The Summer Before Forever

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The Summer Before Forever Page 15

by Melissa Chambers

  I stalk up the stairs and drop on the bed, staring at the ceiling, replaying the moment we had together earlier. She wants me. I know when a girl wants me. And damn, do I want her. But she must not want me too bad. She’s on a date with another guy and her damn sketchbook.

  I grab my phone and check my messages. Not jack shit. Not even one from Monica.

  I text Dane.

  Where are you all tonight?

  J.J.’s. Come on.

  I toss the phone onto my bed.

  A couple of minutes later another text comes through.

  Monica’s here and she’s asking about you.

  I imagine Chloe sitting on the moonlit beach next to nerdface sketching some sort of shit I don’t get. Oh, but I’m sure he gets it.

  I get up and put on a decent shirt. Screw sitting here all night. Monica’s waiting for me.

  Chapter Twenty-Six


  Hunter takes a handful of popcorn from the massive tub we’re sharing. “Thanks for coming with me tonight. I’ve never seen Spinal Tap on the big screen. Should be unbelievable.”

  “Totally,” I say, taking popcorn. I’ve never seen Spinal Tap, nor do I really care to, but he’s so excited about it. I hate to rain on his parade.

  “So,” Hunter says, straightening his throat, “Landon was a little…intense tonight.”

  That’s one way of putting it. I can’t help the satisfaction I’m feeling at his blatant jealousy and intimidation by Hunter. Not that I want Hunter to be uncomfortable, but I also don’t think Landon would actually do anything to him. Still, Landon felt something strong, at least in that moment, to generate that sort of reaction. The girl in me can’t help but enjoy that a little.

  “Yeah. Sorry about that,” I say.

  “He’s taking this big brother thing really seriously, isn’t he?”

  I roll my eyes. “Yeah, I guess so. I’m not sure what was into him tonight.”

  Hunter dissects a kernel. “I’m sorry I didn’t get to see your dad. Was he home?”

  “No, he was out with Cynthia,” I say. “So you’ve played golf with him before?”

  “Yeah, me and my dad. We met him on the course at the resort. My dad has played with him a couple more times, I think.”

  Possibly I’m the only girl in history that is disappointed her father is chummy with her date. How dorky is it of me to want for one of those totally embarrassing scenes out of a movie where the overprotective dad cocks a gun at her date or something stupid like that. Instead, mine sends me off to the slaughter. She’s all yours!

  Hunter passes me the huge Coke we’re sharing. “So your drawings…man. I mean, I always thought I was pretty good, but I can’t do what you do.”

  “You are good,” I say. “You’re incredible.”

  He waves a hand. “It’s comic book crap. I try to act like it’s anime but they’re just cartoons…pathetic.”

  I put my hand on his arm. “They are amazing cartoons. Seriously.”

  He eyes me doubtfully. “You have to say that.”

  I shake my head. “No I don’t. And I wouldn’t if I didn’t think so. I’d say they were good or had potential or something. Yours are unbelievable. I love your dimension and the body proportions. They’re so consistent between characters.”

  He rolls his eyes. “Your people are incredible.” He gives a coy smile. “I freaked out when I saw the one of me.”

  I shrug. “I like to do people.”

  He gazes into my eyes. “You’re fucking fantastic. Sorry, I just didn’t know how else to—”

  I laugh. “Don’t worry about it. And thank you.”

  I look at him with a sincere smile, and he gazes into my eyes. Uh oh. I know that gaze.

  He moves toward me, and I move backward. “I’m sorry, Hunter. I really like you, but I’m just not ready to…”

  He closes his eyes and nods, and then shakes his head. “Sorry. I’m such an idiot.”

  I squeeze his hand. “No you aren’t, really.”

  “I just…I haven’t met anyone like you…like ever. It’s hard to find someone who really gets my music and my art.”

  “I know the feeling,” I say with more conviction than necessary.

  “Some girls think it’s cute that I draw and even want me to do characters of them and stuff, but when it comes to romance, they want guys more like your stepbrother.”

  God, am I that cliché?

  He gives me a weird look. “Is there something going on between you and…”

  “God, no.” I shake my head for emphasis. “Uh uh. No way.”

  The girl protests too much, said the fly on the wall.

  “Good.” He gives a huff and a smile. “I mean, just, that would be weird, since you’re going to be brother and sister and all.”

  “Yeah, totally.” I look away from him and roll my eyes at myself.

  Bright lights interrupt our conversation, and a guy steps in front of the screen and claps his hands. “Let me have your attention, folks. I regret to inform you that we are having trouble with our projection equipment this evening, and there will be no showing of Spinal Tap.”

  The audience boos and popcorn thrown from behind us lands on the row in front of us.

  “If you’ll make your way to the service desk and present your ticket, you will receive your money back for tonight as well as a free pass for another show here at our theatre. We apologize for the inconvenience.” The guy walks away.

  Hunter turns to me with his mouth open.

  I knit my eyebrows together. “I’m sorry. I know you were really looking forward to this.”

  He closes his mouth and drops his posture. “So I guess a romantic walk down the beach isn’t what you’re really looking for tonight?”

  I chuckle in response.

  “There’s this party we could go to,” he says. “It’s this guy J.J. I work with. He has his parents’ condo to himself. His parties are pretty cool. Any interest in that?”

  I don’t want to shoot him down two for two, and honestly, a party sounds a lot safer than walking down a deserted beach with this guy. Not that I think he is capable of anything resembling what Trevor did to me, but I don’t want to put myself in that kind of situation ever again. A party with people is safe.

  “That sounds fun. Let’s go to the party.”

  The party is a few streets down from our house, which is good. I like the idea that I can be home in minutes if anything goes sour. Hip hop music blares from the open front door, and we step inside.

  The layout of the place is different from that of Cynthia’s. It’s more open, with the kitchen, living room, and dining room running all together in one big space. You have to step down into the living room which is sort of weird, but sort of cool, too.

  Hunter gets high-fives and handshakes as he enters along with several thumbs up and okay signs from people who think they’re being sly, but I can tell they are referencing me. The thought cracks me up—me, someone’s trophy girlfriend. That just goes to show you the new girl in town is certainly the mysterious one.

  Dane comes bounding up to us. “Hey, Chloe.” He’s looking all around me like a lost puppy.

  “Jenna’s actually with Roth tonight,” I say. “They went to his cousin’s wedding.”

  He screws up his face. “Son of a bitch.” He points at me with a serious expression. “I’m stepping up my game. Tell her I’m coming for her.”

  Hunter turns to me. “Do you want something to drink? I see a cooler.”

  “That’d be great, thanks.”

  He heads for the cooler, and I stand, glancing around the room. It feels just like it does when I go with Jenna to parties, but I’m sure Hunter will spend a whole lot more time with me than she does. I glance out the dining room to the back patio, and my knees almost buckle as I find Landon o
ut there with that same exotic beauty from the night I met Hunter. She’s all over him, laughing way too hard and touching him every two seconds.

  He glances around and does a double take as his gaze lands on mine. I shift my gaze to the floor and try to squelch the frog climbing up my throat.

  Hunter appears in front of me with two cans, a beer and a soda. “I didn’t know which one you would want.”

  I take the Sprite. “This is great. Thank you.”

  He narrows his gaze. “Are you okay? Your face is paler than usual.”

  I nod quickly. “Yes, of course. I’m fine.”

  I don’t want to look at Landon again, but I’m a rubbernecker at a train wreck. The girl tugs at his arm, and he gives her his attention. My whole body tenses at the sight. At the thought of what she might be saying to him. I turn to Hunter and take his hand. “I’m really having fun tonight. Thanks for getting me out.”

  He smiles back, wary, but kind. “Of course. Anytime.”

  Tears threaten at my eyes, and I swear my heart has swollen to the size of a beach ball inside my chest. The music slows down, and people around us couple up. Guys hold girls around the waists and slide their hands down farther, staring into eyes and kissing necks.

  Hunter glances toward the ceiling back and forth. “Awkward,” he says.

  I look out to the patio, and the girl sets Landon’s hands on her waist. He doesn’t move them. She smooths her hands up his chest and sets them on his shoulders. He looks at her, and then glances at me.

  Hunter scrunches up his face. “Do you want to dance or something?”

  “Oh…kay.” I awkwardly place my hands on his shoulders, and he puts his around my waist.

  We sway back and forth middle-school style, and I dare another look out the sliding glass door to the patio. He gazes into her eyes and says something to her with that stupid grin of his. I swear I can see that little dimple all the way in here.

  I give a resigned sigh and gaze up at Hunter. He’s not that much taller than me, and I’m even in my flats. I try really hard to focus on him and make him attractive to me. What more could I ask for? This guy is sweet and kind, and we could have an awesome time together, drawing, listening to our favorite bands. Hell, this is what I wanted in a stepbrother. I dreamed about Landon being like Hunter before I even met him.

  I can do this. I can be attracted to Hunter. I just need to try harder.

  I pull away from him. “This place is kind of crowded. Do you want to take that walk on the beach?”

  His eyes grow to the size of vinyl albums. “Yeah, let’s go.”

  Hunter’s hand in mine, I turn toward the door without giving Landon a final glance.


  I sit on the couch watching the clock. I can’t believe it’s after midnight, and she’s not home. Worse, her dad is upstairs snoring like he couldn’t care less. Given, I offered to wait up for her, but still. His ass should be down here waiting for his daughter to walk through that door.

  The door opens and adrenaline pumps through my veins, forcing my body to sit up and look for her. Jenna locks gazes with me, and I sink back down on the couch.

  She comes into the living room and sits down next to me. “Damn. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a guy so disappointed to see me.”

  I roll my eyes and flip the remote in my hand.

  She looks at the television. “Driving Miss Daisy. What are you, seventy-nine?”

  “Leave me alone.”

  She settles into the couch. “Bad night, Pooh Bear?”

  I cave farther into the cushions. “I don’t want to talk about it.”

  “Then how about you ask me about my night?”

  I snarl at her.

  She clutches at her chest. “Oh, thanks so much for asking. It was fabulous. We ate and danced, and I caught the bouquet.” She holds up a mess of flowers.

  I glare at the television.

  “Well, the least you can do is tell me how fantastic I look. Have you seen me this evening?”

  I cut my eyes at her with a growl.

  “Down, boy.” She sets the bouquet on the table and wiggles her fingers at me. “Come on. Talk to me.”

  “I said I didn’t want to—”

  “I know what you said. Tell me what’s wrong, or I’m going to take matters into my own hands.”

  I stare at the television, and that blond mane of hers appears in the corner of my eye, and then her face is in front of my face. Her big green eyes are crossed, long tongue lagging to the side in a look so kooky, if I weren’t so pissed off I’d be rolling on the floor.

  “Wow. Nothing?” she asks.

  She stands up and poses in front of me, hands on hips like a skinny superhero.

  I gaze past her. It’s not hard since there’s nothing to her.

  She lets out a huge sigh and drops on the couch next to me. She sets her elbow on the back of the couch and rests her face against her fist. “Don’t make me sit here all night.”

  I cut my eyes at her. “You’re not going to back off, are you?”

  She lowers her chin. “What do you think?”

  I roll my eyes with an exhausted exhale. “Tonight just sucked, okay?”

  She taps her chin. “Does this have something to do with a certain gorgeous, best friend of mine?”

  I give her my best denial face, like she’s a total idiot for even thinking it. “No. Why would you think that?”

  “Well, let’s see. Chloe had a date tonight with a guy that is pretty much her ideal match.” She taps my nose twice. “And you like her.”

  “That’s ridiculous. She’s going to be my stepsister.”

  “Is it? Last I checked the two of you don’t share any sort of blood relation.”

  I turn the remote in my hand. “We have nothing in common. Why would I be interested in her like that?”

  “Because she’s awesome. Why do you think she’s my best friend?”

  I shake my head at her. “It’s always about you, isn’t it?”

  “Pretty much. I see the way you look at her. Do you think I don’t know how to recognize a guy pining for a girl? You’re as sick for her as she is for you.”

  Now that gets my attention. “Why would you say that?”

  She shoves my arm with both hands but I don’t budge. “Because she does. You know she does.” She raises an eyebrow. “I’m guessing you’re fairly in tune with girls who are hot for you.” She holds up both hands. “Oh, let me guess. That’s every girl who comes in contact with you including nuns, right?”

  I glare at her, but there’s no heat behind it.

  “She’s into you. You’re into her. Why don’t you go for it?”

  “I couldn’t do that even if I wanted to. My mom would freak. Besides, there’s other shit.”

  She leans in. “Guess what. Your mom doesn’t need to know. The two of you could sneak around all summer long. I’ll even totally cover for you. And as far as the other shit goes, I imagine you’ll get past that to be with our girl.”

  I consider her. “Why do you want me with Chloe so bad?”

  She tucks her feet underneath her. “Because I think you’d be good for her.” She raises an eyebrow at me. “I know you know about Trevor.”

  My chest constricts at the thought of him. “I want to kill that guy.”

  “Exactly. I think you’re the opposite of Trevor. And I think you’d know how to treat her with respect. And I think every time she leaves your side she wears a goofy, girly grin I never even knew she knew how to do before we came down here.” She jabs a finger at her own chest. “Do you have any idea how upsetting that is to me? I spend my life trying to make that girl laugh, and I’ve never been able to come close to what you can do for her.”

  I give a humorless chuckle, the idea of me being able to make Chloe feel that good warming m
y cold insides. “Really?”

  She sits up and grabs my shoulders. “Landon, this summer could be epic. You guys could be kissing on the beach and going for late night swims in the pool. You could drive her in your little golf cart thingy to all these little coves and cubbies in this resort and show her the summer of her life.” She holds her arms out wide, then drops them to her lap. She points at me, her eyes wide. “Don’t screw this up.”

  She stands up, lays a kiss on the tips of her fingers, and then taps the top of my head. “Good night, my friend.”

  I think about all Jenna said, showing Chloe my town…my resort, kissing her at the top of the cheesy lighthouse on the main playground at sunset, showing her the stars from the fourteenth hole on the golf course that jets out into the inlet, chasing her through the waves and sharing music together on the beach. I want all those things. I want her.

  The front door opens, bringing me out of my dreaming. My gaze locks with Chloe’s, and I know it’s now or never.

  Chapter Twenty-Eight


  I try to hold Landon’s gaze, but I can’t even look at him right now. I turn and ease the door shut, and then head for the stairs.

  “Did you have fun?” His voice is part bitter, part hurt.

  I hesitate. “Not as much as you did, I’m sure.”

  “Was Hunter a gentleman?” That was definitely bitter.

  A snapshot of him with that girl flashes through my mind, and I turn to him. “Not really.”

  He bolts up off the couch and stalks toward me. My heart gallops in my chest, and my stomach ties itself into a square knot.

  He tosses up his hands. “I don’t know what I’m supposed to do here. I don’t know how to deal with this.”

  I glance up in the direction of our parents’ bedroom and then back to him and whisper, “Deal with what? Me?”

  He takes another step toward me, and I step backward. “Yes, you. This wasn’t supposed to happen. You were supposed to be this nerdy art girl I had no interest in.”


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