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Watercolor Kisses

Page 2

by Needa Warrant

  Lucian nodded. Devil’s Grime MC was not on his list of favored clubs, he hated the bastards and thought of what they’d do to this girl if they caught up with her. “Let’s eat. You like white wine?”

  She nodded, and they went to the bar that stretched across the kitchen. There were plenty of stools, and she took the second to the last. She watched as he put a plate of food in front of her, the shrimp were huge, and it smelled delicious. He placed a glass of wine down by her hand and went to fix his plate. She sipped the wine as she waited for Lucian, he was surprised she had waited for him to join her before eating. Beautiful and classy, he thought. “Mangia!” He began to eat, and she placed a napkin on her lap as she joined him.

  The shrimp were lemony and garlicky, and it was the best shrimp scampi she had ever tasted. The pasta was perfect, and she wondered about this man that sat across from her. He was so sweet, that wasn’t good. However, he was right; she needed friends. She decided to let him make the next move, as she drank her wine. She was very sure he would because he was sneaking looks at her. All of this could become fascinating.

  After drinking more wine, Aries was relaxed enough to show pictures of Juliette to Lucian.

  He seemed to be genuinely interested in her daughter, and she liked that.

  “She is a jewel; you should call her that. She looks just like you, too.” He stared at the last picture of them both on the beach for a long time.

  “Thanks, I knew I couldn’t give her up, so I danced as soon as I could after she was born. I wasn’t taking welfare. Fuck those government bastards. I’ve found some good places to dance here, but I don’t know the area, yet. My aunt would like me to get a job in the family business, but it’s causing issues, and I didn’t come here to live off them.” She had a proud look on her face.

  Lucian looked straight into her eyes, “No, I can see you wouldn’t, your kind of determined to make it on your own.” He ran his hand over his chin thinking.

  “I’ve had to count on myself. I knew when I was younger that life wasn’t going to be easy. Even before I had the baby, I wasn’t sure what I wanted to do. I never really knew what I wanted to be, you know? It was like college was the perfect answer in life. I wasn’t ready to go into debt for school when I had no idea of what I’d be when I was in high school. I went a little wild, met Gunner, and it went bad after that. I don’t regret anything, though.” She reached for the last sip of wine in her glass.

  Lucian mentally stored the name of her ex, Gunner, in his mind. “I didn’t know what I wanted to be either. I get ya. Now do you wanna hang out or get tatted?” He was hoping she’d say she wanted to stick around and party with him.

  “Lucian, I want to get tatted, I have to do it while I have a few days off. I wish I could hang out; my aunt is always telling me I have no life. Not that she’d approve of you, though.” She sounded wistful.

  “What would you say if I said I knew your aunt? Would that shock you?” He was grinning at her. He had figured out the connection to her last name as soon as she mentioned her aunt was a bit odd. Her aunt had to be Helene Saint James.

  Aries’ laugh tinkled, “I’d say you were full of shit.”

  Lucian looked at her and smirked. “I own most of this block and Helene, and I are working on getting the abandoned lot you parked in, turned into a park with benches. I have a parking lot across the street. Charming lady, your aunt is. As determined as you are too, I think.” Let her toss that around in her head.

  “Does my aunt have any tattoos yet?” She joked.

  “Not that I’ve done, but you never know. Women older than your aunt get them. Let’s get going on your tat. I’m riding later with my boys, if you wanna come out and see my bar, maybe you’d like to dance there. I’ll take you. Why don’t you call your aunt and see if you have a babysitter?” His voice was luring her into wanting to go.

  “I’m in a halter top; I’d have to go back home to get a jacket.” She was making excuses, but she did want to go out with him. She hadn’t had much fun lately and if she could see his bar, maybe working there was a possibility.

  “If you call and get her to babysit, we have hoodies, and I’ll give you one. You want to go; I can see it in your eyes, babe.”

  “I’ll call her, Juliette loves being with her. My aunt is watching her now. Can I use this phone?” He nodded, and she dialed her aunt’s number. “Hi, I wondered if you would mind keeping Juliette a while longer for me? I ran into a couple of girls I know, and they asked me to go out tonight.” She lied smoothly. “I know Aunt Helene, but they’re the only girls I know. Is Juliette behaving?” She listened to her aunt speak.

  Lucian scribbled on a piece of paper, tell her your spending the night with one of them, we’ll have a great night, and you can crash here. I promise I will be a gentleman.

  Maybe it was the wine… maybe it was him… but she did it.

  “I’ll just stay at Lisa’s house tonight if that is alright? I don’t want to drink and drive.” She watched him grin at the name Lisa. “Thank you, and I promise to be careful. Love you.” She looked at him trustingly and hung up the phone as he smiled into her eyes.

  Chapter Two

  They went back down to the tattoo shop. Lucian washed up and told her to lay down. He sprayed her back with a solution and ran his fingers down her spine. She giggled when it tickled. He put lots of colored ink into tiny cups as he got everything ready for her tattoo.

  She turned her face to watch him as he looked at her back.

  “I could do this freehand. It’s up to you, do you trust me?” His voice was confident and serious.

  Oddly she did, and it felt right. “I trust you to do my tat as you drew it.”

  Lucian smiled, Oh little girl, you don’t know how you turn me on, he thought. “I have the drawing right here, now relax and let me work my magic.” He washed his hands again and gloved up. A razor took the hair off her back, and he sprayed it again and wiped the skin clean. He made some marks on her back, softly. He turned the gun on, and she closed her eyes. It stung a bit, and it was uncomfortable, but the sound of the machine made her relax. She watched him again through half closed eyes as he bent over her back. He’d gently wipe as he worked and it started to feel good. Her eyes wanted to close as she listened to the sound of the tattoo gun. She was so tired from dancing last night, and her daughter wasn’t there to keep her awake. She felt her eyelids start to close; she could feel herself nodding out, by listening to the buzzing sound of the tattoo gun. She began to relax more and started to doze off softly.

  Her skin was perfect, he thought. Very smooth and silky, she held ink well and barely bled. He was enjoying putting his art on her. A girl that could doze off while he worked on her, that turned him on. She trusted him completely, and that was exactly what he wanted in a new girlfriend. She wasn’t easy, and he knew he’d have to treat Aries differently. She knew MC life, and that was a big plus. For this girl, if she met his needs, he could see himself behaving. He loved dancers too; they were always better in bed in his opinion. Maybe this one still had some innocence to her. She was as Lisa had said, just his type and perfect for him. Tonight, he’d see how she acted around the club.

  He needed to take a break, and she didn’t wake up as he shut down the machine. He got up to stretch and saw her pouty lips half open. She was adorable. Maybe he could get her to work for him and dance part time. She would be perfect for the shop, and if she were here, he wouldn’t screw up with other chicks. He went outside to smoke a cigarette and heard his boys’ motorcycles coming back. Standing there, he decided Aries was off limits to everyone. He’d use all her weak spots to make her hang around. She was young enough that he would be able to mold her into what he wanted in a woman. He waved the bikes on before they could stop. As they roared away, he went back into the tattoo shop. He put the closed sign-up and washed his hands. His boys knew that meant to stay away and he went back to work on her back. She was still dozing as he was finishing up. This tattoo was what she’d wan
ted, but in time, she’d be wearing more of his art on her body. She didn’t have any idea of that of course, but slowly he’d get his way. After all, he always did.

  “Wake up Aries; your tattoo is finally done.” He wanted her to see it before it was bandaged up.

  “Already done? I can’t believe I fell asleep and missed everything. I thought it was going to hurt!” She sat up and realized he’d untied her halter top. Her breasts peeked out as she quickly hid them from him. “Shit, sorry about that.”

  “I see naked bodies all the time. No worries.” He hid the smile on his face, yeah; she still had innocence left in her. Now he was even more determined to get her into his bed but not tonight. Aries would be begging to be fucked before he’d touch her. She would want him so much that she would crave to do it too. Lucian was sure of it. If she was what he wanted, he’d give her the world.

  Aries was classy arm candy too. Today had been a good day and tonight would be even better. “I need you to look at it.”

  He brought her to a full-length mirror and gave her a hand mirror to check out her new tattoo. He enjoyed standing next to her as she looked at her lower back, her green eyes widening at the sight of the tattoo.

  She looked at the Lotus and smiled. It was even better than what Lucian had drawn on paper. “Oh Lucian, it's perfect. Thank you so much!” She turned and kissed him on the cheek but caught the corner of his lips. The heat of her lips lit a flame of desire in him.

  “I’ll grab a hoodie for you and call for a pizza. Why don’t you go upstairs and wait for me? There’s more wine left in that bottle. You can lay on the couch while I straighten up here.” He suggested and gave her a wink and a sexy smile.

  Aries liked that idea, but she wanted to help. “Do you want me to help you, not that I know what I’m doing, but you can tell me.”

  “Not this time babe, you go relax, and I’ll order the pizza and bring it upstairs. Go on up.” He pointed to the door to the stairs and gave her a gentle nudge.

  She went upstairs, and he cleaned up quickly and called for a pizza. As he worked, he began to plan the night. She didn’t know it yet, but he was worse than the big bad wolf. In fact, he was known as the devil; his club name was Lucifer. And he was very pleased to meet her.


  Aries set the table and sipped the wine. She didn’t want to be too drunk to ride. It would be so good to be on the back of a bike again. She missed it, but Gunner had been stingy on taking her out unless it was for his benefit. She shuddered thinking about him and didn’t hear Lucian come upstairs. She was lost in her bad memories, as he came behind and put his arms around her. The scent he wore comforted her, and she leaned back into his chest. His arms held her protectively, and she felt safe. Safe…She hadn’t felt safe in ever so long. His hair tickled her face, and she let out a soft sigh. That this man was even holding her was amazing. She had sworn off men since Gunner. This man, Lucian, was so different than any man she’d ever met. Maybe older was better, she thought.

  He let go of her and pulled her to the bar. The aroma from the pizza box made her mouth water.

  “Babe, help yourself. If you wanna drink more wine, it’s in the fridge. I’ve gotta make some calls. I’ll be back in a few, go ahead and dig in.” He headed off to the bedroom.

  Aries opened the box; a pie loaded with every topping she knew of sat there. She wasn’t going to eat without him. Plus, it was still scorching hot, so she left the top open and moved towards the balcony. Once outside, some of the pots seemed dry to her. She saw a watering can and filled it up; she was watering his flowers when he came back into the room.

  He watched her as she stood on tiptoes watering his plants. She was graceful and was careful not to over water. It was a good sight and one he wanted to see repeated.

  “We need to eat and get on the road. I’ve got a few of my boys meeting us here. I don’t usually ride out alone if I don’t have to.” He placed a slice on her plate and grabbed one for himself.

  “Are we riding far? I’ll need to braid my hair before we go.” She blew on her slice before biting into it.

  “About a half hour away and I need to tell you a few things before they get here. You know me as Lucian, but in my club, I’m Lucifer. I don’t care if you call me by either name, but some of the bitches will wonder if you call me Lucian. And Aries, I’m the president. Nobody will touch you or hassle you. I want you by my side unless I say different, got me?” His voice was stern.

  She looked up into his dark eyes and nodded, going back to eating. Lucian smiled at her slightly as he took another bite. She was a quick learner, his hopes soared. She might very well be the one after all. Tonight, he would judge her. He hoped like hell she passed his tests because there was something about Aries that intrigued him.

  He watched as she cleaned up the leftovers, wrapping the pizza in foil and putting it on a paper plate, then putting the glasses in the dishwasher. He lit a joint and relaxed, his eyes watching every move she made. He should take her to get a new shirt, but he wanted to see what she’d do when he tossed her a support shirt. Seeing his club’s name on her body would be a turn on. He had a few in the closet in his room, and he put the joint in the ashtray while he went looking for one.

  Lucian liked the best that money could buy and his bedroom showed it. A black leather tufted headboard, a matching leather bench at the foot of the bed and carpet that you could sink your feet into in a soft gray color. He had two-night tables next to the bed but no dressers in the room. Everything he needed was in the huge walk in closet. It had been custom made for him, and he looked at it wondering how to fit Aries’ clothes in there. If he rearranged his clothes, there could be room for both of their stuff. He found the box of shirts he was hunting for in the back of the closet. He knew he’d told her she’d be wearing a shop hoodie and she would. But he picked an extra small sized support shirt and knew it would be a bit tight on her. However, he wanted to see if she’d wear it. Her halter wasn’t bad looking, but it wasn’t something he wanted to see her in. Going to one of the built-in dressers in the closet, he found a brand-new leather halter he’d bought for some chick and had never gotten around to giving it to her. He bit his lip, thinking this would hot as hell on her, but it was too soon to give it to her. He dropped it back into the drawer and planned to give it to her another day. Holding the shirt, he walked out of the bedroom and found Aries on the couch smoking the joint. It surprised him to see her smoking it, as she reclined back on the sofa with her eyes almost closed.

  He tossed the shirt, aiming to let it land beside her. She picked it up and looked at it. Her lips puckered as she frowned. “It’s not what I would have picked out to wear. What’s wrong with my halter top, I thought you were going to give me a shop hoodie to wear?” Her green eyes bored into him.

  “You’re safer in one of my support shirts, baby.” Lucian got up and relit the joint; he wondered what she was going to say next.

  “Do you mind if I make this look a bit more my style? I understand your concern but the other girls are going to be wearing sexy looking shirts, and I don’t do plain well.” She went into her hobo bag and took out a small sewing kit with folded scissors in it.

  “I’ve got better ones you can use. Hold on a second, and I’ll get them.” Lucian got up to get them for her and saw her at the counter, staring at the shirt. He laid the scissors down and sat back down, watching her as he smoked.

  Aries folded the shirt and made some cuts and material fell to the floor. She picked it up and tossed it into the trashcan. She held up the shirt, and he saw the club name was still intact.

  She picked up her bag and went into the bathroom as he wondered what she was doing. The girl was certainly creative, and he liked that.

  About ten minutes later she opened the bathroom door, and he turned his head to look at her. He blinked his eyes. Holy shit, he thought. She was rocking that shirt. Gone were the neck and sleeves and her bare shoulders were sparkling with silver glitter. The glitter was across he
r chest too, the path leading to her breasts, had a heavier dusting. The shirt showed skin in the right places, and her makeup was smoking hot.

  “Lucian, I need some duct tape. I hope you have some.” She looked at him inquiringly.

  He had no idea why she wanted it, but he got up to get it for her. As he handed it to her, she asked him for help holding the tape. She slipped the shirt off carefully, laying it on the counter. She cut matching pieces of duct tape and handed them to him. Lucian watched as she used a paper towel to dry under her breasts and wondered what in hell she was doing. She bent over slightly and taped under one boob to the armpit. She grabbed the other piece of tape from him and did the same thing underneath her other breast. She walked into the bathroom to check herself out, she came back out and cut off a very long length and taped under both boobs, then she went back to the mirror. He sat there watching as she made a strapless bra and uplifted her gorgeous breasts. He’d never seen a woman do that before and it amazed him. She smiled at him as she slipped the shirt back over her head.

  “I don’t like my boobs bouncing when I ride, and I didn’t want to wear the halter under this shirt. Do I look all right?” She inquired anxiously.

  Lucian grinned wolfishly at her. “You look hot as hell, and you know you do. I’ll get you that zip up hoodie. I like the glitter too; I’ll be able to spot you easier if you’re not by my side all night.” He went into his bedroom to get a hoodie and thought to himself she was a very resourceful girl. The bitches at the bar were going to be hating on his Aries, no doubt about it. He’d speak to a few of them to make sure they understood if they messed with this girl, he’d fire them on the spot. He heard the roar of his boys’ bikes coming up the back of the building and hurried out to the living room. Aries stood looking down at them, her hair in a braid and turned and looked at him.


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