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Page 17

by Sam Crescent

  His change in conversation made her laugh. She flung her head back, chuckling.

  “You’re completely insane, Whizz.

  He took possession of her lips once again making her moan.

  “Eww, they’re kissing, Daddy.”

  A young girl with her father passed them by. They were paddling on a surf board together.

  “Honey, leave them.”

  “Sorry,” Lacey said, burying her head against Whizz’s neck.

  “It’s all right. Sorry about my daughter.”

  They passed, and when they were far enough away Lacey groaned. “I can’t believe that just happened,” she said.

  “It happened.” He kept kissing her.

  Together they stayed in the water for a good twenty or thirty minutes. Lacey didn’t care how long they were in the water. She loved every second of her time with Whizz. He knew how to have fun. They walked out of the ocean, completely soaked through. She collapsed onto the blanket, groaning as Whizz’s cell phone went off.

  She handed it to him, staring up as he looked at the screen.

  “What is it?” she asked.

  “Nothing. It’s just the club. They can’t seem to handle me being away.”

  Lacey smiled. “You’re the whizz of the club. Tiny probably wants you to find something to dig on Ned.”

  He collapsed beside her, pulling her in close. “The club can wait.”

  Whizz held the phone up for her to see. He switched it off, disconnecting them from Fort Wills. They were finally alone.

  The time at the beach went by so fast. Lacey loved every second. After they took a little breather on the sand, they went back into the ocean for a swim. At some point Whizz was pulled into a game of ball where they hit a ball over the net. She sat and watched him, cheering him on when he beat the other team.

  When he joined her back at their pitch, he groaned. “I’m starving.”

  “Thank God. I thought it was only me,” she said, laughing. “I’m starving, Whizz.”

  “Come on. Let’s go and get something to eat.”

  They packed up their blankets, carrying them under their arms.

  “Did you have fun today?” he asked.

  She linked her arm with his. “You’ve got no idea how much fun I had. I didn’t want it to end.”

  “It’s not going to end. We’re not driving back tonight.”

  They found a burger place and entered the shop. Lacey took the booth in the back corner. She picked up the menu as Whizz took a seat.

  Her clothing was dry. She’d spent most of the afternoon lying on the sand, waiting for her clothes to dry.

  “Are you sure you don’t want to get back in touch with home?” Lacey asked.

  He shook his head. “No. Everything going on in Fort Wills can stay there for forty-eight hours. I’ve not done something like this in years. It’s time for us to live a little, Lacey.”

  She smiled, glancing over the food. “You’re going to think I’m a right pig.”

  “No, I’ll order double of whatever you order. I can’t have my woman feeling like a pig.”


  Alex cursed, closing his phone. Whizz had turned his phone off on purpose. He glanced across the room at Cheryl, the mother of his child.

  “Where’s Michael?” he asked.

  “He’s with Eva back at the club.”

  Sunshine would be back soon. He’d been hoping for a peaceful Sunday to get his thoughts together.

  “You want me to talk to Tiny about giving Butch a second chance.”

  “Yes.” She was fiddling with her hands. He hated women who fiddled with their hands. Alex had been a complete ass to Cheryl. The attraction he’d once felt for her had long gone. She’d been a nice distraction. The only good thing to come from the weekend they spent together was Michael. His son brought a whole load of complications of his own.

  “No. I’m not going to do it. You’ve got to be insane to think that.”

  “Butch did everything you asked him to.”

  “I didn’t once tell him to go to the Savage Brothers and betray our club. The Skulls was his club, not them.”

  “I get that, and he paid that fucking price, Alex. I understand your anger, I really do. I was angry when he told me about it, but he also gave you their location when he didn’t need to. Butch gave you that location knowing that you could have still killed him once he had. He didn’t put the women in any danger. That was all on me. He made sure you killed them all but one. Butch held his end of the bargain. Do not bring this back to him. You were the one to put him at risk in the first place.”

  He shook his head. “Butch knew what he was getting into when I asked. You can’t know what shit he was getting into.”

  Alex saw her eyes were filled with tears.

  “You’re not going to help him?”

  “No. I’m not going to convince Tiny to bring him back into the club. He doesn’t deserve it.”

  Cheryl nodded. She took a step back. “You better make the most of being with Michael.”

  Alex froze. “What?”

  “You heard me.”

  “You can’t take my son from me.” He took a step toward her.

  “I won’t be taking him away from you. You will. If Butch can’t be part of The Skulls, there’s no reason for us to stay in Fort Wills. We’re looking at homes out of town. Maybe a fresh start would be for the best.”

  She turned her back on him. There was no way Alex was going to let her leave with his son. “I’ll fight you for my son, Cheryl. You’ve got no chance of winning.”

  Cheryl turned to face him. “I’ve got every chance of winning. You can fight all you want, Alex. You’ve got the money, the reputation, the credit that is due a man of your stature, but you don’t have something that Butch and I have.”

  “What is that?” he asked, calling her bluff.

  “Michael’s love.”

  Her words were like a gunshot wound. They hit hard, and direct.

  “I can win.”

  “Go ahead, Alex. When a judge asks our son who he’d rather be with and he says his mother and stepfather, no judge would ever give him to you, and if he did, Michael would hate you.” She shrugged. “Butch doesn’t deserve to be cast aside. Make sure he isn’t and we’ll stay in Fort Wills. I’m make sure Michael forgives you.”

  He stared at her for several seconds. “Tiny got it wrong. You would be much better in the role of leading the club. You’re a manipulative bitch.”

  “No, I’m not, Alex. What I am is a mother and wife, prepared to do whatever it takes to make sure her man is cared for. Butch and Michael mean everything to me. I’d never do anything to put them in danger. You’re nothing. You were a sperm donor. I’m not bluffing, Alex. Don’t ever think you can fuck me over.”

  She turned on her heel and left him alone. He couldn’t chase after her or demand that she come back. Cheryl had the last word all the way.

  His cell phone went off. Hoping it was Whizz, he answered without looking at the screen.

  “Hello,” Alex said.

  “You better get your ass down to the clubhouse before I kill my motherfucking father-in-law,” Tiny said.

  “I’m coming.”

  This was what his life had turned into. He’d become a referee.

  Chapter Eleven

  Whizz opened the door to the luxury hotel room he’d booked them both into for the night. They’d eaten food at the burger place, and he’d asked the owner for the best hotel in town.

  “I guess this place beats cockroaches and rats,” Lacey said, moving past him to sit on the end of the bed. She did a little bounce then lay back. “Feels good.”

  “You stayed in a lot of places with rats and roaches?” He closed and locked the door. Pulling the curtains closed, he made sure they had a lot of privacy.

  “Yeah, a lot of run down places that were not worth the shit they were asking.” She sat back up, resting back on her hands. “This place is good though.”

sp; He stared at her. The need for her started to build back up inside him. Whizz wanted her badly.

  “Stand up,” he said, dropping the blankets onto the floor.

  She stood without argument. He kicked his shoes off, watching her do the same, mimicking his actions.

  “Strip.” He tugged the shirt he wore over his head.

  Lacey hesitated with her hand at the top of her shirt.

  “There’s no room to be nervous here, Lacey. I want you. I need you.” He threw the shirt on the floor between them. “We’re going to make a pile of clothes here.”

  He went to the belt holding up his jeans.

  She tugged the shirt over her head, revealing a pretty white lace bra, covering her tits. He slid the jeans down his thighs, kicking out of them until he stood in his boxer shorts. Wrapping his fingers around the length of his cock, he stared at her as she stood in her sexy yet innocent underwear.

  “Don’t move,” he said, stepping over their small pile of clothes. Wrapping his arms around her waist, he moved up to flick the catch that held her bra.

  Whizz had her completely naked within seconds. Before she had time to say a word, he sucked one of her nipples into his mouth. He loved her large, ripe tits. They always looked ready to be sucked and nibbled.

  She spoke his name on a moan. Licking a path between her cleavage, he started to circle the other bud, lavishing each tit with his tongue. Lacey sank her fingers into his hair, gripping the length. He moved his hands down to cup her ass. Squeezing the generous mounds, he let out a groan as his woman filled his hands. Fuck, he wanted inside her, needed to feel her tight cunt wrapped around his cock.

  Leaving her breast, he stood to claim her mouth. He led her back onto the bed. She didn’t have any choice but to move further into the center.

  “I’m not going to go easy on you this time, Lacey. This time I’m going to fuck you until I fill you with my cum.”

  Her cheeks were a lovely shade of red.

  “Spread your legs, baby.”

  She opened her thighs wide. Gripping his cock, he ran the tip through her creamy slit, groaning at how wet she actually was. He’d not taken the time to get her ready, but she was.

  “Beg me, Lacey.”

  “Please, Whizz, fuck me. I need to feel you inside me. Please.” She did exactly as he asked.

  He aligned the tip of his cock at her entrance and slowly fed her his shaft. When the tip was inside, he returned his grip to her waist. Staring into her intense green eyes, he slammed to the hilt, going as deep as he could within her core.

  “Fuck, Lacey. You’re so tight.” He pulled out of her only to ram back in.

  She gripped his arms. Her nails dug into the flesh. He liked the pain she created with her passion.

  “That’s it, baby, show me how much you love my cock.”

  Lacey cried out his name as he pulled out only to slam back inside. For several thrusts he didn’t give her a chance to grow accustomed to his length. He fucked her long and hard, making her take as much of him as he wanted to give her.

  Whizz wanted her at his mercy. Grabbing her hands, he pressed them above her head.

  “I’m the one in control here. Not you.” He kissed her lips, nipping at her bottom lip. Whizz moved down to suck on her neck. He wanted his mark all over her body for everyone to see who she belonged to. “Who owns you, Lacey?”

  “You do.” She screamed the words out as he leaned down, sucking in her nipple. He bit the hard bud, flicking the tip with his tongue. Whizz moved onto the next one at the same time as he fucked hard into her aching, wet cunt. She was all his. Whizz would never harm her or let her go.

  “That’s right, baby. I own you. This body is mine, to fuck, to love, to fill with my cum.”

  She arched up to meet each of his thrusts.

  There was no way he was going to last. The tightness of her pussy drove him to the edge of pleasure. He couldn’t hold off his release. Sliding one of his hands between them, he stroked her swollen clit. “Come all over my cock, Lacey.”

  Her eyes grew wide as he pounded inside her at the same time as stroking her nub. “I can’t,” she said, groaning.

  Whizz wouldn’t accept that for an answer. He pinched her clit, driving to the hilt within her body. “Come for me, Lacey.” He stopped inside her but continued to stroke her clit. “I can do this all night.” The need to come was strong, but he’d hold it off for as long as he needed to. He was thirty-three years old and had a hell of a lot more stamina about him than a fucking schoolboy.

  “Please,” she said, begging.

  “Come for me, Lacey. Let me feel all that cream sliding around my cock. Then I’ll fuck you.”

  He teased her clit, watching her slowly unravel in his arms. Whizz nipped at her lips, moving down to kiss her neck, sucking on her tender flesh.

  Her stomach quivered, and within seconds she was writhing in pleasure underneath him. Whizz worked the orgasm that he wanted from her body. Slowly, he started to slide his cock in and out of her. He kept up playing with her clit as he loved the sweet sounds that came from her.

  When he couldn’t stand the slow pace much longer, he gripped her hips and slammed home. She thrust her pelvis up to meet him. Taking possession of her lips, he loved her hard, coming just as hard inside her. His milky cum filled her pussy. For a split second he thought about the babies they’d never make. His heart ached for her, but he knew he’d spend the rest of his life making sure she would get exactly what she wanted, what she needed to complete her. He would make sure she had a family of her own.

  Whizz collapsed over her, feeling her heart race against his own. He didn’t pull out of her right away. They were connected as one, like they were always supposed to be.

  “That was amazing,” she said.

  He traced the outline of her lips, loving the plump flesh. “It’s going to be like that all the time.”

  She cupped his cheek. “I love you, Whizz. I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me for what I did.”

  “There’s nothing to forgive. I’m not going to hold your past life against you. If you hadn’t been with your club, you wouldn’t have come to Fort Wills and saved me. I needed saving, Lacey.”

  There was no escaping the truth. Lacey had saved him. Before she came along he had been merely an empty shell who ate, worked out, and worked. There was nothing to his life, no excitement, just fear. The fear of his nightmares, the fear of going out and not coming back home. He’d lived with the fear, keeping it to himself without giving anything away to The Skulls.

  The one thing he could never risk was losing Lacey. She gave him a reason for living, a reason to breathe.


  He always knew how to say the right thing to bring tears to her eyes. Lacey stared up into his dark gaze. The love she felt for him made her nervous at times. She’d never felt this connected to another person in all her life. This wasn’t about his cock inside her pussy. This was about something more. She’d not felt like this when she was around Dalton. The only time she’d felt this alive was with Whizz. He completed her.

  All of her life she’d been consumed by the pain. The pain of being unable to carry children, to let another man touch her. The memories at times dragged her down, making it hard to breathe. Then Whizz came into her life and she found herself wishing for the tomorrows with him inside them. She didn’t want to live her life without him there.

  Her only regret was the fact she’d never be able to give him children of his own.

  “I love you,” he said. “You’re my entire world locked up tight with blue hair.”

  She started laughing. “When the dye comes out I was thinking of going purple.” Lacey licked her lips, staring into his eyes. “Will you dye my hair for me when the time comes?” Dalton had always been the one to dye her hair. She’d not let anyone else come near her. Whizz wasn’t Dalton. He was her man, the only person she trusted to come near her.

  “I know this has significance, doesn’t it?” he a

  She nodded. “Dalton.” She spoke her friend’s name and licked her lips. “He was the only one I allowed to touch me.”

  “I’ll be honored to dye your hair.” Whizz brushed some hair off her cheek. Neither of them moved for a long time or spoke. Words were not necessary in that moment.

  Whizz touched and stroked her face and neck. She reached out to touch him, to love him.

  “It’s time to take you in the shower.”

  Before she could protest, Whizz had pulled out of her body and grabbed her around the waist. His strength never failed to surprise her.

  “Whizz, what are you doing? I can walk.” She hated it when he lifted her up in his arms with ease. Lacey knew she wasn’t light, far from light, but Whizz held her as if she weighed nothing.

  He placed her in the stall of the shower then followed her inside, turning the water on. She screamed as cold water washed down on them. Lacey tried to move behind him, but he wouldn’t let her. He held her tight in front of him, refusing to let her get past.

  “Whizz, stop it,” she said, screaming.

  His laughter filled the air. She slapped his chest just as the water started to warm up. “You’re completely insane.”

  In response he cupped her breast, pinching the nipple. He did the same with the other hand. She started to moan as heat filled her core. His touch never failed to turn her on.

  Whizz’s lips nibbled on her neck, biting down on the flesh.

  “I want you, Lacey.”

  “You’ve just had me.”

  “I’m never going to stop wanting you.”

  He released one of her breasts, to grab her hand. Whizz pulled her hand behind her, and she felt the evidence of his need for her. His shaft was long and thick.

  “You’re insatiable.”

  “Only for you, Lacey. Always for you.” He kissed her head going down to her neck. She started to work his cock, going from the root up to the tip. “Fuck, baby, I want inside you.”

  “We’re supposed to be showering.” The hand that had gripped hers dove between her thighs. She opened her legs wide for him to touch her with ease.

  “Beautiful, baby. You’re so fucking beautiful.” His finger flicked her clit before sliding down to enter her pussy. “You’re filled with my cum.” Two fingers pumped inside her pussy, sliding back up to slowly circle her clit.


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