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Dying to Love Her

Page 4

by Dana Lorraine

  Melanie hoped her heart would take heed because she could see herself falling face-first into love with Rook and Alec. But this was a business agreement, nothing more. She’d lose the weight and these guys wouldn’t be sticking around afterward. It made her want to cheat whenever she could to keep the extra pounds on.

  “You’re perfect, even though you’re a little grumpy in the morning.”

  She huffed, ready to show him what grumpy really looked like.

  “Okay, okay. I take it the flaring nostrils mean you’re serious.” Rook smiled and gave in to a slight yawn. “Alec’s downstairs making breakfast. I’m guessing from the burnt smell that it’s not going well.”

  Melanie sniffed but didn’t catch a whiff of anything except a hint of Rook’s soothing scent.

  “By all means, you can leave whenever you feel the need but please,” Rook traced his finger along the edge of the sheet where it met her chest. “Give Alec and me a chance to persuade you to stay.” He kissed her shoulder and she leaned her head to the side, giving him a path to take before she realized what she’d done.

  “And no, the sun won’t incinerate us.” He eased away from her. “It’ll give us one hell of a sunburn if we’re exposed to it too long but I’d let you kiss it and make all better.”

  “Vampires eat food? I thought you only needed blood.” She tried to maintain eye contact but she never realized that a man’s chest had that many muscles. It made her want to run her hands all over him and try to keep count.

  “Don’t put much stock in any of those myths you’ve learned about us. Most of them are wrong. For one, if I could turn into an animal it wouldn’t be a bat.”

  She tried to imagine anything as big as him morphing into anything that small. It would be like trying to stuff her thighs into size-two jeans.

  “And remember the mirror yesterday?”

  His smoldering gaze brought back the steamy memory and before she knew it she was caressing her neck where he’d bitten her. The shockwave of orgasms had been awe-inspiring but not nearly as memorable as the way Rook’s embrace and tender touch had made her feel so wanted.

  He sounded very pleased with himself when he laughed. “Well, that memory gave your heartbeat a little kick-start, didn’t it?”

  She didn’t try to deny it. What was the use? “So you have a reflection. What else?”

  “Our hearts beat sometimes and our lungs need air now and then too. We don’t drain anybody of their blood because come on, do you know how much blood there is in the human body? I can’t fit all that in me. And yes, we still eat food when we first become vampires but over the years our systems become so finely tuned blood is enough to sustain us. There’s a time however when the desire to eat returns.”

  On cue, at the mention of eating, Melanie’s stomach gurgled. She grasped at her tummy and this time she noticed something. There was less of it there. “It’s gone.” That little top pooch that had started to cause her so much frustration had vanished. Melanie poked around to be sure.

  She looked at Rook, trying to keep her smile from reaching ear to ear. “I need a scale.”

  “No you don’t.” Rook tugged at her sheet. “Let me have a look. I have an eye for these things. I’ll tell you how much weight you lost.”

  “No way can you tell my exact weight just by looking at me.” Holy crap, she hoped he couldn’t. Melanie cleared her throat. “Besides, you only saw me with my clothes on so I don’t possibly know how you’re going to see a difference in my tummy.”

  Rook’s wily smile had her gulping down hard.

  “I might have had a peek but it wasn’t my fault.” He looked just like a kid who’d gotten caught with his hand in the cookie jar and knew he could get away with it.

  His innocent, playful pout had her beating back her own smile. She pursed her lips and gave him her best not-buying-it look.

  “Last night you looked very uncomfortable all tangled up in that sheet. I loosened it for you and when those scrumptious breasts of yours came into view, I couldn’t help but see if the rest of you looked as appetizing.”

  He pulled his portion of the sheet off his body, revealing sculpted, masculine flesh worthy of an exercise equipment infomercial. “Would you feel better if you saw me naked too?”

  Melanie gripped the sheet tighter. Hopefully they had a crowbar around here because she’d need one to loosen her fingers. She wouldn’t necessarily say she felt better. Intimidated might be a more appropriate word. Just like Alec last night, how could she not cringe at herself when she was naked next to a body like that?

  Not to mention his erection. Her heartbeat kicked up a notch and she wondered if she’d need all ten fingers to count off the inches. Really, whoever said size didn’t matter obviously hadn’t seen Rook. Anything that big mattered.

  “You’re terrible,” she managed, even though her mouth had gone dry from being slack-jawed by the sight of him. Melanie hoped lightning wouldn’t strike her for the blatant lie.

  “And hungry for you.” Rook pounced on her, ripping the sheet from her hands in one swift jerk. He wrapped his arms around her and hauled her onto his lap. “I’ve been in this bed all night thinking of nothing other than making love to you.”

  Rook held her chest against his and kissed anywhere his mouth would reach. She couldn’t do a damn thing about the zings of pleasure now. They were exploding all over her body.

  This felt so right but his words left her feeling empty. She didn’t want to be patronized. Love wasn’t involved here even if her silly feminine sensibilities had her wishing it was.

  This was attraction she was feeling, nothing more. And Rook—she was paying him, so could she really put much stock in what he said? He was just doing his job and doing it very well.

  Melanie pulled away. She adjusted on her knees and let herself settle onto his body, aware that if she moved just right she could make this a very sexually gratifying morning for both of them. And who knew, maybe with another round of sucking and fucking she’d lose those saddlebags she detested.

  Being ready wouldn’t be a problem. These men had a way of keeping her in a permanent state of arousal. “I told Alec last night the sweet words aren’t necessary. We both know why we’re here. Let’s just do what has to be done.”

  The words left her mouth and she wanted to kick herself. She sounded like an idiot. Trips to the gynecologist and taxes were things that had to get done. Sex with men like Rook and Alec was meant to be savored and gossiped about with girlfriends.

  “Melanie, they’re not just words. Trust what I say, what you’re feeling.”

  These guys don’t give up the act, do they? Not that the romance didn’t make it easier for her. She’d never had sex with a man she didn’t love or at least thought that she could. Rook and Alec—there were feelings there all right. She’d just have to get over them when her time at Empriva Fitness came to an end.

  Whatever poetic waxing they spouted, a part of her believed there was real kindness behind them. They weren’t using her. This was their job and they both excelled at it. No reason everybody couldn’t enjoy the business partnership for as long as it lasted.

  “Let me make love to you.” He gazed at her, his eyes dark with honest need and there wasn’t anything she didn’t want to do for him.

  She knew this wasn’t a real relationship but Melanie let herself get carried away with the fantasy of it all. With his solid hands to guide her, she rose up on her knees, angled her hips and slowly descended upon his erection.

  There was so much of him her body tightened when she should have relaxed. There wasn’t even room to breathe he filled her so completely and he was barely in. This might not go off without a hitch.

  Melanie let out a nervous wisp of a laugh and winced. “You’ve done this before, right? You promise it’ll work?”

  “Just take it slow.” His patient smile eased her awkwardness. He added pressure to her hips and forced her down another sensitive inch. “Your body is made for mine, trust me. W
e’re still getting acquainted, that’s all.”

  She hesitated to move, fighting the burn, but when Rook caressed her it became easier to tune out the discomfort.

  “Acquainted? My body begs to differ.” Melanie filled her lungs as she rose up on her knees, releasing her breath when she came back down, her body shaking. “At this point I’d say were at least friends.”

  “The best of.” He smiled even as the strain of his holding back showed on the taut muscles of his face.

  Melanie took her time. The burning stretch was everything for those first few trips but eventually it felt so damn good.

  With a wet hiss, Rook sucked in air through his clenched teeth. “Baby, you feel so much better than I imagined.” He grasped her hips, keeping her pace steady. “That’s it, nice and slow. You’re so tight, so wet for me. It feels so good. I want this to last.”

  She agreed even though she knew she’d be sore later. Anything that felt this good was worth a little pain. His fingers digging into her skin, the way he looked at her like she was everything, made it difficult to hold back. Melanie moaned appreciatively as she rode him with more abandon.

  “Keep making sexy noises and I’ll never last,” Rook groaned, thrusting upward.

  That rich voice of his felt like a caress and Melanie ran her hands through her hair and across her body, following its path. Everywhere she touched his eyes followed voraciously and for once she didn’t feel like there was any part of her body that she needed to hide.

  “Touch me, Rook. I want to feel your hands all over me.”

  Rook let go of her hips and skimmed his fingertips over her skin. Her breasts he left warm with a fluttered stroke. He worshipped her nipples, swirling his thumbs around them until she felt dizzy.

  Gentler than Alec, his touch was equally as electrifying.

  “If I was blind I’d still know you from the feel of your silky skin, from the way you shiver with my touch.” He pulled her down and rolled her onto her back without leaving her body. Rook thrust, taking his time, while he nuzzled his mouth on her breasts and neck, peppering her with what felt like a thousand kisses.

  When his hair brushed the side of her face she jumped, ready for his bite. He whispered in her ear instead. “I’m not hurting you am I? Is it too much?”

  “No, it’s perfect. You’re perfect.” This slow-building fire he kindled in her felt wonderful and as much as she yearned for him to bite her again she didn’t want their lovemaking to end so quickly.

  Melanie arched her back, driving closer to him even as her body protested. She’d be overtaken by the tight, building heat and quivering muscles of an orgasm soon. “I’m almost there.”

  Rook laughed with exuberant, pleasured relief. “That’s it baby. Let it go. I want to feel you let go. Make me come.”

  His permission brought her to her peak. Melanie screamed his name with exhilaration as endless spasms rocked her body. She threw her arms out wide and grabbed at the sheets, trying to tether her body to something real because the man above her—the things he said, the way he made her feel—was too good to be real.

  “So good, so fucking good.” He quieted her screams with hasty kisses, buried his head beside hers. “You don’t even know what you do to me. The things you make me feel.”

  The frenzied strokes of his pumping hips staggered as guttural moans of satisfaction rumbled from deep within his chest. Rook gave in to his own orgasm and then collapsed on top of her.

  Pleasantly numb, she loved the way the weight of his body felt against hers and missed it when he rolled off. He didn’t go far. Rook wrapped himself around her and tucked her body into his. They remained like that for minutes, she still catching her breath and realizing that he wasn’t winded at all.

  Melanie cuddled in closer to Rook’s broad chest, sheltering herself in this dream world a little longer.

  “I love to listen to your heartbeat.” He rested his hand upon her chest and ran his thumb in a lazy circle above her heart.

  “I’m sure it sounds like it’s about to explode.” She drew in one last restorative breath and let it go, feeling a peace she hadn’t felt in years. “Can’t imagine how many calories I obliterated after that session. Will I still lose weight even though you didn’t bi—”

  “Speaking of calories,” Alec’s voice was unexpected. “I think it’s time you start replenishing them.”

  Her panicked heart must have burned a few hundred calories more with Alec’s arrival.

  Melanie followed the sound of his voice and found him leaning against the doorframe. Had he been watching the whole time? The possibility actually excited her and she wondered just how far off the charts her moral compass was willing to go.

  Alec looked at her like Rook had moments ago. That she was already feeling her lust bloom again shocked her and made her tummy flip-flop in an uncomfortable way. She scrambled for the sheet and quickly covered up.

  Guilt, embarrassment—she felt both, just not as strongly as she thought she should. She’d just had sex with two men in the last twenty-four hours. One still lounged happily in the bed next to her while the other looked like he wanted to join them. A vanilla kind of girl when it came to sex, Melanie was realizing how bland her life had been up until now. She wasn’t sure if she could stay in this world but it was sure fun to visit.

  Rook didn’t seem the least bit put out. He sat up on the edge of the bed, pulled on some crumpled jeans from the floor and joined Alec. “I smelled something that resembled bacon and eggs but all I see are pastries.”

  Alec rolled his eyes at him as Rook swiped a danish from the plate and nearly devoured it in one bite. “Give me a break,” Alec said. He brushed crumbs from a green shirt that looked good against his olive-toned skin. “I can’t even remember the last time I cooked. Next time you can try your hand at it.”

  He switched on a standing Tiffany-style lamp and walked toward her with a smile. His stubborn five o’clock shadow had gained a few hours of growth. It accentuated the cut angles of his face.

  Managing eye contact wasn’t easy even though his gaze held no hint of resentment. Her lips quivered and she didn’t know what to do with them.

  Alec solved her dilemma.

  “I haven’t had a chance to say good morning yet.” He leaned down and gave her a long kiss.

  She could taste a hint of whatever sweet he’d indulged in and when he pulled away she licked her lips. “Good morning,” she whispered. Along with the tasty flavor, his kiss left her feeling like she could float right off the bed.

  He settled himself next to her and held out the plate of fat-laden no-nos. “Have one. I had these delivered from a local bakery this morning.”

  “Isn’t that counterproductive? I’m already losing weight. Why would I want to put it right back on?”

  “Eat.” He waved temptation under her nose. “I promise your metabolism is supercharged right now.”

  A gorgeous man was insisting she eat a mega-calorie yummy treat. This gets better and better. Melanie gave in and tried to decide which one to take. “What kind are they?”

  Rook collapsed onto the mattress, shaking the bed. He reached over and yanked another danish from the plate. “Does it matter?”

  “Don’t eat too fast, Rook. It’s been awhile.” Alec picked one from the plate and handed it to her. “Here. It’s almond, my new favorite.”

  Melanie took a bite. Sweet and creamy, the flaky pastry tasted sinful. She devoured hers in record time.

  “Want another one?” Alec asked with the tiniest bit of a smirk.

  Oh boy did she ever. “Nope. I’m good.” She glanced at a door on the opposite side of the room. She had other pressing matters to attend to. Vampires didn’t seem to sweat or have other bodily functions as far as she could tell. She wasn’t so lucky.

  “Is that the bathroom? I’d like to clean up if I could.”

  “Sounds good to me.” Rook shot off the bed and was in the bathroom before she could stop him.

  Melanie huffed a
nd yelled after him. “Hey, I called it first.” She looked to Alec for help when she heard running water. If she thought he’d be an ally, she was wrong.

  Alec stood, placed the plate on a side table loaded up with books and removed his shirt, nice and slow. Not as bulky as Rook but equally tall, he was perfectly chiseled and had the right amount of chest hair to tempt her to run her fingers through it.

  “There’s plenty of room in my shower for the three of us, Melanie.” He unbuttoned his khaki pants and dropped them to the floor. Naked and semi-aroused, Alec’s heated stare held hers, making it clear not only did he want her to join them, he expected it.

  She was practically panting by the time he turned and walked into the bathroom.

  This was a whole new view of Alec and she looked her fill. His butt. My God his butt is perfect. Just like the rest of him. Melanie flushed with hot excitement and it only got worse as she imagined dipping her tongue into the two dimples crowning his ass.

  Rook yelled from the bathroom and it sounded like he was already enjoying what was supposed to be her morning shower. “Come on, Melanie. Two guys taking a shower together just isn’t fun if there isn’t a pretty woman in the middle.”

  “Not if you’re gay,” she yelled back, hesitating and then scooting off the bed. She winced slightly, her body still recovering from Rook as she secured the sheet around her.

  “I think we’ve made our sexual preferences clear,” Alec countered. “At least I have. I don’t know about Rook. What do you think? Should I be careful about dropping the soap in here?”

  Melanie giggled. Men who could make her laugh—that was up there with guys who could make her hot and needy with just one look. Rook and Alec excelled at both.

  On her tiptoes, she headed toward the bathroom. Thinking about all those lucky drops of water washing down their bodies, she had to at least take a peek. Actually strolling in there and taking a shower with both of them—that was the kind of sexual leap she wasn’t sure she was ready to take. Ever.


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