Pound for Pound
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Oates, Joyce Carol. On Boxing. Hopewell, N.J.: Ecco Press, 1994.
Pacheco, Ferdie. The 12 Greatest Rounds of Boxing: The Untold Stories. Toronto: Sport Classic Books, 2003.
Parks, Gordon. Voices in the Mirror: An Autobiography. New York: Doubleday, 1990.
Remnick, David. King of the World: Muhammad Ali and the Rise of an American Hero. New York: Vintage Books, 1999.
Robinson, Jackie, with Alfred Duckett. I Never Had It Made. New York: G. P. Putnam’s Sons, 1972.
Robinson, Sugar Ray, with Dave Anderson. Sugar Ray: The Sugar Ray Robinson Story. New York: Da Capo, 1994.
Sammons, Jeffrey T. Beyond the Ring: The Role of Boxing in American Society. Urbana and Chicago: University of Illinois Press, 1990.
Schoor, Gene. Sugar Ray Robinson. Paris: Hachette, 1952.
Sugar, Bert Randolph, ed. The Ring: 1981 Record Book and Boxing Encyclopedia. n.p.: Ring Publishing Corporation, 1981.
Tosches, Nick. The Devil and Sonny Liston. New York: Little, Brown and Company, 2000.
Wiley, Ralph. Serenity: A Boxing Memoir. New York: Henry Holt, 1989.
Wilson, Sunnie, with John Cohassey. Toast of the Town: The Life and Times of Sunnie Wilson. Detroit: Wayne State University Press, 1998.
Young, Coleman, with Lonnie Wheeler. Hard Stuff: The Autobiography of Mayor Coleman Young. New York: Viking, 1994.
Abrams, George
Abyssinian Baptist Church
Addie, Johnny
Adler, Larry
African Americans:
in France
military service of
northern migration of
poverty and unemployment of
see also black churches; Black Muslims; black nationalism; civil rights movement; racism; slavery
Alcatrez prison
Ali, Muhammad
SRR and
Ali, Sonji
Allen, Fred
Allen, Woody
Alvin Theater
Ambers, Lou
Amos ‘n’ Andy,
Amsterdam News,
Anderson, Dave
Angelou, Maya,
Angott, Sammy
Apollo Theater
Arcel, Ray
Archer, Joey
Arizmendi, Baby
Armstrong, Henry “Hammering Hank,”
early life of
featherweight, welterweight, and lightweight championships held simultaneously by
SRR and
Zivic’s defeats of
Armstrong, Louis “Satchmo,”
Army, U.S.
Special Services unit of
Army Air Corps:
SRR’s honorable discharge from
SRR’s service in
Asner, Ed
Atkins, Larry
Auriol, Madame Vincent
Austin, Charles
Ayon, Memo
Baker, Josephine
Baldwin, James
Bandy, Robert
Bardot, Brigitte
Barnes, Johnny
Barrow, Joe. See Louis, Joe
Barthwell’s Drug Stores
color barrier broken in
minor vs. major league
Basie, Count
Basilio, Carmen
Beecham, Jimmy
Belafonte, Harry
Bell, Tommy
Belloise, Steve
Bennett, Roscoe
Bent, Rudolf
Berger, Phil
Bill Haley and the Comets
Bingham, Howard
Black, Hubert Julian
Blackburn, Jack “Chappie,”
black churches
Black Muslims
black nationalism
Body and Soul,
Bolger, Ray
Bomtemps, Arna
Bonomi, John Gurnee
Booksinger, Benny
Born Yesterday (Kanin)
Boston Post,
betting on
bootleg matches in
exhibition matches in
golden age of
importance of gyms
injury and scarring in
mobster connections in
nontitle bouts in
official weigh-ins in
radio broadcasts of
rhythm and pacing in
rules of
segregation in
sexual abstinence and
television broadcasts of
weight divisions in
Boxing Hall of Fame,
Boxing Writers’ Association (BWA)
Braca, Ernie
Braddock, James
Braithwaite, William Stanley
Bratton, Johnny
Brenner, Teddy
Brewer, Clyde
Brewer, Marie Smith
Brewster Center
Brill Building
Brimm, Henry
Brion, Cesar
Bromberg, Lester
Brooklyn Dodgers
Brooks, Pat,
Brown, Bundini
Brown, Panama
Brown Bomber (Nagler)
Brown vs. Board of Education,
Bruce, Lenny
Bruce, Millie. See Robinson, Millie Bruce
Bryant, Willie,
Buchanan, Bessie
Buchanan, Charlie
Buffalo, Gene
Bunche, Ralph
Burley, Dan
Burman, Red
Burton, Gene
Burton, Richard
Cabelle, Skeets
Callahan, Mushy
Campanella, Roy
Camp Sibert
Canadian Ace Brewing Company
Cannon, Jimmy
Canzoneri, Tony
Carbo, Frankie
Carol, Martine
Carpentier, Georges
Carver Federal Savings and Loan
Casson, Ira
Castellani, Rocky
Castro, Fidel
Catskill Mountains
Cayton, Bill
Cecil Hotel
Cerdan, Marcel
Champion Coat and Apron Company
Charles, Ezzard
Chevalier, Maurice
Chicago Stadium
Childress, Alvin
Chocolate, Kid
Churchill, Savannah
civil rights movement
Clark, Kenneth
Clark, Mamie
Clay, Cassius. See Ali, Muhammad
Cochrane, Red
Cocteau, Jean
Cole, Nat “King,”
Collins, James
Concord Baptist Church
Condon, John
Conn, Billy
Connelly, Michael
Connie’s Inn
Conrad, Robert
Considine, Bob
Cooke, Sam
Cooper Junior High SchooL
Corum, Bill
Costner, George
Cotton Club
Count Basie Band
Cox, Danny
Crosby, Bing
Crummell, Alexander
Cullen, Countee
Cullen, Reverend
Daily News
Daily Worker
Daley, Arthur
Daley, Chuck
Damon Runyon Memorial Fund for
Cancer Research
Dana, Robert
Dandridge, Dorothy
Daniels, Ron
Darcel, Denise
Dark Ghetto (Clark)
Dave’s Vegetable and Meat Market
Davis, Miles
Davis, Sammy, Jr.
Dawson, James
Delannoit, Cyrille
Dempsey, Jack
; De Niro, Robert
Depression, Great
Detective, The,
Black Bottom area of
black enterprise in
discrimination and segregation in
industry and labor in
nightclubs and bars in
North End of
Paradise Valley area of
population of
Southern black migration to
SRR’s early years in
SRR’s fight appearances in
suburbs of
violence and crime in
Detroit News
Detroit Tigers
Detroit Times,
Devil and Sonny Liston, The (Tosches)
Diago, Yvette
Dixon, Sylvia
Docusen, Bernard
Dorham, Kenny
Dorough, Bob
Downes, Terry
Doyle, Jimmy
Du Bois, Herman
Duke Ellington Orchestra
Dundee, Angelo
Dunn, Katherine
Dunphy, Don
Dundee, Jimmy
Dupas, Ralph
Durelle, Yvon
Early, Gerald
Echeverria, Joe
Edden, Erskine
Edgar, Jimmy
Edna Mae’s Lingerie Shoppe
Ed Sullivan Show, The
Edward J. Neil Memorial Plaque
Edwards, Clint
Eisenhower, Dwight D.
Elia, Joseph C.
Ellington, Duke
Ellis, Emil K.
Ellison, Ralph
Empire State Building
Estatoff, Georges
Evans, Mike
Faubus, Orval
Fetchit, Stepin
“Fifth Avenue Uptown” (Baldwin)
Finazzo, Eddie
Fine, Sidney
Fitzgerald, Jim
Fleischer, Nat
Flowers, Theodore “Tiger,”
Ford, Henry
Ford, Kid
Ford Motor Company
Forrest, Vernon
Fort Dix
Fox, Billy
Foxx, Red
FREE Theatre Project
Fried, Ronald K.
Fullmer, Gene
Fusari, Charley
Gainford, George
SRR trained by
Galento, “Two Ton” Tony
Gans, Panama Joe
Garcia, Ceferino
Garfield, John
Gavilan, Kid
SRR’s bout with
Giambra, Joey
Giardello, Joey
Gibson, Althea
Gibson, Truman
Gillespie, Dizzy
Gillette Blue Blades
Gilman’s Training Camp
Glaser, Joe
Gleason’s Gym
Godoy, Arturo
Golden Gate Ballroom
Golden Glovers barbershop
Golden Gloves,
Golden Gloves tournament
Goldman, Herb
Goldstein, Ruby
Gonzales, Babs
Gonzalez, Gerardo. See Gavilan, Kid
Gonzalez, Manuel
Gordy, Berry
Gossett, Louis
Graham, Billy
Grand Rapids Press,
Grant, Donald L., 8Graziano, Rocky
Greatest, The (Ali)
Greaves, Wilf
Green, Benny
Greenberg, Harry
Greenwood Lake
Greshler, Abner J.
Griffith, Emile
Gross, Milton
Grupp’s Gym
Halloran Hospital
Hamill, Pete
Hard Stuff (Young)
business and commerce in
Castro and Khrushchev visit to
crime and violence in
hotels in
Josephine Baker Day in
nightspots, music and dancing in
police brutality in
poverty, hunger and unemployment in
race riots in
Harlem Renaissance
Harlem River
Harlem Youth Act (HARYOUACT)
Harrington, Stan
Harry Wiley’s Gym
Hart, Kitty Carlisle
Harvard University
Harvey, Cedric
Hayes, Charley
Hayes, Gabby
Headley, Mike
Health and Hospital Corporation of New York
Hearns, Tommy
Heart of a Woman, The (Angelou)
Hecht, Gerhard
Helfand, Julius
Heller, Peter
Hennessy, Sam
Hern, Gerry
Hernandez, Art
Holiday, Billie
Holliday, Judy
Holloman, Charlotte
Holly, Alonzo Potter Burgess
Holly, Ellen
Holly, James Theodore
Holly, James Theodore, Jr.
Holly, Lucia Webb Edden
Holly, Vernon Rose Edden
Hollywood Legion Stadium group
Holstein, Casper
Horne, Lena
Horrman, Curt
SRR managed by
Houdini, Harry
House Un–American Activities
Hubbard, Freddie
Huckleberry Finn (Twain)
Hudson River
Hughes, Langston
Hunter College
Ile de France,
Illinois Liquor Control Commission
Impellitteri, Vincent
I’m Still Swinging,
Infantes, Diego
Inner City Broadcasting Corporation
Internal Revenue Service (IRS)
International Boxing Club (IBC)
International News Service
Invisible Man (Ellison)
In Words and Music,
Jack, Beau
Jack Dempsey’s Restaurant
Jackson, Delilah
Jackson, Henry. See Armstrong, Henry
“Hammering Hank”
Jackson, Jesse
Jacobs, Mike
Jefferson, Carl
Jeffries, Jim
Jo, Damita
Johansson, Ingemar
Johnson, Bumpy
Johnson, Harold “Killer,”
Johnson, Hinton
Johnson, Jack
Jones, Doug
Jones, Ralph “Tiger,”
Jones, Soldier
Joseph, Marjorie “Marjie,”
J. R. Watkins Company
Julian, Hubert
Kahn, Roger
Kanin, Garson
Karoubi, Jimmy
Katzenbach, Nicholas
Keats, John
Keep Punching,
Kefauver, Estes
Kelly, Gene
Kennedy, John F.
Ketchel, Stanley
Khrushchev, Nikita
King, B. B.
King, Don
King of the World (Remnick)
Klein, Woody
Ku Klux Klan
Lafayette Theatre
La Guardia, Fiorello
Laine, Frankie
LaMotta, Jake “Raging Bull,”
power and popularity of
SRR’s bouts with
“St. Valentine’s Day Massacre” fight of SRR and
LaMotta, Vikki
Lang, Father
Langford, Sam
LaRover, George
Lavorante, Alejandro
Lawrenson, Helen
Lee, Canada
Lee, Spike
Lello, Pete
Leonard, Benny
Leonard, Jack E.
Leonard, Sugar Ray
LeRoy, Hal
Le Tang, Harry
Levine, Artie
Levine, Gus
Lido Pool
Liebling, A. J.
Lindsay, John
Lindsay’s Promise: The Dream That
Failed (Klein)
Lipton, Harold
Liston, Sonny
Lloyd’s of London
Logan, Arthur
Lombardo, Johnny
Long Walk to Freedom, A (Mandela),
Los Angeles
Watts riots in
Los Angeles Times,
Louis, Joe
amateur career of
birth of
business and financial affairs of
childhood and adolescence of
comedy routine of
death of
decline of
fame of
film based on life of
first professional defeat of
as heavyweight champion of the world
marriage of
name change of
official retirement of
romantic liaisons of
Schmeling’s matches with
SRR’s close relationship with
Lundgren, Birgit
Lynn, Conrad
Mabley, Moms
McMurray, Raymond
McPhatter, Clyde
McQuillen, Bobby
MacRae, Gordon
Madison Square Garden
SRR as headliner at
tribute to SRR at
Mandela, Nelson
Manhattan College
Manufacturers Trust Company
Marcel, Kid
March on Washington (1963)
Marciano, Rocky
Mardo, Bill
Markson, Harry
Matthews, Les
Maxim, Joey
Mays, Marguerite
Mays, Willie
Mead, Eddie
Meltzer, Milton
Melville, Herman
Michaelis, Charlie
Miller, Bernie
Miller, Ray
Miller, William “Pops,”
Mills, Florence
Mimo Club
Mission: Impossible
Mitchell Field
Moby Dick (Melville)
Monroe, William C.
Moore, Archie
Moore, Buddy
Motisi, Tony
Moyer, Denny
Moyer, Phil
“Mr. Success,”
Murder, Inc.
Murphy, Eddie
Murrow, Edward R.
Nagler, Barney
Naked City, The
Nardiello, Vincent
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP)
National Boxing Association
National Guard
National Urban League
Nation of Islam
Navy, U.S.
Nevada Boxing Commission
Newfield, Jack
New Granada Theater
New York Chiefs
New York City
Bronx in
Central Park in
Hell’s Kitchen section of
1965 blackout in
Staten Island in
Tin Pan Alley in
see also Harlem
New York Daily Mirror
New Yorker