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Page 11

by Lacy Hart

A few other women were moving around the area where the dresses were, but other than that the area was pretty empty. Mary and I started looking through the racks of dresses to find something appropriate for the night. I was browsing through items, but I really had no idea what to look for or what would be best to get.

  Mary held up a couple of dresses to me that seemed either obscenely short or too gaudy in style. She immediately rejected the few I offered up as being too conservative or prudish, even if I thought they looked pretty enough. We seemed to be at a stalemate when one of the salesgirls on the floor came over to us. She looked to be in her twenties, wearing a white blouse with maroon slacks, and a nametag that read “Penny.” Penny was a tall brunette who seemed even taller with the heels she was wearing, making me feel a bit intimidated by her presence.

  “Can I help you ladies with something?” she inquired, sounding professional and perhaps just a bit condescending. Mary took notice and stepped right up to her.

  “Hi, Penny,” Mary said, glancing over at her nametag and then looking up to her. “My friend Sophie here has a big date tonight and is looking for a dress. She needs something pretty, fun, and flirty, but not slutty. What have you got for her?”

  I suddenly felt even smaller than before in front of Penny. I could feel her eyes looking me up and down as she walked a small circle around me.

  “Size 6?” she said to me, sounding more like she was telling me than asking me.

  “Yes,” I replied shakily, feeling a bit violated that she could be so accurate just with a look.

  “I think I have a few things that might be right for you,” Penny said with a smile. “Why don’t you head over to the dressing room and I’ll bring you some things to try on?”

  I just nodded blindly and grabbed Mary’s hand and dragged her with me to the dressing rooms. There was a row of rooms, with no one in any of them, so Mary opened up the door to the first one. It was much larger than I had imagined it would be, with a pedestal in the center of the room surrounded by three mirrors.

  “Up on the pedestal, Princess,” Mary said to me with a grin.

  “Very funny,” I said to her. I paced around the room a bit, trying to get over my anxiety when Penny walked in holding three dresses.

  “Let’s start with these,” she said, hanging them on a rolling rack just inside the door to the room. I could see that one was white, one was red, and one was purple, but beyond that, I couldn’t make out the details. Mary walked over to the dresses and looked at them. She held the purple one up, and I immediately shook my head no. She placed it back on the rack, leaving the red and the white. The red looked cute, a skater dress that was sleeveless with a high neckline and a small cutout on the back near the waistline. The skirt part of the dress had a cute flare to it. I decided I would give that one a try.

  Mary then held up the white dress. The white dress was also a skater style knit dress with a flared skirt, but this one had princess seams. The neckline was a small V to show some cleavage, and I wasn’t sure how I felt about that one. I liked the white, but I didn’t want to seem too forward since it was our first date in fourteen years. Mary was nodding insistently, so I knew I had to try it on.

  Mary brought the white one over to me and handed it to me. I kicked my sneakers off and then took a look at Penny. She was standing just inside the dressing room door looking at us. I think she got the hint from our stares that I would be comfortable undressing if she left.

  “I’ll be right outside if you need help,” she said to as she turned and walked out, shutting the door behind her.

  “She’s charming,” Mary said to me with a sneer.

  “She’s just doing her job,” I said to her as I unzipped my shorts and stepped out of them. I then took off my t-shirt and held my hand out for Mary to hand me the dress. She just stared at me standing there.

  “What?” I said to her, holding my hand out for the dress.

  “Sophie, please, I am begging you, don’t wear those tonight.”

  “Wear what?”

  “That bra and those panties look like something my mother wore ten years ago,” she said with disdain.

  I looked at myself in the mirror and didn’t see anything wrong.

  “They’re comfortable,” I said in my defense.

  “Of course they’re comfortable,” Mary said. “you’ve been wearing them for so long they would have to be at this point. You want something pretty tonight. Something that will make you feel confident, feminine and girly. Something you wouldn’t be embarrassed about Travis seeing.”

  I blushed lightly. “I don’t know that anyone is seeing my underwear tonight,” I said defensively.

  “Soph, you love this guy, you’ve waited fourteen years for him to come back, and to put it bluntly, you’re a virgin that hasn’t had a date in a long time. Your body is crying out to be seen by someone besides you.” Mary stood there holding the white dress, waiting for me to say okay.

  “Fine,” I gave in. “I could use a new bra I guess.”

  “Great,” she said to me. “Oh, Penny,” Mary shouted. Penny came in before I could even cover up.

  “Yes?” Penny asked.

  Mary walked over to Penny and put her arm around her.

  “Penny, my friend here needs a new bra and panty set. Something pretty, functional and just a hint of sexy.”

  Penny walked over to me again and was staring at my chest. I was growing uncomfortable again when she said, “34B. I’ll get you some choices to go with the white and the red.”

  I watched Penny walk out of the dressing room.

  “That’s amazing,” I said to Mary as I stood there.

  “The girl has some talent, I must admit,” Mary said with a laugh.

  Moments later, Penny knocked on the dressing room door and came in with some bra choices with matching panties. I looked at a few of the bras, and none of them seemed right to me until I hit upon the white demi bra with some lace on the edge of the cups. It looked pretty and looked like it might give me the bit of “boost” I wanted without being too revealing. I decided to try that one on and turned away from Mary and Penny as I took my bra off and put this one on. Once I got the straps in place, I turned to Mary and Penny. Penny came right up to me and made some adjustments on the straps and the cups, taking my breasts in her hands to adjust things properly. I was stunned, but when she was done, I had to admit the bra looked better.

  “Yes!” Mary shouted. “Nicely done, Penny. That’s the bra you need, Sophie.”

  I felt prettier and sexier than I had in a long time and pulled the white dress on over my head. I did up the zipper on the back and turned around, giving the ladies a look. They both smiled at what they saw, and then Mary gave Penny a high-five. I looked in the mirror and fell in love with what I saw.

  “This is the one,” I said lightly as I turned, watching the skirt flounce lightly.

  I decided to take the dress, the bra, and the matching panties, and Mary and Penny talked me into getting the red dress too, so I had more than one to wear for now. I ended up getting matching undergarments for that as well, along with a pair of red heels to match the red dress and some white flats for the white dress. My credit card wasn’t going to know what hit it, but since I never splurged on myself for anything, this felt right.

  Penny rang everything up and had loosened up a bit by the time we were leaving, asking me to come back and let her know how everything had worked out on the date. Mary and I left with my purchases in tow, and I had a smile on my face, feeling a bit better since I knew I had something nice to wear.

  We were then off to Gallagher’s Market two blocks over to figure out what to get for dinner. I was confident in my cooking, but I also wanted to make sure everything went well, and Travis enjoyed the meal. I knew years ago he was a steak guy, so I figured that was the safest bet and went over to the meat counter. Jim Gallagher, one of the four sons of Colin Gallagher, the owner, was behind the meat counter when we arrived.

  “Hello, Sophie…
Mary,” he said to us, those his eyes brightened a bit more when he saw Mary.

  Mary smiled back at him as I glanced over at her.

  “Jimmy,” I said to him. “ I need two ribeye steaks, please.”

  “Ribeyes?” Jim sounded surprised. “What’s the occasion, Sophie? Usually, it’s just chicken for you.”

  “Hot date tonight,” Mary said to him, as she leaned forward on the counter to get closer to Jim.

  “Really? With who?” Jimmy said to her, speaking to her instead of me.

  “Travis Stone, Maggie’s son,” Mary said, running her index finger on Jim’s left arm. Jim looked like he was in a trance.

  “I don’t think I know him,” Jim said, staring into Mary’s eyes.

  “Well he’s been out of town for a long time, but he and Sophie used to have a thing,” she whispered to him. “Do you think you could set her up with something really good Jim, for me?” Mary was batting her eyelashes at him as she talked to him.

  “Sure thing,” he said as he stepped back. “I’ll cut you two good ones, Sophie. I’ll be back in a minute.” Jim stepped into the back room to get my steaks while Mary looked over at me.

  “You’re shameless,” I said to her.

  “Oh come on, Sophie,” Mary chided. “A little flirting is fun. Try it with Travis tonight, you’ll see. He’ll love it.”

  Jim came back out and handed me two steaks, nicely wrapped in brown butcher’s paper.

  “Anything else ladies,” Jim said proudly, staring at Mary.

  “I think that’s it Jimmy, thank you,” I said to him as I started to walk away.

  “Thanks, Jimmy,” Mary said as she blew him a kiss and moved with me. As we walked, Mary whispered to me, “Is he staring at me?” I took a quick glance back and saw Jimmy’s eyes following her down the aisle.

  “You bet he is,” I answered.

  “Good,” Mary said with a wicked grin, wiggling her hips a bit more as we walked.

  We picked up some potatoes and spinach, and I got the makings of a salad as well. I didn’t think I would have time to make anything for dessert, but they had some great-looking pies at the bakery counter, so I picked up a blueberry pie for dessert. Mary had wandered over and chosen a six-pack of beer for me to have on hand in case Travis wanted something.

  I paid for my purchases, and we hauled the bags out to the car. All in all, it was an expensive day so far, and we had spent several hours doing the shopping. The day that started at nine had already run to one in the afternoon. I only had five hours before the date.

  I drove over to the Homestead parking lot so Mary could pick up her car. We pulled in next to where her car was parked.

  “Thanks for your help today Mary,” I said to her. “I really needed it.”

  “No problem Sophie,” she said, sounding sincere. She then turned to face me and gave me a big sister-type look.

  “Now what?” I said to her, trying to figure out what I may have forgotten.

  “Sophie,” she said in a serious tone, “I’m not saying anything is going to happen or should happen tonight, but if it does… do you know what to, you know, do?”

  “Mary, I do not want to have this conversation,” I said to her, turning my head forward. “My mother gave me “the talk” when I was thirteen. I think I remember it.”

  “Well your mother may have told you the basics about how babies are made, but there’s more to it than one thing goes in the other,” she said bluntly.

  “Mary, I’m 32. I’ve read lots of books, seen movies and, believe it or not, have done some things myself. Just because I’m a virgin doesn’t mean I don’t know anything.” I was feeling a little put out.

  “I’m sorry Sophie,” she said sincerely. “I didn’t mean to offend you. I just want your first time… if it is your first time… to be a good experience. For a lot of people, it isn’t, and you’re a good person. You deserve it to be.”

  “Awww, thanks, Mary,” I said as we hugged. “I appreciate the thought, but I’m not counting on anything like that happening tonight. It’s the first time we’re together in a long time. We have a lot to talk about I think before anything like that might happen.”

  “Fair enough,” she said to me as she got out of the car and closed the door. Mary leaned her head in the open window. “Have a good time tonight. I want all the details tomorrow,” she said pointing a finger at me.

  “Okay,” I said with a smile.

  Mary got in her car as I backed out of the parking spot and began the short ride home to my house. I had a lot of preparing to do before Travis showed up.



  I got to my dad’s… my house by about 8:30 so I would have some time to look around before Danny arrived. I walked around the outside, surveying the house a little closer than I had the first time I was here with Abby. The outside definitely needed some work. The gutters needed to be replaced, the porch needed some boards replaced and a new paint job, and the outside of the house looked like it could use some fresh paint as well. The yard was a decent size since it was a corner lot, and there was plenty of mowing that needed to be done, something I didn’t know how I would feel up to with my leg.

  It’s funny how things could change in life so quickly. Before that last fire call, everything was going smoothly, I was in perfect health, and might have even thought of myself as a pretty rough and tumble guy. I wasn’t scared of anything, never hesitated to make a move, and made decisions easily. Ever since that fire, the events and the injury, I didn’t feel the same. I second-guessed myself with nearly everything, from what groceries to buy to how to deal with Abby to even figuring out if I should back here to Canon for all this. Even when I first got back to town, I didn’t know what direction anything was taking, but somehow, after seeing Sophie last night, it feels like things are starting to fall back into place.

  I sat down on the front steps as I waited for Danny to arrive. The steps creaked underneath me as I sat and I took a look around the area. It was peaceful, and the few people that were walking the sidewalk all said hello, waved or nodded, even if they didn’t know who I was. Maybe this was the kind of life I was ready for, and the kind of life Abby needed now.

  I looked up, staring out into the street, and saw Danny’s truck go flying by the house in the direction towards Sophie’s place just down the street. I wondered if maybe he forgot where the house was, but just a minute later, here he was, coming back from the other direction, and he pulled into the driveway right behind my car.

  Danny hopped out of the car and stretched as he slowly walked over to me. I couldn’t help but notice that it looked like he was wearing the same outfit he wore last night.

  “Morning, Travis,” he said to me as he came up to me sitting on the steps.

  “Hey Danny,” I said to him, covering up my eyes a bit as I squinted at him as he stood in the sunlight. “ I thought maybe you forgot where the house was. I saw you go by here and then come back around.”

  “Oh, that,” he said, grinning at me. “No, I remember where the house was. I just had to drop Mary off at Sophie’s.” Danny reached up and tugged at his cap a bit.

  “Really,” I said trying not to sound as surprised as I was.

  “Don’t get the wrong idea, Travis,” he said to me defensively. “I would never take advantage of a situation like that. I drove her home, and helped her into the house and was getting ready to go when she looked like she needed someone watching her. I helped her upstairs and made myself comfortable on the couch downstairs, like a gentleman. When I woke up in the morning, she was there standing next to the couch, barely dressed and smiling at me, saying she wanted to thank her hero for getting her home.” Danny smiled a shy smile. “ She’s a heck of a woman,” he said. “Anyway, how’d things go with you and Sophie?” he asked me.

  “Oh, I just walked her home. We talked a little bit, but not much. I’m going to her place for dinner tonight though,” I said proudly.

  “Wow, good for you Travis.�
� Danny sounded genuinely surprised. “I’m sorry if that sounded wrong,” he said apologetically. “Sophie just doesn’t have the reputation of dating much around here, so she must really want to see you if she’s going out with you, nevermind inviting you over for dinner.”

  “I guess so,” I said to him not knowing what else to say.

  “So, let’s take a look at the house,” Danny said, slapping his hands together.

  We walked around the exterior of the house for a bit, and Danny took a close look at everything; from the siding to the window frames and more. He even crawled under the porch in the front and the back to check the foundation.

  “Well, it needs some help outside,” he said to me as he wiped the dust off himself after getting out from under the front porch. “The foundation is sound, so that’s good. You’ll have to replace the gutters for sure, and I can’t tell you about the roof until I get up there to look at it. That one window on the far side looks like it should be replaced so you may want to do them all at once to save yourself a headache. It definitely needs some new paint too, and you probably want to replace the front porch.”


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