The Best Is Yet to Be
Page 5
Kate smiled, delighted, and Amanda recited some more of the poem. Then she stopped and sighed.
Kate glanced over to where Paul was talking with Joe, Sam, and Skip. The four looked as if they were all talking at once, happy and excited. She sincerely hoped that she and Paul would grow old together, that their thirty years of marriage would become forty, fifty, even sixty. As many years as possible, please, Lord.
“I hope Joe isn’t leading those boys into trouble,” Amanda said sharply, looking at the group huddled around him.
“What on earth do you mean?” Kate asked, surprised.
“Just that when I was a girl, if there was any misbehavior going on, Joe Tucker was always in the thick of it.”
Kate looked at Amanda in disbelief.
Dot Bagley came over, carrying coats. “You about ready to go, Amanda?”
“Yes, I think so,” Amanda said, getting up carefully and putting on her coat. “I’m tired.”
“Wait a minute,” Kate said anxiously. “What you said about Joe...”
Amanda sighed. “All that was a long time ago. I shouldn’t have said anything. Forget what I said, please?”
Kate assured Amanda she would, but after a minute, she got up and walked over to Paul’s group, passing Renee, who was smiling broadly as she danced with Junius.
The four men stopped talking as soon as Kate approached, and the look on Paul’s face made her ask as lightly as she could, “What are y’all plotting over here, anyway?”
“Wh-wh-what?” Paul stuttered.
“She’s caught us, gentlemen,” Joe said. “We’re going to have to tell her the truth.” He turned to Kate, leaned forward on his walking stick, and said, solemnly, “These boys were making plans to take over the government and institute a new world order. Everybody’s going to have to sleep late in the morning, eat dessert first, and go fishing every Saturday. What do you think?”
“I think you look a little guilty for something as silly as that,” Kate replied, her eyes on Paul. He did look guilty. What was going on?
Joe shook his head. “Now isn’t that a woman for you? Always trying to find out a man’s secrets and never willing to share hers.”
“True.” She managed a smile. “But I’m always prepared to listen.”
Joe laughed. “You are one determined lady. I’ll leave her to you, Pastor,” he said and walked off, taking Skip with him.
Kate turned to Paul. “Is there something I should know?” she asked seriously.
“No,” Paul replied. “We were just cooking up a little plan for the summer concert series.”
“Oh, the root-beer floats,” Kate said, feeling a surprising amount of relief. “Joe told us all about that at lunch.”
Paul and Sam exchanged a quick glance.
“Did he? Well, he’s got a few more ideas like that,” Sam said.
Suddenly Kate found herself yawning.
“You’re tired,” Paul said. “Let’s go home. See you later, Sam.”
“Later, Paul.”
Kate and Paul headed toward the door. Most people were gone. Renee and Junius were still dancing, almost alone on the dance floor. Maybe Renee would get to dance all night.
Kate looked up at Paul and snuggled closer to him. “Grow old along with me! The best is yet to be.”
Chapter Four
Kate awoke before dawn Monday morning and lay in the half light, listening to the birds calling the sun to rise. Paul breathed softly beside her, his hair tousled and a slight smile on his face.
Kate smiled, her heart flooded with tenderness. Their son, Andrew, was the spitting image of his father, and looking at Paul now reminded her of all the times when she’d gotten Andrew up and ready for school. How he’d hated it! Now, she knew, he often got up at four in the morning to go for a run before heading to work as a real-estate lawyer in Philadelphia. She chuckled softly and then glanced again at Paul, worried that she’d disturbed him. Quiet as a mouse, she crept out of bed.
A few minutes later, she padded softly into the kitchen and got the coffeepot going, making as little sound as possible. Then she sat in her rocking chair for her usual early morning time with God. The sun would be up in a few minutes, the birds were still chirping their hearts out, and there was a faint mist all along the ground in the backyard, swirling around the trees.
Kate opened her devotional book and read the Bible passage for the day: Proverbs 31:10–31. “A wife of noble character who can find? She is worth far more than rubies. Her husband has full confidence in her and lacks nothing of value. She brings him good, not harm, all the days of her life...” She thought of Paul, and her mind raced back over all their years together, memory upon memory, from when they first met—how young they had been!—to now, with Paul, tousled hair and all, asleep in the bedroom. He had brought her nothing but good all the days of her life. She hoped she had done the same for him. She gets up while it is still dark...That was certainly true.
When the coffee was ready, Kate got up and poured herself a cup, looking out the kitchen window. This was the time of day she loved best, with the sun just breaking over the mountains. She settled back into her rocker and read some more. When she got to verse 26, “She speaks with wisdom, and faithful instruction is on her tongue...,” Ada Blount leaped into her mind. For a moment, panic washed over her. Then Kate bent her head and prayed with all her heart for Ada, Emma, and everyone involved in the Faith Freezer Program, including herself. Lord, please, please help me speak with wisdom today.
When she had finished praying, Kate got up and did what she always did when she needed to sort her thoughts out: she turned on the oven and started baking.
“THOSE WERE DELICIOUS,” Paul said, finishing a fresh-baked apple-bran muffin.
“And they were good for you,” Kate responded, smiling.
“Which is the only reason you let me have three of them,” he retorted.
“That’s right,” Kate said. “I’m determined to keep you fit and healthy.”
“You do a wonderful job.”
She leaned over and kissed him. “Yes, as long as I can keep an eye on you. I know you sneak down to the Smokeshack and have ribs every chance you get.”
“Look at it as my way of helping the local economy thrive.” He finished the last of his coffee in his “World’s Best Preacher” mug and got up. “Well, I’d better get down to the church. Are you going to get a chance to work in your studio today?”
Kate sighed. “I don’t know. I have a couple of errands to run. It depends on how long they take.”
“And on who you meet. I know how easy it is to get sidetracked in a small town.” Paul smiled at her, his clear blue eyes twinkling. “I’m glad you went to visit Ada last week. How is she doing?”
“Oh, well. She thought I was someone named Marybeth at first. I think that was her first cousin. I’m not sure...But eventually she realized who I was.”
“Poor woman. And poor Emma.” Paul’s face clouded. “It’s hard to see someone you love slipping away like that. And sadly, it’s only going to get worse. But God is still with her, still loves her, no matter what.”
“Amen.” Kate looked over at the clock. “You’d better get a move on or Millie will be nagging you again. ‘Pastor Hanlon’s a wonderful man, but he’s always running late. I’ve told him and told him, but there it is,’” Kate said, mimicking the faithful church secretary.
Paul grimaced. “You’re almost too good at that. See you tonight, sweetheart,” he said, kissing her good-bye.
“Don’t be late,” Kate called. “I’m making pork chops.”
“Wouldn’t miss it,” Paul called back and went out the door to the garage.
Kate watched his blue Chevy pickup pull out of the garage and go down the road. Then she washed and dried the dishes, made the bed, put away the clothes Paul had left strewn around, and threw some towels in the washing machine, hoping she’d remember to put them in the dryer when she got back from her errands. Then she combed her hair and p
ut on a dab of lipstick. She was wearing a white shirt and sage green twill pants, and she chose a rose-colored cotton cardigan to go with it, tying a light silk floral scarf around her neck for warmth. Later it would be warm enough that she wouldn’t need the sweater or the scarf, but Copper Mill was in the mountains, and even in summer the air could be cool in the early part of the day. Or at least it felt cool to a Texas girl.
Kate got in her black Honda Accord and backed out of the garage. She needed to stop at the Mercantile and see if she could find some red peppers to bake with feta cheese as a side dish. She also needed to get gas, and she really should go talk to Matt Lawson. She already knew which was going to be last on her list. As she approached the Bixby house, she saw Livvy’s car in the driveway. Kate had planned to stop by the house later, but since she was there, she decided to stop and talk to her friend.
Walking into the kitchen gave Kate a profound sense of déjà vu: there was Renee, leaning against the counter, Kisses in Renee’s tote in the corner, and Joe standing at the sink, washing his hands. But today Livvy was helping, the meals were already packed, and Amanda Bly, Martha Sinclair, and Betty Anderson, the proprietor of Betty’s Beauty Parlor, were piling them into boxes.
“Kate!” Livvy called out. “I didn’t know you were helping today.”
“Oh, I’m not. I just thought I’d pop in and see how everything’s going.”
Renee called out, “Well, I can tell you that some people were complaining about getting shorted on the lasagna Friday.”
“Well, they’re not getting shorted today,” Livvy said. “Turkey sandwiches and chicken soup.”
“Now that don’t make sense,” Joe Tucker said. “Why two fowls at one meal? And why not the same fowl? Chicken sandwiches and chicken soup, or turkey sandwiches and turkey soup. Why kill two birds for one meal?”
Renee gave him a look of amazement that was almost admiration. “It takes a special kind of mind to think of something like that,” she said. “Well, I’ve got to get going. I promised to take Mama for a little drive.” She picked up her bag and held Kisses up to her face. “How’s my Little Umpkins? Is my Little Umpkins hungry?” Then she looked up quickly. “Bridge this afternoon, Martha!”
“I know,” Martha replied. “At Agnes Kelly’s.”
“Bring canapés,” Renee reminded her, then left.
“You know,” Betty said, looking at Amanda’s hair, “I was thinking that a blue rinse would really set off your coloring. And maybe just a little shorter haircut?”
“She’d look like everybody else if you did that,” Martha exclaimed without thinking, as usual. Then she flushed and said, “Well, I mean that French knot is just so stylish.”
“If it was pink,” Joe said, surprising all of them, “it’d be like cotton candy.” Then he turned away and started piling dirty dishes in the sink as everyone stared at him.
“Thanks for the idea,” Amanda said, determinedly not looking at Joe. “But I’ve worn it this way for years, and I think I’ll keep it.”
“Oh, and it looks lovely,” Betty assured her. “I was just thinking that it would be so much easier to take care of...By the way,” she said, quickly changing the subject, “has anyone seen a ring? A small silver ring, set with turquoise? I can’t find it anywhere, and the last time I saw it was when I was working here last week. I took it off while I was washing the dishes.”
“I haven’t seen anything like that,” Amanda said.
“Nor me,” Joe said.
“Me neither,” said Martha.
“Nor have I,” Kate added, hoping her face didn’t betray the concern she felt. “But we’ll all keep an eye out for it.”
“Thanks,” Betty said. “It’s not very valuable, but it’s a pretty little thing, and I like it. Here, Amanda, I’ll take that out for you.”
“Thank you, dear,” Amanda said.
“Come by my place for some coffee after,” Martha urged Amanda as they walked out.
“That sounds lovely,” Amanda said.
Joe watched them go, his eyes fixed on Amanda. Kate and Livvy exchanged a glance.
“Well,” he said, turning back to the sink, “I reckon we’d best get on with the washing up.”
“Oh, don’t worry about it, Joe,” Livvy said. “You go on home, and I’ll clean up.”
“I feel guilty, always leaving the cleaning to someone else,” he replied. “I did KP in the army, same as everyone else, and I wash my own dishes at home, you know.”
“I’m sure you did. But there’s nothing to this. Go on,” Livvy urged.
“Okay, you win,” Joe said, holding his hands up in surrender. He winked, picked up his walking stick, and walked toward the door before he could get suckered back into helping.
“Knowing Joe, he’s probably off to read War and Peace or something.” Livvy laughed at Kate’s incredulous look. “Joe plays the hillbilly so well that most folks take him for an illiterate. But believe me, he’s one of the best-read men in Copper Mill. He’s in the library almost every day, and he’s not just there for the newspapers or the heat in winter. I’ve often wondered what he does with all that information. I guess he just likes to learn.”
Kate nodded. “Mmm.”
Livvy looked across at her friend and said, “Mm-hmm. What’s going on?”
“What do you mean?”
“I know you, Kate Hanlon. And I saw your face when Betty asked about her ring. Something’s going on. That’s why I got Joe out of here. What is it?”
Kate sighed. “Can we have a cup of coffee?”
“Sure. Sit down, and I’ll serve some right up.”
Kate sat down and pulled off her sweater and scarf as Livvy heated two cups of coffee in the microwave.
“Now, tell me,” she said, setting a steaming mug in front of Kate.
Kate took a deep breath and told Livvy everything.
“And now, with Betty missing a ring, I can’t help but think maybe there is a thief among us,” Kate concluded.
Livvy shook her head. “I can’t believe that. The money’s serious, I agree. But the rest of it...I don’t know. People lose things all the time. It could all just be coincidence. And you know how it is when one thing piles up on top of another; it’s hard not to see it as something more sinister.”
“But what if it is something sinister?” Kate asked.
“Mmm. Well, one thing I do know. Joe Tucker would never be guilty of anything like that. He’s been an upstanding member of this community for fifty years. So that’s one volunteer in the Faith Freezer Program who’s in the clear,” Livvy assured Kate, who nodded. “I’ll ask around about who’s missing what. It’ll be a good excuse to get away from James’ band rehearsing for the summer concert series. ”
“James is playing?” Kate took a sip of her coffee, imagining Livvy’s teenage son onstage.
“He’s in a garage band.” Livvy rolled her eyes and sighed. “Bring earplugs. They’re not bad; just loud. And Danny is going to emcee. It’s a huge deal around here. Everyone participates. Even Old Man Parsons tells stories.”
“He does?”
“Old-timey ones. The kids love it. And there are bands and choral groups and duets and all kinds of stuff. Basically, everyone in town is there, either playing, singing, or applauding wildly.”
“Ah,” Kate said, raising her hand. “That will be my contribution. Wild applause.”
“Are you sure you don’t want to participate? I know there are a couple of groups...” Livvy eyed Kate thoughtfully.
“No,” Kate said firmly.
Livvy laughed. “All right. But keep it in mind.”
“I will,” Kate said blandly. She looked at her watch. “Well, I’ve got to get going. I have so many things to do today.”
“And I’ve got to get back to the library.” Livvy looked around at the soup pot, ladle, and other cooking utensils still waiting to be washed and dried and put away. “Oh dear.”
“Don’t worry about them,” Kate said. “I’ll take car
e of it.”
“Are you sure?”
Kate nodded.
Livvy reached over and gave Kate a quick hug. “Thank you. It’s all going to work out fine, you know.”
“I hope so.” Kate sighed. “Say a prayer.”
“I will,” Livvy said.
Kate cleaned up the kitchen as quickly as possible, then headed into town to take care of her errands.
THE BANK, officially the Mid-Cumberland Bank and Trust, Copper Mill Branch, was an imposing brick building with long narrow windows and large plate-glass doors that looked out on the Town Square. Since it was over a hundred years old, Kate always walked in expecting it to smell of old, dry books and furniture polish, but as always the dominating scent was that of rich, freshly brewed coffee. As she stopped at the little cart by the front doors and helped herself to a cup from the urn, she raised herself up on tiptoe but couldn’t see over the three-quarter cubicle walls that surrounded the offices of the bank manager, Melvin McKinney, and Matt Lawson.
The fact that Mr. McKinney hadn’t come running out to greet her was proof that he was either busy with a client or out. As for Matt, she’d find out about him in a minute. Evelyn or Georgia Cline, the two elderly twins who had been tellers at the bank since the dawn of time, would fill her in. She walked over to the tellers’ windows, and Georgia spotted her first.
“Mrs. Hanlon!” she called out. “What can I do for you today.”
“Just a small deposit,” Kate said, pulling out the check she’d received from a stained-glass order for a sun catcher. “How are you doing today?”
“Just fine,” Georgia said, processing the deposit. “Evelyn’s got a bit of a cold, but I’m making her gargle with hot salt water. That should fix her up.”
Kate suppressed a shudder.
Evelyn, whose red nose seemed even brighter against her white skin and blue-rinsed hair, scooted her stool over and said in a hoarse voice, “It’s not doing much good so far.”