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The Doctor Witch (The Ward Witches)

Page 14

by Lauren McMinn

  “Let's go up to the bedroom. Dymphna can server herself.”

  He didn't question, but just followed her as she marched up the stairs to the room they shared. She really thought this relationship was all working out. The party debacle showed her how wrong she was. Leo sat on the bed, and Skylar began to pace.

  “You know, you had me fooled. I was convinced that you were dedicated to starting a relationship with me. I thought we were going to be partners. I thought you were going to marry me!”

  “Alright, we haven't gone to the state and filed our paperwork. We'll do it tomorrow on my lunch break. Don't freak out on me.”

  “I'm not talking about paperwork. I'm talking about not wanting to be seen with me.” He still looked confused. She'd educate him alright. “You didn't mention that there's a Coven meeting coming up, and you most certainly didn't mention a certain retirement party at work.” He paled and opened his mouth. Skylar didn't want to hear it; she was on a roll. “It sure seems to me like you want to be with me in private, but you're ashamed of me as soon as I leave the house. You don't want to introduce me to your friends, or even to the Coven. Isn't that right?” She'd worked herself into quite a fury by the end of her tirade.

  “It's not like that, Skylar.”

  “Then you'd better tell me what it is like.” She felt her anger simmering, and her magic was rising within her. She worked to tamp it down, but wasn't entirely successful.

  “I've never brought anyone to work events, or even to Coven events. I've never had a girlfriend, per se, just women I was sleeping with.”

  “You're not helping your case.”

  “My point is that you're different. We're magically bonded, which makes you my wife. But that doesn't mean I know how to treat you or what to do with you.”

  She warmed to him a little. “Then let's be clear that hiding things from me is not the way to go.”

  “You're right, of course. I didn't mention the Coven meeting or the retirement party.”

  “You didn't mention them because you didn't want me to go.”

  “Sadly, you're right. I don't know... I don't know how to explain you or our relationship.”

  “That hurts.”

  “The people at work know I'm a witch, but it's academic to them. I never mention it or use my powers there. If I showed up with a woman and announce she's my magically bonded wife, that would remind them all that I'm not like them.”

  “So I'm an inconvenience to be explained away? You're really not making me feel any better about this.”

  “I'm sorry, I'm not explaining myself very well.”

  “No, you're really not. I see that you don't want to explain me, but do you really intend to never bring me around your friends? Do I not matter enough to you?”

  “You do matter to me.”

  “Then why can't I meet your friends and coworkers? Why am I only your wife in private?”

  “Let's fix the situation. You matter to me, and you're my wife under any circumstances. The party's in two days. We'll go tomorrow and get married in the eyes of the law during my lunch break. Then when I close the office down at noon tomorrow, I'll come get you and I'll bring you to the retirement party. I'll introduce you as my wife, and I'll be proud to stand beside you. How's that?”

  “That's more like it.”

  He stood up and hugged her. “This is all new to me. I'm going to try to be a good husband, I promise.”

  She hugged him back. “I think we'll both have to make a lot of adjustments. Just please, don't exclude me from your life.”

  “I won't. You're mine, and I'm yours.” He lowered his mouth to hers. The gentle kiss became more passionate. Skylar was so relieved that the party issue was resolved that she put all her emotions into the kiss. “You know, we are in a bedroom,” he said softly.

  In response, she drew back enough to unbutton Leo's shirt and take it and his undershirt off. She kissed his chest, in turn scraping her teeth gently over his nipples. That did it for him, and he picked her up and set her on the bed. Glad to see how much she affected him and elated at how well things had worked out, she nearly giggled. But his intent gaze took that right out of her.

  Instead, she slowly removed her own top. She lingered before taking her bra off, giving him a questioning look. He growled and reached to pull it off her himself, but she swatted his hand away. Appeased, though, she undid the clasp and slowly pushed it down her arms. She loved the way his eyes followed her every motion. Finally Skylar shimmied out of her pants and underwear.

  Leo shucked his own pants and joined her on the bed, his muscled body covering hers. His mouth claimed hers again, and she had no doubts that she belonged to him, body and soul. And that was just the way she liked it. His hands moved down her sides, playing his thumbs across her nipples. Skylar moaned and threaded her fingers through his hair. She pushed the tie that held it back out of the way, and used the leverage to crush his mouth to hers.

  Then she got impatient and thrust her hips up into his. He got the idea and guided himself into her. She moaned, he moaned, and they moaned together. Leo thrust, and she pushed right back. She kissed up his neck to nibble on his ear. That just inflamed him to go harder.

  Finally, when he was losing his ability to hold on, he slipped a finger between them and massaged her clit. She screamed out her release, and he followed. Then they fell back together, spent.

  When she caught her breath, Skylar suggested that they go down and see if Dymphna had returned. “She helped calm me down earlier,” Skylar explained. “I was really hurt that you would exclude me from events like that.”

  “And you were right to be. I wasn't treating you like the gift you are.”

  She blushed. “Thanks.”

  They got dressed again and headed downstairs.

  “Delicious dinner,” Dymphna called as she heard them on the stairs. “I guess you've made up.”

  Skylar blushed, but Leo responded, “We sure did. She told me my place, and I'm going to make sure to treat her like she should be treated. So we're getting our marriage license tomorrow, and she's going to meet my colleagues as my wife at the party on Wednesday. At the next Coven meeting Friday, I'm going to introduce her to the rest of the Coven as my bond-mate. She deserves to be part of my life, and she will be.”

  “Good to hear it. You going to join me for a movie?”


  Leo and Skylar sat down on the couch, and he gathered her near to him. She rested her head on his chest and felt content. Now if she could just bring herself to tell him how much she loved him. But she didn't want to endanger what they had if he didn't feel the same way. So she kept quiet. For now.

  The next day, Leo couldn't wait for noon. He loved talking to patients and helping them make their dreams come true, but today he was nearly tapping his foot to get through the day. At 11:45, his new secretary tapped the button to let him know Skylar had arrived. When his appointment was done, he came out and wrapped her in a big hug.

  “Missed you. How was class?”

  “The clock didn't move fast enough.”

  “Same here. Let's get going.”

  It didn't take long to get the paperwork done. One of Leo's father Drake's legacies was the exception to the waiting period on witches' marriages. If both parties were registered witches, they could be officially married the same day as they filed the paperwork. The law, at least in Massachusetts, recognized that the marriage ceremony, so to speak, had already happened.

  Leo felt better for having the official documentation to make Skylar his wife. “I still haven't gotten a ring for you, but I will,” he promised.

  “I know you will. Now get back to the office. I've got to go to the Social Security office now with our marriage license and get my name changed, then over to the DMV to do the same thing.”

  “I like that you're taking my name.”

  “The whole Ward family has been so accepting of me, considering me part of the family as soon as I met you all. My own br
other didn't support our relationship, but your family has welcomed me with open arms. It's an honor to be able to carry that name.”

  He kissed her. “Well, I'll see you at home.”

  “See you at home.”

  The rest of the day seemed to swim by for Leo. He had done it: he had finally taken a wife. He finished his paperwork early, and headed to downtown Boston to pick out a ring. He already felt bad about marrying her without the ring, and he wasn't going to make her wait. Besides, he wanted to see his claim on Skylar glistening on her finger for the world to see.

  Leo took his time choosing the perfect ring. He wanted something that would be unique, but not tacky. He finally chose a diamond with two sapphires set on either side. The cashier was surprised when he turned down financing to pay it all upfront. He had the money, and he rarely used it. It might as well go to something really special for Skylar.

  He hid the ring in the car before he went in the house, though. Leo planned to give it to her right before the party. He debated within himself whether he should also take that opportunity to confess that he had fallen in love with her or not. He didn't want to push her or make her feel responsible for saying the same, especially if she didn't feel the way he did. Still without deciding, he pulled up to the house.

  Before she knew it, Wednesday afternoon arrived. Skylar could feel her heart thumping from nerves. Maybe meeting his colleagues was too soon. Maybe she should have left well enough alone. But she was his wife, and she needed to take ownership of the position. She needed to show Leo's friends and co-workers that she deserved to be a Ward, and that she did it well.

  The dress she had bought yesterday afternoon was pretty stunning. It could possibly be considered business casual, but the v shaped neckline plunged a little too low for that description. Not to mention that it was pretty form-fitting, which again would be less than business appropriate. It was bright blue, and she paired it with blue heels.

  While she was applying her makeup, Leo entered the room behind her.

  “I thought we were going to meet there,” she objected.

  “I wanted to arrive with you on my arm to let everyone know exactly who you are to me. And I've got something for you.” He produced a ring box.

  “Really?” She asked excitedly. Then she gasped when she saw the ring inside. It was stunning. “Oh Leo!”

  “Do you like it?”

  “I love it! Thank you!” Then she produced her own ring box. “This one's for you.” She felt ill at ease. After so much time at the diner, she didn't have the kind of cash available that Leo did. His ring wasn't nearly as nice as the one she now wore. She blushed as he opened it.

  Leo took it out reverently. “Thank you. It means a lot to me that you got me a ring as well.”

  “Just like I am yours, you are mine. I wanted to show that off.”

  He kissed her slowly. “Indeed. I want that ring to show the world that you're the woman I love.”

  She pulled back and searched his eyes. “You love me?”

  “So much. I didn't expect to, but I do. You don't have to say anything.” She could see what it took for him to say that.

  “But I want to. I love you too. I've been keeping that bottled up because I didn't know if you felt the same.”

  “Look at us: cowards both.”

  Skylar smiled. “No reason to be cowards anymore. Just as long as we're together, we won't need to worry about that.”

  “No indeed. Now let's get to that party.”

  They took his car over to the hospital, and he led her up to the conference room with her hand in his elbow. He obviously could feel her nerves through his magic because he squeezed her hand before they went in. “I love you,” he whispered. “They'll love you too.”

  She smiled and nodded.

  At first, no one noticed their entrance. Leo took advantage of that to make their way over to a seated elderly man. There were a good number of people grouped around him, and yet, when he saw Leo, he gestured him over.

  Leo smiled and shook the man's hand eagerly. “I'm glad to see you're finally retiring, old man.” His smile was warm and genuine, and Skylar got the feeling that this was a man who Leo really respected.

  “There comes a time for all of us. I know I'm leaving tomorrow for a transatlantic cruise with my wife. I'll be in no rush to come home either except to see the kids. I plan to take full advantage of all the time I've got.”

  “Sounds like a great plan to me.”

  “So now that I'm old and retired, I can be blunt. When are you going to get your own reason to go home at night?”

  Leo's lazy smile spread across his face. “I actually already have. Meet Skylar, the beautiful woman I have the honor of escorting here.”

  “Nice to meet you, Skylar. I'm Gary Cross.”

  “Gary was my mentor through my residency, and we've remained close since,” Leo explained. They both seemed nearly oblivious to the people around them. But Skylar could feel their eyes. She could feel them considering her and her relationship with Leo.

  “You've never brought a woman around before,” Leo's mentor observed. “Does that mean this is serious?”

  “Extremely so. I've already married her,” Leo said proudly.

  “You move fast. I approve. I'm glad you were able to tie this one down. He's a good man.”

  “I know, Dr. Cross.”

  “Call me Gary, please.”

  “We shouldn't keep you from your guests for much longer,” Leo commented. “We're going to go mingle.”

  “Congratulations to both of you, and I'll give you a call when I get back, alright Leo?”

  “Sounds great. If I don't see you before you leave, have a great trip.”

  “Thank you.”

  Leo guided Skylar over to the refreshment table. But before they got there, another doctor caught Leo by the shoulder. “Is it true then, Leo? You got married?”

  “Yes it is. This is my wife, Skylar Ward. Skylar, meet Rich Baylor, a talented cardiologist.”

  “Nice to meet you, Skylar. It's good to see Leo with a woman. But do be careful,” he said in an exaggerated whisper, “There are a lot of sharks disguised as women who wanted to snag Leo as their own.”

  Skylar laughed. She liked Rich immediately. “You'll protect me though, right?”

  “Absolutely. I'll consider it my sworn duty to console some of these nicely single young ladies.” He winked and headed off, promising to catch up with Leo later.

  Indeed, after they had put some appetizers on a plate, they got stopped by a woman. “What do you think you're doing?” She hissed at Skylar. “Leo's mine. We've dated for years.”

  Skylar's heart stopped for a moment. But then she saw Leo glaring daggers at the other woman, and she figured it would work out fine. “We slept together, Melissa. I told you there was nothing permanent before we entered into any kind of relationship. A relationship which, if you'll remember, I called off months ago. Now if you'll excuse us...”

  The other woman, Melissa, raised a hand as if to strike Skylar. But Skylar was too fast for her and grabbed the other woman's hand. “I know that Leo is a great man, and you're just mad that you can't have him anymore. But I'd advise you to lower your hand and leave both of us alone in the future.” She said it nicely and calmly, even though her insides were squirming. Melissa glared at her, and walked away.

  “Nice move,” Leo whispered and kissed her cheek. “You should know she meant nothing to me, especially not compared to you.”

  “I know.” Skylar grinned.

  After that incident, the only people who approached them were friendly. Skylar liked a lot of Leo's co-workers, and she was glad she had been there to meet them and to see Leo's mentor off into retirement.

  When they got back out to Leo's car, he gave her a big kiss. “You did marvelously.”

  “Thank you.”

  “I'm glad I brought you today.”

  “I'm glad you feel that way. I liked your friends and co-workers.”

bsp; “And the ones that matter to me liked you too. I told you they would.”

  “You did say that. But now I've got to meet the Coven.”

  “That will be easier. For one thing, I didn't sleep with any of them. Besides, they'll understand better what happened between us. Not to mention that my family will all be standing behind you there.”

  “That's true indeed.”

  “Besides, we're victorious today. Don't worry about the future when you can think about the victory today.”

  Dymphna was waiting for them when they got home.

  “How did it go?”

  “Great. Skylar was charming, and even stood up to one of the women I used to sleep with.”

  “Good for you, Skylar. Way to solidify your position.”

  “Thank you.”

  “So what's next?”

  “I've been cutting my classes over at the Coven House short, so I've got to go rededicate myself over there. Then, I suppose, the monthly Coven meeting on Friday.”

  “Can I give you some advice there?”

  “Please do.”

  “Stick close to one of us. There's been a lot of people trying to grab power away from Seb. They won't do it directly, of course, but if they can get to him through you...”

  “I see.”

  “If they can say you're a weakness in the Ward family at all, we might have a problem.”

  “I understand.”

  Leo smiled at her and grabbed her hand. “You'll do fine. Just be who you are, and don't let anyone push you around.”

  Dymphna nodded solemnly. “Remember that you've got Justin for backup if anything goes awry.”

  “Why Justin in particular?”

  “He may look like he's all fun, games, and women, but as Head of Coven Protection, he's a force to be reckoned with.”

  “Good to know.”

  The next day, Skylar worked with Timothy on casting fireballs. She was getting good at making one that hovered over her hand, and was feeling quite proud of herself.

  “Good work. Now can you throw it?”


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