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Watercolor Kisses

Page 14

by Needa Warrant

  Lucifer looked at her and saw she had her eyes closed and seemed to be out of it. He got up and went to get her some water. The front door was locked, and she couldn’t escape him. What the hell had gotten into her, he wondered. He felt around in his pocket for pills. He found a Quaalude, looked at it and figured it would calm her ass down the fastest. He brought it to her with the paper cup of water.

  “Aries, take this and calm the fuck down. I wasn’t disrespecting you. I love you. I was just smoking a joint. You belong to me, and you’re not leaving me so get that shit outta your head. I get you don’t want the speed and coke around Jewel. I’ll work on that. Now open your mouth and take this pill or I'll shove it down your throat.” His voice was harsh, and she opened her eyes finally.

  “I don’t want it. I want to go home to my aunt’s house. I can’t do this again. I’m getting my baby, and we’re going. I don’t want you anymore. This life isn’t for me. I’m not fighting over a man, ever. You’re not worth the effort, Lucian. You’re full of broken promises and a bunch of twisted lies; all wrapped up in a hot package. I know just what you are and that girl warned me. I got into you too fast with your smooth talking bullshit, and I should have known better.” She didn’t yell; her voice was full of sadness.

  Lucifer took the opportunity to pop the pill in her mouth and kept his hand firmly on it so she couldn’t spit it out. She had to swallow it, or the damn thing would melt on her tongue. He handed her the water, and she took a sip before tossing the rest into his face.

  He looked at her in shock and then laughed at her. She glared at him, waiting for the expected slap to come. Instead, he sat down and pulled her on his lap.

  He rubbed the water off his face and buried his nose into her sweet smelling hair.

  “Did you think I’d melt like the wicked witch? I’m more like the devil, and the water trick doesn’t work on me. Let the pill do its magic. You’ll like this one, fucking hard to get, though. Gotta get it from Mexico now.” He sounded calmer and more in control.

  “What the hell did you give me?” Aries wanted to get up, but he was still holding her.

  “A Quaalude, you might know it as a 714. It’s not easy to get them now but it will calm you down, and you’ll stop the nonsense about leaving. I told you, you’ll never be with any man but me. Now get your ass up, and we’ll go up the back stairs to the apartment.” He pushed her off his lap to the side of the couch and got up.

  Aries stared at him standing before her and felt lightheaded. She’d never done one of these, had only heard of them and she let him pull her up and off the couch. He guided her upstairs and into the bedroom. She stood still as he undressed her and put one of his big tee shirts over her head. He pulled the covers down, and she slipped between the satin sheets. She felt him kiss her lips before he left the room. She closed her eyes and let herself fall into whatever the hell drug he’d given her.


  Lucifer brushed past Leigh and went back outside to party. He thought about Aries in bed and chuckled to himself. She had been like a spitting cat insisting she was going to leave him. He admired that in her but she was going to learn to respect his word, or things would be changing for her until she understood she no longer had any say in her life. She might think she did, but his word was law, and she’d obey him. Occasionally he’d give in to her demands but only if he felt it was needed. He walked over to his brothers who were grinning at him.

  Sleaze shot him a sour expression, “She tell Leigh, I was with Carrie? This isn’t gonna work with Leigh staying upstairs and me partying. She’ll be nagging at me, and we’ll start fighting.”

  “Where did you expect Leigh to go Sleazy? Her mom tossed her and your daughter out.” Lucifer took the bottle of whiskey handed to him and chugged from it.

  “I don’t know. After Aries kicked Sandy, the bitches all left, so it doesn’t look like we’re partying much tonight unless we go to a bar. I hope you straightened your ol lady out Pres.” He rubbed his hand across his chin, thinking of where they could go.

  Charlie scowled, “Don’t talk about Aries like that. You’ve been leading Leigh on for years, and she’s a good girl. If you aren’t gonna make her an ol lady, let her go or better yet, let one of us have a chance with her.” He folded his arms across his chest and stared belligerently at Sleaze.

  Sensing a fight coming on, Lucifer tried to nip it before he had bros fighting. “Charlie has a point if you don’t plan to put your property patch on her, let another brother have a chance or set her free. She can’t live with us forever, so Aries wants her to rent an apartment here.” He waited for the blowback, that was sure to come.

  “An apartment in this building?” Sleaze couldn’t believe his president was considering renting to Leigh.

  Lucifer watched Sleaze carefully. “Yeah, here. I need Aries happy, and you’re always worried about Leigh’s safety, so if I rent her one at the other end of the building, she wouldn’t be right up your ass. Why don’t you bite the bullet and step up? You love her.” He ran his hand through his hair.

  Sleaze stomped off without another word, and Charlie roared with laughter.


  “Aries, wake up, you’ve gotta call your friend Melissa. Your aunt has called here three times. Said it's very important and you’ve got to call, Melissa has been calling her nonstop all morning.” Lucifer shook her awake.

  “Go away; I was having the best dreams. I don’t want to call anyone. I want to go back to sleep.” Aries whined. She rubbed her eyes and looked at Lucifer and saw his face was concerned. “Whatever pill you forced down my throat gave me the best sleep I’ve had in years.” She sat up and saw the paper in his hand. “Is that Missy’s number?”

  “You aunt said it was very important. Use the phone in here, so you get privacy.” He handed her the paper and sat on the edge of the bed.

  Aries sat up and thought he wasn’t giving her any privacy but decided fighting with him would cause more problems. She reached for the phone and pushed in her friend’s number.

  Melissa picked up on the first ring. “Hello?”

  “Missy, what is going on? I was sleeping, are you okay?” Aries wondered what could be going on with her friend.

  “Ara, I’ve got some bad news for you although it might be good news. I don’t know. There was a prison fight and Gunner was killed. I heard his throat was slit.” Her voice sounded shaky and scared.

  Aries turned white and didn’t say anything for a few moments.

  “Arabella, listen I’ve got to get out of here. Every bar I’m dancing at, the Devil’s Grime MC is showing up. They’re asking about you and Jewel. Can I come to stay with you? I’m scared to death.” Missy was frantic sounding.

  “Of course, you can come here, just hold on a second okay?” She covered the phone with her hand and looked at Lucifer. “Gunner got himself killed in a prison fight; his club is going after my best friend, she wants to come here. She is a great dancer, taught me how to dance. Lucifer please, we’ve got to help her. I promise I’ll stop trying to leave you if you let her come here. They’re asking her about Jewel and me.” She pleaded, looking at him with those beautiful green eyes.

  Lucifer turned away so she couldn’t see the smile of satisfaction on his face. Gunner was dead, and his dad had come through as promised. Aries wanted a favor and was promising to behave if he gave her this. He’d get a new dancer out of the deal and make Aries work in the tattoo shop. He turned and gave her a nod.

  “Sure babe, have your friend head on down. Let me know when she’s leaving, and I’ll make sure she gets an escort out of PA, and I'll send a few of my boys to meet her, so she gets here safely.” He reached over and ruffled her hair before leaving her to talk to her friend.

  What great news for him and a way to control his ol lady without her catching on. There was just one problem, Leigh, and Lizzy. He didn’t want Aries going across town to visit them. Sleaze was going to have to suck it up when he found out he was going to rent Leigh a two be
droom apartment. He stood looking at the wall in the living room. On the other side of the wall was a small one bedroom apartment, he’d originally planned to offer to Charlie. If he had a door put in Charlie would have his own place if he wanted to bring a slut home and still have access to Aries and Jewel. Missy could have his room and Aries would be happy. His eyes sparkled, and his grin was wicked.


  Aries sighed in thanks as she watched Lucifer close the door behind him. He was good to her, why she doubted him and thought about leaving him was stupid on her part.

  “Missy, pack up and call me when you’re almost ready to leave. My ol man, Lucifer is going to get you an escort out of there, and his club will meet you and bring you here to us. Jewel is going to be so happy to have her Aunt Missy back. I think you’ll love Glidden, I do.”

  “Ara, you call Juliette, Jewel now?” Missy wondered how much her friend had changed since she’d seen her last.

  “Lucifer calls her his jewel, he likes it better, and I use Aries all the time. I started dancing under that name, and everyone calls me that now except my aunt. You’re going to love it here. Lucifer will let you work in his club, Hot Tramps. I made so much in tips; I bet you’ll be rolling in money. Get packing and call me when you’re ready to leave.” She rattled off the telephone number before hanging up.

  She stretched lazily thinking about how much fun it would be to have Missy here and how Leigh and Ria would like her. Suddenly, it occurred to her that she had nowhere to put her friend. She got up quickly and tossed on shorts, leaving Lucifer’s tee shirt on and went to find him.

  Chapter Eighteen

  Aries found Charlie and Lucifer busy measuring the wall. She wondered what they were doing when Jewel tugged on her shirt.

  “Mommy, they’re putting a door in for Charlie to come into our house. See that?” She pointed to the two men and wanted juice. Aries went to get her a cup and realized Lucifer was doing this for her friend to have a place to stay. He amazed her at times by the things he did to make her happy.

  Life was changing again for her. Things were getting better even though she had the threat of Gunner gone; she now had his club mad at her. She took a deep breath and looked at the flowers hanging on the balcony. They were still blooming as she and Jewel were under Lucifer’s care. She loved him and she wanted to tell him so but those damn words, she didn’t know how to say them. He needed to hear them from her; she understood that, but it scared her to admit she loved him. So many what ifs filled her mind. She was afraid to be hurt again. What if he cheated on her? That would make her turn her love to hate, and she never wanted to hate him. Jewel couldn’t be hurt again either. Life was a big dance to her. You had to take a chance and just leap. Today was the day she would tell him.


  Sleaze came storming into the apartment; he was almost breathing fire as he looked at everyone. He stood there, clenching his fists and glaring. Leigh snatched up Lizzy and Jewel and headed for the bedroom. Aries wondered if she should leave but this was her house now, and she wanted to see what Lucifer would do. She poured a glass of soda and leaned against the counter and waited for the explosion to go off.

  Lucifer knew why Sleaze was angry. He’d told Leigh she could have the last apartment on the other end of the building. It was a front entrance with no back balcony. It was a nice apartment and Sleaze should be happy Leigh was nearby. At least he’d see his daughter each day if he chose to. He had to keep Aries where she was safe from Devil’s Grime MC and Frog. Sleaze was welcome to move if he wished, another bro would gladly move in with Rico if that was how he wanted to play it. The choice was his. He too waited to see what would happen next.

  Finally, Sleaze spoke, “You had to move her in where I live? Christ, Lucifer why? You knew fucking I didn’t want my family here.”

  Lucifer nodded at Aries to leave, and she did, heading to their bedroom.

  “I did it because we have issues with two clubs. I thought it was best to keep Leigh and Lizzy safe and you weren’t gonna help them. Family? Fuck, you let Leigh support Lizzy with what? A few dollars here and there that you gave her? You call that being a family? You could afford to help her, but you barely did. She was always there for you, bro. Hell, move in with the best woman you’ll ever meet. Or let her the fuck go, bro. Deal with it or move out. Rico won’t care. I make the calls here, not you. I rented the last apartment to Siggy because we need bro’s here in case we get hit. End this shit now.” He was roaring by the time he was finished speaking.

  Leigh walked into the room. “I’ve got something to say about this. Sleaze, you and I are over. That makes it easier for everyone. You can help with Lizzy when I’m working or just see her. I never asked you for anything and I never will, but you’re free to do whatever you want now. I love you, but I need to move on. I can’t wait forever, and Lizzy will always be your daughter.” She looked at Sleaze with sorrow in her eyes and turned and walked back to Jewel’s room.

  Sleaze watched her go, pain written across his face. He didn’t say another word as he walked out letting the door slam behind him.

  Charlie watched it all and shook his head. “Damn, I thought he’d come to his senses. Gotta admire Leigh for coming out and speaking her piece too.”

  “Leigh is a good woman, and if Sleaze won’t see it, she needs to move on. She has known it, and I’m serious about the threat. He blames himself as much as you do about Della. He’s got to face the facts and doesn't take this wrong Charlie; nobody could have saved Della from her drug habit. I didn’t have any idea she was buying from the Filthy Fiends. We don’t trade in dope. Had I known, I’d have taken steps to get her off that shit. It sucks, but once you get addicted to that, it’s hard to quit. I had no idea she even used it or was buying from them. Why was Della killed by those scumbags? I don’t know, but one day we’ll find out and take em down one by one. Very painfully.” Lucifer ran his hand across his face, lines of worry showing on his forehead.

  Charlie processed what he’d heard for a few moments. “I know. Nobody knew, and she didn’t want us to know. I blame myself for not being around, but I’m getting better. Fucking cops could have done their job, but she was nothing to those fuckers. Pigs sure as hell locked me up for dealing pot. It sucks all of it.” He walked to the fridge and got out a beer. He stared out the window over the sink for a few minutes before opening his bottle and taking a swallow. “It’s all good Lucifer, I’ve got my bros and now Aries and Jewel, and maybe at some point, an ol lady. Life goes on, and I can change. Aries taking me as her brother, it made me see things in a new light. I can go on or stay miserable. I’m choosing to go onward. One day, I’ll get those bastards, and I know you’ll be right there with me as will be Sleaze. I think I’ll head over to the lumberyard and pick up a door and everything we need. Siggy is outside with his truck. You got the cash for all the supplies?”

  Lucifer pulled out his wallet and handed him a credit card. “Get whatever you need to do this and get some beer. Sending Dallas, Milo and maybe Sleaze to get Aries’ friend as soon as she calls. It’s all gonna work out, one way or another, it always does.” He watched Charlie leave and talk with Siggy. Suddenly, he felt arms around his waist. The heat of her body pressed into him.

  “Hey, I need to tell you something,” Aries whispered. “Turn around and look at me.”

  Lucifer turned and gazed into the face of the women he loved. He wasn’t sure what she wanted to say to him, and he felt a tiny bit of hope in his heart. “What do you gotta tell me, babe?”

  Aries smiled, and her green eyes lit up. “Lucifer, I know it’s taken me a long time to be able to give you this. I love you so much. I didn’t want to say it because I’m scared it won’t work out. I love you, and I think I did from the day I met you.” Tears flowed down her face, but they were happy ones. Lucifer wiped them away with his fingers.

  “I love you and Jewel, too. I never expected to fall in love so fast. Now about that tattoo… I think maybe up by your neck would be a good
place, what do ya think?” He was grinning wickedly at her.

  Aries laughed at him. No ‘property of tattoo’. I have your black heart, and that should warn everyone away. Anyway, I want to give you something better.” She smiled gently at him, her eyes sparkling with mischief.

  He wondered what she had on her mind. “Yeah, and what’s that?”

  She took a deep breath; she was taking a big chance here. “If you stop the drugs, why don’t we have a baby? I don’t want Jewel being much older than her siblings.”

  Lucifer looked so shocked; it was as if she had gut punched him. He didn’t answer Aries right away. He kissed her instead, and it was a kiss filled with passion, watercolors, and light. Each of them put their love for each other in that kiss, and it was the best of all the kisses they’d ever shared. Finally, when their lips parted, he spoke.

  “I think we’d make some cute babies. We stop the drugs today. Life is going to be beautiful for us, baby. I promise you.”

  Aries slipped her hand into his, “I believe you and most of all, I believe in you. With you by my side, I’m beginning to think anything is possible.”

  They kissed again, and this kiss blew the last one away.

  The End

  Note from Needa

  If you enjoyed meeting Lucifer and Aries, their next book will be coming out shortly. I want to thank my readers, my Warrant’s Wenches, Ryder’s and Warrants, my family, my friends. But most of all, Missy, for coming back in my life & showing me that I wasn’t the chick of years ago, she knew. Thank you to Tabby Coots @ Graphics by TabbyCat and Jacqui Leigh Jones, and so many others. A big thank you to Justin Paugh for creating my daughter’s tattoo, which is the cover art. Thank you to Masquepublishing for my format and Witchy Editing.


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