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Page 7

by Sam Crescent

  “Please, Whizz, I can’t take much more.”

  “It’s okay, baby. I’ll take care of that need.” He sucked more cream off his fingers before taking her clit into his mouth. Scoring the hard bud between his teeth, he groaned at the same time she screamed. He pressed his hands on the inside her of thighs, keeping her in the same place as he attacked her clit. Licking, sucking, and biting the hard bud, he worked between sliding his tongue within her cunt to attacking her clit. He wanted her shaking with pleasure, mindless with need. Whizz wanted her to be a slut to her own desire. When it came to Lacey, he wanted to give her everything she’d missed out on. In his arms she’d embrace every passion she’d denied herself.

  The life she led hadn’t been one filled with sunshine and roses, but with pain and secrecy. He intended to change all of that, give her what no other man could give her. In that moment, Whizz knew he was going to claim her. Lacey woke a part of him that he believed had died long ago. He wasn’t dead inside when he was with Lacey. The nightmares could come and go as long as he had his woman by his side. She made him a better person just by being in her company.

  He pressed two fingers within her at the same time as licking her clit.

  “Please, Whizz, fuck me, I can’t take much more.”

  Whizz shook his head. “No, you’re going to come. I’m going to swallow down every drop.”

  She cried out, whimpering. “No, I can’t do it. Please.”

  He wouldn’t stop. Flicking her clit, he started to pump his fingers inside her like he was going to with his cock within a matter of moments.

  Her pussy tightened around his fingers.

  “Come for me, Lacey. Give it to me.” Sucking the bud into his mouth, he added a third finger into her cunt.

  She split apart, screaming his name. Her cum coated his fingers, and he used the extra lubrication to get as deep inside her as she could. Whizz didn’t stop. He didn’t want to stop until she was shaking.

  “Stop,” she said, screaming the words. He pulled back, taking his fingers from her cunt slowly.

  “I did this,” he said, holding his slick fingers for her to see. He made sure she could watch as he sucked her cream off. “You taste so fucking sweet. I’m going to want to lick you out a lot.”

  Standing up, he budged her up the bed until she lay in the center with her head on the pillows.

  “You’re not what I expected,” she said.

  Opening her thighs wide, Whizz got close to her, pressing his cock between the lips of her pussy. “Be prepared to be surprised.” He took hold of her hand, laying her fingers around his shaft. “You feel that. It’s what you do to me. No one else. You.”

  She groaned, tightening her hands around his shaft. Lacey worked from the root up to the tip, working his cock for her pleasure. He didn’t know where to look first, the pleasure on her face or where she touched his shaft. Her small fingers felt so damn good. They were warm against his cock.

  “Harder, I can handle it.”

  Lacey tightened her hand around his shaft verging on the point of pain. He groaned, throwing his head back as the pleasure worked up his body.

  “This is what I’ve imagined from the first moment I saw you, Lacey. I wanted you. I wanted to know how tight your pussy was and how it would feel wrapped around my dick.”

  When he could stand it no longer he batted her hand out of the way.

  “Now I’m going to fuck you.”


  No man had ever taken the time to lick out her pussy. Lacey felt open and exposed yet really good at the same time. Whizz was determined to drive her crazy with need. She didn’t know if there would ever be a time when she could deny him. From the first moment she’d been drawn to him like a moth is to a flame.

  “Tell me to fuck you, Lacey.”

  “I want you to fuck me.”

  He smiled, tearing away the darkness in his eyes. Whenever he smiled she always saw the man he had been before his attack.

  “Watch me.” She stared down at where they were about to become one. His cock was large, and she recalled the initial pain when he first slammed inside her. Whizz was not small. He was a big man, long, thick, and wide. She watched him wrap his fingers around the root of his cock, drawing up to the tip that was glistening with his pre-cum.

  “Have you ever tasted a man’s cum?” he asked.

  She shook her head. A fresh wave of arousal hit her. Tasting a man’s cum was too intimate for her, and it was something she couldn’t do. He slid his fingers over the tip, coating the digits with his cum. Whizz brought them to her lips. “Taste me.”

  Should she be disgusted? Disgust was the last thing she thought when she opened her mouth, swiping her tongue over the digits that held his cum. As she stared into his dark eyes, the salty taste exploded on her tongue. Closing her eyes, she released a moan, taking more of his finger within her mouth.

  “Fuck, you don’t have any idea how sexy you look right now. So fucking sexy.”

  Opening her eyes, she watched him grip his cock, pressing the engorged tip to her entrance.

  “I’ll go slowly.”

  She went to her elbows to watch him take her. The first inch slid inside her. From the way she was looking, he appeared too big to fit inside her.

  “You’re so fucking tight. I’m going to have to fuck you regularly to get you used to my size.” When another inch of his cock was inside her his hands moved to her waist to hold onto her.

  “Look at me, Lacey.”

  She stared up into his eyes. Each inch that he slid inside, she felt herself opening up to his invasion. “Please,” she said. “I’m not going to break.”

  The grip at her hips tightened a split second before he slammed in deep. In one thrust he embedded himself to the hilt inside her. She couldn’t help the groan or the wince as the pleasure became on the verge of pain. He was larger than she remembered, thicker as well.

  “Fuck, I knew I should take my time.”

  “No, it’s fine.” She held him close as he started to move away from her. “I like it.”

  He looked like he didn’t believe her.

  “I’m wet, Whizz. Please, believe me. I like it.”

  He pressed his head to hers. “I don’t want to hurt you.”

  “You’re not.” She wrapped her arms around his back as he covered her with his body. He stayed still inside her. Lacey caressed his back going down to cup his firm buttocks. How did she get so lucky to have this man want her? She didn’t know what she did to get his attention, but she wanted to keep him.

  Whizz twirled some of her hair. He didn’t move even as she felt his cock pulsing as if he wanted to move within her.

  “I love the feel of your pussy, Lacey. Do you know what I like more?”

  She shook her head.

  “That it’s all mine. No one else is going to get a chance to know how tight your pretty pussy is.”

  Staring up at him, Lacey saw he spoke the truth. She was too afraid to ask him what he meant by it. Licking her lips, she pushed some hair off her face, and stared up at him.

  “That’s right, baby, you know what I mean.”

  “Whizz, fuck me.” She wasn’t ready for whatever declaration he was going to make. He took hold of her hands, pressing them beside her head.

  “I’ll fuck you, Lacey. I’m going to have you screaming my name, and there’s going to be no room for anyone else.”

  Didn’t he realize he was the only man she wanted? Lacey realized she’d not been very good when it came to Whizz. She’d fought him at every turn when he didn’t deserve it.

  He held her hands so she had nowhere else to go. She took his weight, loving the feel of his hips between her thighs. He was rock hard. Whizz could hurt her easily, not just emotionally but physically. His strength alone took her breath away.

  “I’m not going anywhere,” she said.

  Whizz started to slide out of her. She panicked when it felt like he was about to leave her completely. With only the tip in
side her, Lacey cried out as he slammed back inside. He didn’t give her a chance to get accustomed to the second invasion. Over and over, he pounded inside her, not giving up.

  The headboard banged against the wall with the force of his thrusts. She didn’t care that others could hear them. Whizz felt too good for her to care about others hearing them.

  “Fuck, Lacey, I’m going to come.”

  The pleasure tightened her stomach, and she tried to meet him thrust for thrust. Whizz held her in place making it hard for her to move.

  He drew her hands above her head, keeping both of hers held in one of his. His other hand moved down her body, going between her legs. She cried out as his fingers started to stroke over her clit.

  “I want to feel this tight pussy come all over my cock.” He pinched her clit, stroking out the pain.

  The sensation was more than she could stand. Arching up, she came, screaming out his name, just like he’d said she would. The feel of his cock sliding inside her added to the ecstasy of the orgasm.

  She heard Whizz groan along with his thick cock jerk as he spilled his seed within her. Each pulse of his cock made her whimper. He collapsed over her. She didn’t mind the weight of him over her body.

  There was no way she could move in that moment. The world was spinning, and she closed her eyes.

  “I can’t give you up, Lacey,” he said, whispering the words against her ear.

  She forced herself to open her eyes and turn her head to look at him. “What are you trying to say?”

  “I don’t care what it takes. I’m not going to let you get away from me. I want you in my life. I don’t want to give you up.” He cupped her cheek. She smelled her scent on his fingers yet didn’t pull away. Staring into his eyes, she saw the depth of his need. This was about a hell of a lot more than sex. She didn’t know what had changed inside him in the last few hours, but she saw the evidence of it staring down at her.

  “What’s your real name?” she asked.


  “You know my name. Tell me yours.”

  His thumb ran over her lips, but he didn’t pull away. She licked her lips, touching his thumb as she did.

  “It’s Adam.”

  “Your name is Adam.”


  She smiled up at him. “It will do for now.” He released her hands, and she pressed her palm to his face. “I’m not going anywhere. There’s nowhere for me to go.”

  The club had taken it all away from her. The club’s money, their plans had gone down the moment The Skulls decided to take out the Savage Brothers. She didn’t have anything. Dalton had always taken care of her.

  The sadness came over her, and she started to wiggle out from under him.

  “Baby, what’s the matter?” he asked.

  “I need some space. Can you get out?” She started to push at his pelvis to get him away from her. Whizz pulled out of her, and she winced at the pain.

  “Lacey, honey, are you okay?”

  She wasn’t okay, not in the least. Scrambling to her feet, she stumbled through the bedroom until she landed into the bathroom. Closing the door, she flicked the lock as she stepped into the shower.

  His cum was leaking out of her pussy down the inside of her thighs. Closing the shower door, she turned the water on gasping as she was sprayed with cold water. Pushing hair out of her face, she pressed her forehead to the glass.

  You’re selfish.

  It’s all about what you want.

  Those men died because of you.

  Lacey sank to the floor of the shower as the tears filled her eyes, running down her face. Dalton’s voice played through her mind, and she couldn’t get it to stop. She’d failed him and the club.

  “Lacey, what’s going on?” Whizz asked.

  She didn’t answer him. No words would come out of her mouth. She stared at the drain, watching the water cascade down. The water was like her life. Everything was being lost, going down some kind of drain. Her family had been killed leaving her alone. She’d had the ability to carry children ripped from her. Her failed attempt at suicide had almost killed her best friend, Dalton. Why couldn’t she do anything right? The first time she connected with a man had caused her only real family to be killed.

  “Lacey, fucking answer me.”

  The sound of the door shaking under his weight filled her senses.

  You’re in love with the man who helped murder them.

  What are you doing here?

  “Stop!” She shouted the word for Whizz to stop. The guilt ate away at her, making it hard for her to bring focus to her world. Dalton, Danny, the other Savage Brothers, had all died because of her. She was in love with the man who helped make it happen.

  The knowledge of her feelings scared her.

  She heard Whizz bang against the door. It only took three full body hits for the lock to snap, and the door to spring open. Lacey didn’t move, staying underneath the now scalding hot water.

  Keeping her head down between her thighs, she shook her head.

  “Leave me alone.”

  “I’m not going to be leaving you.”

  “You killed them. You helped to kill the only family I had left.” She didn’t look up at him. She couldn’t.

  He opened the shower stall, climbing in. The door closed, and then he sat beside her.

  “It’s my fault.”

  “I’ve told you about this, Lacey. What happened to your club, to Dalton, wasn’t your fault. They were going to stay alive until they took matters into their own hands. Storming the town hall and taking down those civilians while almost killing us cemented their fate. They were going to die.”

  “No.” She shook her head.

  “Yes. It’s time for you to stop blaming yourself. The only thing you did was come and protect Butch. You came to me, and it saved your life. I lured you away, Lacey. You’re not the one to blame.”

  “But if I’d not come to you they’d be alive.”

  His arm moved over her back. Whizz didn’t make a sound as he held her for several seconds.

  “Do you really think we wouldn’t have killed them? We would have hunted your club down until we killed every last one of them. It didn’t matter if you came to see me or not, Lacey. They were going to die for what they did.”

  “I’m alive.”

  “You saved yourself by coming to me, which I’m happy about. I can handle a lot but not your death.” His arms surrounded her with warmth. She’d been cold for so long that she didn’t think it was possible to ever be warm again.

  Lacey said nothing else but accepted his touch. What else could she do?


  Sunshine flitted around the kitchen, putting ingredients away. Alex took a sip of his expensive scotch as he watched her. She was twenty-five years old with her whole life ahead of her. Whizz had given him a background check on her when he hired her. He didn’t want the deal he made with her parents to be known to The Skulls. Alex was a selfish bastard and wanted her to himself. She’d lived in Fort Wills all of her life, only leaving to go to college, but she had come back like so many people did. Alex had left Fort Wills when his family didn’t want the influence of the town. Over the years Tiny had found him, and slowly he worked his way back here. His sister, Patricia, had come back to be with the man she loved. Had she really loved Tiny? Alex didn’t know the truth.

  He wasn’t an idiot. His sister and Tiny hadn’t had the perfect marriage. She hadn’t wanted anything to do with the club. Many times he’d had to listen to her complain about the club and about Tiny. He’d reminded her that she was the one who’d wanted to marry Tiny.

  Taking another sip of his drink, he stared down the length of Sunshine’s back, wishing he knew what she looked like naked.

  She’d not spoken to him since their first encounter when he walked through the door. He heard her cleaning, yet she kept a wide berth from him. The rumors about The Skulls clearly frightened her. Was she frightened of him? She was a smart woman i
f she was. He wasn’t a good man.

  “You’ve done a good job,” he said.

  Sunshine turned around, offering him a smile.

  “Thank you, Alex.” She was still nervous around him.

  The shit the Savage Brothers had pulled had given them all more trouble than help. The town doubted their ability to take care of them. The past few years they’d all had to deal with the troubles that had faced them.

  “Are you going to eat with me?” he asked.

  He didn’t want to eat alone. Cheryl and Michael were either at the clubhouse or the hospital. The club ate when they fancied. For once he didn’t want to be alone while eating. He’d been alone for so long.

  “Erm, if you want me to.”

  “I want you to.”

  She held the towel in her hands. Was she glued to the blasted thing?

  “Okay, I’ll, erm, I’ll let you know when it’s ready.”

  “Why are you still in Fort Wills?” he asked, wanting to talk to her longer. Alex was willing to use any excuse to keep her talking. He’d paid for her, not that she knew it, and her parents had already told him everything he needed to know about her.

  “My family is here. I don’t want to be anywhere else. Besides all the bad problems the town seems to face, I like it here.” She looked at her hands before looking up at him.

  He took another sip of his drink, staring at her.

  “Why are you called Sunshine?”

  Her smile had his gut clenching.

  She’s too fucking young.

  “My mom and dad were told it would be impossible for them to have children. They’d been trying for years but couldn’t afford to pay for the help of getting pregnant. My mom got sick, and the doctors gave her the news she was pregnant. They told me I was called Sunshine because that is what I was to them. I was their little ray of sunshine.” She turned away, humming as finished drying up the dishes she washed.

  Alex thought she was adorable. There was no room in his world for adorable. The women he fucked knew the score. He didn’t do romance or anything else. When they got his attention, they knew to live by his rules or get out of the way.


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