The Billionaire's Lie
Page 6
Thankfully, my suffering wasn’t too prolonged. The next day, I spent most of my time in the spa with Abigail. We got deep tissue massages, face cleanses, and then there was the sauna. I’ve never been in one, and everybody made it seem so awesome but hell I was just hot. I could feel my cheeks turning beet red as the heat left me sticky and uncomfortable. It wasn’t my idea of fun. I understand it made the toxins sweat out but why spend that much time in there?
“I take it you’re not a summer baby,” Abigail suddenly remarked as I lay exasperated at the very edge of my seat. I faked a laugh and swiped away a dribble of sweat.
“Nope, I was born in January,” I wheezed. She smiled, nodding her head slowly. When she smiled, I realized just how much she and Matteo looked alike. The same deep brown eyes, high cheekbones, and adorable smile. Matteo rarely smiled to me, but I caught him smiling when Shawn cracked a joke. His smile crept on his face slow and easy, quickly reaching those gorgeous eyes.
“What?” Abigail asked with a confused look. Oh fuck. I had been staring at her like an idiot.
“Oh. Nothing. It’s just that you and Matteo have the same smile,” I admitted. She chuckled, leaning back.
“Yep, he’s my twin. We get it from our father actually.”
I smiled back, enjoying the pleasant conversation. She was so kind and gentle, which was the complete opposite of Matteo.
Afterward, we both went and got our hair done. She wanted to get some highlights in her brown hair and then talked me into doing it too. Honestly, I’ve never colored my hair. It’s always just been this same color. Deep down. So, I was excited about the change. The only thing I didn’t like about it was how long it took. The hairdresser picked and probed at my hair for what felt like for hours. Finally, he whirled me around with a satisfied look on his round face.
“Feast your eyes on your new look,” He announced. My jaw dropped. My hair looked incredible, and for once i felt extremely pleased on the trip.
“You look beautiful, Lacey!” Abigail squealed, hugging me out of the blue. Stunned, I stiffly hugged her back, my shoulders eventually falling as I felt the warmth of her embrace.
By the time, we got back to the hotel it was time for dinner. Abigail told me to get Matteo and meet them at the restaurant for dinner. When I walk in the door, I found that Matteo hadn’t been here yet. I took advantage of the quiet and hopped right into the shower, plugging in my phone to the Bluetooth speaker and jamming out. No one was here, so I sang loud in the shower. I wanted to enjoy myself. Afterward, I straightened my hair and put on very subtle makeup for a classic look.
I go to the closet to find something to wear tonight. I had brought a couple of nice dresses, and I decided on a lilac knee length dress. I go back into the bathroom to slip it on when in walked Matteo.
“Oh, I’m sorry. Why didn’t you shut the door?” He said flabbergasted trying not to stare.
He continued staring at me with his jaw to his ankles, “Well, you could stop staring at me. That would be the first step to making this a little less awkward.”
He apologized some more and went into the other room to get changed. Wow, that wasn’t awkward at all. He was just standing there. He could have at least looked away, but he didn’t.
I came out of the bathroom to put my heels on, and he just looked at me. “What, is this not fancy enough for this family dinner outing?” I was entirely sarcastic because I was wearing whether it was or not. I didn’t care that much about how I dressed.
“No, uh---, you look beautiful.” He said, “So, I just wanted to apologize for the other night. A lot of things were said. Let’s just make this work.”
I smiled at him because I knew we would have to agree or this wasn’t going to work. I really need that money, or this all would have been for nothing. There were some things that I still needed to make clear. “For this to work, you are going to have to be better at acting like you like me. I know it’s hard, but you have to.”
His family wasn’t stupid eventually they were going to figure out I was a fake if he didn’t do a better job at acting. He needed to be able to show me affection and smile more.
“Okay, tonight we will act like the happiest couple ever, besides the bride and groom, of course. No one can be as in love as them.” He laughed but knew he was telling the truth. Seeing them around each other, they were always smiling and laughing. They truly seemed happy with one another.
“Let’s do a great job at acting tonight. You in?” He said with a smile holding his hand out to mine. I didn’t hesitate to take his hand because we were in this together even if we didn’t particularly like each other.
When we arrived at dinner, we were holding hands and smiling which caught everyone’s attention. Just like we wanted. Dinner was bound to go smoother this time since I didn’t need coaching with what silverware to use.
The conversation consumed us tonight, everyone wanted to talk to each other, and I couldn’t keep up. I noticed how Matteo kept very quiet though, not even raising an eyebrow about what anyone said. I started to piece together why he hired me in the first place. To pretend and blend. His family had no idea who he was, and in a way, that made him an outcast. Deep down inside, aside from how much I loathed him, I felt sorry for him. Being an outcast was hard, and I knew better than anyone the toll it takes on you. Once dinner was over, Matteo’s mom asked to speak with me. No pressure or anything. We walked out onto the beach, and I could tell she wanted to ask me something. She kept rubbing her hands together and biting her full lips. Her greying hair was flying around her head as a soft wind hit us. I wanted to be bold and confess what happened, but that would ruin everything.
“Are you happy with him? I’m just worried. He has had his heart broken badly, and I don’t want to see that happen to him again. He seems happy with you. I just wanted to know what your intentions were.”
Here I go, having to lie some more. After this trip, I was going to be a professional.
“Of course, your son is exactly who I want to be with. He’s an amazing man that treats me well.”
Not all of it was a lie. I was finally getting to see the true Matteo, not the asshole, the sweeter side of him. This was just a job. His mom didn’t need to know that part.
Once back to the restaurant, I found Matteo. “Hey honey, I’m a little exhausted. I’ll see you back in the room.” I gave him a smile and a quick kiss on the cheek before departing.
Chapter 11
I was surprised that Lacey went back to the hotel. My family really loved her. In fact, they only had good things to say about her. My mother adored her and thinks she was just the right fit for me. She even went as far as to say she was surprised I finally found someone that could put up with me. Not sure how I should take that, but whatever. I think we did better at acting tonight. We really sold that we were a happy couple.
Tonight was interesting. After a couple of hours, I didn’t disgust her anymore. She seemed like a really nice woman. She was smart as hell too. I was happy to be helping her with paying for her education. I just couldn’t put my finger where my feelings were starting to come in. I guess it all had to do with how she carried herself. I felt deep down that we could have a connection, but my fears dragged me down.
I swore to myself that I would never tell her this though. There was no way in hell I’d allow myself to go soft, and reveal that I had an actual heart. At one point though, it dawned on me how big of an ass I’ve been to her and felt a little bad about it.
My dad came over and put his arm around me, “I’m so happy for you. Who knows, maybe you are the next to get married, son.” He laughed, but I knew he was serious.
My dad and I had always been close. Most boys are drawn to their mother but not me. My dad worked hard for our family. Sometimes, he worked two to three jobs to put food on the table and keep a roof over our heads. I suppose it’s the reason I worked so hard with my business. I’d remember him straggling into the house with his shoulders slump
ed and eyes barely open. I was convinced he wasn't human. He never let us see how tired he was though. He loved us and provided for us. I swore I’d turn out just like him, since I deeply respected him. As an adult, I understood what he went through, and I ended up respecting him even more. It’s too bad I didn’t end up more like him.
“Maybe so, dad,” I said to him with a huge smile.
About an hour went by, Abigail dismissed everyone, and I headed back to the hotel room. Walking in the door, I find her sleeping on the pull-out couch. Her hair was spread out all around her, making her look like a beautiful angel. My heart melted. She looked So peaceful. I had been making her sleep on an uncomfortable couch as I slept like a king. I knew that my father would never approve. Sighing, I gently picked her up and placed her on the bed, careful not to disturb her sleep. Things needed to start being different, and I wanted to start small.
Chapter 12
How the hell did I fall asleep so early? I looked around to find Matteo still asleep. This wasn’t normal. Usually, he was the first one up, moving around loud like banging pots and pans together. I did the right thing and got up quietly trying not to wake him while going to take a shower. When coming out, I find Matteo sitting up watching tv. He tells me good morning, and I reciprocate.
I would say last night went well. It seemed his family really believed this big lie. Matteo did a way better job last night at selling it. He made sure to hold my hand a lot and look at me from across the room. I think he even winked at me a couple times.
“So, what was the verdict after I left last night?” I asked curiously. Who knows? Things could have gone downhill once I left.
He put a couple more pillows behind him, “Well, it’s official, my parents love you. My dad even mentioned marriage. That’s a big deal. We received a gold star for our acting skills.” Matteo’s eyes were glued to the television. He seemed pretty nonchalant about it which is good.
I don’t mention the conversation with his mom. That would be weird. Hell, only three days left, and I get my $10,000. I can do this. “Well, I’m off to meet your sister. She wanted me to tag along for last minute wedding stuff. See ya later.”
Downstairs, I met up with Abigail who looked like a wreck.
Her hair, which usually looked perfectly curled, was in a frizzy mess, and she had on a wrinkled shirt.
“Is everything okay? It looked like you didn’t get any sleep.”
She rolled her eyes and looked at me like I said something out of line. “No, everything is not okay. My dress was supposed to be here two days ago for a final fitting. It just got here this morning. We need to go there first.”
Wow, she was stressed. I thought to Maybe spike her water with vodka, just to get her to loosen up a bit. Just kidding. But really though, she needed to calm down. This wasn’t going to be a good day if she was in a bad mood.
“Well, I’m sure things will be okay, Abigail. Try not to stress.”
She nodded, blinking back tears. I felt really sorry for her in the moment because she looked miserable.
We made it to the bridal salon and Lorraine waiting for us. “Hi, honey. I called you as soon as I got the message. They are ready for you.”
Abigail took a deep breath. The only bad thing about her dress arriving late was if it needed any more alterations it might not be done in time for the wedding. Let’s hope it fits. Lorraine and I waited outside the room hoping we didn’t hear screams from inside. The door opened, and out walked Abigail in one of the most stunning wedding gowns I’d ever seen. It was a lace gown with crystals around the waist and sides. The sweetheart neckline and trumpet style really accented her figure. I’m glad to say it fit like a glove. There was a huge smile on her face, so I could tell she was happy with the final results which made us in turn happy too. I don’t know what we would have done if it didn’t fit. I guess we would have to get boxes of tissues and having a crying fest.
“What do you think Lacey? This is the first time you have seen it.” She asked me.
I was honored to know she even cared what I thought. She had only known me for four days but asking my opinion on her dress for one of the biggest days of her life. I felt honored. “I think it’s absolutely stunning. Fits you perfectly. You look like a true bride.”
She laughed, “One day, it will be you up here showing off your wedding dress to us.”
I nervously chuckled because I knew that was never going to happen. “Yeah, maybe. You never know.”
As Abigail went and changed, my phone went off.
“Hey, what are you guys doing?” Matteo asked.
“We are at the dress shop why?”
“Just wanted to know if you guys were doing last minute stuff. Have fun!” He muttered in the phone like I was fixing to walk into a crime show. Should I be scared?
Abigail and I walk out of the store, and she went back to the previous conversation, “Sorry, I didn’t mean to pressure you about the whole marriage thing. I just know I’ve never seen my brother this happy, not even with Kelsey. Sorry.”
She didn’t need to be sorry for speaking her mind. I just felt bad because, after the wedding, she would never see me again. This made me sad because I felt like I’ve really bonded with her in a sisterly way. I wish I had a sister when growing up. Many things would have been easier with someone close to my age to talk too.
Chapter 13
Today was our day. Shawn and I were going to spend the whole day relaxing. After we did some last minute checking for the wedding. Abigail was so scared that our tuxes weren’t going to fit, so she made us go to the shop. I knew my body, and between two weeks ago and now, I hadn’t gained any weight. The tux was going to fit just fine, but there was no sense in arguing with her. We did as she asked. Make the bride happy. Afterward, we went and hung out on the beach. Honestly, we don’t get to hang out just the two of us very often. Shawn and Abigail went and did everything together. It wasn’t like I was complaining. As her brother, I’m ecstatic that she found a man like Shawn.
. I was brought back to a memory that kept replaying in my head over and over. A fourth grader walked into the classroom on the first day of school. Nobody at that age liked new kids. Although, it never got any better for him until high school. When we went to recess, I oversaw him getting picked up by a bunch of kids. “Stop!” I yelled across the playground. They couldn’t hear me over all the kids screaming and yelling. As I approached them, I yelled again, “Stop!” The older kid laughs at me, and that’s when my anger erupted. He turned around to continue as I twirled him around and punched him square in the jaw. Everyone around us starting hollering, “Fight! Fight! Fight!” I had never been in a fight before. However, my father always told me if I saw someone being bullied, to stand up for them. I just did as I was taught. The older kid punched me in my gut, and then I threw him on the ground. I might have been younger, but I was the same size if not a little taller than him. I’m not sure why the other kids were intimidated by him. He wasn’t to me. I punched him about four times in the face and then told Shawn, “Let’s go.”
Of course, word got around to the teacher, and I was called to the principal’s office along with my parents. They weren’t too happy.
“Son, why did you do it?” My father asked me.
“Dad, you always told me that if I saw someone being bullied to stand up for them. I tried, and he wouldn’t listen. So, I did the only thing that was going to get through to him. I punched him. He wouldn’t give up, so I continued.” I answered my father back with an innocent look on my face.
The funny thing was my father didn’t ground me, but I did get suspended. Shawn and I became best friends after that day. After a couple weeks, my sister became part of our trio. We all became inseparable. He came over after school every day.
Still, to the present day, Shawn was grateful. I would do it over again. Shawn had always been there for me. All the hard times, putting myself thr
u college after the scholarships weren’t enough to attend MIT. It was my dream school. I vowed to myself that If I got in, whatever it took I was going. I worked two jobs and went to school full time. I would never regret my decision because it was the best decision I ever made.
Shawn ordered us a couple of beers and says, “I’m really happy for you man. After you know who, I was scared you weren’t going to find someone. But then Lacey came along. Seeing you happy means the world to your sister and me.”
I don’t respond because at this point I don’t know what to say. Of course, Shawn knew about my struggles with women or the lack thereof. Seeing everyone take to Lacey was reassuring. All my family wanted was for me to be happy.
Chapter 14
The day had started out badly. Everyone knew I was not a morning person at all. Jarring me awake would only cause me to be pissed off. I yanked the door open, “What?” I didn’t mean to yell when I notice who’s on the other side of the door. Hell, could she blame me though? It’s 5 o’clock in the morning. Normal people would be asleep at this hour. “Abigail, what is going on?” Why would she be banging on my door this early? What’s wrong?
She looked down at her feet, “Uh- Sorry for waking you. There is a storm heading straight for us, so everything outside of the hotel has been shut down. We won’t be going anywhere today. I’m sure they tried to call your room, but you didn’t wake up. I just got off the phone with the manager of the hotel.”
Holy shit. Of course, a tropical storm would hit while I was here. Only makes sense. I had the worst luck. Why did stuff like this have to happen now of all times? Couldn’t have waited a couple more days for me to be gone?
“Sis,” he said rubbing his eyes, “what the hell is going on?”