up the perpetrators.”

  “Can you give us her name?” Lisa asked.

  “Not at this time. Investigators are still studying the mountain of evidence and rest assured, there’s lots of it.”

  “Detective, do you believe this is the work of the kidnapper who abducted and subsequently murdered Linda Gould three days ago?”

  “We have reason to believe so, yes.”

  “And was a ransom paid this time as well?”

  Hank hesitated and then said slowly, “A ransom was paid.”

  Lisa’s mouth flapped. “If the ransom was paid, why would the victim be afraid for her safety?”

  “The victim is able to identify her captor. Remember, she wasn’t released, she escaped, so we’re taking every precaution.”

  “Do you know who’s responsible for the abductions?”

  Hank looked directly at the camera. “We have a good idea who’s responsible and if you’re watching, we advise you to turn yourself in. We have your description and you can’t get away. It’s just a matter of time until you’re caught.”

  Jake and Annie had stepped outside but were standing back. Lisa noticed them and motioned toward Don. He spun his camera their way as Lisa stepped over and confronted Jake.

  “Jake Lincoln,” she said. “You’re becoming involved in a number of high-profile cases lately. Do you have any information on this case you could share with the public?”

  Jake frowned and leaned into the mike. “We have no information the police don’t already have and our investigation is parallel to theirs. As we have the same goal, any information we obtain is immediately turned over to them.” He straightened up and crossed his arms. Hank knew Jake wasn’t too happy with Lisa right now and he would have no more to say.

  Lisa looked back and forth from Annie to Jake, obviously hoping for another comment. None was forthcoming. She frowned at Annie. “Mrs. Lincoln, do you agree with that?”

  “Absolutely,” Annie said.

  Hank motioned toward Lisa. “I’d like to add one more thing.”

  Lisa’s eyes lit up and she eagerly swung the mike his way. The camera followed, its red light glowing.

  Hank spoke, “The perpetrator we’re looking for has sustained several wounds about his face and neck in an altercation with the victim. He’s of medium build with dark hair. He also might be driving a blue van. I urge the members of the public to call our Crime Stoppers hotline if you see, or suspect, anyone with that description. He might or might not be in the company of others. Do not try to approach him as we have reason to believe he might be armed.”

  Lisa held the mike steady as Hank gave the phone number to call and then he paused a moment before adding, “I would also like to repeat my warning from yesterday’s press conference. Please take precautions. Use common sense, be vigilant if in secluded places, lock your door at night and don’t open it to anyone you don’t know.”

  “Do you believe there is more than one kidnapper involved?” Lisa asked. “Is the Merchant of Death actually two people?”

  “We believe there’re two and that makes our job easier.” Hank glared at the camera. “We’ll hunt you down, so be afraid. We’re coming for you.”

  “Is there anything else you can add, Detective?”

  “That’s all for now, Lisa. I’ve got a job to do, so let me get at it.”

  Lisa pulled the mike back and motioned toward Don to shut down the camera. “Can I get a shot inside the building?” she asked Hank.

  “From the doorway. I can’t let you go inside. It’s still a crime scene and could be dangerous.”


  Hank chuckled. “You’ll see.”

  Lisa nodded. “Thanks, Detective.” Don followed her to the doorway, the camera humming.

  An officer was working on a roll of familiar yellow tape, about to lock the front door and seal it. He looked up when Lisa approached, then looked at Hank. Hank nodded an okay to him and the officer stepped back.

  Hank turned to Jake. “Now
that I have a better idea of what went on here, I want to have another talk with the Colemans as soon as Mrs. Coleman is released.”

  “Anything we can do?” Annie asked.

  Hank shrugged. “I don’t believe so. I have people looking into every aspect of this case and unless you can think of something else—”

  Jake laughed and put his arm around Annie’s shoulder. “Annie always comes up with ideas, but for now, I hope we can just take a break.”

  Annie looked up at Jake. “We’ll take a break later, when Hank does, and the kidnappers are behind bars.”

  Jake shrugged and looked at Hank. “See what I mean?”

  Chapter 37

  Friday, September 2nd, 2:30 p.m.

  JAKE POPPED THE clutch and left a little rubber on the asphalt as he pulled away from the curb. He glanced over at Annie. She seemed to be deep in thought, her brow wrinkled, and she didn’t seem to notice the squeal of the tires as the vehicle sprang ahead. After seventeen years of marriage, she was probably used to it by now.

  Normally, he didn’t like to park his baby in a neighborhood like this, but with all the police cars around, thieves would have to be pretty brazen to jack it up and swipe his Sportsman S/Rs wrapped around Boze brushed aluminum rims.

  “We’ve been so busy lately,” he said. “I haven’t had time to look into that insurance scammer. The company is going to be after us to get something done.”

  Annie looked at him, his comment taking awhile to register, then said, “They’ll wait. I told them it might be a few days before we get at it. They’re used to that.”

  Jake yawned. “Hopefully, we’ll get a rest tomorrow and I can take care of it then.”

  “That doesn’t sound like a rest to me.”

  “It’s a change anyway. Something different to do.” He paused. “Don’t get me wrong, I want to catch the kidnappers as much as anyone, but a change will give us time to think of a new approach. We’ve got little to go on right now anyway.”


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