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Watercolor Kisses

Page 6

by Needa Warrant

  “I can’t believe she went to you like that. She avoids men usually.” Aries walked over and stroked her child’s cheek.

  “Wake up sleepyhead; we have to say goodbye to Aunt Helene. Come on, get up.” She was moving her off Lucian when he flexed his huge arm, giving her quite a show of his muscles. It was probably stiff from Juliette laying on it.

  “My aunt give you a problem? I don’t want to go downstairs to a fight or tears.” She bit her lip and looked worried.

  “It’s going to be okay, Helene knows you wanted to leave, and you’ll be safer with me. She isn’t thrilled, but if I can get you to stop dancing, she said she’d like me more.” He got up and looked at the bags. “You got enough of her stuff in two bags? Because I’m sure, you’ve got some shit to bring too, right?”

  “I’ve got a duffel bag and my dancing stuff. I can drive back and get this stuff tomorrow. I told you, you don’t have a clue about living with a child, Lucian.” She spoke firmly. “Are you positively sure you want to do this? I’ll be fine here until I can get a place.”

  The Lucifer of the night before transformed in front of her eyes. “I said I want you both. Do you want another valium? You’re getting on my nerves. You want me; I want you. We’ll figure this shit out, and she likes me.” He pointed at Juliette who came running to him. He picked her up. “Jewel, tell mommy whose baby, are you?”

  Aries watched as he tickled her and she finally squealed, “Yours!” Her stomach dropped a bit, but her daughter had to have a change. It wasn’t healthy what she’d lived through, and Lucian was willing to be a daddy.

  “No, you’re both of ours, silly.” She smiled at her child who had her face buried in Lucian’s chest.

  “I told you she’d love me. Now, are you done acting crazy? Cause we need to say goodbye to your aunt and my guys can pick these bags up later. I don’t want Jewel upset if she doesn’t have something she needs. We’re going to be buying lots of new clothes too. I’ll grab the two bags you point out. You got your bags, baby?” He seemed to be back to himself, and she wondered if her imagination was playing tricks on her.

  “Yes, I do, come on Jewel, let’s say goodbye to Aunt Helene.” Aries looked around the room and watched him pick up the two bags she wanted to bring. She closed the door firmly and picked up her bags as they walked down the hallway and toward the stairs.

  She looked at Lucian’s firm ass and long legs and sighed. Another chapter closing in her life and a new one beginning. This man might think he had her wrapped around his finger, but he was dead wrong. She knew what he was doing, she knew it wasn’t the best choice she was making, but she wanted him, if only for a little while.

  Chapter Seven

  Saying goodbye to her Aunt Helene was bittersweet. She knew she could always come back to her. But the visits and phone calls from her father were not welcomed by the older woman. If she were gone, maybe they’d stop, Aries reasoned as she kissed her aunt’s cheek.

  “Thank you for everything you’ve done for Juliette and me. We will be over often to check up on you. When my father knows I’ve moved out, I hope he will stop giving you so much grief over me. I’ve felt so badly over the problems I made coming here.”

  Helene kissed her back. “Nonsense. You’ll always have a home with me and if you don’t like living with Lucian, come right back here.”

  Juliette tugged on her great aunt’s shirt. “I love you too, Auntie. I am coming here to stay with you lots.”

  Helene kneeled by the little girl. “I know you will. Don’t you say any bad words. Your tongue will turn black, and God doesn’t like fresh mouthed little girls.” She lovingly brushed her hair aside and gathered her into her arms. “Anytime you want to come and stay with me, tell your mommy.”

  Lucian could see things were beginning to get emotional. He didn’t need that shit right now. He wasn’t sure if the child would blow it for him if she decided she wanted to stay with her great aunt.

  “Jewel, we need to go buy you some furniture and some new toys. Kiss your aunt goodbye.” He was sure the idea of shopping would make her pull away, and he was correct.

  Helene looked him right in the eyes. “You will be kind to my girls, you promised.”

  “Of course, I will be. We’ve got a full day ahead of us, but we’ll fit in dinner soon. Maybe you can get my parents to attend.” He was smart; he knew that would calm the older woman down.

  “I’ll be in touch with your mother, does she know about Ara?” She questioned him.

  Lucian laughed, “This will be a first for them, and you know that. I’ll call her later. Maybe she will be calling you to get what information she can.” He smiled as he took Jewel’s hand and they left.


  He headed the car back to his apartment, and he watched Jewel in the rear-view mirror. Aries was looking out of the passenger window, and he wondered what she was thinking.

  She turned and looked at him, “I hope you truly know what you’re getting into, Lucian.”

  He grinned and turned the car into the back lot. “If I didn’t want this, it wouldn’t be happening, babe. You need to pick a bedroom for her. One not so close to our room so that she won’t be able to hear us.”

  They got out of the car and Lucian opened the back door to the shop. He poked his head in and yelled, “Prospect, get these bags.” He dropped what they’d taken out of the car and picked up Jewel. She looked hot and tired. He carried her up the stairs with Aries behind him. The apartment was cool from the air conditioning. He laid the tired child on the couch.

  “She needing a nap or something? You look tired too. Why don’t you both take a short nap? I’ve got some shit I can do downstairs. I’ll carry her to the bed.” He didn’t give Aries a chance to answer, and she followed him to the bedroom and watched as he pulled off Jewel’s little sneakers.

  Aries felt odd, almost like she was out of her body watching all of this. Something wasn’t clicking right, and she wanted to go straight back to her aunt’s house. Her mouth wasn’t forming the words, though.

  Lucian had turned and was staring at her. He walked past her and got her a glass of water. His hand slipped into his pocket, and he pulled out another pill. “Here, it’s gonna be a rough few days, take it. You need it.” He handed her the water and watched her sip it. “Open your mouth Aries; I know what’s best for you.” His eyes stared into hers, and she opened her mouth so he could put the pill on her tongue. “Good girl, now let’s get you into bed, too.” He put the glass of water on the night table.

  Once her halter, jeans, and boots were off, she found herself on the bed next to her daughter in another one of his shirts. Lucian kissed her softly on the lips before leaving.

  She shut her eyes, and the scent of Lucian flowed over her. It felt like it was wrapping itself around her. Part of her wanted to get up, but she didn’t move. Her daughter curled up next to her, and she drifted off to sleep. She didn’t hear Lucian come back to check on her or the prospect moving things from the other bedroom. She slept through it soundly.


  Lucian stayed upstairs for a while. He had to call his mother. If he didn’t inform her of Aries, he knew Helene would waste no time calling her. He lit a cigarette as he thought of what to say to her. His parents would love to see him settled down. They would accept this girl better than most. After all, she was a Saint James, and that would impress his mother. Maybe not a legitimate one, but his mother always felt she wasn’t accepted by their wealthy friends because she came from Italy. He dialed her number while flicking the ash from the cigarette. His mother would even like the kid.

  “Mama, you know how you said I’d know when I found the one? I finally did, and Lisa is outta my life for good. I moved the chick in with me. Helene Saint James will be calling you; it’s her niece.” He spoke fast as they did in his family.

  “Lucian, you got rid of the puttana? Thank the Blessed Mother Mary! When can we meet this girl?” His mother was excited, and she’d hated Lisa with a passion.
  “Ma, she has a child, a beautiful little girl, four years old. Gimme a few weeks to settle things here, and we’ll meet at Helene’s for dinner.” He hoped she’d be satisfied with that. “I need to get her furniture; I don’t know shit about what a little girl needs. I have them sleeping in my room; they were both so tired out.”

  “Ah, you need me to go and do this shopping for you. I know what little girls like. Canopy bed and fluffy pillows. You tell me how many windows are in the room. I will have it all sent to your apartment. Go, tell me how many curtains I need to buy.”

  He put the phone down and walked down the hall, going to the bedroom at the end of the hallway. It was painted white and seemed to be the best choice. It had windows facing front and back, four in total. As he walked back to the phone, he quietly opened his bedroom door. They were still sleeping soundly.

  “I think the bedroom that’s painted white, its less work and has four windows. You sure Pop won’t mind you going shopping?”

  “I’ll drag him with me. Your father will be so happy that you’re settling down. And we’ll finally have the grandchildren. Is she a good girl?” His mother asked.

  “Classy, smart, beautiful and young enough to give you lots of grandchildren. Which is what you and Pop wanted, isn’t it?” He knew how to play her too.

  “Yes! We want the grandchildren; you know that. Our only child is finally settling down; your father will be pleased. I will tell him now, and the furniture will be there today. I’m going to my favorite store. I think a double bed. What colors does this child like?”

  Lucian had no clue and thought fast, “Shades of purple and pink.” He thought of the bunny she played with all the time. It was purple with pink ears.

  “You make sure there is someone there to accept the furniture. I can pick up the bedding too. You make sure the puttana doesn’t chase this girl away, you hear me?” She spoke sternly to him.

  Sighing, Lucian replied, “Lisa is gone, I was never serious about marrying her. I’d have children with Arabella. Nobody is going to chase her away, mama. I will make sure of it. I promise you.”

  His mother happily hung up, and he noticed his cigarette had burned down. He lit a new one and walked out to the balcony. He knew his mother would find the perfect furniture for Jewel. She was always decorating and loved to shop. He wasn’t sure Aries would be happy about it, but they did need to get a car for her. He stood there and thought about how in such a short period, he’d changed his life. He went inside and scribbled a note for her, that he’d gone to pick up the car. He locked the back door and took the stairs that led directly to the tattoo shop.


  Lucian stood in the shop doorway and watched his tattoo artists working. He loved this shop so much and was extremely proud of all he’d accomplished. He had started out as a young artist looking for a way to display his love of art. Tattoos had been his outlet, and he made damn good money at it. His other love of motorcycles had gotten him into the Devious Jokers MC, where he’d quickly found he was a natural leader. His parents didn’t like his lifestyle and had hoped he’d lose interest in this life of his, but they finally accepted he would never change. His sense of business had impressed his father, who was a silent partner in Hot Tramps. Life was always good, but now it was all coming together for him. He grinned at Sleaze, Rico, and Siggy who were hanging around watching the shop. He nodded his head toward the back room, and they got up to follow him into one of the empty back rooms.

  “I gotta go pick up Lowrider’s dad’s car. I need one of you to gimme a ride.” He looked directly at Siggy who tilted his head yes. “Aries is sleeping upstairs, furniture is coming for the kid, so you two hang here. I wanna know everything you can find out about a Gunner from Devil’s Grime MC in PA. He’s in jail, not sure if its county or state. Aries doesn’t leave the place, don’t let her go to her car, nothing. You understand, this chick, I want her. So, don’t fuck this up for me or let her fuck it up.”

  Sleaze spoke up. “We got ya Lucifer, but what if the chick wants to go or starts screaming or some shit? Ain’t like that’s not happened before if a chick wants to leave.”

  Lucifer looked at him with dead cold black eyes. “Figure it out. Play with her kid, one of you walk the kid to get ice cream or some shit. I won’t be long. Give her some drugs; I don’t fucking know. Call up Leigh and get her over here. You’ve got brains, don’t you?” He walked out of the room with Siggy behind him. He walked through the shop overseeing what his employees were doing and greeting people he knew. He walked out of the door and headed across the street to Siggy’s truck.

  “Christ, it’s hot, and this piece of shit doesn’t have any air conditioning in it. I don’t get you Sig, you’ve got the money to get a newer truck.” Lucian bitched. “Head over to Lowrider’s house; his mom is supposed to be waiting with the car. I gotta get over to DMV, or maybe I should wait. Aries might get pissed if the car isn’t in her name. I gotta get rid of her car. All this shit is spinning my head around.”

  “Pres, that’s the chick you had with you at Tramps?”

  “Yeah, came into my shop during a blowout with Lisa and I don’t know… She is the one. I can see myself with her. Crazy, right?” Lucifer lit a cigarette and waited for his bro’s reply.

  Siggy didn’t respond right away. Knowing Lucifer and his temper, he wanted to make sure his answer wouldn’t set him off.

  “She’s young, beautiful and if she’s what you want and a decent ol lady, seems to me you did well. Lisa gonna stay away ya think?”

  Lucifer didn’t hesitate, “Lisa comes around, get rid of her. She ain’t fucking this up for me, nobody is.”

  His meanest SAA looked at his grim face and hoped to hell that bitch Lisa stayed away. He hated to kill women but that bitch he’d do with pleasure. She was not liked much by anyone in the club.

  “Got ya Luc, no problem at all.” His voice promised he’d handle any issues with ease.

  They drove up to Lowrider’s house, and Lucifer stared at the car. It was nice, not what he’d buy for himself but he needed a car for the kid. It would do for a while, and if things worked as he planned, Aries would be driving a new car soon.

  Chapter Eight

  Cursing and the sound of men moving stuff woke Aries up. She didn’t get up but turned on her side to look at her daughter. The kid could sleep through almost any loud noises. Being around Gunner had taught her that. Juliette was a good kid, and she needed to play with other children. Aries was hoping some of the ol ladies had kids her age. She looked closely at her sweet face; there was nothing of Gunner in the child, she thought. That man had been evil, and she was glad he was locked up. She hoped to hell he’d never find her. She wanted to get something to eat, and she left Juliette in the bed. She grabbed her jeans and pulled them on. There were still noises in the last bedroom, but she didn’t go back there. She went straight to the kitchen and the fridge.

  A girl sitting at the bar looked at her. “Hey, I’m Leigh, Sleaze’s girlfriend, presently at least. He said you might get up, you’re Aries, right?” Her dark brown hair was long and pulled back in a ponytail.

  Aries was startled, “Yeah, that would be me. Is Lucifer around?” She was looking around for a snack of some sort for her and Juliette. She shut the fridge and looked at the girl.

  Leigh replied, “No, he left a note for you. The furniture for Jewel came, and Rico and Sleaze are putting it together. The note is on the counter.”

  Aries looked at the note; she saw the fancy heart Lucian had ended it with, and her heart beat a bit faster. He’d gone to get that car for her, and now he’d gotten furniture. She hadn’t wanted to shop really, but she didn’t like this. Doing everything they had planned to do together by himself sent alarms off in her head. He was closing in on her way too fast. She decided to wake up her daughter and get her some fast food.

  “I’m going to wake up Jewel and get some fast food. Do you want anything?” She was trying to be polite, but she wanted to get the he
ll out of the apartment.

  “Lucifer doesn’t want you to leave.” Leigh looked at her. “I’m sorry, but you can’t go. I can ask someone to go get it for you.”

  “Excuse me? I really don’t give a fuck right now what Lucifer said. I’m going to get my kid and get some food. I don’t want to be a bitch, but nobody is stopping me from leaving here.” She stared at the girl with a warning look in her eyes.

  “Aries, I’m sorry, but if you go, it’s going to cause a lot of grief for us. I’m sure he’s not going to be long.” She gave her a look of pity. “Do you want to see the bedroom furniture Lucifer’s mom got for Jewel?”

  “No, I’m getting something to eat, and Lucifer can go to hell. I don’t mean to cause you any problems, but I can get myself food.” Aries wished her boots were on. If this Leigh were going to get into a fight with her, the damn boots would have come in handy.

  They heard someone coming up the stairs from the shop downstairs. Both waited to see who it was as the door opened.

  “Babe, I’m glad you’re up, come see your car. Leigh, listen for Jewel please.” Lucifer looked so hot in his sleeveless tee shirt and jeans that Aries forgot what her plans were. His eyes were shining, and his smile was charming.

  “I don’t have my shoes on.” She couldn’t take her eyes off him.

  “We can look from the balcony. Come here and tell me what ya think.” He held out his hand, and she took it as they walked outside. The car was nice enough and parked in the back lot. She wasn’t interested in the car as much as the man beside her. Suddenly she was worried. What if Leigh told him she’d wanted to leave, she hoped like hell the girl wouldn’t rat her out. He pulled her close to him.

  “You didn’t look happy when I came upstairs. I’m wondering what's wrong. Did Leigh upset you?” His eyes weren’t shining now.


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