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Dragon Bites [Dragon Love 5] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 10

by Jane Jamison

  * * * *

  How can I be bone tired and still want to have sex with them?

  Colby took a sip of the wine Ed handed to her. Although it had taken several hours, they’d managed to get all the horses into the pen. An open pen wasn’t the best place to keep horses, especially ones that were still skittish from the fire, but it was the best they could for now. Charlie and the others had promised to drop by tomorrow and get to work on building a temporary shelter for a few of the horses. The others would have to be in the pasture or taken to other ranches for safekeeping.

  “You did good out there.”

  She smiled at Darton. “Yeah. I’ll admit it took me a while to get my nerves under control, but I think I did okay.”

  Fortunately, Charlie and the other men had ropes and even a few halters in their trucks. She’d thought she’d have to drag one of the horses back to the ranch by tugging on his mane.

  “You look wiped out.” Jax held up his hands defensively. “Not that you don’t still look amazing. Just a little worn out is all. No offense.”

  “None taken. You’re right.” She toed off her new boots and winced at the start of a blister on her heel. “I wish I’d broken these boots in before I came.”

  “Here. Let me see.”

  She held back a sigh as Ed sat beside her and put her feet in his lap. Yet when his callused hands took hold of her sore feet, she couldn’t help but let out a moan. How could rough hands feel so damn good? “Oh my God. If you ever decide to give up ranching, you could make a killing as a masseur.” His fingers worked magic, kneading and rubbing until she was practically purring.

  “What can I say? I’m a man of many talents.”

  “He’s not the only talented one around here.”

  She startled a bit, caught off guard by Darton as he pressed his hands to her aching shoulders.

  “Just relax, honey, and let me work out the kinks.”

  Kinks. The other meaning of that word had her thoughts jumping to the attic. So far, they hadn’t had time to get all of her father’s sexual items out. Not that she cared to use them. The fact that they were her father’s kept her from wanting to ever touch them, much less find out how they worked. But she had to admit—if only to herself—that since seeing the items, she’d wondered what it would be like to experience a walk on the wilder side of sex. She wouldn’t want to go a long way on that particular road, but a short, albeit milder trip might be fun. What would it be like to be tied down and spanked by the three amazingly hot cowboys who were already making her feel so damn good?

  Jax took her wine from her, set it on the coffee table, and then began rubbing her hands between his. “Feeling better?”

  “Yes, but give me back my drink.” Was she so tired her few sips of wine had already gone to her head? Or was the sensation of their hands massaging her body giving her the blissful feeling? Blissful with a side order of craving.

  “Do you want me to stop?” His mouth crooked to the side. “I’ll have to turn your hands loose if that’s what you want me to do.”

  “No, don’t let go.” Never let go.

  “Where’s Melly?” asked Darton. His firm hands worked at the knots in the muscles of her shoulders.

  “She went to bed early. I don’t want her to go, but she’s heading home tomorrow. She said her apartment got flooded when the upstairs neighbor left the water running in the bathtub.”

  Was Melly telling her the truth? It sounded like an excuse Melly would’ve used to leave a date-gone-wrong. Plus, it would be just like her friend to leave so Colby could be alone with the men. She’d miss her friend, but the idea of staying in the house alone with Jax, Ed, and Darton was appealing.

  “Damn, that sucks.” Ed slid his palm along her leg, slipping over her knee then her inner thigh and upward to the top of her jeans. “Take these off.”

  She’d started to reach for the button before she realized what she was doing. Or was it because she already knew what she wanted to do? Still, she paused. “I don’t know if this is a good idea.”

  “Sure it is. It’s a great idea.” Darton bent low and replaced one hand with his mouth then with his teeth.

  She moaned and tilted her head to the side, giving him better access.

  “Unless you’re too tired,” said Jax. “If you are, don’t worry about it. You don’t have to do anything except lie back and relax.”

  “That’s all?” She giggled and reached for his hair. It was strange that a man’s hair could feel so soft. She half expected everything about them to be tough, rugged, textured with hard work like their hands. “What if I want to do more?”

  “Whatever you do will be great.” Ed put his hand over hers and moved it to the button at the top of her jeans.

  “Can I ask you a question?”

  “Sure, babe, ask away.”

  “Have you ever tied a woman up before?” There. She’d stepped over the line. Could she turn back? Did she want to?


  She gaped at Jax. “None of you? Ever?” She’d gotten the impression that they were a lot more experienced than she.

  “What he means is that we’ve tied up a few girls but never a woman. You’re our first real woman.”

  Darton scoffed. “Shit, Jax. That doesn’t sound pervy at all.”

  She grinned, knowing what Jax must’ve meant. Still, she couldn’t help but tease them. “Please tell me you’re not perverts who go after teenage girls trolling chat rooms.”

  “Not a chance, honey.” Darton slipped his hands along her arms then over to her sides. One quick tug and he had her T-shirt up and over her head before she knew what was going on. “But the others before you weren’t real women like you. They didn’t know what they wanted out of life, and they sure wouldn’t have had the nerve to go after it. If they’d had the night you just had, they would’ve gotten out of here as fast as they could sign the sale papers.”

  Where had her jeans gone? Sure, she’d felt them leave her body, but she’d been too engrossed in watching the movement of Darton’s mouth to notice or remember when or how. The breeze of the air conditioner swept over her flesh, chilling her.

  “Do you want to get tied up, babe?”

  She chewed on her lower lip, not contemplating if she wanted to or not but how to answer in a way that wouldn’t show how nervous she was. “Yes…but not with anything from upstairs. I don’t judge my father for his sexual fun, but I don’t want to share his things. If you know what I mean.”

  “We get it.” Ed started unbuttoning his shirt. “Is this your first time playing with a little bondage?”

  She nodded, suddenly even more nervous. Was she taking a huge risk? She’d met them only a day earlier, and already she was thinking about letting them restrain her? Yet she felt as though she knew them. How many others would’ve done what they’d already done for her? Only good, trustworthy men would’ve acted the way they had. When she’d needed help, they’d offered it. When she or her livestock were in danger, they were by her side. All without expecting anything in return. If they’d wanted, they could’ve taken her before now any number of times, in any number of ways they’d fancied.

  Jax took her by the chin, turning her his way. “You can trust us, Colby, but if you get scared for any reason, you just say the word and we stop. Understood?”


  “Good. Then let’s show our woman how much we want her,” added Darton.

  Her breath caught in her throat as she was suddenly lifted off the couch cushion and on to the top of the couch. Darton supported her, his large hands planted on her hips, her back resting against his chest. He lifted her arms, stretching them to the side.

  “What are you doing?” The question came and went with Darton’s nibbles along her shoulder.

  “You’ll find out soon enough.” Ed stood and shrugged off his shirt. Instead of letting it fall to the floor, however, he twirled it around, twisting it into a rope. Then, taking her wrist, he wrapped it around and tugged i
t tight. He yanked on the shirt, changing it from a shirt into a rope. His face darkened with need as he wrapped the other end around his own wrist. They were joined together as securely as though they’d shared a pair of handcuffs.

  “Good idea.” Jax tugged off his shirt and repeated what Ed had done. He pressed a light kiss to her pulse before wrapping his shirt around her wrist. Yanking, he pulled the makeshift rope taut.

  “Hold her tight, boys.”

  She wobbled a little but felt safer as Jax and Ed pulled on the ropes. “I’m going to fall off.”

  “The most important part of this whole thing is trust. We won’t let you fall.” Darton shoved the zipper of his jeans down, toeing off his boots, and then shimmied his jeans over his lean hips and onto the floor. Her attention went to his fully erect and ready cock as it sprang free from its confines.

  Jax and Ed worked on their jeans with one hand as they, too, heeled off their boots. Their eyes glittered with primal need as Darton pushed the coffee table away then went to his knees on the cushion in front of her.

  With a wicked gleam in his black eyes, he caressed one leg then the other. Her panties were gone with one quick tug. “Spread ’em, honey. I’m going to taste your sweet cream.”

  Heat wrapped around her as though a warm, wet blanket had been placed over her. Her breath came in pants. Her body leapt into high gear, heart beating far too fast, almost as fast as the throbbing between her legs.

  Bright spots of red burst into Darton’s eyes as he put his head between her legs and pressed his face to her pussy. She let out a scream, remembered that Melly was still in the house, and gritted her teeth to keep from crying out again.

  The sensation of his mouth surrounding her pussy and his tongue lapping across her clit made her shudder. She didn’t worry about falling off any longer. Not when the shirt-ropes that held her to the other men were pulled taut.

  She was caught like a prisoner between two of her captors. The third vanquished her pussy, using his tongue then his teeth then adding his fingers. He plunged his fingers into her, driving in again and again as he caught her clit between his teeth and tortured her nub with the rapid movement of his tongue. She moaned, unable to not make any sound at all and no longer caring if Melly woke up, came downstairs, and saw what they were doing.

  The stubble along Darton’s chin tickled the creases of her legs. His strong shoulders pushed against the back of her thighs. One hand worked her pussy, fingers sliding in and out, as the other found its way underneath her rump. A finger pushed into her anus, at first stunning her, then thrilling her as her tight muscles gave way to his attack.

  When Darton sat back, she wanted to scream at him to come back, to not leave her hanging on the edge of the climatic cliff. His rapt look silenced her. Tilting his head to the side, he took hold of her bra and tore it away. She almost cried when he turned his attention away from her to look at first Jax then Ed.

  “I’m first.”

  Was it a challenge or a declaration?

  Had Ed just snarled? Yet the sound was more like the growl of a beast than a humanlike snarl.

  Darton chuckled then moved off the couch. “Front or back, honey? Got a preference?”

  Did he really expect her to answer? She wanted him any way he cared to have her.

  “No answer? Then I’ll choose.”

  He was behind her again, his body oh-so warm, warmer than she would’ve imagined anyone’s body could ever get and still be alive. He yanked her back until her bottom hung precariously over the back of the couch then pushed against her spine, forcing her to lean forward. Jax and Ed moved closer, their unbound hands finding her tits. She moaned as they massaged her nipples, impossibly making them even harder than they already were.

  She felt the wet tip of Darton’s cock a moment before it pierced her pussy. Her head swam, and her heart skipped a beat. His thick, long cock pushed at her pussy walls, demanding leeway and found it. “Oh God.”

  “Easy, honey.” Darton gripped her hip with one hand, keeping her with him.


  She jolted as the sting from his slap splintered along the flesh of her butt cheek. Pain splintered into her, startling her at first. But soon the surprise changed to excitement.


  The second spank was harder than the first. She moaned, loving the rippling effect of the sting as it flowed through her flesh.

  “Do you like that, honey?” He clutched her hair and yanked it back, hard enough to get her attention along with a little pain but not hard enough to really hurt. “Tell me you like it.”

  “I do.” But she didn’t like it. She loved it.

  “Good.” Another spanking came, sizzling through her skin. It was followed by a third and fourth.

  She whimpered as he drove his cock deeper. She gripped the shirt-ropes, squeezing until her hands hurt. Her hair hung in her face, but she could see Jax and Ed as they watched, their eyes brightened with spots of red. Her body trembled under Darton’s rampage, and she thrilled with each new slap. A tendril of smoke, barely noticeable, snaked out of Jax’s mouth and drifted toward the ceiling.

  Red spots in their eyes and now smoke? I’m seeing things.

  She was lost, under Darton’s control. Unable to move, she submitted herself to him and enjoyed every touch, every thrust. When her climax struck, she found herself not ready for the tumultuous avalanche thundering through her.

  Darton groaned, the sound mimicking a growl again, then pulled out. “Damn but she’s tight.”

  “Let me find out,” muttered Jax, his voice a guttural version of its normal tone.

  She eased forward when they turned loose of the shirt-ropes. Slipping, she landed on her knees but didn’t stay there long. Once more she was lifted upward, then turned around to face the back of the couch. This time she wasn’t the one sitting on the back of the couch. Jax had taken her spot.

  He pulled her to him and wrapped her legs around his waist as he clutched a handful of her hair. “We want you, Colby. Know that this isn’t just sex.”

  “Uh-huh.” She couldn’t find more words than those.


  She sucked in a breath as Jax positioned his cock at her entrance. Jerking her head back, he shot her a wicked grin then shoved his cock inside her pussy. The friction Darton had left was renewed as Jax’s cock slid back and forth. He lifted her up and down as he thrust into her, bouncing her breasts for him to play with. Instinctively, her body undulated, moving back and forth, side to side, driving hard against him to push his cock deeper inside her. Jax leaned precariously backward, the muscles in his chest, abdomen, and arms tensing to keep from falling.

  Ed placed a kiss on the small of her back and skimmed his hands along her butt cheeks. “Your ass is nice and pink, babe. Let’s keep it that way.”


  The spank stung her and sent shock waves along her butt cheeks. Silently, she urged him to spank her again.

  She moaned and arched her back, offering Jax her tits. His teeth added another kind of pain to the mix of sensations. Never having been spanked before, she hadn’t realized how stimulating it could be. “Do it again.”

  Ed laughed. “Sure thang, babe.” Another spanking came, slicing through her to send the sharp sting all the way to her pussy. The next one was even better.

  He spread her butt cheeks and eased his cock against her protesting tight rings. “Don’t worry, babe. With us, you don’t need lube. It’ll hurt a little, but it’ll soon pass.”

  His cock was inside her before she had time to yelp at the flash of pain of his entry. Instead, her cry came from the joy filling her. She’d never felt so womanly. They’d been right. She was a woman and not a girl, but it was they who had transformed her.

  Her body glistened with perspiration, and yet none of the men seemed overheated. Moaning, she closed her eyes and concentrated on the scintillating emotions whirling from one part of her into another. The orgasm began growing, picking up speed with every thr
ust of their cocks.

  The sting of Jax’s bite on her breast was unexpected, yet as soon as the pain subsided, she wanted to feel it again. “Bite me again.”

  Red mixed with the green of his eyes. Grinning, he bit her on the other tit.

  “Red in your eyes. Why?” Forming complete sentences was more than she could handle.

  “Don’t talk. Fuck,” ordered Ed as he rammed into her again. He silenced her for good with a nip on her back.

  “Bite me.” Her command was for both Jax and Ed. And both of them complied.

  Dizziness threatened to take her as she held on, her body moving, her mind going into autopilot. She’d never been treated this way and didn’t want it to end.

  Jax’s bellow heralded his release as he lifted her off him then pulled out of her and fell away. She groaned her disappointment as he moved away.

  Ed turned her head to face him and captured her lips with his. With an animal-like grunt, he slammed into her again. His hand covered her breast as his mouth covered hers.

  Her orgasm hit her hard and fast, plunging her headlong into the abyss. Darkness overtook dizziness then cleared as Ed ended the kiss to shout his own release. Her climax followed on the heels of his, thundering through her and taking all the strength she had.

  Collapsing against the couch, her body went limp, and her mind finally gave in. Vaguely, she felt one of them take her into his arms. She tried to open her eyes but couldn’t find the energy as they ascended the stairs and she was gently lowered to her bed. Wet warmth rubbed over her naked body, and her mind registered the fact that they were cleaning her off. She moaned, begging them to stay, but she was the one to leave, exhaustion leading to sleep.

  * * * *

  Colby had already known how good the people in Brimstone were, but she was floored by their kindness. As she walked along the sidewalk, going to the hardware store as well as ordering more supplies for the ranch, she was stopped several times by those she knew and those she didn’t. Each person, however, passed on their condolences for her father’s death. That she’d expected. Yet, when a group of her neighbors, including Charlie, had approached her to tell her that they were chipping in to help pay for the materials needed for a “good old-fashioned barn-raising,” she’d been brought close to tears. They’d promised to spend as long as it took to build the barn, and until then, they’d help her with whatever she needed from sheltering her horses to hauling in feed for her cattle. Even now, as she stood watching the cars, mostly pickups, easing down the main street, she was still stunned by how giving her new friends and neighbors were.


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