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Watercolor Kisses

Page 11

by Needa Warrant

  “Aries, let me see your hand, it’s bleeding.” He looked at her face and saw she was in shock. He pulled her over to the van, leaning her against it. “Baby, I need you to open your hand for me.” He spoke calmly and tried again to pry her hand open.

  Everything was spinning in her head, and Aries was scared to death. She didn’t know who had her, but they were trying to get Charlie’s prized dagger from her. She promised to return it to him, and nobody was going to take it from her. She saw the hand in front of her and wondered whose it was. The blood made her hand slippery as she slammed her hand into the palm of the hand in front of her. Whoever wanted the dagger, he’d feel it cut him before she gave it up. He’d be bleeding too before she let go of the dagger. If she couldn’t save Charlie’s dagger, she’d hurt the bastard that was trying to it away from her first.

  “You can’t have Charlie’s dagger; I promised to bring it back safely to him.” She began to sob as she slid to the ground. She felt the world spin as she blacked out.

  Lucifer looked at the cut on his palm. Damn, she slit him good. She still managed to keep the fucking dagger too. She was bleeding badly from her cut palm. One of his brother’s grabbed a handful of the bandanas the vendor was selling. He handed one to Lucifer, who wrapped his hand up. He knelt down beside Aries and carefully took the dagger from her. He wiped it clean and slipped it over his neck. Aries would get it back later to return it to Charlie.

  “Get some water, find Ria and Leigh.” He didn’t speak to anyone directly. But somebody went off in search of the women.

  “Lucifer, your ol lady stabbed Frog from Devil’s Grime in the eye. The ambulance is taking him outta here now. It would be a good idea to get her cleaned up. Be good if we headed out of here as soon as we can. Devil’s Grime is being held up by the cops.” Juba was in front of him. “I think he’ll lose the eye if what we heard is right. You need help with her bro?”

  “I just need her to wake up. Her hand is cut wide open from Charlie’s dagger. Fucking good thing Charlie gave it to her. I never thought she’d be in danger back here. Fuck!” He had let her get hurt after telling her he’d keep her safe. “Aries baby, come on, wake up, it's all good now. You’re safe, and we’ve got to get out of here.”

  Aries heard Lucifer speaking to her, but he sounded so far off. She pushed at him. “I don’t have the dagger, my sunglasses are missing, and my hand hurts.” She groaned and tried to look around.

  “You held on so tight to that dagger; I think you cut yourself. Hell, you cut me protecting it. Charlie would be proud of you, babe. I’ve got his dagger; it’s safe. But we’ve got to get your hand wrapped up before the cops come looking for you. You attacked the scumbag that grabbed you. Do you remember anything?” Lucifer hovered over her.

  “They were behind the van, and I didn’t see Frog, I did what Charlie said to do. I hope I stabbed Frog right in the eye; I hate that bastard. Charlie told me to go for his eye, and I think I got him. He was going to take me with him.” She looked at Lucifer, who was pouring water over her hand. “That stings, ouch, stop it, Lucifer!”

  Her hand was still bleeding as he picked it up and pressed their bleeding palms together. She winced at the pain and wondered what the hell he was doing.

  Lucifer looked at her seriously, “We’re bound together by blood. Together forever, babe. No way we’re ever going to be apart now.” His voice was quiet but sincere as he looked at her.

  Aries looked up at him and tried to pull her hand away, “It hurts and you’re acting crazy now. Lucifer, please, get my hand covered.”

  Siggy came back with a pair of gloves that had the fingers cut off half way to the middle knuckle. “Luc, I got a roll of duct tape. Bind the cut and put these gloves on her hands. I got a pair for you too.” He tossed the gloves to Lucifer.

  He wrapped the duct tape around her hand. It wasn't the best solution, but it would work until they could get medical attention.

  Juba was pacing.“We’ve got get to moving. You’re heading back to Jersey with our sister clubs just in case those fuckers try to get you on the road.”

  Aries didn’t cry when he pulled the glove over her cut hand. “I want my sunglasses, and I want all the clothes you promised me. I'm all right.” She looked around at everyone. “I said I'm all right.” To prove it she stood up. “It’s just a cut.” She didn’t feel well, but she wasn’t going to let anyone know that. It had been made clear to her that how she reacted would reflect on her ol man. “Luc, I need a line, and we can get the clothes and leave.” She heard bikers laugh and Lucifer was grinning at her as he pulled out the ever ready bag of speed. Somebody handed him a straw, and he held the bag open for her. She took two big hits and watched him do some too.

  Lucifer didn’t want to travel with the drugs. “Pass it around and do it up. Anybody that has anything illegal do it up before we leave, in case we get pulled over.” He watched as bikers in his chapter did their drugs. He knew Aries needed stitches, but they’d get them back home. He asked for a piece of duct tape for his cut and began to wrap it. Aries stopped him. She kissed his bloody hand, her lips coming back with blood on them. She licked it away without even noticing what she was doing.

  “I’m so sorry I cut you. I didn’t know it was you. I’d never hurt you, Lucifer.” She was ready to cry. Sleaze handed her the missing sunglasses, and she quickly hid her eyes.

  “It’s okay babe; you were in shock, I should've been back here with you.” He pulled the gloves on. “Sleaze, grab the clothes off the ground so we can pay for them. Come on, let's see what else we can buy.” He wanted to take her mind off of what had just happened.

  To keep the vendor happy and quiet, a few of the bikers bought stuff, and Lucifer found a few more outfits for Aries. He was going to have to find somebody with saddlebags to bring her new clothes home. His eye caught a beautiful pair of black leather ones, so he bought them for himself.

  Leigh and Ria finally appeared and were talking to Aries. He paid for the everything and watched Aries talking. She looked in control, but he wondered if she was as fine as she claimed. Juba came next to him and looked at his ol lady.

  “You should keep that one Lucifer. She’s got guts, just teach her not to cut you. She's a bloodthirsty wench, isn’t she?” He joked.

  Lucifer was glad the national president liked Aries. “I plan on it; she’s a dancer too. She was fucking attacked; I’m making that clear, here and now. You heard her side of the story right from her mouth, so I don’t expect any blowback. Anyone tries to take her from me or goes near her or her daughter; it’s war. I ain't fucking around, Juba. He fucking attacked my ol lady with my property patch on her back! You saw she had it on. That shit doesn’t fly.” He snarled like a wolf, and his anger filled the air.

  Juba could see how pissed off Lucifer was. “There won’t be any; I’ll handle it myself. Just get her ass outta here. My word on it, bro.”

  Leigh was braiding Aries’ hair, and Ria was holding her tee shirt, so she could put it on as soon as Leigh finished with her hair. If cops were looking for a girl in a halter, she would be passed over. He watched the girls get Aries fixed up. Leigh even went so far as to tuck her braid under the vest. The hill climb was starting to wind down as he and Juba walked toward the women.

  “Aries, this is Juba. He’s going to make sure everything is cool, so you don’t have to worry. Are you ready to ride? As soon as my new saddlebags are on the bike, we’ll be leaving.” Lucifer was still watching her with concern in his eyes.

  She looked at Juba, and recalled meeting him earlier; he was the national president. She wasn’t sure what she should say to him.

  “I’m so sorry if I caused any problems.” She kept it plain and straightforward. “I wasn’t going with them; I belong to Lucifer. I’m ready to go as soon as you are.” She held her head up high.

  Juba kissed her cheek. “Let Lucifer take care of this, honey; you did good, real good.”

  Sleaze and Siggy ended up putting the saddlebags on the mo
torcycle, Leigh and Ria got her clothes into them as they stood with Juba and a few other bikers.

  Aries was happy when she was on the back of the bike, and they were heading out of the gates. Bikers from two other clubs had intermingled around them since state troopers were milling around and eyeing up the Devious Jokers MC. She grabbed Lucifer with her thighs and leaned back into the sissy bar. It was at least two and half hours before they'd be home and she couldn’t wait to leave this place. Her hand throbbed painfully, and she tried to think about the wind blowing her pain away.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Aries didn’t recall much of the ride home. She held on to Lucifer with one hand, and she used her legs to stay steady. Aries felt sick to her stomach and was trying hard not to throw up. When she saw them pull away from the other clubs, she figured home wasn’t far. At one rest stop, she’d put her jacket on over her vest. The night air on the bike made her shiver. She was past caring about her hand; she wanted a shower. She wanted her bed and a glass of soda. She wished she could just shut the damn world out. Not even the thought of all the beautiful clothes Lucifer had bought her made her happy.

  She leaned forward and tried to put her head on his back. He tapped her thigh, and she leaned back. She knew he was letting her know he wasn't comfortable. Finally, she saw their street, and he was parking the bike. She wasn’t sure if she would be able to stand. Charlie was beside the motorcycle, and he helped her to get off. As he carried her upstairs, she laid her head on his shoulder.

  “Charlie, I had to use your dagger, I did what you said to do,” she whispered.

  “Lucifer called from the road; he told me you got hurt. I’m gonna lay you on the couch.” Charlie put her down carefully. He pulled her boots off. “You didn’t lose my dagger, did you?”

  “No, Lucifer has it. I promised you; I’d bring it back. I’m so damned drained. I just want to go to sleep in my bed. Can you help me get this jacket off?” She was trying to pull it off with one hand.

  Charlie helped her get it off as she was struggling. She didn’t lay down. She knew the glove, and duct tape had to come off. It would be easier if she did it herself. She began to tug the glove off while Charlie hovered over her.

  “It hurts like hell. If you don’t like the sight of blood, don’t look.” She warned him. “I need to rip this tape off and hope it doesn’t bleed more.” It hurt her hand badly as she removed the bloody glove and Charlie took it away from her.

  Lucifer was coming into the apartment when she was telling Charlie she was going to take the duct tape off. His hand throbbed too.

  “Aries, don’t take the tape off yet. Let’s get you to the sink. I’ll put your stuff in the closet.” He had her clothes in his hand, and he disappeared into the bedroom.

  Charlie was sitting near her and was watching her with concern. “Who hurt you? I’m gonna kill the motherfucker.”

  Aries didn’t want him to get into any trouble over her. “I got him good enough. I hurt myself holding the dagger. I got my hair pulled, and I hate my hair pulled, it makes me go into a rage. Juba said to let Lucifer handle it. I want to forget about today. I’m never going to another hill climb again. It was boring and next time I am staying home with you.” She looked at him and tried to smile. She failed miserably.

  Charlie was livid. She was his family now, and he was going to make sure she was always safe. She had little Jewel, and he loved kids. He couldn’t work supposedly due to his mental problems and got a decent check from the government plus the money he made doing odd jobs here and there. He was going to be Jewel and Aries personal protector. He may have failed Della, but he would never let down his new family.

  “I’ll be right back; you stay right on the couch. Promise me you’ll wait for me before you get up, okay?” He stood over her waiting for her promise.

  Aries sighed, “I promise, I won’t get up.”

  Charlie nodded, “I’ll be right back, and we’ll get you fixed up.” He left the room and went to talk to Lucifer.

  Lucifer was in the bathroom cursing as he was pulling the tape off his hand. He had a deep gash, and he needed stitches. He saw Charlie lurking by the door.

  “That fucking dagger is sharp as hell. What the hell did you do, sharpen the sides too?” He was rinsing his hand off.

  Charlie looked at him, “It saved her ass, she said you’ve got it, so hand it over. I’m going be her protector, I couldn’t help Della, but now she and Jewel are my family, too. I want to move into the other bedroom. You offered it to me enough times. When you’re not around, I will be.” He was very solemn.

  Lucifer didn’t answer him right away. He reached up and took the cord with the dagger from his neck. Charlie was dead serious about protecting Aries and Jewel. He knew he’d protect both with his life if it came down to that. With Frog and Devil’s Grime MC out for blood, it was a decent idea. Would Aries mind another person living with them was the question? He didn’t give a fuck. His bros were always crashing here anyway. He chose his words carefully because upsetting Charlie wasn’t a wise idea.

  “Charlie, you going flip out or do anything stupid because Jewel is a child? She gets annoying at times. We’ve got to run this by Aries and see how she feels about it before I give any answer. Fuck, her hand’s worse than my cut. Motherfucker, we’re going to have to go the Emergency Room to get them stitched up. Come on, we’ll see what she says, but if you fuck up and scare either of them, I’m gonna be mad at you.” He warned him as he ran more water over his hand and wrapped gauze around it.

  Aries was trying to tune out everyone who had come into the apartment. She was ready to go to bed. She was only sitting because she had promised she would.

  Lucifer sat on one side of her and Charlie sat on the other side of her on the couch. She looked at them tiredly.

  “Babe, do you mind if Charlie moves in with us? He wants to be close to you and Jewel, so if anyone tries to hurt you, he can stop them. It’s up to you, but it’s a good idea, honestly. He’s one of my best bros.” Lucifer was as persuasive as he could be in Charlie’s favor.

  Aries turned to look at Charlie. He was looking at her with a new look in his eyes. Maybe this would help him, she decided.

  “I’d like that. I’ll feel safe with Charlie, and as long as there is no more hiding in closets, the answer is yes.” She reached out with her good hand and touched Charlie’s arm. “Thank you for caring, Charlie.”

  “No more games, except if Jewel wants to play hide and seek. We need to see your hand sis, let's get you to the bathroom and away from everyone.” Charlie seemed different as if he had a new outlook on life.

  Lucifer hid a smile. Maybe this was going to bring back the old Charlie and give him a new reason to clean up his act.

  “Do you need help getting up, Aries?” He saw how pale she looked and wanted to get her hand checked.

  “I want to get this damn tape off and take a shower and go to bed. I’m tired, and I feel sick to my stomach.” She pushed herself up, and the two bikers were instantly beside her.

  She walked to the bathroom with them behind her, and she looked at her hand with the duct tape wrapped around it. It was going to be a bitch to pull it off. Dried blood was caked all over her hand. She felt sick to her stomach as she looked at the tape. It was going to have to come off, and she wasn’t sure if pulling was the best idea. Cutting it off might be better. She opened the drawer by the sink and found her scissors.

  “One of you cut the duct tape off. I don’t want to look; I feel sick, and like I’m gonna puke.” She wasn’t afraid to admit how she really felt with Lucifer and Charlie.

  “I’ll hold you and Charlie can cut it off. Hell, he can use his dagger, that thing is as sharp as a razor.” Lucifer tried to make a joke to lighten the mood.

  Charlie glared at him and ran his finger over the blade of the scissors. “They’re dull, hold her hand still, Lucifer. I am using my dagger, it is sharper and will cut the tape faster.” He had it in his hand, and Aries shut her eyes as
she felt her hand being held out. He was trying to be gentle, yet do it as fast as he could. The tape was sticky, and he pulled it away from her skin as quickly as possible.

  Aries gasped in pain and felt Lucifer tighten his grip on her. Charlie washed her hand with soapy water and it stung. She was scared to look at the cut.

  Lucifer watched as Charlie used gauze to blot her cut. His friend looked at him sadly, “She needs stitches. I should have warned her just to hold the handle.”

  Aries had heard enough, she pushed out of Lucifer’s arms and reached the toilet where she emptied her stomach.

  Charlie looked at Lucifer and mouthed the word soda at him. Lucifer nodded back and stood there helplessly, as his ol lady heaved her guts out.

  “I feel like shit; I want to go to bed and not get stitches. What the hell are we going to tell the hospital?” She flushed the toilet and was reaching for the mouthwash. “Look at me, I look awful.” She swished her mouth, spit and rinsed the sink out.

  “Babe, they’re not gonna ask. They usually see the club patch and say little. You want to wash your face and put on a clean shirt? We may as well get this over with right away. If you want, I’ll send somebody to get sandwiches from the diner.” He knew if he had food waiting she’d be more likely to go.

  Aries looked her hand, damn; she had cut it deeply. She thought of Frog and decided the cut was worth having.

  “They will be stitching your hand too? At least I didn’t get your right hand. Will Charlie hold my hand if you can’t?” She sounded weary and looked at him with tears in her green eyes.

  “Of course I’ll hold your hand, I got you some soda to settle your stomach.” Charlie held the glass of soda out to her. “Try to take little sips.” He looked at Lucifer, “Who else do you want to go?”

  Lucifer was tired, “Whoever is the soberest. I need somebody to get us roast beef club sandwiches. Figure it out while I get her ready to go.”

  Charlie left, and Lucifer got Aries into the bedroom to put on a plain tee shirt. She grabbed one and went braless. He went into the closet and tossed out a pair of sandals for her to slide her feet into easily.


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